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Mnh trng ng ch thi gian (Adverbial clause of time)

V d!
- O"ce (mt khi): Once you understand this principle, you will find no difficulty.
- #$e": When it rains, I usually go to school y us.
- #$ile: I learned a lot of !apanese while I was in "okyo.
- %& t$e time (#$o l%c): &y the time I finished, I was #ery tired.
- %efore: 'he learned (nglish efore she came to (ngland .
- After! )e came after night had fallen.
- Si"ce (t* khi): I ha#e not een well since I returned home.
- As ('$i)! I saw her as she was lea#ing home.
- Till(u"til (cho t+i khi): I,ll stay here till-until you get ack.
- As soo" as (ngay sau khi): .s soon as !ohn heard the news, he wrote to me.
- )ust as (#*a khi): !ust as he entered the room, I heard a terrile e/plosion .
- #$e"ever: I,ll discuss it with you whene#er you like.
- As lo"* as (ch*ng n$o m$): .s long as it doesn,t rain, we can play.
- +o soo"er ,t$a" ( #*a m+i 0th1): +o soo"er will he arri#e t$a" he will want to lea#ed.
L t$u&-t c$u"*! 23c m4nh 56 ch7 th8i gian '$."* bao *i/ 59:c chia ; c3c th1 t9<ng lai.
%0i t12! C$3" 452 5" 46"*
78La" $as lear"t E"*lis$ si"ce s$e88888888888888888888888888888888888888a small *irl8
.. is %89as 2.has een =. had een
:8 ;o"<t *o a"&9$ere u"till I 888888888888888888888888888888888888bac'8
A8come &.came 2.will come coming
=8%efore cars 8888888888888888888888888888888888> 2eo2le 888888888888888888888888888$orses a"d bic&cles8
A8 9ere discovered( $ad used &.dico#ering- had used
2.had disco#ered- used =.disco#ered- had used
?8 I am *oi"* to s2ea' 9it$ t$e boss 9$e" t$e meeti"* @@@@@@@8
.. will end %8 e"ds 2. is ending =. would end
A8#$e" 9e8888888888888888888888888$im tomorro9> #e 9ill remi"d $im of t$at8
.. will see %8see seeing =.saw.
B8 #$e" $e comes > I ,,,,,$er t$e "e9s 8
.. tell %8 9ill tell 2. would tell = . would ha#e told
C8 #$e" t$e 2olice came > t$e& ,,,,,
A8 are fi*$ti"* %8 fou*$t C8 9ould be fi*$ti"* ;8 9ere fi*$ti"*
D8 %efore s$e came to E"*la"d > s$e ,,,, E"*lis$ 8
.. studied &. will study C8 $ad studied = was studying
E I $ave lost touc$ 9it$ $im ,,,,8 Fe left for Lo"do" 8
.. as soon as &. after 2. efore ;8 si"ce
7G M& mot$er is 9as$i"* t$e dis$es ,,,,, m& fat$er is 9atc$i"* televisio" 8
.. when %8 9$ile 2. as=. since
778 @@@@@@@> I 9ill *ive $im t$e re2ort8
.. When he will return &8 #$e" $e retur"s
2. >ntil he will return =. ?o sooner he returns
7:8 @@@@@@@ t$e fireme" arrived to $el2> 9e $ad alread& 2ut out t$e fire8
.. >ntil &. ?o sooner 28 %& t$e time =. .fter
7=8 I $ave ear"ed m& o9" livi"* @@@@@@@ I 9as seve"8
A8 si"ce &. when 2. while =. as soon as
7?8 #e sa9 ma"& beautiful birds @@@@@@@ i" t$e la'e8
. when we are fishing %8 9$ile fis$i"* 2. while fished =. fishing
7A8 @@@@@@@> Heter came to see me8
.. While ha#ing dinner %8 #$ile I 9as $avi"* di""er
2. When ha#ing dinner =. When lam ha#ing dinner
7B8 @@@@@@@ m& $ome9or'> I 9e"t to bed8
A8 After I $ad fi"is$ed &. .fter finished
2. @inished =. .fter had finished
7C8 @@@@@@@ t$e da"ce> )err& said *oodIb&e to $is *irlfrie"d8
.. &efore left &. &efore he lea#es
C8 %efore leavi"* =. &efore he will lea#e
7D8 )o"es @@@@@@@ after ever&o"e @@@@@@@8
.. speaks - will eat %8 9ill s2ea' ( $as eate"
2. is speaking - eats =. has spoken - will ha#e eaten
7E8 @@@@@@@> )oe sta&s i" bed a"d reads ma*aJi"es8
.. Whene#er raining &. .s it will e raining
2. When it will rain ;8 #$e"ever it rai"s
:G8 @@@@@@@ i" Kome t$a" $e 9as 'id"a22ed8
.. ?o sooner he arri#ed &. )ad he no sooner arri#ed
C8 +o soo"er $ad $e arrived =. ?o sooner he had arri#ed
:78 @@@@@@@ Heter *ets $ere> 9e 9ill co"*ratulate $im8
A8 As soo" as &. .fter 2. ?o sooner =. 'ince
::8 Mrs8 Hi'e @@@@@@@ t$e door before t$e customers arrived8
A8 $ad o2e"ed &. will open 2. would open =. has opene
:=8 After Maria"a @@@@@@@ $er eLam> I @@@@@@@ $er out to eat8
.. was finishing - would take &. finished - had taken
2. will finish - ha#e taken ;8 $as fi"is$ed ( 9ill ta'e
AB. Mar& 9ill $ave fi"is$ed all $er 9or' @@@@@@@8
.. as soon as her oss returned &. until her oss will return
C8 b& t$e time $er boss retur"s =. when he-r oss will return
AC. S$e 9e"t o" cr&i"*> 9it$ $er $ead su"' i"to a 2illo9> a"d cried a"d cried @@@@@@@ t$e 2illo9 9as 9et
.. efore &. after C8 u"til =. while
CLAUSE OF HUKHOSE (MM"$ 4N c$O mc 4c$)
L t$u&-t!
"o- in order to- so as to D 5ng t* nguyEn thF khGng chia
HhI 5Jnh: ?O" "O- in order ?O" "O- so as ?O" "O D 5ng t* nguyEn thF khGng chia
'o that- in order that D m4nh 56
%0i t12! C$3" 452 5" 46"*
78 Fe left $ome earl& ,,,,8 $e could arrive at t$e statio" o" time 8
.. ecause of &. in order to 2. although ;8 so t$at
:8 Fe 9or's $ard ,,,,, $el2 $is famil& 8
.. so as that %8 i" order to 2. in order that =. a and are correct
=8 S$e tur"ed do9" t$e radio so t$at s$e 9ould"<t disturb t$e "ei*$bours 8
.. 'he turned down the radio so as not to distur the neighours .
&. 'he turned down the radio in order not to distur the neighours .
2. 'he turned down the radio in order that she wouldn,t distur the neighours .
;8 All are correct 8
?8 Fe *ave me $is address 8 Fe 9a"ted me to visit $im 8
.. )e ga#e me his address so as to #isit him .
&. )e ga#e me his address for me in order to #isit him .
C8 Fe *ave me $is address i" order for me to visit $im 8
=. )e ga#e me his address in order to for me #isit him .
A8 Fe studies $ard 8 Fe does"<t 9a"t to fail i" t$e eLam 8
)e studies hard 0000 fail in the e/am .
.. not to &8 so as "ot to 2. in order to =. so that
B8 Mar& Po*s ever&da& @@@@@@ lose 9ei*$t8
.. so she can %8 so t$at s$e ca" 2. ecause she can =. so that to
C8 Qou s$ould loo' u2 t$e mea"i"* of t$e "e9 i" t$e dictio"ar& @@@@@ misuse it
.. so as to &. to C8 so as "ot to =. so that
D8 Fe li*$ted t$e ca"dle @@@@@@ $e mi*$t read t$e "ote8
A8 so t$at &. and 2. ecause =. as a result
E8 Fe tur"ed off t$e li*$ts before *oi"* out @@@@@ 9aste electricit&8
.. so that not &. as not to 2. in order that not ;8 so as "ot to
7G8 T$e sc$ool bo&s are i" $urr& @@@@@@ t$e& 9ill "ot be late for sc$ool8
.. so as to &. to C8 i" order t$at =. for
778 Fe $id t$at letter i" a dra9er @@@@@@@ "o o"e could read it8
A8 so t$at &. ecause 2. although =. than
7:8 T$e teac$er 9as eL2lai"i"* t$e lesso" slo9l& a"d clearl&@@@@@8
.. to make his students to understand it &. in order that his students can understand it
2. so as to that his students could understand it ;8 so t$at $is stude"ts could u"dersta"d it
7=8 T$e bo& al9a&s does $is $ome9or' before class @@@@@@8
A8 so as "ot to be 2u"is$ed b& t$e teac$er &. so as to e punished y the teacher
2. so that not to e punished y the teacher =. in order that not to e punished y the teacher
7?8 R I tried to stud& E"*lis$ 9ell8 I 9a"t to *et a *ood Pob8S Mea"s@@@@@@@@8
.. I tried to study (nglish well so that I can get a good Ko
&. I tried to study (nglish well in order that I can get a good Ko
2. I tried to study (nglish well to get a good Ko
;8 all are correct
7A8 RT$e& 9$is2ered8 T$e& did"<t 9a"t a"&o"e to $ear t$em8S Mea"s @@@@@8
.. "hey whispered in order to make anyone hear them
%8 T$e& 9$is2ered so t$at "o o"e could $ear t$em
2. "hey whispered to make e#eryone hear them
=. "hey whispered in order that make e#eryone hear them
7B8 R#e 2reserve "atural resources8 #e ca" use t$em i" t$e future8S Mea"s@@@@@8
.. We preser#e natural resources so that we can use them in the future
&. We preser#e natural resources so as to we can use them in the future
2. We preser#e natural resources for future use
=8 A a"d C
7C8T$e stude"ts stud& E"*lis$ 88888888888888888888t$e& ca" commu"icate 9it$ forei*"ers8
A8 so t$at &.so....that 2. in order to =. . L 2
7D8 Fe left $ome earl& 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
A8so t$at $e could arrive at t$e statio" o" time8 &. in order that he can arri#e at the station on time.
2. so that he couldn,t arri#e at the station on time. =..L 2
7E8T$e teac$er eL2lai"ed t$e lesso" a*ai" i" order t$at88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
.. all the students could understand the lesson . &. all the students could dri#e to school.
2. all the students could pass the e/amination. =.all the students could e/change the answers.
Fi"d a mista'e i" eac$ of t$e follo9i"* se"te"ces!
AM. Hlease arri#e on time i" order to we will e ale to start the meeting punctually.
. % 2 =
AN. "hey can speak (nglish and use a computer so as to they can easily get a good Ko.
. & C =
AA. I" order t$at to uy his new car, he had to orrow his friend some money.
A & 2 =
AO. )e was tired so t$at he couldn,t continue his work.
. % 2 =
AB. "hose students are trying their est i" order t$at to get the scholarship.
. & C =
AC. 'ound is carried from the eardrum to the ner#es so as to we can hear it.
. & C =

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