Emergency: Organizational Risk Factors

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Preparedness Program-
Plans, actions, or measures for the transformation of the industrial base, both government-owned and civilian-
owned, from its peacetime activityto the emergency program necessary to support the national military objectives. It incl
udes industrial preparedness measures such asmodernization, expansion, and preservation of the production facilities and
contributory items and services for planning with industry. Alsocalled IPP.

2. Primary Prevention Program on OSH-
The aim of primary prevention is to reduce, control or eliminate the sources of work-related mental health problems.
Thus, primary prevention strives to reduce the negative impacts of organizational risk factors on individuals. This type of
intervention directly affects the work environment or work situation and, by that very fact, the organization as well as
management and work practices.
3. Recovery
: the act or process of becoming healthy after an illness or injury : the act or process of recovering
: the act or process of returning to a normal state after a period of difficulty
: the return of something that has been lost, stolen, etc.
4. Response -
an act of responding
something constituting a reply or a reaction: as
a verse, phrase, or word sung or said by the people or choir after or in reply to the officiant in a liturgical service
the activity or inhibition of previous activity of an organism or any of its parts resulting from stimulation
the output of a transducer or detecting device resulting from a given input
5. Safety Device
a device designed to prevent injury or accidents
6. Technical Services

Technology services are professional services designed to facilitate the use of technology by enterprises and end
users. Technology services provide specialized technology-oriented solutions by combining the processes and functions
of software, hardware, networks, telecommunications and electronics.

7. Toxic Wastes
industrial or chemical waste products that are harmful to the environment

8. Waste Management
Waste management is the "generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and
residual disposition of solid wastes".
There are various types of solid waste including municipal (residential,
institutional, commercial), agricultural, and special (health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage sludge).
term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their
effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.

9. Work Invironment Measurement

Work Environment Measurement, or WEM, is the process of determining the level of environmental hazards
and its hazardous effects on workers health conducted through various sampling methodologies and/or
direct measurement utilizing direct reading and analytical instruments with the view of achieving

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