Preliminary Agenda: International Assembly of Independent Publishers Cape Town Meeting, South Africa 18-21 September 2014

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International Assembly of
independent publishers
Cape Town meeting, South Africa
18-21 September 2014

Preliminary agenda

to promote and strengthen bibliodiversity together

Preliminary agenda

17 September (Wednesday): arrival of participants

18 September (Thursday)
Morning (8.30 13.00)

Opening of the meeting
Plenary and public session / open to the public
Venue: Centre for the Book (Main Hall)
Simultaneous interpretation into English, French and Spanish

Welcoming coffee and tea / 8.30-9.00

Welcoming speeches by local actors and institutions / 20 minutes
General introduction of the meeting Hlne KLOECKNER (Chairwoman of the
Alliance) / 10 minutes
Presentation of the publishers members of the Alliance Clmence HEDDE and
Matthieu JOULIN (team of the Alliance) / 15 minutes
The Alliance over the past 7 years since the latest Assembly of 2007 Pablo
HARARI (Ediciones Trilce, Uruguay) / 20 minutes

Interventions chaired by Jean RICHARD (ditions den bas, Switzerland)

The book in South Africa Bridget IMPEY and Maggie DAVEY (Jacana Media, South
Africa) / 15 minutes
The national book policies in Latin America Paulo SLACHEVSKY (Lom Ediciones,
Chile) / 15 minutes

Coffee break: 11.00 11.30

Unit to exist, perspectives of the book market in Mali Hamidou KONATE
(Jamana, Mali) / 15 minutes
Small is beautiful Jutta HEPKE (Vents dailleurs, France) and Juan Carlos SEZ
(JC Sez Editor, Chile) / 15 minutes
Publishing perspectives after the revolution in the Arab world in Tunisia Nouri
ABID (Med Ali, Tunisia) and Elisabeth DALDOUL (elyzad, Tunisia) / 15 minutes
E-publishing, what issues for bibliodiversity for an Iranian publisher in the diaspora?
Tinouche NAZMJOU (Naakojaa, France/Iran) / 15 minutes

All interventions will be followed by exchanges with the public.

Lunch (13.00 14.30): Centre for the Book

Afternoon (14.45 18.00)

Thematic workshops
Working groups sessions (5 to 20 participants)
Children books publishing (venue: Alliance franaise / 15.00 17.25 / facilitation:
Clmence HEDDE)
Publishing in local and national languages (venue: Alliance franaise / 15.00
17h25 / facilitation: Georges LORY)
Fair Trade Book (venue: Centre for the Book / 15.00 18h00 / facilitation:
Laurence HUGUES)
National book policies (venue: Centre for the Book / 15.00 18h00 / facilitation:
Matthieu JOULIN and Luc PINHAS)
E-publishing (venue: Fire & Ice hotel / 15.00 18.00 / facilitation: Octavio KULESZ
Small is beautiful (venue: Fire & Ice hotel / 15.00 18.00 / facilitation: Pablo

Simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish and French
Coffee break: 16.00 16.30

19 September (Friday)
Morning (8.30 12.00)

Language networks workshops
Working groups sessions
Validation of the governance issues by the networks; projects in the network for the next
French-language network (venue: Centre for the Book / facilitation: Serge D.
KOUAM, Clmence HEDDE and Luc PINHAS)
Spanish-language network (venue: Centre for the Book / facilitation: Juan Carlos
SEZ and Matthieu JOULIN)
English-language network (venue: Alliance franaise / facilitation: Susan
Arabic-language network (venue: Alliance franaise / facilitation: Nouri ABID and
Portuguese-language network (venue: hotel Cape Town Hollow / facilitation:
Araken GOMES RIBERIO and Mariana WARTH)
Persian group (venue: hotel Cape Town Hollow / facilitation: Hamid MEDHIPOUR
and Laurence HUGUES)
Coffee break: 10.15 10.30

Lunch (12.30 14.00): Centre for the Book


(14.00 17.00)

Review and validation of the preparatory workshops held between November 2012 and
September 2014
Plenary and public session / open to the public

Interventions chaired by Hlne KLOECKNER and Luc PINHAS
Book donations: Marie Michle RAZAFINTSALAMA (Jeunes malgaches, Madagascar)
Children books publishing: Mariana WARTH (Pallas Editora, Brazil)
Fair Trade Book: Serge D. KOUAM (Presses universitaires dAfrique, Cameroon)
Publishing in local and national languages: Jean-Claude NABA (Sankofa & Gurli,
Burkina Faso)

Coffee Break: 15.30 16.00

E-publishing: Octavio KULESZ (Libros del Zorzal, Editorial Teseo, Digital Lab,
National book policies: Juan Carlos SEZ (JC Sez Editor) and Jose Mari ESPARZA
(Txalaparta, Basque Country, Spain)
Small is beautiful: Guido INDIJ (la marca editora, Argentina)

All interventions (15 minutes each) will be followed by exchanges with the public.

Venue: Centre for the Book (Main Hall)
Simultaneous interpretation into English, French and Spanish

20 September (Saturday)
Morning (8.30 12.30)

Conclusions and validation of Declaration 2014 by publishers in attendance
Plenary and public session / open to the public

Welcoming coffee and tea / 8.30-9.00

Session chaired by the permanent team of the Alliance
Presentation and validation of the Declaration 2014 by the permanent team of the

Coffee Break: 11.00 11.30

Reading of the final Declaration 2014 by the International Committee of
independent publishers (ICIP)

Sending of conclusions to absent allies for validation

Venue: Centre for the Book (Main Hall)
Simultaneous interpretation into English, French and Spanish

Lunch (12.30 14.00): Centre for the Book

(14.00 16.30)

Meetings of collectives
Afrilivres, Latin America collectives
Venues: cafes near the hotels (to be confirmed)

Conferences in partnership with the Open Book Festival
14.00 - 15.00
Independent feminist publishing: experiences from around the world.
Zethu MATHABENI / Desiree LEWIS discusses the experiences of feminist publishers:
Colleen HIGGS (Modjaji, South Africa), Susan HAWTHORNE (Spinifex, Australia) and Ritu
MENON (Women Unlimited, India)

16.00 - 17.00
Translation around the world: what, how and why?
Jean RICHARD (en bas publishing, Switzerland), Jutta HEPKE (Vents dailleurs, France) and
Siphiwo MAHALA (DAC) discuss what gets translated and why. Chaired by Deborah PRIMO
(UKZN Press)

free (touristic visits, Open Book Festival activities, meetings with local actors: print on
demand, e-publishing...)

21 September (Sunday)
Morning and afternoon

Conferences in partnership with the Open Book Festival:
10.00 - 11.00
International Day of Bibliodiversity (B Day)!

12.00 - 13.00
Censorship, an international perspective
Samar HADDAD (Atlas publishing, Syria), Samir AL KADIRI (Bright fingers, Syria), Kader
ABDOLAH (Iran/Netherlands). Chaired by Margie ORFORD


16.00 - 17.00
Panafrican publishing, Terres solidaires collection, a case study.
Yasmin ISSAKA (Graines de Penses, Togo), Franois NKEME (Ifrikiya, Cameroon). Chaired
by Maggie DAVEY

Robben Islands
Cape of Good Hope

Drinks party with the Open Book Festival.
Venue: Fugard Foyer

22 September (Monday)
(10.00 17.00)

Meeting of the International Committee of Independent Publishers
With new coordinators, vice-coordinators and members of the Alliance Board

Feed-back of the Cape Town meeting
Meeting perspectives
Governance issues
The projects of language networks for the next period (2014-2016)

Venue: Alliance franaise du Cap
Simultaneous interpretation into English and French

Departure of other participants




Nouri ABID Med Ali publishing and coordinator of the Arabic-language network
Wal ABID Al-Tanweer Tunisia
Silvia AGUILERA Lom Ediciones Chile
Samer AL KADIRI Bright fingers Syria
ngeles ALONSO Baile del Sol Canary Islands / Spain
Marie Agathe AMOIKON FAUQUEMBERGUE Eburnie Ivory Coast
Haroldo CERAVOLO SEREZA Alameda Editorial and representative from the collective
LIBRE Brazil
Indira CHANDRASEKHAR Tulika Books and representative from the collective The
Independent Publishers Distribution Alternatives (IPD Alternatives) India
Gilles COLLEU Vents d'ailleurs France
lodie COMTOIS Ecosocit Quebec (to be confirmed)
lisabeth DALDOUL elyzad Tunisia
Anna DANIELI Ediciones Trilce Uruguay
Maggie DAVEY Jacana Media South Africa
Serge DONTCHUENG KOUAM Presses universitaires dAfrique and coordinator of the
French-language network Cameroon
Fatma EL BOUDY Elain publishing Egypt
Jose Mari ESPARZA Txalaparta Basque Country (Spain)
Araken GOMES RIBEIRO Contra Capa editora and coordinator of the Portuguese-
language network Brazil
Silvia GONZALES Madriguera and representative from the collective EIP Peru
Mge GURSOY SOKMEN Metis Turkey
Agns GYR-UKUNDA Bakame Rwanda
Samar HADDAD Atlas Publishing Syria
Pablo HARARI Ediciones Trilce and vice-coordinator from the Spanish-language
network Uruguay
Susan HAWTHORNE Spinifex Press and coordinator of the English-language network
Jutta HEPKE Vents dailleurs France
Colleen HIGGS Modjaji Books - South Africa
Dborah HOLTZ Trilce and representative from the collective AEMI Mexico
Jafar HOMAIE Ney publishing - Iran
Bridget IMPEY Jacana Media South Africa
Guido INDIJ la marca editora Argentina
Yasmin ISSAKA-COUBAGEAT Graines de penses Togo
Aline JABLONKA ditions Charles Lopold Mayer France
Ivana JINKINGS Boitempo Brazil
Billy KAHORA Kwani Trust Kenya
Hassan KHALIL Dar Al Farabi Lebanon
Hamidou KONATE Jamana Mali
Octavio KULESZ Libros del Zorzal, Editorial Teseo, Alliance Lab Argentina

Batrice LALINON GBADO Ruisseaux dAfrique Benin
Ester LEVINRAD Jacana Media South Africa
Hamid MEDHIPOUR Forough Verlag and coordinator from the Persian-language
network Germany
Ritu MENON Women Unlimited India
Anita MOLINO Leone Verde and representative from the collective FIDARE Italy
Nabil MROUEH Al Intishar Lebanon
Jean-Claude NABA Sankofa & Gurli Burkina Faso
Tinouche NAZMJOU Naakojaa France/Iran
Abdoulaye Fod NDIONE Abis ditions Senegal (to be confirmed)
Franois NKEME Ifrikiya Cameroon
Carla OLIVEIRA Orfeu Negro Portugal
Isabelle PIVERT ditions du Sextant and vice-coordinator of the French-language
network France
Jos Antonio QUIROGA Plural Editores Bolivia
Medhi RAHIMZADEH Ferdosi Sweden
Marie Michle RAZAFINSTALAMA Jeunes malgaches and representative from the
Francophone African publishers association Afrilivres Madagascar
Dan RAYMOND-BARKER New Internationalist United Kingdom
Jean RICHARD ditions den bas Switzerland
Vernica RIERA Editorial Biblos and representative from the collective EDINAR
Luis Daniel ROCCA Taller de edicin Rocca and representative from the collective
REIC Colombia
Mara Jos RUIZ VILAS Txalaparta Basque Country (Spain)
Juan Carlos SEZ JC Sez Editor and coordinator from the Spanish-language
network Chile
Abdulai SILA Ku Si Mon Guinea Bissau
Paulo SLACHEVSKY Lom Ediciones and representative from the collective EDIN - Chile
Rodney SAINT-ELOI Mmoire dencrier Quebec/Haiti
Bernard STEPHAN Les ditions de lAtelier France
Mariana WARTH Pallas Editora and vice-coordinator from the Portuguese-language
network Brazil

Representatives of the book professionals
Ren YEDIETI Librairie de France and representative of the Association internationale
des Libraires francophones (AILF) Ivory Coast
Independent South African booksellers
International Federation of Library Associations, South Africa
Nuruddin FARAH author (Somalia/South Africa) to be confirmed
Achille MBEMBE author (Cameroon/South Africa) to be confirmed

Researcher and observer
Sbastien LEHEMBRE sociologist Universit de Picardie Jules Verne CURAPP


Members of the Alliance board
Hlne KLOECKNER, Chairwoman
Luc PINHAS, Vice-Chairman
Georges LORY

Emily STEWART social media coordinator

Members of the Alliance team
Clmence HEDDE
Laurence HUGUES
Matthieu JOULIN

Local partnerships and supports

Alliance franaise du Cap
Centre for the Book (National Library of South Africa)
Goethe-Institut South Africa
Institut franais de Johannesburg and especially Jrme CHEVRIER
Jacana Media and especially Ester LEVINRAD
Modjaji Books and especially Colleen HIGGS
Open Book Festival and especially Frankie MURREY and Mervyn SLOMAN

Public supports

Canarias Cultura, "Canarias crea" (Spain)
Centre national du livre (France)
Universit de Picardie Jules Verne CURAPP (France)
Centro Estero per l'Internazionalizzazione (Italy)
Cooperacin Regional Francesa para los Pases Andinos (Bolivia)
Copyright Agency Cultural Fund (Australia)
Direction du dveloppement et le la Coopration Suisse (Switzerland)
Institut franais de Beyrouth (Lebanon)
Institut franais de Tunis (Tunisia)
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Rgion Ile-de-France (France)
Organisation africaine de la Proprit intellectuelle (OAPI - Africa)

Private supports

Fondation Charles Lopold Mayer (Switzerland)
Fondation de France (France)
Abis ditions (Senegal) for the participation of Abdoulaye Fod NDIONE
Association Livres pour lenfant rwandais (Switzerland/Rwanda) for the participation of
Ediciones Trilce (Uruguay) for the participation of Anna DANIELI
ditions Charles Lopold Mayer (France) for the participation of Aline JABLONKA
Georges LORY (member of the Board) for his participation
Lom Ediciones (Chile) for the participation of Sylvia AGUILERA
Med Ali ditions (Tunisia) for the participation of Wal ABID
Txalaparta (Basque Country/Spain) for the participation of Jose Mari ESPARZA
Vents dailleurs (France) for the participation of Gilles COLLEU

International Alliance of independent publishers
38, rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 14 73 66/67

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