Eco EfficiencyFactSheet Retail

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1emerrew's ueensIand:

streng, green, smart, heaIthy and Iair

fcr Small 8uslness
Traln ycur staff cn the alms
cf the ecc8lz prcgram and
hcw they can best ccnvey
sustalnablllty messages tc ycur
Flnd a 'champlcn' tc place
slgns arcund ycur wcrkplace tc
lnfcrm staff and custcmers cf
the ecc-effclent changes ycu
have made.

ece8lz ls the uepartment cf
Fnvlrcnment and kescurce
Management's slgnature
partnershlp prcgram wlth
ueensland buslness and
lndustry. ece8lz can help ycur
buslness tc achleve ccst
savlngs and take advantage
cf the prcftablllty cf lmprcved
envlrcnmental perfcrmance.
Thls fact sheet wlll brcaden ycur
envlrcnmental awareness as well
as prcvlde ycu wlth mcney-savlng
ecc-effclency tlps that ycu can
lmplement ln ycur shcp.
we enccurage ycu tc dlscuss the
envlrcnmental and eccncmlc
benefts cf the prcpcsed ecc-
effclency changes wlth ycur staff
tc generate enthuslasm fcr the
Ccnslder settlng up an ln-hcuse
team tc ldentlfy cppcrtunltles and
dlscuss the way ahead. Staff that
are engaged and mctlvated wlll
be an lnvaluable scurce cf ldeas
fcr lmprcvements that cculd be
made ln ycur shcp.



fcr Small 8uslness
nergy - pewer te centreI what
yeu spend
Maintaining adequate Iighting and a cemIertabIe
temperature within yeur shep is impertant te
custemer cemIert, werker preductivity and, in seme
instances, preduct quaIity. 1he energy yeur shep
uses can take a big bite eut eI yeur eperating budget.
nergy saving tips Ier yeur shep:
The average ccmputer uses apprcxlmately
1oo-1ow per hcur (cr o.1kw), wlth the mcnltcr
uslng up tc o% cf that tctal. where practlcal,
purchase small mcnltcrs cr ensure ycur mcnltcr
ls set tc autcmatlcally hlbernate lf left unused
fcr mcre than 1 mlnutes.
LCu screens use apprcxlmately half as much
electrlclty as a CkT cf equlvalent slze. The energy
ccnsumptlcn cf LCu screens can be reduced by
half as much agaln by reduclng the brlghtness cf
the screen.
use natural ventllatlcn and fans where pcsslble.
lf alr-ccndltlcnlng ls used, clcse all wlndcws
and dccrs tc reduce the escape cf cccl alr.
Swltch cff heatlng and cccllng after hcurs.
Set alr-ccndltlcner systems tc a mlnlmum cf
C ln summer and 1C ln wlnter and
reclrculate alr tc mlnlmlse ccsts.
Swltch cff all llghtlng after hcurs and ln areas
such as stcre rccms that are nct gclng tc be
used fcr at least 1o mlnutes. uslng separate llght
swltches fcr dlfferent areas ln ycur shcp allcws
thls tc cccur easlly.
lnstall mcvement senscrs cr tlmer swltches ln
areas such as stcre rccms and kltchenettes,
tc reduce llght usage.
Swltch cff dlsplay llghts ln frldges after hcurs.
ulsplay llghts can acccunt fcr up tc o% cf the
energy runnlng ccsts fcr the machlne.
keplace tradltlcnal lncandescent bulbs wlth
fucrescent llghts tc reduce runnlng ccsts by up
tc ,%. Flucrescent llghts prcduce much less
heat than lncandescent llghts sc ycu wculd alsc
save cn cccllng ccsts ln summer.
Turn cff equlpment and appllances when they
are nct ln use.
Ccnslder the use cf phctc-electrlc (PF) senscrs tc
balance natural and artlfclal llghtlng.
Select fcur cr fve star effclency-rated
equlpment and purchase the smallest slze tc
meet ycur requlrements.
Fnsure frldge]freezer dccr seals are ln gccd
Place refrlgeratcrs ln well ventllated areas,
sun- llght and hct areas such as wlndcws, cvens
and hct bcxes lncrease the cccllng lcad cn
keplace ow halcgen dcwnllghts wlth ow.
Thls glves a slmllar llghtlng effect, uslng cnly
o% cf the energy.
lnstall autc dccr-clcsers cn walk-ln ccclers.
ver wendered whether te switch eII a Iight
when yeu Ieave the reem?
Turnlng cn a fucrescent llght uses the same amcunt cf
energy as runnlng lt fcr fve seccnds.
Flucrescent llghts can be swltched cn apprcxlmately
66oo tlmes befcre they wlll fall tc start.
The eccncmlc reallty ls that lf ycu are leavlng the rccm
fcr mcre than 1o mlnutes, swltch lt cff.
Grocery/Convenience Stores
- Energy Use
kefrlgeratlcn 8%
Fccd Preparatlcn
Cccllng and Featlng z8%
Llghtlng z%
8y lncreaslng the alr-ccndltlcnlng temperature by
1C ln summer, ycu cculd save as much as 1o% cff ycur
next electrlclty blll.
water - even Iew water users
can save
we've cempiIed a Iist eI handy water saving tips te
heIp yeu cut cests and enceurage yeur staII te make
the mest eI yeur business's water.
water saving tips Ier yeur shep:
Purchase water-use appllances]equlpment
that have a fve cr slx star ratlng under the
water Fffclency Labelllng and Standards
Scheme (wFLS).
keplace slngle fush tcllets wlth dual fush tcllets.
Ccnvert exlstlng urlnals tc waterless cr senscr
fush ccntrcl wlth fcw restrlctcrs.
lnstall fcw regulatcrs tc hand wash baslns and
ccnslder senscr actlvated taps. Senscr actlvated
taps wlll ellmlnate taps left runnlng and alsc
lmprcve patrcn hygelne.
where pcsslble, cnly use dlshwashers and
washlng machlnes when they are fully lcaded,
uslng the eccncmy cycle.
Scrape rather than rlnse befcre placlng ltems ln
the dlshwasher.
use dry cleanlng methcds such as sweeplng and
vacuumlng befcre hcslng and mcpplng tc
mlnlmlse water use.
lnfcrm cleanlng staff cf ycur ccmmltment tc water
reductlcn. Ask them abcut thelr methcds cf
cleanlng, lccklng fcr cppcrtunltles tc reduce
thelr water use, such as turnlng cff taps whlle
cleanlng slnks.
Fnccurage staff and cleaners tc repcrt leaks.
ucn't delay, repalr all leaks cr drlps qulckly.
waste - reduce, reuse, recycIe
waste reductien tips:
It is impertant te recegnise that waste preventien is as
much abeut what yeu buy as what yeu threw away.
IdentiIy the waste items appearing in Iarge quantities,
such as cardbeard packing bexes, ceat hangers and
pIastic packaging. Leek at means te reduce these in
yeur waste by either preventing these items Irem
ceming inte yeur shep, er reusing er recycIing them.

5ave meney with hew restrictersI
A fcw restrlctcr cn cne tap, used fcr o mln per day,
wlll save ycu 66kL]yr cr $8,* per year. lf ycur cffce has
fve taps, ycu cculd save as much as $ per year.
* 8ased cn a water tarlff cf $1.]kL

Fix it and saveI
A drlpplng tap can waste up tc 1,ooo lltres each year
- mcre than half the vclume cf a backyard swlmmlng
pccl! That's $o ln water ccnsumptlcn and $o ln
trade waste charges. lf lt ls a hct tap lt wculd ccst ycu
an addltlcnal $oo. A tctal cf $,o - mcre than the
ccst cf replaclng a washer!
Scurce prcducts that have a hlgh recycled ccntent. Fcr
example, newsagencles and glft shcps cculd scurce
greetlng cards prcduced cn recycled paper.
Retail - Waste Composition
Plastlcs 6%
Paper and
Cardbcard 8%
Metals 1%
0ther %
Fccd waste z%
*excl. fccd retalllng
waste reductien tips Ier yeur shep:
wcrklng wlth ycur suppllers can be a great way
tc reduce ycur waste. Suppllers may be able tc
prcvlde gccds ln reusable cr recyclabe
packaglng cr reduce the amcunt cf cardbcard,
hangers and plastlc and paper packaglng they
use. Pclystyrene bcxes and mllk crates are
examples cf packaglng that can be returned
fcr reuse.
Ccnslder the amcunt cf packaglng ycu pass cn
tc ycur custcmers when selllng gccds.
Ask custcmers lf they requlre a bag rather than
prcvldlng cne, cr lntrcduce reusable shcpplng
bags lnstead cf plastlc bags.
kemcve and reuse ccat hangers frcm clcthes.
8uy recycled paper and statlcnery made frcm
recycled gccds. uslng recycled paper dces nct
mean a reductlcn ln the quallty cf ycur fnal
Prlnt cr phctcccpy cn bcth sldes cf the page.
Thlnk cf the envlrcnment befcre ycu prlnt. uc ycu
really need a hard ccpy cf the dccument!
lmprcved ecc-effclency can strengthen market pcsltlcn,
prcvlde ccmpetltlve advantage and grcwth.
Preduct packaging - what a wasteI
Prcduct and dlstrlbutlcn packaglng make up mcre than
8o% cf mcst buslnesses' waste stream. Althcugh bcth
types cf packaglng serve a purpcse - prctectlng the
prcduct frcm damage durlng dellvery and maklng the
prcduct ready fcr dlsplay upcn dellvery - the ccst tc
manage, recycle, and]cr dlspcse cf these by-prcducts
can be excesslve.
Fnsure prlnter and ccpler tcner cartrldges are
reflled cr recycled. keflllng ycur cartrldge cculd
save ycu up tc $1oo wlth every refll and
reduces waste prcductlcn.
use glasses, ceramlc mugs and metal cutlery
rather than dlspcsable cups, cutlery cr stlrrers
ln ycur staff kltchenette.
lnstall recycllng blns ln the staff kltchenette fcr
paper, cardbcard, glass, alumlnlum cans and
plastlc drlnk bcttle ccllectlcn, and arrange fcr
ccllectlcn cf these ltems tc be recycled. where
pcsslble, prcvlde recycllng facllltles fcr ycur
custcmers. Prcvlde clear slgnage cn blns tc
enccurage and prcmcte recycllng.
Ccnslder sharlng recycllng blns wlth
surrcundlng buslnesses tc bcth save mcney
and recycle mcre.
lnfcrm ycur cleanlng servlce cf the new waste
recycllng system sc that recyclables dc nct
accldentally end up ln general waste.
bseIuI reIerences
Fcr further lnfcrmatlcn cn the ecc8lz prcgram:]eccblz
Fnergy effclency: and
Fnergy ccnsumptlcn cf appllances:
Fer mere inIermatien
: visit]eccblz
: emaiI ecc8lz[
: caII 1 ,4
68 (
1-oo6 }une o1o

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