Jumaa Prayer Bulletin 18 July 2014

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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth (John 16:13, NI!"
Muslims take special note of the 27
day of Ramadan, called the Night of Power. This marks the night when, it is said,
Muhammad met with the angel Gariel, who ga!e him the first of many re!elations that would ecome the "oran. Many
hope for their own re!elations at this time. Pray that they will indeed ha!e !isions and !isitations from the #oly $pirit of
God, who will guide them to Truth.%
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
WEST !RI": & 'hristian tele!ision station ased in a (est &frican nation and seen in much of the world !ia
satellite and )nternet, is reaching into many Muslim homes. The director asks us to pray*
for the many listeners who call in from +gypt, Tunisia, and &lgeria, seeking to know more. Pray for wisdom
for those who recei!e their calls, that the #oly $pirit will gi!e them the words to say to each in,uirer.
for the producers as they adapt programs to etter meet the needs and answer the ,uestions of seekers.
that the -ord will pro!ide good, ,ualified preachers. .Many follow our programs, so we must gi!e them the
est teaching that will transform their li!es./
In the News
This past $aturday in Sudan, a go!ernment minister for religious affairs announced that churches will no longer e
ale to otain permits to uild. #e pointed out that most 'hristians ha!e left the Muslim0ma1ority nation and mo!ed to
$outh $udan, and the numer of e2isting churches is sufficient for the 'hristians who are left. Please pray for true
elie!ers ser!ing the -ord in $udan. May #e strengthen them and gi!e them fa!or and open doors to reach others in
their communities. Pray for the protection of churches3 one was demolished in "hartoum on 4 5uly.
'ontinue to pray for Meriam )rahim. 6alsely charged with apostasy and then released, she is now with her husand
and children at the 7.$. emassy ut cannot yet lea!e the country. Pray for her unconditional release.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
The North &frican nation of l#eria is numer 82 in the list of nations where 'hristians face the most opposition.
More than 9:; of its 89 million people follow )slam. $ome 4.:; are 'hristians, most of them e!angelical elie!ers. &
law enacted in 2<<= makes it illegal to e!angeli>e, and Muslims who seek the -ord face pressure from family and
society. Many meet in underground churches. Pray that the -ord will strengthen our rothers and sisters in their faith
and ring others to himself through their ,uiet witness. ?espite the difficulties, Muslims ha!e een coming to 'hrist,
especially among the @erers in the north3 pray for a reakthrough among the &ra &lgerians. 6or more information
and prayer re,uests, see http*AAwww.persecution.netAalgeria.htm .
For Muslim Women***
$ome 'hristian women in Papua New Guinea and )ndonesia ha!e een recei!ing special training in outreach this past
week. Please pray that they may effecti!ely use what they ha!e learned and will also e empowered y the #oly $pirit
for fruitful ministry among Muslim neighors in their homelands.
Prayer Resources
#$raying for %uslims: & 'uide for (ffecti)e Intercession offers many insights concerning )slam and a different prayer su1ect
each 6riday. This week we pray that God will touch Muslims as they oser!e the Night of Power* http*AAtinyurl.comApeuBg2.
%%Cpen ?oors pulishes an annual list ranking the :< nations where persecution against 'hristians is most se!ere. $ee the full
2<4D (orld (atch -ist at http*AAit.lyA4mcm2fu. 'lick on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re,uests.
%%%Muslim women need your prayersE Fou can 1oin a prayer network and recei!e regular re,uests at http*AAsayhelloinfo.comA.
6or a list of resources for prayer groups, see http*AAtinyurl.comAwaast1umaa.
6ind information and prayer re,uests concerning Muslims around the world at http*AAwww.8<0days.netA.
#ow should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithG Read http*AAwww.elam.comAarticlesA#ow0to0pray0for0those0in0prisonA.
6or news updates concerning persecuted 'hristians, !isit http*AAmorningstarnews.orgA and http*AAwww.releaseinternational.orgA.
6or prayer re,uests, !isit http*AAwww.opendoorsusa.orgAprayA and http*AAwww.persecution.comApulicApray.asp2.
To help you answer MuslimsH ,uestions aout 5esus and the @ile, e2plore http*AAansweringislam.orgA.
Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
18 July 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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