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FUNCTION of the NHE National Project Management Team

The PMT grou !ill"
Provide technical assistance/resources to the implementation of the
Project relative to their organizations/agencies mandate/thrusts
o e.g. to serve as resource persons for project activities

Facilitates the implementation of the NHE activities where the
involvement/expertise of their agenc is needed/re!uired including
monitoring and evaluation
A* #P+H
". Provide technical assistance and #nancial re!uirements of at
least "$ to all the projects for P%&s such as 'ut not limited to
the following activities(
)rganize &istrict *ccess +onitoring ,roup
-onduct of seminars on accessi'ilit
+onitoring inspections in coordination with their
.egional/&istrict )/ces
+o'ilizing .egional/&istrict )/ces in support of the
capacit development0 advocac and networ1ing
component of the project
2. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the *ssistant
3ecretar for .egional )perations and a Program 4ureau &irector
from the central o/ce as an alternate who can decide on matters
that can support the NHE project.
%* #OTC
". Provide technical assistance and #nancial re!uirements of at
least "$ to all the projects for P%&s such as 'ut not limited to
the following activities(
-onduct of activities relative to the promotion of accessi'le
transport sstem nationwide on land0 air and sea ta1ing
into consideration the facilities mandated ' 4P 566 and
the concept of 7niversal &esign particularl in the rural
7nderta1e sensitivit trainings for front liners/sta8 of the
transport sector 9such as drivers0 :ight attendants0
shipping crew0 among others;
-onduct accessi'ilit audit of transport facilities such as
airports0 'us terminal and seaports.
Provide technical assistance to <,7s in designing
accessi'le local mode of transportation such as accessi'le
triccles0 'oats0 jeepnes0 among others.
3upport the capacit development0 advocac and
networ1ing component of the project.
Encourage local investors/operators of transport companies
to import accessi'le 'uses and other transport vehicles.
2. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the *ssistant
3ecretar of appropriate attached agencies and an appropriate
4ureau &irector from the central o/ce as an alternate who can
decide on matters that can support the NHE project.
". Provide technical assistance and support particularl on the
-onduct of access tal1shops and access audit
3erve as resource persons on the conduct of the a'ove
mentioned activities and where their expertise ma'e
+o'ilize their 7*P -hapters nationwide to provide
technical/administrative support as ma'e
re!uested/re!uired from time to time.
2. 3upport the capacit development0 advocac and networ1ing
components of the project.
5. &esignate a permanent focal person who can decide on matters
that will a8ect project implementation.
#* #I&G
". Provide technical assistance in support to the NHE activities
particularl the mo'ilization of machineries in the <,7s through
relevant/related issuances.
2. 3upport the capacit development0 advocac and networ1ing
components of the project.
5. &esignate a permanent focal person who can decide on matters
that will a8ect project implementation.
E* #EPE#
". Provide accessi'le facilities in schools and support the conduct of
access audit in schools.
2. 3upport the capacit development and advocac component of
the project.
5. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the *ssistant
3ecretar of Phsical Facilities and an appropriate 4ureau &irector
from the central o/ce as an alternate who can decide on matters
that can support the NHE project.
9for veri#cation;
F* #OH
". =rain <,7 health wor1ers in the classi#cation and identi#cation of
disa'ilit in support of the pro#ling and advocac component of
the NHE project.
2. -ollect data on P%& >& issuances to enhance the P%& registr
data 'ase and provide relevant information in aid of program and
polic development on disa'ilit.
5. Ensure provision of accessi'le facilities in all pu'lic and private
6. -apacitate and involve &P)s and civil societ in the monitoring
of the implementation of 2?$ discount on the purchase of
medicines and other medical and services pursuant to .* @662.
A. &esignate a permanent focal person who can decide on matters
that will a8ect project implementation.

G* #$+#
". Ensure provision of accessi'le facilities in daBcare centers and
other institutions.
2. -onduct forum0 consultations and other activities with concerned
sta1eholders to develop policies and programs for the
implementation of speci#c social protection services for
marginalized persons with disa'ilities.
5. -onduct and allocate funds for capacit development activities0
advocac and networ1ing component of the project.
6. *llocation of funds in the 'udget annuall to underta1e activities
for NHE 'oth at the national and regional levels.
A. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the *ssistant
3ecretar and a Program 4ureau &irector from the central o/ce
as an alternate who can decide on matters that can support the
NHE projectperson who can decide on matters that will a8ect
project implementation.
". +onitor compliance of existing tourism accommodation
esta'lishments such as hotels0 pension house0 tourist inns0
resorts and home sta.
2. Pu'lish accredited accessi'le tourism related esta'lishments.
5. <ead the conduct of sensitivit training for front liners/personnel
of hotels0 restaurants and other tourist related destination
particularl in the NHE identi#ed areas.
6. *ssist &=>0 =E3&* and &)<E in the development of tourism
livelihood products and activities that ma 'ene#t P%&s.
A. &esignate a permanent focal person who can decide on matters
that will a8ect project implementation.
". Provide assistance in the capacit development0 advocac and
networ1ing component of the project.
2. &esignate a permanent focal person who can decide on matters
that will a8ect project implementation.
". >dentif strategies to enhance jo' promotion and livelihood activities
such as provision of disa'ilit des1 in all jo' fairs nationwide.
2. >nclude accessi'ilit in the criteria in the inspection of companies to
ensure accessi'le wor1 environment
5. Esta'lish data 'ase on disa'ilit 'ased on their mandate. 9all
6. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the *ssistant
3ecretar for <a'or 3tandard and 3ocial Protection and a 4ureau
&irector of 3pecial -oncerns or E-- as an alternate who can decide
on matters that can support the NHE project.
". Ensure that P%&s are included in the regular training programs for
the purpose of ac!uiring and developing jo' related s1ills and
provided with support services which include alternative format
training program and information.
2. Ensure that P%&s are included in free assessment and certi#cation.
5. *llocation of scholarship program such as =raining for %or1
3cholarship Program and A$ PE3F* allocation from the regional
'udget which shall 'e responsive to the technical education and
s1ills development needs of the di8erent regions and province.
6. Provision of technical assistance particularl to the <,7s for
e8ective supervision0 coordination0 integration and monitoring of
technical vocational education and training programs within their
A. .eview training needs of <,7s and recommend appropriate =E3&*
D. &esignate a permanent focal person prefera'l the &eput &irector
,eneral for Field )perations and a &irector >E or >>> as a permanent
alternate who can decide on matters that can support the NHE
M* #PO(
/ *1ap Pino
B -ham'er of +assage
B North -ota'ato P%& Federation
". *ct as resource persons in all consultations/ orientation and
training of the NHE expansion project.
2. Ensure that all disa'ilit groups are represented in all
consultations in the identi#ed NHE areas.
5. Encourage participation of their respective networ1s particularl
P%& organization leaders in &istrict *ccess +onitoring ,roups.
6. >dentif training needs of P%& leaders and recommend training
program to address their needs e8ectivel participate in the
implementation0 monitoring and evaluation of the NHE Project.
A. 7nderta1e organizational development and 'est practices in
inclusion for good governance.
D. >denti#ed &P)s shall designate permanent representation with
alternate in NHE P+=.
A01i(or2 Grou 3International 4o025"
B +orl0 Health Organi6ation
". *dvise the P+= on the ,lo'al trends on NHE0 -4. and -4>&
2. *ssist in the resource generation
5. &esignate a permanent focal person

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