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Blueberry Mufns

What You Need

3/4 Cup Oats
1 Cup Egg Whites
1/2 Cup Blueberries
60g Peanut Butter (Added after baing!
Cooking Instructions
W"B# Pr$ B$d%builder &urt Weidner shares his re'ipe f$r health% egg (hite $ats and blueberr%
)u*ns+ ,his re'ipe ($rs (ell as a breafast )eal- $r as a sna' in bet(een )a.$r )eals+ /t 'an
easil% be taen $n the g$+
C$)bine the $ats- egg (hites and blueberries+ 0i1 e2enl%+
Bae at 330 degrees f$r 30 )inutes+
After )u*ns '$$l- t$p (ith peanut butter+
Macros :
34 gra)s $f pr$tein
33 gra)s $f 'arbs
12 gra)s $f fat
456 'al$ries
Black Bean Soup
24 $6 'an $f 7$%a bla' beans
3 tablesp$$n $li2e $il
1 s)all (hite $ni$n
1 s)all green pepper
1 tablesp$$n )in'ed garli'
3 ba% lea2es
1/4 tablesp$$n $regan$
Pin'h $f gr$und 'l$2es
1/8 tablesp$$n 'u)in
1 'up (ater
Preparation Instructions
1! /n large p$t add $li2e $il and heat+
2! Add e2er%thing e1'ept bla' beans t$ p$t and saut9 until $ni$ns and peppers are s$ft+
3! Add beans plus 1 'up (ater- stir t$gether and s)ash beans (ith large sp$$n ab$ut 3:6 ti)es+
,his (ill thi'en the beans as the% '$$+
4! Bring t$ a b$il and i))ediatel% turn t$ l$( and '$$ '$2ered f$r 1 h$ur- $''asi$nall% stirring+
3! ;et '$$l bef$re pla'ing in ,upper(are $r eat h$t- al(a%s better the ne1t da%<
,r% it $ut and let )e n$( h$( %$u lie it<
=$urs f$r a ;ean B$d%-
1 large %a)
1 pa'et splenda
1/8 teasp$$n 'inna)$n
1 teasp$$n '$'$nut $il
Ho its done>
1:Peel and 'ube %a) (ab$ut 1/2? in si6e!+
2:@eat '$'$nut $il $n )ediu)+
3:Add 'ina)$n and splendaA then stir+
4:Add 'ubed %a)s+
3:C$2er tightl% t$ '$$ faster+
6:Btir freCuentl% s$ the% d$nDt br$(n t$$ )u'h+
5:Ee)$2e (hen s$ft but n$t )ush%+
!uinoa and Coconut Bronies
,his re'ipe uses '$$ed Cuin$a and '$'$nut $il instead $f traditi$nal br$(nie ingredients> F$ur-
butter and sugar+ ,he Cuin$a ensures that ea'h br$(nie bite (ill be )$ist (ith less '$r$nar% ris+
C$'$nut $il is a largel% saturated fat- '$nsisting $f )$stl% )ediu):'hain trigl%'erides that are
eas% t$ digest and pr$2ide a rapid s$ur'e $f energ%+ Additi$nall%- it in'reases the b$d%Ds
)etab$li' rate b% re)$2ing stress $n the pan'reas ()eaning %$uDll be burning )$re fuel! )aing
this the perfe't breafast f$r th$se (anting t$ l$se a fe( p$unds after the h$lida%s+
1 1/3 'ups Cuin$a- '$$ed
1/2 'up s(eetener $r 1/3 'up Bte2ia
1/3 'up '$'$nut $il
3 eggs
2 s'$$ps 2anilla (he%
43 gra)s dar 'h$'$late- uns(eetened
3 tablesp$$ns '$'$a p$(der- uns(eetened
1/4 teasp$$n baing p$(der
1/4 teasp$$n bi'arb
1+ @eat the $il and dar 'h$'$late in the )i'r$(a2e f$r 30 se'$nds- until b$th are )elted+ 0ae
sure %$u d$nDt $2er'$$ the 'h$'$late $r it (ill taste bitter if burnt+
2+ Whis the eggs in a large b$(l+
3+ On'e (hised- add all $f the ingredients t$ the eggs+
4+ 0i1 reall% (ell t$ )ae sure the baing p$(der and bi'arb are e2enl% distributed+
3+ P$ur the batter int$ a 4G4:in'h baing tin and '$$ in a preheated $2en f$r 20 )inutes at 330
degrees #ahrenheit+
6+ On'e '$$ed- 'ut int$ eight eCual pie'es+
5+ Eat the) all at $n'e bef$re an%$ne gets a 'han'e t$ as f$r $ne+
#at$eal Cre$e Pie Sandich
1/3 Cup Oat)eal
2 ,bsp Bte2ia
1 ,bsp Cinna)$n
3 Egg Whites
/nstru'ti$ns >
Beat all t$gether (ith f$r (n$ (ater needed!+
P$ur int$ h$t n$n:sti' pan+
When '$$ed $n side $ne- Fip lie a pan'ae+ C$$ until d$ne+
;et '$$l $r eat h$t<
Center crea$
1/2 B'$$p Hanilla Pr$tein+
2 ,bsp $f C$ld Water+
Btir ingredients int$ pudding+
Cut pan'ae in half (ith 'rea) in the )iddle f$r an $n:the:g$ pr$tein/'arb sand(i'h+
Pla'e pudding $n t$p as i'ing and eat lie a 'inna)$n r$ll+
PNB Mufns
,his is a Ien $riginal and these are s$ g$$d< 7luten:free and perfe't f$r %$u t$ eat (hile ($ring
t$(ards %$ur ph%siCue g$als+ "$ 'rapp% sugar $r F$ur s$ these are perfe't f$r %$ur idd$s- t$$<
Pass this $n t$ %$ur )$)- girlfriend- and friends+
Preheat $2en t$ 330 degrees
1/4 'up al)$nd F$urJJ
1/4 'up PB2 $r peanut F$urJJ
1/2 'up $at F$ur (%$u 'an Knd this at )$st l$'al gr$'er% st$res in the Lhealth f$$dM se'ti$n!
3 s'$$ps 2anilla pr$tein p$(der (/ used the 363 Wh$le #$$ds 2anilla (he%!
1/8 'up Bte2ia $r Bplenda- )$re $r less depending h$( s(eet %$u (ant the)+
1/4 teasp$$n salt
1/2 teasp$$n baing p$(der
JJIf you dont have PB2 or peanut four, or almond four, you can substitute oat four. Iust eep in
)ind itDll raise the 'arbs a bit- lessen the peanut butter Fa2$r- and the% ($nDt be Cuite as )$ist+
Mi& altogether' then add in>
1/2 'up uns(eetened applesau'e
1/2 'up si) Ei'$tta 'heese
3 egg (hites
1/2 teasp$$n 2anilla
C$)bine alt$gether t$ )ae the )u*n batter+ Bpra% )u*n tins (ith n$n:sti' '$$ing spra%+ #ill
11 $f the )u*n tins 1/3 $f the (a% (ith batter+ B'$$p 1/2 ,ablesp$$n $f all natural peanut butter
and 1/2 ,ablesp$$n $f sugar:free .ell% int$ the 'enter $n t$p $f the batter+ Nse the re)aining
)u*n batter t$ '$2er the peanut butter and .ell% s$ that the )u*n tins are n$( 2/3 full and %$u
'anDt see an% $f the peanut butter $r .ell%+ Bae at 330 degrees f$r ab$ut 10 O 11 )inutes+ ,he
'enters (ill still be slightl% s$ft be'ause $f the peanut butter and .ell% inside $f the)- s$ (at'h
the edges+ When the% are .ust starting t$ turn g$lden- tae the) $ut+
0aes 11 )u*ns
Macronutrient breakdon per $ufn:
Pr$tein> 11 gra)s
Carb$h%drate> 11+3 gra)s
#at> 6 gra)s
Cal$ries> 144
Protein Scones
7et 'reati2e (ith these and add (hate2er %$u lie O uns(eetened '$'$a p$(der- '$'$nut
sha2ings- dried 'ranberries- (alnuts- et'+ / added 1/4 'up $f raisins and a 1/2 ,ablesp$$n $f
'inna)$n- but an% add:ins that %$u lie (ill ($r+ Pried fruit- nuts- 'h$'$late 'hips- (hate2er+
Add so$ething th$ugh- $r these (ill be reall% b$ring+
Preheat $2en t$ 330 degrees
1 'up plus 1/4 'up al)$nd F$ur
1/2 'up 2anilla pr$tein p$(der- $r 'h$'$late- $r (hate2er+ / used Hanilla 0etab$li' Pri2e
1/4 'up $ats
1 ,bsp $f Bte2ia
4 egg (hites
2 ,ablesp$$ns 0Q fat 7ree =$gurt- $r pu)pin puree =$ur 'h$i'e+ / used pu)pin+
Nns(eetened applesau'e (ill als$ ($r+
1/4 'up raisins
1/2 ,ablesp$$n 'inna)$n
0i1 all $f the dr% ingredients t$gether Krst+ ,hen- add the (et ingredients+
Pr$p 4 sp$$nfuls $nt$ a '$$ie sheet spra%ed (ith n$n:sti' spra% $r s)eared (ith '$'$nut $il-
and slightl% spread the) $ut .ust a bit+
Bae until the peas barel% start t$ turn g$lden- ab$ut 12 )inutes+
,he% sh$uld still be slightl% s$ft (hen %$u tae the) $ut+
W%(NIN): Watch these closely and don*t o+erbake the$' otherise you ill ha+e
rock,hard protein doggy biscuits -or .ido/
0aes 4 s'$nes+
,he f$ll$(ing )a'r$s are f$r the basi' )i1- n$t in'luding the raisins+
Ee)e)ber- an% add:ins (ill 'hange these nu)bers>
Nutrition .acts
Protein: 0 gra$s
Carb: 1 gra$s
.at: 2 gra$s
Calories: 344
Banana bread
/ guess the% are )$re lie little 'aesters+ But still- the% are deli'i$us and 'lean<
Mi& in one bol:
1 'up $at F$ur
1 ,BBP 'inna)$n
1/2 tsp baing s$da
1/4 tsp salt
2 s'$$ps 2anilla (he% pr$tein (the ind / used had 16g $f pr$tein per s'$$p+ ,his (ill 2ar%!
Mi& in another bol:
3 egg (hites
1/2 'up l$( fat Ei'$tta 'heese
8 $6 )ashed banana (this is ab$ut 2 large bananas!
4 pa'ets $f Bte2ia RO this is up t$ %$u+ Add )$re if %$u lie things s(eet- less if %$u d$nDt+ /f %$u
are a Bplenda user- this ($uld eCual ab$ut 1/2 'up Bplenda+
2 $6 $f (ater+ ()$re $r less t$ )ae a batter '$nsisten'%+!
55 #ptional: 'h$pped up (alnuts- $r a handful $f 'h$'$late 'hips+ Iust re)e)ber that (hate2er
%$u add (ill 'hange the )a'r$nutrients+
C$)bine the (et ingredients int$ the dr% ingredients+
Bpra% an 8 1 8 $r 4 1 4 baing pan (ith n$:sti' '$$ing spra%+ P$ur the batter int$ the pan and
bae at 330 degrees f$r ab$ut 15 O 20 )inutes+
When a t$$thpi' '$)es $ut 'lean- the% are d$ne+ Better t$ under'$$ the) a tad- than t$
$2er'$$- $r the% 'an be prett% dr%+
0aes 4 ser2ings+
Macros :
Protein 6/1 gra$s ()$re pr$teinS Add an e1tra egg (hite- s'$$p $f pr$tein p$(der and a bit
)$re (ater<!
Carb: 34/7 gra$s
.at: 3/8 gra$s
Calories: 09
Protein Bronies
,his re'ipe is a(es$)e< We ha2e these $n hand all $f the ti)e+ ,he% are a)a6ing (ith a little
natural peanut butter $n t$p+ /D2e )ade %$u a little 2ide$ $n h$( t$ )ae the)+ ;et )e n$(
(hat %$u thin< ($f the br$(nies+ ,he 2ide$ is i)perfe't+ haha<!
7u%s O pass this re'ipe al$ng t$ %$ur girlfriends and $r (i2es- and %$ur fa)il%< ,he%Dll than %$u<
:hese are per-ect -or your kiddos' too;
You*ll need:
1 'up $at F$ur ($r 1/2 'up $at F$ur T 1/2 'up al)$nd F$ur!
3 ,BBP uns(eetened '$'$a p$(der
2 s'$$ps 'h$'$late pr$tein p$(der
1/4 teasp$$n salt
1/2 teasp$$n baing s$da
1/8 'up Bte2ia ($r 1/4 'up Bplenda!
8 $6 berr% Fa2$red bab% f$$d
4 egg (hites
C$'$nut $il $r n$n:sti' '$$ing spra%
4 1 4 baing pan
,his re'ipe )aes 4 br$(nies+
Macros :
Protein: 5 gra)s
Carbs: 11 gra)s
.at: 0+8 gra)s
Calories: 81
Protein Carrot Cakesters
Preheat $2en t$ 330 degrees+
Mi& the -olloing together in a big bol:
1 'up $at F$ur
1 and 1/2 ,ablesp$$ns 'inna)$n
1/2 teasp$$n baing s$da
1/4 teasp$$n salt
43 gra)s $f 'h$pped pe'ans
1 and 1/2 'ups shredded 'arr$t
8 $6 'arr$t bab% f$$d
4 egg (hites
80 gra)s raisins
1/8 'up Bte2ia
2 s'$$ps 2anilla pr$tein p$(der
Add '$ld (ater $r uns(eetened 2anilla al)$nd )il until the batter is a thi' 'ae batter
Bpra% 4 1 4 baing pan (ith '$$ing spra%- $r grease (ith '$'$nut $il+
Bpread batter e2enl% int$ it+
Bae f$r appr$1i)atel% 12 : 14 )inutes+
Wat'h it 'l$sel%< ,ae it $ut (hen the edges are g$lden br$(n+ ,he 'enter (ill still be slightl%
und$ne- but that is $a%+
I- you o+er bake these' they ill be dry' so stay close and atch the$/
;et '$$l+
Bli'e int$ 4 bars+
/Ud l$2e t$ '$n'$'t s$)e great fr$sting that is health% but that )a% tae a s)all )ira'le+ /U)
t$%ing (ith 'rea) 'heese- gree %$gurt and s(eetener- but n$ di'e %et+ /Ull eep %$u all p$sted if
/ 'an nail it+
Macros :
Pr$tein> 11 gra)s
Carb> 15 gra)s
#at> 4+3 gra)s
Cal$ries> 133
/f %$u (ant t$ de'rease the 'arbs and in'rease the fat- %$u 'an 'ut the $at F$ur in half- and use
1/2 'up al)$nd F$ur+
Blueberry Mufns
What You Need
3/4 Cup Oats
1 Cup Egg Whites
1/2 Cup Blueberries
60g Peanut Butter (Added after baing!
Cooking Instructions
W"B# Pr$ B$d%builder &urt Weidner shares his re'ipe f$r health% egg (hite $ats and blueberr%
)u*ns+ ,his re'ipe ($rs (ell as a breafast )eal- $r as a sna' in bet(een )a.$r )eals+ /t 'an
easil% be taen $n the g$+
C$)bine the $ats- egg (hites and blueberries+ 0i1 e2enl%+
Bae at 330 degrees f$r 30 )inutes+
After )u*ns '$$l- t$p (ith peanut butter+
Macros :
34 gra)s $f pr$tein
33 gra)s $f 'arbs
12 gra)s $f fat
456 'al$ries
Pr$tein Pan'aes
Serving Size ! large panca"e
3 Egg Whites
1 Wh$le Egg
1 Cup $f Oat)eal
1 tsp $f Cinna)$n
#ptional Ingredients
1V4 Cup $f Blueberries
1 Oun'e $f Walnuts
1V4 Cup $f Bugar #ree Pan'ae B%rup
:o Make<
Blend egg (hites- egg- $at)eal and 'inna)$n t$gether+
Bpra% sillet (ith '$$ing spra% and p$ur )i1ture lie a n$r)al pan'ae+
C$$ $n )ediu) heat+ When bubbles arise- add blueberries $r (alnuts and Fip pan'ae+
C$$ f$r an$ther )inute $r s$+ Ber2e (ith (ar) sugar free s%rup+
Nutritional =alue
#o #uts, Berries or Syrup
Cal$ries> 418
#at> 11
Carb$h%drates> 33
Pr$tein> 28
!uinoa and Coconut Bronies
,his re'ipe uses '$$ed Cuin$a and '$'$nut $il instead $f traditi$nal br$(nie ingredients> F$ur-
butter and sugar+ ,he Cuin$a ensures that ea'h br$(nie bite (ill be )$ist (ith less '$r$nar% ris+
C$'$nut $il is a largel% saturated fat- '$nsisting $f )$stl% )ediu):'hain trigl%'erides that are
eas% t$ digest and pr$2ide a rapid s$ur'e $f energ%+ Additi$nall%- it in'reases the b$d%Ds
)etab$li' rate b% re)$2ing stress $n the pan'reas ()eaning %$uDll be burning )$re fuel! )aing
this the perfe't breafast f$r th$se (anting t$ l$se a fe( p$unds after the h$lida%s+
1 1/3 'ups Cuin$a- '$$ed
1/2 'up s(eetener $r 1/3 'up Bte2ia
1/3 'up '$'$nut $il
3 eggs
2 s'$$ps 2anilla (he%
43 gra)s dar 'h$'$late- uns(eetened
3 tablesp$$ns '$'$a p$(der- uns(eetened
1/4 teasp$$n baing p$(der
1/4 teasp$$n bi'arb
1+ @eat the $il and dar 'h$'$late in the )i'r$(a2e f$r 30 se'$nds- until b$th are )elted+ 0ae
sure %$u d$nDt $2er'$$ the 'h$'$late $r it (ill taste bitter if burnt+
2+ Whis the eggs in a large b$(l+
3+ On'e (hised- add all $f the ingredients t$ the eggs+
4+ 0i1 reall% (ell t$ )ae sure the baing p$(der and bi'arb are e2enl% distributed+
3+ P$ur the batter int$ a 4G4:in'h baing tin and '$$ in a preheated $2en f$r 20 )inutes at 330
degrees #ahrenheit+
6+ On'e '$$ed- 'ut int$ eight eCual pie'es+
5+ Eat the) all at $n'e bef$re an%$ne gets a 'han'e t$ as f$r $ne+

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