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Postgrad Med J 2002;78:455-459 doi:10.1136/pmj.78.922.

Oral candidiasis
1. A Akpan,
2. R Morgan
1. 'rro(e Par) *ospita& +*, -r%st. /pto#. 0irra&. /1
1. Correspondence to: Dr A Akpan, Arrowe Park Hospital NHS r!st, "pton, #irral
CH$% &P', "() asang*!k
Received 1$ Nove,-er 2..1
Accepted 11 Marc/ 2..2
0ral candidiasis is a co,,on opport!nistic in1ection o1 t/e oral cavit2 ca!sed -2 an
overgrowt/ o1 2a#dida species, t/e co,,onest -eing 2a#dida a&!i"a#s. /e incidence
varies depending on age and certain predisposing 1actors. /ere are t/ree -road gro!pings
consisting o1 ac!te candidiasis, c/ronic candidiasis, and ang!lar c/eilitis. Risk 1actors incl!de
i,paired salivar2 gland 1!nction, dr!gs, dent!res, /ig/ car-o/2drate diet, and e3tre,es o1
li1e, s,oking, dia-etes ,ellit!s, C!s/ing4s s2ndro,e, ,alignancies, and i,,!nos!ppressive
conditions. Manage,ent involves taking a /istor2, an e3a,ination, and appropriate
anti1!ngal treat,ent wit/ a 1ew re5!iring sa,ples to -e taken 1or la-orator2 anal2sis. 6n
certain /ig/ risk gro!ps anti1!ngal prop/2la3is red!ces t/e incidence and severit2 o1
in1ections. /e prognosis is good in t/e great ,a7orit2 o1 cases.
oral candidiasis
0ral candidiasis is an opport!nistic in1ection o1 t/e oral cavit2. 6t is co,,on and
!nderdiagnosed a,ong t/e elderl2, partic!larl2 in t/ose w/o wear dent!res and in ,an2 cases
is avoida-le wit/ a good ,o!t/ care regi,en. 6t can also -e a ,ark o1 s2ste,ic disease, s!c/
as dia-etes ,ellit!s and is a co,,on pro-le, a,ong t/e i,,!noco,pro,ised. 0ral
candidiasis is ca!sed -2 an overgrowt/ or in1ection o1 t/e oral cavit2 -2 a 2east8like 1!ng!s,
/e i,portant ones are 2 a&!i"a#s 9t/e co,,onest) see 1ig 1:, 2 tropi"a&is, 2
g&a!rata, 2 pse%dotropi"a&is, 2 g%i&&ierimo#dii, 2 )r%sei, 2 &%sita#iae, 2 parapsi&osis, and 2
ste&&atoidea. 2 a&!i"a#s, 2 g&a!rata, and 2 tropi"a&is represent ,ore t/an ;.< o1 isolates
1ro, clinical in1ection.
0ral candidiasis is t/e ,ost co,,on /!,an 1!ngal in1ection

especiall2 in earl2 and later li1e. 6n t/e general pop!lation, carriage rates /ave -een reported
to range 1ro, 2.< to >&<
wit/o!t an2 s2,pto,s. /e incidence o1 2 a&!i"a#s isolated 1ro,
t/e oral cavit2 /as -een reported to -e $&< in neonates,
$&<@?&< o1 /ealt/2 c/ildren,

=.<@$&< o1 /ealt/2 ad!lts,
&.<@?&< o1 people w/o wear re,ova-le dent!res,
;;< in t/ose residing in ac!te and long ter, care 1acilities,
%.< o1 patients wit/ ac!te
le!kae,ia !ndergoing c/e,ot/erap2,
and %&< o1 patients wit/ H6A.
2 a&!i"a#s is a nor,al
co,,ensal o1 t/e ,o!t/ and generall2 ca!ses no pro-le,s in /ealt/2 people. 0vergrowt/ o1
candida, /owever, can lead to local disco,1ort, an altered taste sensation, d2sp/agia 1ro,
oesop/ageal overgrowt/ res!lting in poor n!trition, slow recover2, and prolonged /ospital
sta2. 6n i,,!noco,pro,ised patients, in1ection can spread t/ro!g/ t/e -loodstrea, or !pper
gastrointestinal tract leading to severe in1ection wit/ signi1icant ,or-idit2 and ,ortalit2.
S2ste,ic candidiasis carries a ,ortalit2 rate o1 >1< to >%<.
Figure 1
2a#dida a&!i"a#s as seen !nder lig/t ,icroscop2 9co!rtes2 o1 Dr C!nnli11e, Cons!ltant
Micro-iologist, #irral NHS r!st:.
Box 1: 6ntrod!ction
0ral candidiasis is t/e co,,onest /!,an 1!ngal in1ection.
"ntreated, t/is can lead to poor n!trition and prolonged recover2.
6n e3tre,e cases can -e 1atal w/en it -eco,es disse,inated.
6t is i,portant 1or all p/2sicians looking a1ter older patients to -e aware o1 t/e risk 1actors,
diagnosis, and treat,ent o1 oral candidiasis. 6n a recent st!d2 =.< o1 doctors said t/e2 wo!ld
prescri-e n2statin 1or oral candidiasis on t/e re5!est o1 n!rsing sta11 wit/o!t e3a,ination o1
t/e oral cavit2.
/is is !n1ort!nate as ot/er pat/olog2 ,a2 -e ,issed, t/e diagnosis ,a2 -e
incorrect, and 1ail!re to address risk 1actors ,a2 lead to rec!rrence o1 t/e candidiasis.
/ere are a n!,-er o1 di11erent t2pes o1 orop/ar2ngeal candidiasis incl!ding ac!te
pse!do,e,-rano!s, ac!te atrop/ic, c/ronic /2perplastic, c/ronic atrop/ic, ,edian r/o,-oid
glossitis, and ang!lar c/eilitis.
/e ,ost discrete lesion represents conversion 1ro, -enign
colonisation to pat/ological overgrowt/.
Pse%domem!ra#o%s "a#didiasis 3tr%s4 is c/aracterised -2 e3tensive w/ite
pse!do,e,-ranes consisting o1 des5!a,ated epit/elial cells, 1i-rin, and 1!ngal /2p/ae 9see
1ig 2:. /ese w/ite patc/es occ!r on t/e s!r1ace o1 t/e la-ial and -!ccal ,!cosa, /ard and
so1t palate, tong!e, periodontal tiss!es, and orop/ar2n3. /e ,e,-rane can !s!all2 -e
scraped o11 wit/ a swa- to e3pose an !nderl2ing er2t/e,ato!s ,!cosa. Diagnosis is !s!all2
straig/t1orward as it is easil2 seen and is one o1 t/e co,,onest 1or,s o1 orop/ar2ngeal
candidiasis acco!nting 1or al,ost a t/ird.
Diagnosis can -e con1ir,ed ,icro-iologicall2
eit/er -2 staining a s,ear 1ro, t/e a11ected area or -2 c!lt!ring a swa- 1ro, an oral rinse.
Predisposing 1actors incl!de e3tre,es o1 age, dia-etes ,ellit!s, patients w/o /ave H6ABA6DS
or le!kae,ia, t/ose !sing steroid aerosol in/alers, -road spectr!, anti-iotics, and
ps2c/otropic dr!gs, and patients w/o are ter,inall2 ill. 0t/er conditions t/at can give rise to
w/ite patc/es in t/e ,o!t/ are lic/en plan!s, s5!a,o!s cell carcino,a, lic/enoid reaction,
and le!koplakia.
Figure 2
Ac!te pse!do,e,-rano!s candidiasis.
Ac!te atrop/ic candidiasis is !s!all2 associated wit/ a -!rning sensation in t/e ,o!t/ or on
t/e tong!e. /e tong!e ,a2 -e -rig/t red si,ilar to t/at seen wit/ a low ser!, C12, low
1olate, and low 1erritin. Diagnosis ,a2 -e di11ic!lt -!t s/o!ld -e considered in t/e di11erential
diagnosis o1 a sore tong!e especiall2 in a 1rail older patient wit/ dent!res w/o /as received
anti-iotic t/erap2 or w/o is on in/aled steroids. A swa- 1ro, t/e tong!eB-!ccal ,!cosa ,a2
/elp diagnosis.
2ro#i" 5perp&asti" "a#didiasis c/aracteristicall2 occ!rs on t/e -!ccal ,!cosa or lateral
-order o1 t/e tong!e as speckled or /o,ogeno!s w/ite lesions 9see 1ig =:. /e lesions !s!all2
occ!r on t/e -!ccal ,!cosa or lateral -orders o1 t/e tong!e. /ere is an association wit/
and co,plete resol!tion appears to -e dependent on cessation o1 s,oking. /is
condition can progress to severe d2splasia or ,alignanc2 and is so,eti,es re1erred to as
candidal le!koplakia. 2a#dida spp are not alwa2s isolated 1ro, lesions o1 oral le!koplakia
and it /as -een s!ggested t/at t/e 1inding o1 2a#dida spp in t/ese pre,alignant lesions is a
co,plicating 1actor rat/er t/an a ca!sative one.
/is condition ,a2 -e con1!sed wit/ lic/en
plan!s, pe,p/igoidBpe,p/ig!s, and s5!a,o!s cell carcino,a.
Figure 3
C/ronic /2perplastic candidiasis.
2ro#i" atropi" "a#didiasis also known as Ddent!re sto,atitisE is c/aracterised -2 localised
c/ronic er2t/e,a o1 tiss!es covered -2 dent!res. Fesions !s!all2 occ!r on t/e palate and
!pper 7aw -!t ,a2 also a11ect ,andi-!lar tiss!e. Diagnosis re5!ires re,oval o1 dent!res and
care1!l inspection) swa-s ,a2 -e taken 1or con1ir,ation. 6t is 5!ite co,,on wit/ incidence
rates o1 !p to ?&< reported.
Media# rom!oid g&ossitis is a c/ronic s2,,etrical area on t/e tong!e anterior to t/e
circ!,vallate papillae. 6t is ,ade !p o1 atrop/ic 1ili1or, papillae. Ciops2 o1 t/is area !s!all2
2ields candida
in over ;&< o1 cases. 6t tends to -e associated wit/ s,oking and t/e !se o1
in/aled steroids.
'#g%&ar "ei&itis is an er2t/e,ato!s 1iss!ring at one or -ot/ corners o1 t/e ,o!t/ 9see 1ig $:,
and is !s!all2 associated wit/ an intraoral candidal in1ection. 0t/er organis,s i,plicated are
stap/2lococci and streptococci. 6n t/e case o1 stap/2lococci t/e reservoir is !s!all2 t/e
anterior region o1 t/e nostrils and spread to t/e angles o1 t/e ,o!t/ /as -een con1ir,ed -2
p/age t2ping.
Gacial wrinkling at t/e corners o1 t/e ,o!t/ and along t/e nasola-ial 1old
especiall2 in older people leads to a c/ronicall2 ,oist environ,ent t/at predisposes to t/is
/is wrinkling is worse in long ter, dent!re wearers -eca!se t/ere is resorption o1
-one on w/ic/ t/e dent!res rest leading to a red!ction in /eig/t o1 t/e lower 1ace w/en t/e
,o!t/ is closed.
0t/er 1actors i,plicated in t/e aetiolog2 o1 t/is condition are iron
de1icienc2 anae,ia and vita,in C12 de1icienc2.
Figure 4
Ang!lar c/eilitis.
"1# $at%ogen
Candida is a 1!ng!s and was 1irst isolated in 1;$$ 1ro, t/e sp!t!, o1 a t!-erc!lo!s patient.

Fike ot/er 1!ngi, t/e2 are non8p/otos2nt/etic, e!kar2otic organis,s wit/ a cell wall t/at lies
e3ternal to t/e plas,a ,e,-rane. /ere is a n!clear pore co,ple3 wit/in t/e n!clear
,e,-rane. /e plas,a ,e,-rane contains large 5!antities o1 sterols, !s!all2 ergosterol.
Apart 1ro, a 1ew e3ceptions, t/e ,acroscopic and ,icroscopic c!lt!ral c/aracteristics o1 t/e
di11erent candida species are si,ilar. /e2 can ,eta-olise gl!cose !nder -ot/ aero-ic and
anaero-ic conditions. e,perat!re in1l!ences t/eir growt/ wit/ /ig/er te,perat!res s!c/ as
=>HC t/at are present in t/eir potential /ost, pro,oting t/e growt/ o1 pse!do/2p/ae. /e2
/ave -een isolated 1ro, ani,als and environ,ental so!rces. /e2 can -e 1o!nd on or in t/e
/!,an -od2 wit/ t/e gastrointestinal tract, t/e vagina, and skin -eing t/e ,ost co,,on sites
and 2 a&!i"a#s -eing t/e co,,onest species isolated 1ro, t/ese sites. /e2 re5!ire
environ,ental so!rces o1 1i3ed car-on 1or t/eir growt/. Gila,ento!s growt/ and apical
e3tension o1 t/e 1ila,ent and 1or,ation o1 lateral -ranc/es are seen wit/ /2p/ae and
,2celi!,, and single cell division is associated wit/ 2easts.
Several st!dies /ave de,onstrated t/at in1ection wit/ candida is associated wit/ certain
pat/ogenic varia-les. Ad/esion o1 candida to epit/elial cell walls, an i,portant step in
initiation o1 in1ection, is pro,oted -2 certain 1!ngal cell wall co,ponents s!c/ as ,annose,
C=d receptors, ,annoprotein, and sacc/arins.
/e degree o1 /2drop/o-icit2
a-ilit2 to -ind to /ost 1i-ronectin
/as also -een reported to -e i,portant in t/e initial stages
o1 in1ection. 0t/er 1actors i,plicated are ger, t!-e 1or,ation, presence o1 ,2celia,
persistence wit/in epit/elial cells, endoto3ins, ind!ction o1 t!,o!r necrosis 1actor, and
P/enot2pic switc/ing w/ic/ is t/e a-ilit2 o1 certain strains o1 2 a&!i"a#s to
c/ange -etween di11erent ,orp/ologic p/enot2pes /as also -een i,plicated.
"2# &ost
Local 'actors
6mpaired sa&i7ar5 g&a#d $%#"tio# can predispose to oral candidiasis.
Secretion o1 saliva
ca!ses a dil!tional e11ect and re,oves organis,s 1ro, t/e ,!cosa. Anti,icro-ial proteins in
t/e saliva s!c/ as lacto1errin, sialopero3idase, l2soI2,e, /istidine8ric/ pol2peptides, and
speci1ic anticandida anti-odies, interact wit/ t/e oral ,!cosa and prevent overgrowt/ o1
candida. /ere1ore conditions s!c/ as S7Jgren4s s2ndro,e, radiot/erap2 o1 t/e /ead and neck,
or dr!gs t/at red!ce salivar2 secretions can lead to an increased risk o1 oral candidiasis.
8r%gs s!c/ as in/aled steroids /ave -een s/own to increase t/e risk o1 oral candidiasis
possi-l2 s!ppressing cell!lar i,,!nit2 and p/agoc2tosis. /e local ,!cosal i,,!nit2
reverts to nor,al on discontin!ation o1 t/e in/aled steroids.
8e#t%res predispose to in1ection wit/ candida in as ,an2 as ?&< o1 elderl2 people wearing
1!ll !pper dent!res.
#earing o1 dent!res prod!ces a ,icroenviron,ent cond!cive to t/e
growt/ o1 candida wit/ low o32gen, low pH, and an anaero-ic environ,ent. /is ,a2 -e d!e
to en/anced ad/erence o1 2a#dida spp to acr2lic, red!ced saliva 1low !nder t/e s!r1aces o1
t/e dent!re 1ittings, i,properl2 1itted dent!res, or poor oral /2giene.
Box 2: Classi1ication
0ral candidiasis can -e classi1ied as 1ollows:
1. Acute candidiasis
o Ac!te pse!do,e,-rano!s candidiasis 9t/r!s/:.
o Ac!te atrop/ic 9er2t/e,ato!s: candidiasis.
2. C%ronic candidiasis
o C/ronic /2perplastic candidiasis 9candidal le!koplakia:.
o Dent!re ind!ced candidiasis 9c/ronic atrop/ic 9er2t/e,ato!s: candidiasis:.
o Median r/o,-oid glossitis.
=. Angular c%eilitis "sto(atitis#
9ter $a"tors are oral cancerBle!koplakia and a /ig/ car-o/2drate diet. Krowt/ o1 candida in
saliva is en/anced -2 t/e presence o1 gl!cose and its ad/erence to oral epit/elial cells is
en/anced -2 a /ig/ car-o/2drate diet.
S)ste(ic 'actors
:;tremes o$ &i$e predispose to in1ection -eca!se o1 red!ced i,,!nit2.
Box 3: Risk 1actors 1or orop/ar2ngeal candidiasis
Pat/ogen /as pec!liar properties t/at increase its in1ectivit2 rate in t/e rig/t
Host 1actors co!ld -e local andBor s2ste,ic.
Focal 1actors incl!de wearing dent!res, i,paired salivar2 gland 1!nction, in/aled
steroids, and oral cancer.
S2ste,ic 1actors incl!de e3tre,es o1 age, s,oking, dia-etes ,ellit!s, C!s/ing4s
s2ndro,e, i,,!nos!ppression, ,alignancies, n!tritional de1iciencies, and anti-iotics.
8r%gs s!c/ as -road spectr!, anti-iotics alter t/e local oral 1lora creating a s!ita-le
environ,ent 1or candida to proli1erate.
/e nor,al oral 1lora is restored once t/e anti-iotics
are discontin!ed. 6,,!nos!ppressive dr!gs s!c/ as t/e antineoplastic agents /ave -een
s/own in several st!dies to predispose to oral candidiasis -2 altering t/e oral 1lora, disr!pting
t/e ,!cosal s!r1ace and altering t/e c/aracter o1 t/e saliva.
9ter $a"tors are s,oking, dia-etes, C!s/ing4s s2ndro,e, i,,!nos!ppressive conditions
s!c/ as H6A in1ection, ,alignancies s!c/ as le!kae,ia, and n!tritional de1icienciesLvita,in
C de1iciencies /ave -een partic!larl2 i,plicated. Ninane 1o!nd t/at 1&<@?.< o1 people wit/
,alignancies will develop oral candidiasis w/ile t/e2 are i,,!nos!ppressed.
6n t/ose wit/
H6A in1ection rates o1 -etween >< to $;< /ave -een 5!oted and ,ore t/an %.< /as -een
reported in t/ose wit/ advanced disease. Relapse rates are -etween =.< and &.< on
co,pletion o1 anti1!ngal treat,ent in severe i,,!nos!ppression.
aking a /istor2 1ollowed -2 a t/oro!g/ e3a,ination o1 t/e ,o!t/, looking at t/e so1t and
/ard palate, and e3a,ining t/e -!ccal ,!cosa in t/ose wearing dent!res a1ter t/e2 /ave -een
re,oved are !s!all2 good starting points. Predisposing 1actors are identi1ied as ,entioned
a-ove and resolved i1 possi-le, and t/e t2pe, severit2, and c/ronicit2 o1 t/e in1ection are
/e rig/t diagnosis is !s!all2 ,ade on 1inding t/e c/aracteristic lesion, r!ling o!t ot/er
possi-ilities, and t/e response to anti1!ngal treat,ent. Ac!te pse!do,e,-rano!s and c/ronic
atrop/ic candidiasis can -e treated -ased on clinical 1eat!res -!t c!lt!re and sensitivit2
testing s/o!ld -e !ndertaken i1 initial t/erap2 is !ns!ccess1!l. 6,print c!lt!res,
w/ere sterile
1oa, pads dipped in Sa-o!ra!d4s -rot/ are placed 1or =. seconds on t/e lesion and t/en
placed on Sa-o!ra!d4s agar containing c/lora,p/enicol 1or an /o!r a1ter w/ic/ t/e2 are
inc!-ated, /ave also -een !sed 1or identi1ication o1 2a#dida spp. Ac!te atrop/ic and c/ronic
/2perplastic 1or,s ,a2 ,i,ic ot/er lesions and a -iops2 is reco,,ended in addition to
e,pirical t/erap2 to r!le o!t ,ore serio!s lesions s!c/ as s5!a,o!s cell carcino,a.
0ral /2giene and topical anti1!ngals are !s!all2 ade5!ate 1or !nco,plicated oral candidiasis.
9ra& 5gie#e involves cleaning t/e teet/, -!ccal cavit2, tong!e, and dent!res, i1 present,
dail2. Dent!res s/o!ld -e cleaned and disin1ected dail2 and le1t o!t overnig/t or 1or at least
si3 /o!rs dail2. /e dent!res s/o!ld -e soaked in a dent!re cleaning sol!tion s!c/ as
c/lor/e3idine as t/is is ,ore e11ective in eli,inating candida t/an -r!s/ing.
/is is -eca!se
dent!res /ave irreg!lar and poro!s s!r1aces to w/ic/ candida easil2 ad/eres and -r!s/ing
alone cannot re,ove t/e,. #/en rinsing t/e ,o!t/ wit/ t/e topical anti1!ngal, dent!res
s/o!ld -e re,oved to allow contact -etween t/e ,!cosa and t/e anti1!ngal. /e patient
s/o!ld ens!re t/at t/e w/ole ,!cosa is coated wit/ t/e anti1!ngal and /eld in t/e ,o!t/ 1or a
1ew ,in!tes. /e incorporation o1 an anti1!ngal wit/ a dent!re liner /as -een reco,,ended
1or patients wit/ dent!res w/o 1ind it di11ic!lt to /old t/e anti1!ngal in t/eir ,o!t/ 1or a 1ew
,in!tes. Also t/e ,!cosal s!r1ace s/o!ld -e -r!s/ed reg!larl2 wit/ a so1t -r!s/. A1ter
disin1ection, dent!res s/o!ld -e allowed to air dr2 as t/is also kills ad/erent candida on
C/lor/e3idine can discolo!r -ot/ dent!res and nat!ral dentition i1 not re,oved
ade5!atel2 a1ter disin1ection. A re1erral to a dentist ,ig/t -e necessar2 1or t/ose wit/ poorl2
1itting dent!res as t/ese predispose to in1ection -2 -reaking down t/e epit/elial -arrier. 0t/er
dent!re cleaning ,et/ods not ro!tinel2 !sed -!t s/own to -e e11ective are !ltrasonic cleaning
tanks wit/ a s!ita-le sol!tion.
Box 4: Manage,ent
Diagnosis is !s!all2 ,ade on clinical gro!nds wit/ la-orator2 testing to e3cl!de
potentiall2 ot/er serio!s oral lesions especiall2 s5!a,o!s cell carcino,a.
Predisposing 1actors s/o!ld -e treated or eli,inated w/ere 1easi-le.
Kood oral /2giene is i,portant.
opical anti1!ngals given 1or two weeks are !s!all2 e11ective.
S2ste,ic anti1!ngals s/o!ld -e given in certain circ!,stances.
Reg!lar oral and dental /2giene wit/ periodic oral e3a,ination will prevent ,ost cases o1
oral candidiasis in t/ose wit/ dent!res. Co,-ining n2statin wit/ c/lor/e3idine digl!conate,
an antiseptic !sed to disin1ect dent!res, inactivates -ot/ dr!gs
t/ere1ore t/is co,-ination
s/o!ld not -e !sed. /e dent!res s/o!ld -e re,oved eac/ ti,e t/e ,o!t/ is rinsed wit/ t/e
oral anti1!ngal preparation in esta-lis/ed cases o1 dent!re sto,atitis and t/e dent!res soaked
in c/lor/e3idine -e1ore p!tting t/e, -ack in t/e ,o!t/.
-opi"a& a#ti$%#ga& terap5 is t/e reco,,ended 1irst line treat,ent 1or !nco,plicated oral
candidiasis and w/ere s2ste,ic treat,ent is needed topical t/erap2 s/o!ld contin!e as t/is
red!ces t/e dose and d!ration o1 s2ste,ic treat,ent re5!ired.
/e s2ste,ic adverse e11ects
and dr!g interactions t/at occ!r wit/ t/e s2ste,ic agents do not occ!r wit/ topical agents.

reat,ent in t/e earl2 part o1 t/e 2.t/ cent!r2 was wit/ gentian violet, an aniline d2e, -!t
-eca!se o1 resistance developing and side e11ects, s!c/ as staining o1 t/e oral ,!cosa, it was
replaced -2 a pol2ene anti-iotic, n2statin, discovered in 1%&1 and a,p/otericin C, discovered
in 1%&?. /e2 act -2 -inding to sterols in t/e cell ,e,-rane o1 1!ngi, and, altering cell
,e,-rane per,ea-ilit2.
N2statin and a,p/otericin are not a-sor-ed 1ro, t/e gastrointestinal tract and are !sed -2
local application in t/e ,o!t/. MiconaIole, an i,idaIole, can -e !sed as a local application
in t/e ,o!t/ -!t its !se in t/is wa2 is li,ited -eca!se o1 potential side e11ects s!c/ as
vo,iting and diarr/oea. 0t/er dr!gs -elonging to t/is class are clotri,aIole and
ketoconaIole. N2statin is t/e ,ost widel2 !sed topical agent 1or t/e treat,ent o1 oral
6t is availa-le as an oral rinse, pastille, and s!spension. 6t s/o!ld -e !sed as a
rinse 1o!r ti,es a da2 1or two weeks. 6t can ca!se na!sea, vo,iting, and diarr/oea. /e oral
rinse contains s!crose and is !se1!l in edent!lo!s patients and t/ose wit/ 3erosto,ia s!c/ as
patients receiving radiot/erap2 and t/ose wit/ H6A in1ection.
Clotri,aIole troc/e can -e an
alternative 1or t/ose patients w/o 1ind n2statin s!spensions !npalata-le.
,5stemi" a#ti$%#ga& terap5 in oral candidiasis is appropriate in patients intolerant o1 or
re1ractor2 to topical treat,ent and t/ose at /ig/ risk o1 developing s2ste,ic in1ections.
Cot/ n2statin oral rinses and clotri,aIole troc/es /ave a /ig/ s!crose content and i1 toot/
deca2 is a concern or t/e oral candidiasis is co,plicated -2 dia-etes, steroid !se or an
i,,!noco,pro,ised state, triaIoles w/ic/ incl!de 1l!conaIole or itraconaIole once per da2
/as -een 1o!nd to -e e11ective in t/ese cases.
(etoconaIole is also as e11ective as
1l!conaIole and itraconaIole -!t its !se in elderl2 patients is not reco,,ended d!e to dr!g
interactions and side e11ects, w/ic/ incl!de /epatoto3icit2.
Gl!conaIole is a potent and selective in/i-itor o1 1!ngal enI2,es involved in t/e s2nt/esis o1
ergosterol, an i,portant constit!ent o1 t/e plas,a cell ,e,-rane. 6t t/ere1ore disr!pts cell
wall 1or,ation leading to leakage o1 cell!lar contents and cell deat/. 6t is well a-sor-ed -2
t/e gastrointestinal tract and t/e plas,a levels are over %.< o1 t/e levels ac/ieved wit/
intraveno!s ad,inistration and t/e levels in saliva and sp!t!, are also si,ilar to t/at in t/e
plas,a. 6t is pre1erred, as it does not /ave t/e sa,e /epatoto3icit2 as t/e i,idaIoles. 6t is now
listed in t/e dental practitioners4 1or,!lar2 as well as t/e <ritis +atio#a& =orm%&ar5 and is
t/ere1ore widel2 !sed -ot/ in dental as well as ,edical practice -!t t/ere are pro-le,s wit/
6traconaIole /as a wider spectr!, o1 activit2 t/an 1l!conaIole and is t/ere1ore val!a-le in
salvage treat,ent o1 t/e i,,!noco,pro,ised patients wit/ 1l!conaIole resistant candidosis.
6ncreasing resistance to anti1!ngals /as -eco,e increasingl2 co,,on since t/e introd!ction
o1 1l!conaIole especiall2 in patients wit/ advanced H6A disease, and rec!rrent and long ter,
Ang!lar c/eilitis is treated wit/ anti1!ngal steroid crea,s and oint,ents and an2 conc!rrent
intraoral lesion is also treated at t/e sa,e ti,e and dietar2 de1iciencies s/o!ld -e e3cl!ded
and treated i1 1o!nd.
Gail!re to respond to t/erap2 especiall2 in c/ronic atrop/ic candidiasis is !s!all2 d!e to non8
co,pliance wit/ treat,ent.
Prop5&a;is wit/ anti1!ngal agents red!ces t/e incidence o1 oral candidiasis in patients wit/
cancer !ndergoing treat,ent
and 1l!conaIole /as -een 1o!nd to -e ,ore e11ective t/an
topical pol2enes.
Prop/2la3is on eit/er a dail2 or weekl2 -asis wit/ anti1!ngals red!ces t/e incidence o1 oral
candidiasis in patients wit/ H6A wit/ t/e red!ctions -eing ,ost ,arked in t/ose wit/ low
CD$ co!nts and rec!rrent oral candidiasis.
/e !se o1 a c/lor/e3idine rinse onl2 in -one
,arrow transplant patients as prop/2la3is was 1o!nd to -e ver2 e11ective.
/e prognosis is good 1or oral candidiasis wit/ appropriate and e11ective treat,ent. Relapse
w/en it occ!rs is ,ore o1ten t/an not d!e to poor co,pliance wit/ t/erap2, 1ail!re to re,ove
and clean dent!res appropriatel2, or ina-ilit2 to resolve t/e !nderl2ingBpredisposing 1actors to
t/e in1ection.
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