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Invitation & Guidelines for Submitting Anecdotes

Caribbean Evaluator Anecdotes & Trivia!
Share your evaluator anecdotes and trivia so we may learn and grow
Lets help each other by sharing anecdotes and tips for dealing with issues
and challenges faced by Caribbean Evaluators. And while you are at it share
some of the fun stuff as well.
Themes for submission:
1. Excessive Evaluation Anxiety (AEA)
2. Managing Stakeholder Conflicts
3. Resistance
4. Kill the messenger experiences (Evaluator as messenger)
5. Conflicts of Interest
6. Suggest a theme to be added and share your anecdote

When you share your story or anecdote others may learn and benefit from
the tips and comments shared by other evaluators in the discussion forum.
You will benefit from the opportunity to learn and reflect on the way you
dealt with the situation then, the view you bring today, and the ideas shared
by others.
Grasp the opportunity to learn and reflect based on the tips shared by other
evaluators through risk free sharing!
Guidelines for submitting anecdotes:
1. Create a pen name under which you will author your anecdotes for
submission (Keep this pen name for future use)
2. Never post anecdotes to the forum, submit to and we will post, attributing the
contribution to the pen name you submitted
3. Never claim authorship of the piece in the discussion forum, respond
to comments and feedback as a devils advocate or

4. Always protect the privacy and identity of your clients. We therefore
request that you be creative in changing the names, places, and
evaluand (That is the subject of the evaluation: organization, project,
program, product, policy, personnel etc). Submissions that may
expose your client or an evaluand will not be published.

5. Try to avoid direct quotes from your clients or characters in your story,
please paraphrase. If you use direct quotes please ensure that the
fictional names of evaluand and places used are interesting and sound
credible enough so they cannot be traced to you, your client,
employer, or school (past or present).
6. Describe the context in which the incident occurs
7. Share just enough information for illustrating the issue, challenge, pain
point, new learning, or humour (Of course with a little of the honest
sizzle to the bacon as it happened).
8. The anecdote or trivia which generates the most interest will be
published in the Caribbean Evaluator. The author via pen name will
also be recognized in our Contributors Corner on Facebook and in the
Caribbean Evaluator.
9. Evaluators in the global evaluation community will be invited to
comment and share tips on the anecdotes on the CEI Stakeholder
discussion forum

We thank you in advance for your contributions!
Get writing and unleash the storyteller and author within!

Disclaimer: Caribbean Evaluators International will collect and share anecdotes
primarily for promoting learning, understanding, and entertainment. We will screen
the submissions and exercise due care for ensuring they are not likely to be traced
to, or expose the privacy of a particular evaluand. The final responsibility for
ensuring the protection of the privacy of an evaluand rest with the contributing
author. Contributing authors own the intellectual property for their pieces even
though the CEI may own the collection of anecdotes contributed. Caribbean
Evaluators International will not be liable for any legal or other negative
consequence(s) that may result from the publication of an anecdote on any of its
media channels or in any of its publications. We have provided guidelines which if
adhered to, will serve to protect authors of anecdotes from negative consequences
as well as unwanted professional or business exposure.

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