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... through Bertha Dudde

The most important commandment
has to be fulfilled
!o"e ....
#ou$ %ho %ant to ser"e &e$ %ill repeatedl' be reminded of the
immense spiritual dar(ness %hich necessitates &' Gospel to be
carried into the %orld$ %hich alone is the true light that can
penetrate the dar(ness pro"iding it is offered in all purit'$ )ust as
it once originated from &e and is now conveyed to you from
above to earth again.
For onl' truth is the true light .... but %hat became spoilt %ill
onl' e"er intensif' the dar(ness. *o%e"er$ the reason %h' the
dar(ness is so e+tensi"e is because man' lies and errors %ere
added to the spiritual (no%ledge %hich guaranteed the most
brightl' shining light %hen it came forth from &e.
,nd so it is necessar' that people are correctl' instructed$ that
the' recei"e clarification about areas %hich so far %ere closed to
them or %ere not truthfull' brought to light.
It is only important that people change their nature to
love, that they overcome their selfish love and change it
into selfless neighbourly love ....
,nd this important teaching$ the fulfilment of &' commandment
of lo"e$ %as placed into the bac(ground %hereas other teachings
came to the forefront and people-s endea"ours %ere pushed in
the %rong direction. .ommandments are being obser"ed and
fulfilled %hich are utterl' immaterial and don-t lead to an' (ind of
ad"ancement for the soul.
,nd lo"e is being put aside %hich simultaneousl' means that the
light cannot shine brightl'$ that it onl' glo%s faintl' .... that
people-s realisation$ their (no%ledge of truth$ is therefore
poor .... that the' e+ist in a spirituall' dar(ened state$ that the'
ha"e an entirel' %rong "ie% of life$ that the' onl' e"er stri"e for
material possessions because no inner light is shining for them$
%hich can onl' be (indled b' lo"e.
/f all preachers preached nothing else but lo"e ....
if people %ere onl' e"er encouraged to gi"e up their selfish lo"e
and practise selfless neighbourl' lo"e ....
trul'$ then the' %ould also li"e in the light of realisation$ the'
%ould recognise the irrele"ance of earthl' commodities$ the'
%ould establish the right (ind of relationship as of a child to its
Father$ for all this results in selfless$ di"ine lo"e ....
/nstead people are gi"en misguided teachings$ the' are obliged
to perform deeds and customs %hich can onl' be "alued as
e+ternal formalities and can ne"er result into changing the state
of the soul$ because / onl' "alue %hat results in a li"ing
relationship %ith &e .... and this li"ing bond %ith &e can onl' be
established through (ind0hearted acti"it'.
,nd therefore / %ill continue sending &' messengers into the
%orld to proclaim the Gospel of lo"e to people .... ,nd / &'self
%ill al%a's con"e' the pure Gospel to you who want to accept
it and pass it on .... For b' %a' of di"ine lo"e$ which you
ought to practise, 'ou %ill attain a li"ing faith$ 'ou %ill arri"e at
the inner certaint' that / ,m close to 'ou and that 'ou can
associate %ith &e directl'.
And by way of the light, which was kindled in you by love,
you will also receive the kind of knowledge which
corresponds to the truth, 'ou %ill no longer li"e 'our earthl'
life in a blind state but possess truthful (no%ledge regarding the
reason for 'our life on earth and the goal 'ou are supposed to
reach .... hence also regarding the earthl' tas( 'ou ought to
,nd as soon as 'ou (no% the truth 'ou %ill also achie"e spiritual
progress$ 'our earthl' life %ill not be in "ain$ 'ou %ill become
more and more perfect .... which, however, is only the result
of receiving the pure truth from Me. ,nd this is %hat 'ou
much search for and desire$ then 'ou %ill also parta(e of it ....
Then 'ou %ill al%a's be considered b' Me$ and then &'
ad"ersar' %ill ha"e lost all claim on 'ou$ as soon as 'our nature
has changed itself into lo"e again$ as 'ou %ere in the
beginning ....
1ublished b' friends of ne% re"elations of God 2 /nformation$
do%nload of all translated re"elations$ theme0boo(lets at


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