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Date of Publication : 18-9-2013

Volume 2 (3) JulySept. 2013
HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3): July-Sept. 2013 ISSN : 2250-2823
1. Ef fect of LEDs on flower bud induction in Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. Zembla
Mam C. Singh
*, Wim van Ieperen and E.P. Heuvelink
Hor ti cul tural Pro duc tion Chains Group, Plant Sci ences, Droevendaalsesteeg-1, 6708 PB Wageningen,Wageningen
Uni ver sity, The Neth er lands
Pres ent ad dress: Cen tre for Pro tected Cul ti va tion Tech nol ogy, I.A.R.I. Pusa Cam pus,
New Delhi-110012, In dia
AB STRACT: The ef fect of LEDs was stud ied to in duce flower un der ar ti fi cial long days (LD) in
Chry san the mum morifolium cv. Zembla plants, us ing light emit ting di odes (LED) @ PAR m
80% Red / 20% Blue main tained @ 100 mol m
us ing royal blue light @ 455 nm and red
light @ 640 nm wave lengths and com pared with short day (SD) length. Dif fer ence in growth and
flow er ing re sponse were also in ves ti gated. Stem length is de ter mined as a func tion of internode
length which could be the func tion of at tain ing min i mum num ber of leaves re quired for
ex press ing the di ur nal re sponse us ing LEDs. Chry san the mum plants ex hib ited a strong di ur nal
re sponse at tained in leaves and trans mit ted to the apex and took min i mum (28 days) and
max i mum time (61 days) with an ex po sure to LEDs with (15h) and with out (11h) ad di tional blue
spec trum, re spec tively. How ever, bud in duc tion was pos si ble ear li est due to low red/far ra tio in
the ex tended ex po sure of plants with blue LEDs.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 185-188 (2013)
2. Ef fect of dif fer ent lev els of ni tro gen, phos pho rus and pot ash on growth and flow er ing of
Chry san the mum cultivars
N.S. Joshi, A.V. Barad*, D.M. Pathak and Nilima Bhosale
Junagadh Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Junagadh (Gujarat)-362 001
*E-mail :
AB STRACT: Field ex per i ments were con ducted for two con sec u tive years on me dium black
cal car e ous soil of Hor ti cul tural In struc tional Farm, Junagadh Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Junagadh.
The ex per i ment was laid out in fac to rial ran dom ized block de sign with twenty four treat ments
rep li cated three times. The treat ments con sisted of two va ri et ies of chry san the mum viz., IIHR-6
) and Shyamal (V
), three lev els of ni tro gen (100, 200 and 300 N kg ha
), two lev els of
phos pho rus (100 and 150 P
kg ha
) and two lev els of pot ash (100 and 150 K
O kg ha
Both the va ri et ies sig nif i cantly in flu enced growth and flow er ing pa ram e ters, where, plant height,
num ber of branches per plant and leaf area were ob served higher in the va ri ety IIHR-6 dur ing
both the years and in pooled re sults; whereas higher fresh and dry weight of plant, weight of 10
flow ers, flow er ing span and dry weight of flow ers were re corded in the va ri ety Shyamal. The later
va ri ety also took more days for first flower bud ini ti a tion and first flower open. Ap pli ca tion of
ni tro gen at 300 kg ha
re corded sig nif i cantly high est plant height, num ber of branches per plant,
leaf area, fresh and dry weight of plant, flow er ing span, to tal fresh and dry weight of flower,
weight of 10 flow ers and di am e ter of flower dur ing the first year, sec ond year and in pooled data.
The dose @ 300 N kg ha
also took less days for first flower bud ini ti a tion and first flower open.
Phos pho rus also played a sig nif i cant role in im prov ing all of these at trib utes at higher level
ex cept, leaf area, fresh weight of plant, num ber of days taken for first flower open and flow er ing
span. Ef fect of pot ash was failed to influence all of these growth and flowering parameters
during both the years and in pooled results also.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 189-196 (2013)
3. Fluctuation of fruit fly ori ented dam age in mango in re la tion to ma jor abiotic fac tors
K.B. Patel*, S.P. Saxena and K.M. Patel
De part ment of Ag ri cul tural En to mol ogy, N.M. Col lege of Ag ri cul ture,
Navsari Ag ri cul ture Uni ver sity, Navsari (Gujarat) 396 450
*E-mail: patel_ketan2009@ya
AB STRACT: A field ex per i ment was car ried out at Navsari Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Navsari
dur ing 2009-11. Pop u la tion of fruit fly was ob served dur ing 13 (26 March 1 April) - 30 (23-29
July) Stan dard Week (SW) in 2009-10, 2010-11 and pooled, re spec tively. High est fruit fly
in fes ta tion (36.67 %) was ob served on 22
SW co in cid ing with rip en ing cum har vest ing pe riod of
mango which in creased with in crease in tem per a ture, rel a tive hu mid ity, wind velocity and
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 197-201 (2013)
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Complimentary Copy
Not for Commercial Use
4. Study on the bio chem i cal, sen sory and mi cro bial con tam i na tion of cus tard ap ple RTS
bev er age
Virendra Singh, Rita Markam*, Pramod Uikey and Vinayak Shinde
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Col lege of Ag ri cul ture, Junagadh Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Junagadh
*E-mail :
AB STRACT: The ef fect of juice ex trac tion method and rec ipe and in com bi na tion was stud ied on
the mi cro bial, sen sory and chem i cal at trib utes of the cus tard ap ple RTS bev er age stored at
am bi ent con di tion for 180 days with an in ter val of 30 day. Mean score of taste panel for col our,
taste and over all ac cept abil ity sig nif i cantly (p<0.05) de creased, while, chem i cal panel in term of
acid ity, TSS, re duc ing sugar and to tal sugar sig nif i cantly in creased. In case of mi cro bial
con tam i na tion found in RTS bev er age, bac te rial and fun gal growth had occurred at 30 days then
it was decreased.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 202-207 (2013)
5. Studies on ge netic vari abil ity, heritability and char ac ter as so ci a tion in doli chos bean
(Lab lab purpureus)
Vijay Ba ha dur*, Pa van Kumar and Devi Singh
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Allahabad School of Ag ri cul ture,
Sam Higginbottom In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture, Tech nol ogy and Sci ences, Allahabad (U.P.)-211007, In dia
AB STRACT: The pres ent stud ies on ge netic vari abil ity, heritability and char ac ter as so ci a tion in
Doli chos bean (Lab lab purpureus) were car ried out at veg e ta ble re search farm, De part ment of
Hor ti cul ture, Allahabad School of Ag ri cul ture, SHIATS, Allahabad. The ex per i ment hav ing 20
ge no types was laid out in sim ple RBD with three rep li ca tions. It was ob served that PUSA SEM-3
ge no type was found su pe rior in terms of pod yield per plant (2.319 kg). The phenotypic
co ef fi cient of vari a tion (PCV) was higher than GCV for all the traits. Heritability in broad sense
was no ticed high for all the traits ex cept days to ger mi na tion. Higher ge netic ad vance was
ob served for plant height, and high ge netic ad vance as per cent of mean was found in pod yield
per plant. The traits like plant height, num ber of pri mary branches per plant, num ber of
in flo res cence per plant, num ber of flow ers per in flo res cence, num ber of pods per in flo res cence,
num ber of pods per plant, num ber of seeds per pod, pod length, pod width and pod weight
showed pos i tive sig nif i cant cor re la tion with pod yield per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic
lev els. Num ber of pods per plant ex hib ited the high est pos i tive di rect ef fect on yield at both
genotypic and phenotypic path level.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 208-214 (2013)
6. Effect of plas tic mulch on growth, yield and eco nom ics of wa ter melon [Citrullus lanatus
(Thumb.) Matsum and Nakai] un der Nimar plains con di tions of Madhya Pradesh
S.K. Tyagi* and M.L. Sharma
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Khargone-451 001
(M.P.) In dia
*E-mail: suniltyagikvk@ya
AB STRACT: In or der to de fine the in flu ence of mulch ing on growth and yield of wa ter melon, an
ex per i ment was laid out as on-farm tri als en ti tled Ef fect of plas tic mulch on growth, yield and
eco nom ics of wa ter melon [Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum et Nakai] un der Nimar plains
con di tions of Madhya Pradesh at farmers field in five lo ca tions at Khargone dis trict of Madhya
Pradesh dur ing two con sec u tive spring grow ing sea son of 2011 and 2012. Wa ter melon was
grown on sil ver-on-black plas tic mulch and with out mulch field. The main vine length, num ber of
branches, num ber of fruits per plant, av er age fruit weight and yield per hect are were re corded. It
was no ticed that plas tic mulch had sig nif i cant re sponse on veg e ta tive growth, yield and net profit.
Plants in plas tic mulch treat ment had higher yields as cribed due to higher length of vine, num ber
of branches, num ber of fruits per plant and av er age fruit weight. The study re vealed that
sil ver-on-black plas tic film could be con du cive and ben e fi cial in en hanc ing the yield which lead to
75.29% and 82.10% in crease over farm ers prac tice dur ing 2011 and 2012, re spec tively with a
mean value of 78.70% in crease over farm ers prac tice and net profit of wa ter melon found suit able
for an early spring sowing under the Nimar Zone conditions of Madhya Pradesh.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 215-219 (2013)
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7. Production and mar ket ing of Mari gold flow ers in Uttar Pradesh with special reference
to Kannauj dis trict
Arun Kumar
, S.C. Verma
, Shilpi Chaurasia
and S.B. Saxena
1Major S.D. Singh De gree Col lege, Mohammadabad, Farrukhabad (U.P.)
Deptt. of Agril. Eco nom ics, B.R.D.P.G. Col lege, Deoria (U.P.)
P.P.N. (P.G.) Col lege, Kanpur (U.P.)
Deptt. of Eco nom ics, Na tional De gree Col lege, Bhogaon, Mainpuri (U.P.)
AB STRACT: The study was un der taken dur ing the sea son of 2009-10 to es ti mate the cost of
cul ti va tion of mari gold flower and re turns and mar ket ing mar gins of dif fer ent mid dle man in volved
in mari gold flower trade in Kannauj dis trict of Uttar Pradesh. The study was based on in for ma tion
col lected from ran domly 60 mari gold flower grow ing farm ers, com mis sion agent cum whole saler
and re tail ers. The over all cost of cul ti va tion of mari gold flower was es ti mated as rs. 7365 per
hect are. The over all gross in come and av er age net in come from mari gold crop was es ti mated to
be Rs. 121792 and Rs. 48141 per hect are, re spec tively. The av er age re turn per ru pee
in vest ment was es ti mated as Rs. 1.66, which shows that mari gold cul ti va tion was highly
prof it able in the se lected aea. Out of two mar ket ing chan nels, Chan nel-I (pro ducer-
com mis sion-re tailer-con sumer) was the im por tant chan nel from pro duc ers point of view, where
pro duc ers re ceived more per cent age share (35.68 per cent) in con sumers ru pee than the
chan nel-II (31.95 per cent). The to tal mar ket ing cost was Rs. 6.90 and Rs. 8.63 per ki lo gram of
mari gold flower for channe-l and chan nel-II, re spec tively. The ma jor item of mar ket ing cost were
the value of quan tity loss and la bour charges. In channel-I retailers earned a margin of 10.35 and
34.69 per cent of the price paid by the consumers.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 220-224 (2013)
8. Veg e ta ble type faba bean lines iden ti fied-suit able for East ern region of In dia
Anil Kumar Singh* and B.P. Bhatt
ICAR Re search Com plex for East ern Re gion, Patna-800 014 Bihar
AB STRACT: Faba bean, be ing a good source of cheap pro tein, can be con sumed fresh green
as veg e ta ble and va ri ety of dishes are pre pared from dried cot y le don. There is only one
veg e ta ble type faba bean va ri ety Pusa Sumeet which has been de vel oped at all In dia level by
IARI, New Delhi and same is used as check va ri ety. Three lines suit able for veg e ta ble pur pose
have been de vel oped at ICAR Re search Com plex for East ern Re gion Patna. Sin gle plant
se lec tion method was ap plied for de vel op ment of these veg e ta ble type faba bean lines. Three
prom is ing lines viz., VFBP201302, VFBP201304 and VFBP201306 were iden ti fied for veg e ta ble
pur poses with green pod yield po ten tial of 21.51 to 23.54 t/ha, suitable for Eastern parts of India.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 225-229 (2013)
9. Self help groups boost tur meric pro duc tion in MeghalayaA suc cess story
N.A. Deshmukh
*, R.K. Patel
, Bidyut C. Deka
, V.K. Verma
, A.K. Jha
and J.E. Pathaw
Di vi sion of Hor ti cul ture, ICAR Re search Com plex for NEH Re gion, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya
ICAR Re search Com plex for NEH Re gion, Nagaland Cen tre, Jharnapani, Nagaland.
AB STRACT: Front line dem on stra tions (FLD) on high yield ing tur meric cv. Megha Tur meric-1
were con ducted at Ri-Bhoi dis trict of Meghalaya un der farmers par tic i pa tory mode dur ing year
2011-12. A to tal of eleven SHGs from nine vil lages in volv ing 122 farm ers were par tic i pated in
dem on stra tion cov er ing the to tal area about 7.5 ha area. From the FLD,1152.29 q of fresh
tur meric was pro duced from a 7.5 ha area with pro duc tiv ity of 156.31 q/ha. The at trac tive gross
re turn (Rs. 234460 Rs/ha) and net re turns (Rs. 141604/ha) with higher B:C ra tio (2.52) were
re corded by the SHGs with adop tion of sci en tific man age ment prac tices. Pro duc tion of tur meric
through farmers par tic i pa tory mode with tech no log i cal in ter ven tion (Megha Tur meric-1) not only
in creased the pro duc tion of tur meric but also gen er ated em ploy ment and de vel oped
en tre pre neur ship among tribal farmers.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 230-234 (2013)
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10. Explant sur face ster il iza tion tech nique for micropropagation of ba nana (Musa sp.) cv.
Dwarf Caven dish
Vartika Srivastava*, Anand Kumar Singh and S.P. Singh
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, In sti tute of Ag ri cul tural Sci ences, BHU, Varanasi 221005
AB STRACT: An at tempt was made to find out the most ef fi cient and suc cess ful sur face
ster il iza tion tech nique for ba nana micropropagation. Young healthy suck ers of Musa cultivar
Dwarf Caven dish were washed un der tap wa ter and trimmed to a block of 50 mm
con tain ing
shoot tip and rhi zo ma tous base. Field suck ers were pro cessed within two hours of up root ing by
chop ping down the rhi zome and pseudostem parts, soak ing the ex cised tis sue block in 0.1%
bavistin (broad spec trum fun gi cide) + 0.05% streptocycline for 30 min at 150 rpm in a ro tary
shaker fol lowed by rins ing in dou ble dis tilled wa ter. Af ter fur ther trim ming to 34 cm, tis sue were
treated with 1% Cetrimide for 30 min., ex ter nal sheaths were re moved and fi nally treated with
NaOCl (4%) or HgCl
(0.1%) for vary ing time pe riod in a lam i nar hood. The best asep tic cul tures
as well as sur vival of explants were ob tained with mer cu ric chlo ride (0.1%) for 5 min utes fol lowed
by quick dip in ethanol
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 235-238 (2013)
11. Effect of biocides and su crose on vase life and qual ity of cut gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii)
cv. Maron Dementine
Prathamesh Vaidya
* and John P. Collis
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, SHIATS, Allahabad-211 007 (U.P.)
Pres ent ad dress: De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Dr. PDKV, Akola (M.S.)
AB STRACT: An ex per i ment was car ried out in the De part ment of Hor ti cul ture lab o ra tory,
SHIATS, Allahabad.The ex per i ment was con ducted in com pletely ran dom ized de sign (CRD)
with nine treat ments rep li cated thrice. There were nine treat ments of dif fer ent con cen tra tions of
su crose (3% and 4%), sil ver ni trate (20 ppm and 40 ppm), Alu minium sul phate (200 ppm and
400ppm) and 8- Hydroxy quinoline ci trate (200ppm and 400 ppm) in com bi na tion and one
con trol. It was ob served that treat ment T
(Su crose 4% + AgNO
400 ppm) and T
(Su crose 4%
+ 8-HQC 400ppm) gave better re sults and T
(Su crose 4% + 8-HQC 400 ppm) had least cost of
main te nance. There fore T
and T
may be rec om mended as com mer cial use for en hanc ing the
vase life and quality of cut Gerbera cv. Maron Dementine.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 239-243 (2013)
12. Eval u a tion of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hooker f.) ge no types for veg e ta tive
and flower qual ity un der poly house
Rajiv Kumar
and D.S. Yadav
Di vi sion of Hor ti cul ture, ICAR Re search Com plex for NEH Re gion, Umiam 793103, Meghalaya
Pres ent ad dress: Di vi sion of Or na men tal Crops, In dian In sti tute of Hor ti cul tural Re search, Hessaraghatta Lake
Post, Bangalore 560 089,
*E-mail: flori_rajiv@ya
AB STRACT: The pres ent in ves ti ga tion was car ried out to eval u ate the per for mance of seven
ge no types un der poly house con di tions in sub-trop i cal mid hills of Meghalaya. Sig nif i cant
dif fer ences were ob served for all the char ac ters. The re sults re vealed that ge no type Mon arch
re corded max i mum leaf length (38.75 cm), num ber of leaves/plant (23.22) and de layed bud burst
(123.00 days) and first flower open ing (130.00 days). Max i mum stalk length (62.85 cm) and disc
di am e ter (2.97 cm) was re corded in ge no type Pi ton. Ge no type San gria re corded max i mum leaf
breadth (11.25 cm), num ber of suck ers/plant (4.13) and num ber of ray flo rets/flower head (69.65
cm). Max i mum plant spread (46.51 cm), stalk di am e ter (0.83 cm), flower di am e ter (12.98 cm)
and vase life (11.65 days) was re corded in ge no type Pink El e gance. How ever, ge no type Sazou
re corded max i mum num ber of flow ers/plant (37.65 cm) fol lowed by Pi ton (37.25) and San gria
(36.62). On the ba sis of over all per for mance, ge no types Pink El e gance, Pi ton and San gria were
found prom is ing for cut flower production under polyhouse in Meghalaya conditions.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 244-246 (2013)
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13. Ef fect of var i ous post har vest treat ments on per cent age of shrink age and spoil age of
to mato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)
Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo
, Bhaskar Chandra Das
, Purandar Mandal
and Dheerendra Katiyar
De part ment of Crop Im prove ment, Hor ti cul ture & Ag ri cul tural Bot any (CIHAB), PSB (In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture),
Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, (WB)
De part ment of Post Har vest Man age ment, Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (Odisha).
Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (Odisha)
Deptt. of Veg e ta ble Sci ence, CSAUA &T, Kanpur (UP).
AB STRACT: The ex per i ment was con ducted in the lab o ra tory of the De part ment of CIHAB, PSB
(In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan (WB). The ex per i ment was laid out in RBD
with nine treat ments each com pris ing of three rep li ca tions and ten fruits per rep li ca tion. The
re sults in di cated that rip en ing was ini tially de layed by MAP, NAA and NAA+MAP treat ments.
Fruits treated with NAA+MAP, NAA+PMAP and GA
+MAP showed min i mum per cent age of
shrink age up to 16
day of stor age. The shrink age was sig nif i cantly de layed by MAP and PMAP
treat ments at the be gin ning. Rel a tively less per cent age of rot ting was noted in PMAP and in
com bi na tion of PMAP and GA
treat ments. It is ev i dent from the re sults that the fruits un der NAA,
and PMAP ex hib ited prom is ing re sults in ex tend ing the stor age life of to mato at room
tem per a ture up to two weeks.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 247-250 (2013)
14. Efficacy of novel in sec ti cides against shoot and fruit borer (Earias vittella Fabr.) in
okra crop
Ram Singh Umrao
*, Siddarth Singh
, Jitendra Kumar
, D.R. Singh
and D.K. Singh
De part ment of En to mol ogy;
Oil seed sec tion
C.S. Azad Uni ver sity of Ag ri cul ture & Tech nol ogy, Kanpur-208 002
AB STRACT: Seven novel in sec ti cides (imidacloprid, fipronil, indoxacarb, endosulfan,
mal a thion, Roket and neemarin) with an un treated con trol were tested for min i miz ing Earias
vittella in fes ta tion in okra crop. Three sprayings, first at 30 days af ter sow ing and sec ond and
third sub se quent sprayings at 15 days in ter val were done. Data were re corded on 10
day af ter
each spray ing. All the treat ments were found ef fec tive in min i miz ing fruit in fes ta tion over con trol
and indoxacarb was proved to be the best one among all the treat ments. Af ter 10
day of first,
sec ond and third spray ing, in fes ta tion was 14.47, 2.68 and 5.68 per cent, re spec tively. While
neemarin was lesser ef fec tive hav ing higher fruit in fes ta tion of 47.38, 30.53 and 33.52 per cent,
re spec tively over con trol af ter 10
day of first, sec ond and third spray ing. The yield of okra fruits
showed that indoxacarb re corded the high est fresh fruit yield i.e. 7.00 kg per plot (58.33 q/ha)
with 42.86 per cent in creased yield as com pared to con trol. While neemarin re corded min i mum
fresh fruit yield i.e. 5.27 kg per plot (43.89 q/ha) with 24.05 per cent in creased fruit yield as
com pared with con trol.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 251-254 (2013)
15. Ef fect of planting den sity on ear li ness and fruit and seed yield of musk melon
Deepak Arora*, P.S. Brar, Rajinder Singh and V.K. Vashisht
De part ment of Veg e ta ble Sci ence, Punjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Ludhiana
AB STRACT: The ef fects of vary ing plant ing den si ties on ear li ness and fruit and seed yield in
musk melon were in ves ti gated dur ing 2012 and 2013 at Uni ver sity Seed Farm, Ladhowal of PAU,
Ludhiana. The re sults in di cated that the wider plant spac ing of 1.1 plants per lin ear fur row me ter
not only pro duced early har vest but the vines were also healthy and lon ger than the oth ers.
There was sig nif i cant in crease in to tal yield with higher plant ing den sity of 3.3 and 2.2 plants per
lin ear fur row me ter over rec om mended plant ing den sity of 1.7. But there was de crease in the
mar ket able yield at the higher plant pop u la tion of 3.3 and 2.2 plants per lin ear fur row me ter. The
higher plant ing den sity of 3.3 plants per lin ear fur row me ter had max i mum num ber of fruits per
unit area and also pro duced the bold est seed among all the treat ments and thus had high seed
yield in dex. There fore, if the ul ti mate aim is get ting the max i mum seed yield from muskmelon,
the planting density of 3.3 proved to be the best.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 255-258 (2013)
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16. Studies on pro cess ing and stor age sta bil ity of aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) nec tar
Purandar Mandal
, Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo
*, Bhaskar Chandra Das
and Dhirendra Katiyar

Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur-768 025, In dia
AICRP on On ion and Gar lic, Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, OUAT, Chiplima
De part ment of Post Har vest Man age ment, Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, OUAT, Chiplima, Sambalpur (Odisha)
Dept. of Veg e ta ble Sci ence, CSAUA &T, Kanpur(UP).
AB STRACT: In the study dif fer ent rec i pes of Aonla Nec tar was stan dard ized to ex plore the
pro cess ing po ten tial of Aonla. There were five dif fer ent pos si bil i ties of rec i pes. The Nec tar
pre pared from the rec i pes with 20% pulp, 13% TSS and 0.30% acid ity gave high est organoleptic
qual ity score fol lowed by Nec tar pre pared from 20% pulp, 16% TSS and 0.25% acid ity and the
con sumer ac cept abil ity of the ideal Nec tar was main tained up to fifth month at am bi ent
tem per a ture.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 259-261 (2013)
17. Effect of bio-fer til iz ers on yield and eco nomic traits of po tato at two fer til ity lev els
L B S Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gopalgram, Gonda (U.P.) *E-mail:
AB STRACT: A field ex per i ment was con ducted for two con sec u tive years to as sess the
ef fi ciency of bio-fer til iz ers at two fer til ity lev els on yield and econ omy of po tato crop. Re sults
re vealed that ap pli ca tion 100% rec om mended dose of ni tro gen and phos pho rus + Azotobacter
and Phosphobacteria gave the max i mum tu ber yield which was closely fallowed by ap pli ca tion
of 75% rec om mended dose of ni tro gen and phos pho rus + Azotobacter and Phosphobacteria.
How ever, both the treat ments gave con sid er able net re turn in di cat ing 25% sav ing of ni tro gen
and phos pho rus fer til iz ers. Among both the inoculants Ba cil lus ce reus was found better than
Ba cil lus subtillis in po tato yield.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 262-264 (2013)
18. Effect of post har vest ap pli ca tion of cal cium chlo ride on stor age life of mango var.
Dushehari fruits
B.S. Dhillon
and Sukhjit Kaur*
Punjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Re gional Re search Sta tion, Gurdaspur (Punjab)-143 521
KVK, Amritsar *E-mail:
AB STRACT: An ex per i ment was con ducted to as sess the ef fect of post-har vest ap pli ca tion of
Cal cium Chlo ride on the stor age life of mango (Mangifera in dica L.) var. Dushehari fruits. The
fully ma ture mango fruits were har vested and treated with dif fer ent con cen tra tions of CaCl
0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% and stored for dif fer ent days viz. 3, 6, 9, and 12 days at room
tem per a ture. The re sults showed that post-har vest ap pli ca tion of Cal cium Chlo ride(6%) had
proved quite ef fec tive in en hanc ing the shelf life of Dushehari mango fruits up to 12 days at room
tem per a ture.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 265-267 (2013)
19. Effect of IBA con cen tra tions on growth and root ing of Citrus limon cv. Pant Lemon
cut tings
K.K. Singh*, T. Choudhary and Prabhat Kumar
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Chauras Cam pus, HNB Garhwal Cen tral Uni ver sity, Srinagar (Garhwal) 246174,
Uttarakhand, In dia *E-mail:
AB STRACT: An in ves ti ga tion was un der taken to study the ef fect of dif fer ent con cen tra tions of
IBA on growth and root ing of Cit rus limon cut tings un der Garhwal re gion.The hard wood cut tings
of Cit rus limon cv. Pant Lemon were col lected from healthy vig or ous shoots of 3-5 year old
plants. The cut tings were planted in one kg ca pac ity poly thene bags con tain ing soil, sand and
FYM mix ture in 1:1:1 (v/v) ra tio. The stem cut tings of Cit rus limon were treated with IBA so lu tions
of dif fer ent con cen tra tions i.e. 1000, 1500, 2000 ppm and con trol (tap wa ter only) by quick dip
method. The ex per i ment was rep li cated thrice with 10 cut tings in each treat ment. Among all the
treat ments, the num ber of sprouted cut tings (6.29), length and di am e ter of sprout (23.77cm and
1.52 cm, re spec tively), num ber of sprouts, num ber of leaves and num ber of roots/cut ting (17.77
and 23.00 and 52.42, re spec tively), and av er age max i mum length and di am e ter of roots (26.33
cm and 1.33 cm, re spec tively) were no ticed max i mum in treat ment with 2000 ppm con cen tra tion
of IBA.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 268-270 (2013)
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20. Re gen er a tion of Kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) through stem cut tings with the
aid of IBA and PHB
Diwaker* and P.N. Katiyar
De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, C.S. Azad Uni ver sity of Ag ri cul ture and Tech nol ogy, Kanpur, U.P., In dia.
AB STRACT : Max i mum per cent age of cut tings sprouted (24.33%) and max i mum num ber of
roots per cut ting (7.67) were re corded with treat ment IBA 2000 ppm+PHB 1000 ppm. The
treat ment with PHB 1000 ppm re corded min i mum per cent age of sprout ing (8.83 %). Max i mum
num ber of sprouts per cut ting (7.67) was ob served with T
and its min i mum num ber (2.67) was
noted un der con trol. The length and di am e ter of pri mary root (9.33 cm and 2.80 mm) were also
noted max i mum un der 2000 ppm IBA + 1000 PHB. The di am e ter of sprout (3.53 mm) and the
size of leaves in terms of their length and width (5.67 cm, and 3.83 cm, re spec tively) was
max i mum with IBA 1500 ppm + PHB 1000 ppm. The max i mum dry mat ter ac cu mu la tion in the
roots (132.33 mg) was with IBA 2000 ppm whereas, the cut ting treated with IBA 2000 ppm +
PHB 1000 ppm ex pressed the highest survival (77.00%) of rooted cuttings.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 271-273 (2013)
21. Heritability and ge netic ad vance in cab bage (Bras sica oleracea var. capitata L.) un der
Lucknow con di tion
Shweta Soni*, Sanjay Kumar, Sutanu Maji and Awadhesh Kumar
De part ment of Ap plied Plant Sci ence (Hor ti cul ture)
BabasahebBhimraoAmbedkar Uni ver sity,Vidya-Vihar, Rae Bareli Road, Lucknow
AB STRACT: The pres ent study aimed at eval u a tion of heritability and ge netic ad vance in
six teen ge no types of cab bage un der Lucknow con di tion. Find ings re vealed that high heritability
in broad sense were ob served for vi ta min C (99.50%), days to ma tu rity (98.90%), core length
(88.20%), head weight (87.30%), yield (87.20%), leaf width (83.40%) and leaf length (83.20%)
whereas, mod er ate for plant height (78.20%), equitorial length (72.70%), head po lar di am e ter
(71.60%), stalk length (71.20%), plant spread (69.80%) and num ber of non-wrap per leaves
(66.00%). Ge netic ad vance as per cent age of mean var ied from 6.04 %-50.09% for plant spread
and vi ta min C con tent, re spec tively.
Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, Vol. 2(3) : 274-276 (2013)
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Published Under the Auspices of :
Shivalay 98-A, Somdutt Vihar, Garh Road, Meerut-250 004

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