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National: A sense of belonging to one nation. Feeling or pride and patriotism towards the country on, belongs.
Absolutist: Unrestricted, despotic and authoritarian often refers to a centralized repressive monarchial
Utopion : An ideal situation a vision too good to be realized in practice.
Nation State: A state having a cornrnon and contiguous boundary with inhabitants, people sharing common
language, race and religion. Majority of its citizen develop a sence of cornrnon identity and share a common
Plebiscite: A direct vote by which the people of a region, themselves decide of accept or reject a proposal.
Sovereignty: Supreme Power.
Monarchy: Form a governrnent headed by a monarch or a hereditary or dynamics ruler.
The estates General: Reffered to the French Parliament an elected body which was renamed as the national
Assembly after the revolution of 1789.
Civil Code: A systematic set of laws for the citizen.
Liberalism: Derived from the word liber meaning free. The idea of liberalism stands for freedom of individual
and equality of all before law. Politically it refers to representative government.
Suffrage: the right to vote.
Elle: Elle was used to measure cloth, prevalent in German states.
Zollverein: A custom union, formed in 1034 in Prussia to remove barriers of trade.
Considervatism: A spirit or philosophy which believes in maintaining and preserving traditional values and
institutions. It prefers gradual change to quick and drastic revolutionaries.
Carbonari: A secret society of Italy consisting of young revolutionaries.
Young Italy: A secret society founded by Mazzine at Masseles for organizing reveloutionary activities.
Ottoman Empire: Turkish empire ruled by the caliph. The spiritual and temporal head of the muslim.
Romanticism: A cultural movement which aimed at developing a particular form of national sentiment and
promote a feeling of collective heritage as the basis of motion.
Das yolk: A German word meaning common people.
Republic: A state where the head of the state is elected and does not hold a hereditary position.
Feminist: People who advocate womens right on the basis of equality of sexes.
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Ideology: System of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision.
Allegory: Symble representing an abstract idea; an idea indentified through a person or a thing.
Balkan region: A region in Europe with geographical and ethnic variation. The region covers the states of
modem day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania Greece, mocedonia, Croatina, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia,
Montenegra. The inhabitants of the region are known as the slavs.

1780 - French Revolution.
1804 - Napoleonic code was intrduced abolishing privileges based on birth. Upheld equality before law.
1815 - Congress of Vienna. Representatives of Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria met at Vienna to
draw up a settlement for Europe.
1830 - Revolution in France.
1834 - Zollverein or the customs union was formed in Prussia (largest state in Germany) abolishing
tariff barriers.
1848 - Great revolution in France and Formation of French republic and abdication of French monarch
Louis Phillipe.
1861 - Frankfurt Parliament in Germany was convered to set up an all-German national assembly to
draft a German constitution.
1871 - Victor Emmanuel II of piedmont was proclaimed the king of united Italy. An assembly
comprising princes of German states, representatives of army and Prussian ministers haeded by
Otto von Bismarck gathered in the Palace of Versailles to proclaim the German empire (United
Germany), headed by Kaiser William I of Prussia.
1914 - Beginning of first world war.
The Concept and Parties of a modern state in which a centralized power exercised sovereign
control over a clearly defined territory had been developing over a long period of time in Europe. But a nation
state was one in which the majority of its citizens and not only its rules, came to develop a sense of common
identity and shared history or descent. This commonness did not exist from time memorial it was forget through
struggles, through the actions of leaders and the common people.

France was a full fledged territorial state in 1789 under the rule of an absolute monarch. The political and
constitutional changes that came in the wake of French Revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from the
monarchy to a body of French citizens. The revolution proclaimed that it was the people who would hence forth
constitute the nation and shape its destiny.
A centralized administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its
territory. Internal customs, duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights and measures was
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adopted. Regional dialects were discouraged and French as it was spoken and written in paris, became the
common language of the nation.
When the news of the events in France reached the different cities of Europe. Students and other members of
educated middle classes began setting up J acobin Clubs. Their activities and campaigns prepared the way for the
French armies which moved into Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and much of Italy in the 1790s. With the out
break of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad. Though a
return to monarchy napoleon had, no doubt, destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he
had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient.
The civil code of 1804 usually known as the Napoleonic code did away with all privileges based or birth,
established equality before the law and secured the right to property. This code was exported to the regions under
French Control. In the Dutch Republic in Switzerland, in Italy and Germany. Napoleon abolished the feudal
system and freed peasants from serfdom and memorial dues. In the towns too guild restriction were removed.
Transport and communincation systems were improved Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen
enjoyed a new-found freedom.

Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, dutchies and cantons whose rules had their
autonomous territories. Eastern and Central Europe were under autocratic monarchies within the territories of
which lived diverse peoples. They did not see themselves as Sharing a Collective identity or a common culture.
Such differences did not easily promote a sense of political unity. The only tie binding these diverse groups
together was common allegiance to the emperor.
(i) The Aristocracy and the new middle Class: The members of this class were united by a common way of life
that cut across regional diversions. They owned castes in the countryside and also town houses. This powerful
autocracy was however, numerically a. small group. The majority of the population was made up of the
peasantry. Industrialisation began in England in the second half of the 18
century, but in France and Parts of the
German states it occurred only during the 19
(ii) What did liberal nationalism stand for?
century. In its wake new social groups came in to being a working
class population and middle classes made up to industrialists, businessmen, and professionals. It was among the
educated, liberal middle classes that ideas of national unity following the abolition of aristocratic privileges
gained popularity.
The term Liberalism derives from the latin root liber meaning free. For the new middle classes liberalism
stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. Politically it emphasized the concept of
government. Sine the French Revolution, liberalism had stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges a
constitutional and representative government through parliament.
In the economic sphere, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state imposed restrictions
on the movement of goods and capital. During the 19
century this was a strong demand of the emerging middle
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(iii) A New Conservation after 1815 : After the death of Napoleon in 1815 European governments were driven in a
spirit of conservatism. It means a political philosophy that stressed the importance of tradition established
institutions and customs and preferred gradual development to quick change.
In 1815 representatives of the European powers. Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria Who had collectively
detected napoleon met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe.
The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed, during the French revolution, was restored to power, and France
lost the territories it had annexed under, Napoleon. A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to
prevent French expansion in future. Thus the kingdom of the Netherlands, which included Belgium,was set up in
the north and Geneva was added to Piedmont in the south Prussia was given important territories on its western
frontiers, while Austria was given control of northern Italy. But the Gernman confederation of 39 states that had
been set up by Napoleon was left untouched. Russia was given part of Poland while Prussia was given a portion
of Saxony. The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been over thrown by napoleon and create a
new conservative order in Europe.
(iv) The Revolutionaries: Mter 1815, the fear of repression drove many liberal nationalists underground. Secret
societies sprang up in many European states to train revolutionaries and spread their ideas. To be revolutionary at
this time meant a commitment to oppose monarchical forms that had been established after the Vienna congress
and to fight for liberty and freedom. Most of these revolutionaries also saw the creation of nation states as a
necessary part of this struggle for freedom:
One such was the Italian revolutionary Gauseppe mazzins. He became a member of the secret society of the
Carbonari. He subsequently founded two more underground societies first, young Italy and Young Europe,
whose members were like minded. Mazzini believed that god had interned to be the natural interest of man kind.

The first revolt took place in France in july 1830. The kings who had been restore to power during the
conservatives reaction after 1815, were now over thrown by liberal revolutionaries who installed a constitutional
monarchy with Louis philippes. When France Sneezes Metternich once remarked the rest of Europe catches
(i) The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling : Romanticism, a-.: ultural movement which sought to
develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment. Romantic artists and poets gene-ally criticized the glorification
of reason and science and focused in stead on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings. Their efforts was to
create a sense of shared collective heritage of common cultural past.
The other Romanes as the German philosopher to hear G. Herder claimed that true German culture was to be
discovered among the common people. It was through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances that the true spirit
of the nation was popularized. The Emphasis on Vernacular language and the collection of local folklore was not
just to recover an ancient national spirit, but also to carry the modern nationalist message to large audiences who
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were mostly illiterate. Karol kurpinski, for example, celebrated the national struggle through his operas and
music, turning folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols.
Language too played an important role in developing nantionalist sentiments. After Russian occupation, the
polish language was forced out of schools and the Russian language was imposed every where.
(ii) Hunger, hardship and Popular Revolt : The 1830s were years of great economic hardship in Europe.
Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in over crowded slums. Europe where the aristocracy
still enjoyed power, peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations.
The year 1848 was one such year. Food shortage and widespread unemployment brought the population of Paris
out on the roads. Barricades were erected and Louis philippe was forced to leave National Assembly proclaimed
a Republic, granted sufferage to all adult males above 21 and granted the right to work. National workshops to
provide employment were set up.
On 4 J une at 2 P.M. a large crowd of weavers emerged from their homes and in Paris up to the intention of their
contractor demanding higher wages. They were reated with scorn and threats alternately Following this a group
of them forced their way into the house, smashed its window panes; furniture proclaimed The contractor fled
with his family to a neighbouring village, which, however refused to shelter such a person. He returned 24 hours
later having requested the army. In the exchange that followed eleven weavers were shot.
(iii) 1848 : The Revolution of the Liberals : parallel to revolts of the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and
workers in many European countries in the year 1848, a revolution led by the educated middle classes was under
way. Events of February 1848 in France had brought about the abdication of the monarch and a republic based on
universal male suffrage had been proclaimed. In other parts of Europe where independent nation. States did not
yet exist such as Germany, Italy, Poland, the Austro Hungarian Empire men and women of the liberal middle
classes combined their demands for constitutional with national unification. They took advantage of the growing
popular unrest to push their demands for the creation of a nation-state on parliamentary principles a constitution,
freedom of the press and freedom of association.
Though conservation forces were able to suppress liberal movements in 1848, they could not restore theh old
order. Monarchs were beginning to realize that the cycles of revolution and repression could only be ended by
granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolution aries. Hence in the years after 1848, the automatic
monarchies of central and Eastern Europe began to introduce the changes that had already taken place in western
Europe before 1815. Thus serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dommons and in
Russia. The habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians in 1867.

Unification of Italy is the result of the dedication, contribution and effort of three great leaders Mazzini, the
idealist, Cavour, the diplomat and Garibaldi. The patriot soldier. However but for the support of king Victor
Emmanuel II of piedmont and Sardinia, a unification would not have been possible.
Italy has a long history of political fragmentation. Italians were scattered over several dynastic states wereruled
by the rulers of Bourbon dynasty of spain and France.
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During the 1930s., Guisppe Mazzini sought to unite these regions into an Italian republic. He organized the
youth through a secret societ called Young Italy and inspired them with revolutionary ideas. However their
effort was crushed in 1830 and 1848.
It was clear that the responsibility of uniting Italian states has to be shouldered by Victor Emmanuel II and to be
achieved through war. In this task Emmanuel II got the whole hearted support of his chief minister Cavour who
led the movement of nification. Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France, Covour succeeded in
defeating the Austrian forces, in 1859. Now he was able to secure the support of Garibaldi, another grat patriot.
Earlier Garibaldi J oined Young Italy movement and participated in the republican uprising in Piedmont in 1834.
He had to leave the country because of his activities. After his return he organized a volunteer army called Red
Shirts and used them for Italian unification.
In 1860, Garibaldi led the famous expedition to south Italy and freed the states from bourbon rulers. In 1867, he
led his army to papal states but could not match the strength of the French troops who were guarding the papal
In 1870, when during a war with Austria French withdrew their troops, papal states were occupied by Italian army
and Italian unification was completed.
Unification of Germany
The nationalist feelings were widespread among middle-class Germans, who in 1848 tried to unite the different
regions of the Germany confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected parliament. This liberal
initiative to nation-building was however, represented by the combined forces of the monarchy and the military,
supported by the large land owners (called Junkers) of Prussia. From the on, Prussia took on the leadership of the
movement for national unification. Its chief minister, Otto von Bismarck, was the architect of this process carried
out with help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy. Three was over seven-years-with Austria, Denmark and
France-ended in Prussian Victory and completed the process of unification. In J anuary 1871, the Prussian king,
Williian I, was produced German Emperior in a ceremony held at Versailles.

Artists in the 18
and 19
The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans to geather with the disintegrantion of the
Ottoaman Empire made this region very explosive. All through the 19
centuries found a way out by personif Ying nation. In other words they represented a
country as if it were a person. Nations were then portrayed as female figures. The nation did not stand for any
particular woman in real life, rather it sought to give the abstract idea of the nation a concrete form. That is the
female figure became an allegory of the nation. After this so many countries used the same symbol (female).

The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was the area called the Balkans. The Balkans
was region of geographeical and ethnic variation comprising modern day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece,
Maedonia, Croatia, Bosnia. Herzegorine, Slovenia, Servia and Monternegro whose inhabitants were broadly
known as the slaves. A large parts of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
century the Ottaman Empire had Sought
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to strengthen itself through modernization and internal reforms but with very little success. One by one its
European subject nationalities broke away from its control and declared independence. The Balkan peoples asked
their claims for independence or political rights on nationalistic and used history to prove that they had once been
independent but had subsequently been subrugated by foreign powers. Hence the rebellions nationalities in the
Balkans though of their singles as attempts to win back their long lost independence.
Short note on (a) Giuseppe Mazzini
The Italian revolutionary Giuseppe mazzini. Born in Genoa in 1807, he became a member of the secret society of
the Carbonari. As a young man of 24, he was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He
subsequently founded two more underground societies, first, young Italy in Marseilles, and then, Young Europe
in Berne, whose members were like-minded young men from Poland, France, Italy and the German states.
Mazzini believed that god had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. So Italy could not continue to
be a patchwork of small states and kingdoms. It had to be forget into a single unified republic within a wider
alliance nations. This unification alone could be the basis of Italian liberty. Following his model, secrer societies
were set up in Germany, France, Swizerland and Poland Mazzinis relentless opposition to monarchy and has
vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives. Metternich described him as the most dangerous
enemy of our social order.
Count Carnillo-de Cavour
Chief mnister cavour who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy was neither a revolutionary nor
ademocrat. Like many other wealthy and educated members of the Italian elite, he spoke French much better than
he did Italian. Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France engineered by cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont
succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859. Apart from regular troops, a large number of armed
volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the fray. In 1860, they marched into South Italy and
the kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the support of the local peasants in order to drive out
the Spanish rulers. In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy. However, much of the
Italian population, among whom rates of illiteracy were very high, remained blissfully unaware of liberal
nationalist ideology. Theh peasant masses who had supported Garibaldi in southern Italy had never heard of
talia, and believed that la Talia was Victor Emmanuels wife!
The Greek war of independence.
An event that mobilized nationalist feelings among the educated across Europe was the Greek war of indepdence.
Greek has been part of the Ottoman Empire since the fifteenth century. The growth of revolutionary nationalism
in Europe sparked off a struggle for independence amongst the greeks which began in 1821. Nationalists in
Greece got support from other Greeks living many and also from many. West Europeans who had symptoms for
ancient Greek culture. Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of European civilization and mobilized public
opinion to support of struggle against a Muslim empire. The English poet Lord Byron organized funds and later
went to fight in the war, where he died on fever in 1824. Finally, the Treaty of constitutional of 1832 recognised
Greece as an independent nation.
Frankfurt parliament
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In the German regions a large number of political associations whose members were middle-class professionals,
businessmen and prosperous artisans came together in the city of Frankfurt and decided to vote for an all German
national Assembly. On 18 may, 1848,831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their
places in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the church of S. Paul. They drafted a constitution for a German
nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a parliament. When the deputies offered the crown on these terms
to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, he rejected and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly.
While the opposition of the aristocracy and military became stronger, the social basis to parliament eroded. The
parliament was dominated by the middle classes who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and
consequently lost

1. What is State of liberty? what does the statue signify?
2. What is a nation state? What are its main features?
3. In the context of pre-revolutionary Frances what is referred to as the Estates general.
4. Why was the mepolionic code significant?
5. What does liberalism stand for?
6. Why was zolluerin set up in Prussia in 1834 ? What was its significance?
7. Name four European powers who collectively defeated Napolean.
8. Who was Metternich?
9. With what aim was the Treaty of Vienna (1815) signed?
10. Name two secret societies set up in Italy in early 19
11. When and under whom was the constitutional monarchy setup in France?
12. Name the treaty which recognized Greece as an independent nation.
13. What was the mam feature of European Romanticism?
14. Why did the weavers in Silesia rise In revolt against the contractor?
15. Who constituted the European middle class in 19
16. State any two steps taken by the conservative European ruler to prevent the spread of nationalistic and
revolutionary ideas.
17. Name two European states which were unified into nation states in the later half of 19
18. Who was Garipaldi?
century name one leader
of each of these two countries.
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19. Name the four ethnic groups which inhabit England.
20. What is the importance of Act of union, 1707?
21. What are the national symbols of the New Britain?
22. What does the word Germani a stand far?
23. How is Germania depicted?
24. Usually how is a nation personified?

1. What are the main symbol of an independent nation?
2. Examine any four reasons for the nationalistic upsurge in 19
3. Explain the concept of a nation state.
century Europe?
4. What are the most important achievements of the French Revolution of 1789?
5. How did the French revolutionary ideas spread to other countries?
6. What was the significance of the Nepoleonic code?
7. Why was the Napoleonic rule over other region unpopular with some section of people?
8. Examine the reasons for the political disunity in Hobsburg empire of Austria and Hungry.
9. How did the growth of industrialization change the social and political equation of Europe?
10. Examine the liberal ideology imbibed by the revolutionary leader after French revolutions.
11. How did liberalism give rise to economic nationalism?
12. What was the impact of treaty of Vienna (1815) on European people?
13. Describe the contribution of Mazzini In the unification of Italy?
14. Who was Matternich? What was his role In congress of Vienna?
15. Examine the effects of revolutionary upheaval in France in 1830.
16. What was indicated by Metternichs can most If France sneezer, rest of Europe catches cold.
17. How do folklore and vernacular language help in developing nationlist setiments?
18. Examine the events leading to the formation of the Frence Republic in 1848.
19. What was the significance of the Frankfurt parliaments (1848)? Why did it fail?
20. How was cavour? Examine any two of his contributions.
21. How was Ireland incorporated in the United Kingdom?
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22. Who was Garibaldi? Examine his contribution in the unification of Italy.
23. Why are allegories used to generate nationalism? Give two example of allegories used in France and Germany.

1. Mention some of the factors of comparison of Cavour and Bismark.
2. Mention the main factors responsible for the rise of nation state.
3. What do you know about the black ten years. Explain events related to this.
4. What was the compromise between Austria and Hungary.
5. How for it was correct that the necessity of both Italian and German unification was not only political but also
6. How was the history of the development of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?
7. Mention the powers who had collectively defeated Napoleon?
8. Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national Identity.
9. Examine the process of unification of Italy?


Indo-china comprises the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Vietnam followed a Chinese system of government as well as Chinese culture.
The French had clonised Vietnam.
Nationalism in Vietnam emerged through the efforts of different sections of society to fight against the French
and all they represented.
After the Franco-Chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam and, in 1887, French Indo-china
was formed.
Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods. France felt the same
They built infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control entire
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The colonial economy in Vietnam was based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and
a small Vietnamese elite. The French did little to industrialise the economy.
The French needed an educated labour force but they feared that, once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to
question colonial dominatin.
To consolidate their power the French had to counter the Chinese influence so they systematically dismantled the
traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese.
The school textbooks glorified the French and justified the colonial rule. Many schools encouraged the adoption
of western styles.
Students fought against the colonial governments efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white
collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight
for the benefit of the society.
When rat menace hit the French part of Hanoi in 1902, Vietnamese were paid to catch and kill rats. But clever rat
catchers took to clipping the rat tails as proofs for French and let the rats. Go. Plague swept the area in 1903.

Civilising mission
Unlike other colonizers the French colonizers did not only aim for economic exploitation of their colonies.
The French believed that like all the Europeans it was their duty to civilize the colonies even if this meant
destruction of local cultures, religion and traditions.
Tonkin Free School
As other colonizers the French also thought that they were on a civilizing mission. Thus the Tonkin Free school
was opened to give western education. The school taught science, hygiene and French other than the common
subjects. For these three subjects the students had to attend evening classes and also pay separately. The students
were not only made to attend these classes but they were asked to sport modern looks too. A typical example of
this was that Vietnamese were asked to cut off their long hair and adopt a short hair cut which was absolutely
against their culture.
Steps taken to remove Chinese and introduce French language in schools
The French set up French schools to break off Vietnam from Chinese influence step by step. This task seemed
rather difficult. The Chinese language had been in use for long and the Vietnamese elite were also using it. If
Chinese was to be replaced then what language would take its place- French or Vietnamese. Some people
suggested that French be used as the medium of instruction. They felt the Vietnamese would learn French and the
culture and customs of Franch and the culture and customs of France thereon. They wanted to create an
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atmosphere where the Vietnamese education class would respect France, its people and ideals. Others suggested
that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in higher classes. Any one who learnt French would be
made a French citizen.
The Vietnamese war against the US from the point of a woman soldier
The Vietnamese women played an important role in the US-Vietnam war. Were both warriors and workers. As
warriors and soldiers, the Vietnameses women constrcted six air strips, they neutralized thousands of bombs and
went on to shoot down fifteen planes. There were 1.5 million Vietnamese women in the regular army, the militia,
the local forces and professional teams. The women workers were also engaged as porters, nurses and
construction workers.
The influence of china on vietnams culture and life
China was a large and close neighbour of Vietnam. It was obvious that the former would influence the latter.
There were strong trade links due to sea trade as all trade between any part of Asia and China had to pass through
Vietnamese ports. There were strong trade lies between the two countries too. The two countries shared the same
religious beliefs, namely Buddhism and Confucianism. The ideas spread by Confucius, a great Chinese thinker,
religious leader and philosopher had deeply influenced the social and cultural aspects of Vietnam.
When the trans-Indo-china rail and road network developed the imperialist power wanted it as a link between
North and south Vietman and China. This brought the countries even more close. They were under imperialist
rules for long making them share cultural, religious historical and economic commoners.
The role of religious groups in the development of anti-colonial feelings in Vietnam
Religion had always played a pivotal role in the lives of people in Vietnam. This fact was used well by
Imperialists to aid in their control over the colonies. Thinking this the imperialists imposed their religion the
Vietnamese locals. Thus anti-imperialist fellings arose in Vietnam against the French imperialist forces. Vietnam
followed Buddhism and Confucianism. The French wanted to convert the Vietnamese to Christianity. The
Vietnamese revolted against this French intention in 1868. This revolt was called the scholars Revolt, which was
followed by the killing of abut one thousand catholics. Huynh Phu So began a movement called Hoa hao but he
was declared mad by the French. Followers of Huynh Pho so were sent to concentration camps. All those actions
of French could still not suppress nationalism in Vietnam.
US involvement in the war in Vietnam
The struggle for freedom by Vietnamese people was a long drawn one they faced the French, the J apanese and the
USA. Many causes led US to get involved in the Vietnam war.
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The US government was afraid that communism would find a strong held in Vietnam. The US feared this would
endanger the other capitalist countries. With these thoughts the US was always ready to fight communist
strongholds in any part of the world. The rise of communism in Vietnam was seen as a threat and US stepped in
to intervene.
France had been facing insulting revolts from Vietnam. France being a capitalist counry, the US felt it had to step
in to save French honour, as a capitalist brethren. Moreover, the French had been an ally of US in the second
world war.
After the Geneva conference Vietnam was divided into south and North Vietnam. The south was governed by
National Liberation front and north was governed by the Ho chi minh government. When the two Vietnam
governments decided to unite the country, violating the Geneva conference, US could not take it and intervened
in Vietham.
US itself was effected by its involvement in Vietnam. Us lost many men and money in the war. By 1975 US had
lost 75, 000 soliders and people in US had begun protesting. Other countries also protested against US
intervention in Vietnams internal affairs. Thus US was forced to withdraw troops in April 1975. Once US troop
withdrew Saigon went on to surrender. So on April 30, 1975 or united Vietnam came into being.
The Vietnamese war against the US from the point a porter on the Ho chi minh Trail
From 1965 to 1972 the US- Vietman war continued and caused losses to both US and Vietnam. The viethamese
people suffered human and property losses yet they never stopped their struggle for freedom. Here it is important
to mention the role played by the porters in getting freedom and unity of Vietnam. The porters set out without
fear on the Ho chi Minh Trail which was great expansive network of roads and footpaths. The heroic porters
crried as much as 25 kg to 70 kg of weight on their backs or bicycles. They did not fear that they might fall over
in the deep valleys. They bravely walked on the narrow, dangerous roads that market the treacherous routes.
They also did not feel afraid of being shot down by aircraft guns. Theyput all their fears aside and walked on the
maintain the supply line. This fact showed that the posters were heroic and patriotic.
Role of women in the anti-imperialist struggle in Vietnam.
Vietnamese women contributed to the resistance movement as workers as well as warriors. They were employed
as porters carrying 25 kg of food and war materials on their delicate backs.
They served as nurses to the wounded.
The worked bravely to neutralize thousands of bombs and shooting down the enemy planes. Nearly 1.5 million
workers were in the army.
They helped in keeping strategic roads clear and even guarded the key points.
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1. Which modern countries comprise Indo-china?
2. Which countrys system of government and culture did veitnam follow?
3. What did the maritime silk Route bring?
4. Whom did trade networks connect Vietnam?
5. Which European country colonized Vietnam?
6. Which was the most visible form of French control over Vietnam?
7. How did nationalism emerge in Vietnam?
8. When did French troops land in Vietnam?
9. What were the conditions by the mid-1880s?
10. What happened after the Franco-Chinese War?
11. When was the French Indochina Formed?
12. What did colonies supply?
13. Why die the French build canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta?
14. Why was construction of trans-Indo-china rail network begun?
15. Which was the final link complete?
16. Which places did the second line link?
17. Where did the second line pass through?
18. What is meant by indentured labour?
19. What was colonial economy in Vietnam primarily based on?
20. Who owned rice cultivation and rubber plantations?
R E O U N D A T I O N B Y P - F

21. Under what conditions did laboures work?
22. Which was the language used by the Vietnamese elite?
23. What did French want to achieve by introducing French language?
24. What was suggested about French education in Vietnam?
25. Who was allowed to enroll in the French schools?
26. When was the Tonkin free school started?
27. Why was this school started?
28. What did the western-style education include?
29. What was different about these classes?
30. What was the French idea of modern in Vietnam?
31. Why did it become difficult to teach?
32. Why did students fight against the colonial governments efforts?
33. What happened in the 1920s?
34. Which nationalist journal did the students publish?
35. Which place become an important place for political and cultural battles?
36. How had the French occupied Vietnam?
37. What was the role of religion in Vietnam?
38. Name an early movement against French control in Vietnam?
39. When was the scholars Revolt held?
40. Who led the scholars Revolt occur?
41. Why did the scholars Revolt begin?
42. Where were the uprisings of scholars Revolt held?
43. What had happened in these provinces?
44. How many people had converted to Christianity by the mid-18 century?
45. What happened to the movement?
46. What was the effect of the movement?
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47. What were the Vietnamese elites educated in?
48. What were peasantrys religious beliefs shaped by?
49. What is meant by syncretic?
50. What comprised syncretic religion in Vietnam?
51. Name one religious movement against colonial rule?
52. Where did the Hoa Hao movement begin?
53. When did Hoa Hao movement begin?
54. Who founded the Hoa movement?
55. What title did the French give to Huynh Phu So?
56. Where was Huyah Phu So exiled to?
57. What was the Duy Tan Hoi?
58. When was Duy Tan Hoi formed?
59. Who had formed Duy Tan Hoi?
60. Who was Phan Boi Chau?
61. Who had phan boi chau appointed as head of duy Tan hoi?
62. What education had phan boi chau received ?
63. Whom did phan boi chau meet in Yokohama in 1905?
64. What happened in China in 1911?
65. When was the Vietnamese communist Party set up?
66. When did japan occupy Vietnam?
67. Who led north Vietnam?
68. What was Ordinance 10?
69. What was agent orange?
70. Name a film which criticized the US in Vietnam?
71. What was the Ho chi minh Trail?
72. When was Nhat Linhs novel printed?
R E O U N D A T I O N B Y P - F

73. When did the nationalist Phan Boi Chau write a play?
74. What did 1960s photographs show women as?
75. How were women depicted as warriors and workers?
76. Why were women urged to join the struggle in larger numbers?
77. How did women help in the resistance movement?
78. What had been the USs objective?
79. What was the US-Vietnam war called by many?
80. Who was noam Chomsky?
81. When was a peace settlement signed?
82. Where was the peace settlement signed?

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