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Engineering Work Pack

Engineering Project Work

Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 1 of 8

MOC Approval to proceed or EHSMS 12 Appendix A MOC Form Part B checklist signed and attached?
Yes No MOC#: Date:
This section must clearly describe the purpose of the work pack and be written on the
basis that the target audience may have little or no prior knowledge of the job.

List relevant special conditions, testing requirements, and NDT requirements.
This section must list all the documentation required to ensure the work meets the minimum technical
and regulatory standards.

Santos Engineering or Maintenance FIC sheets and Technical Instructions relevant to the Work Pack
are to be listed in this section and copies attached to the Work Pack.

If specialist equipment or personnel (i.e. vendor commissioning engineer) are required they must be
listed in this section.

Approved Weld Procedure Specification(s) (WPS's) referenced

Appropriate NDT specified for all welds and joints (e.g. magnetic particle indication, dye penetrant,
visual, or radiography)
Hydrotest pressures and hold time specified for each Santos Piping specification used in the WP
Or equivalent data included for pneumatic test where approved by Principal Mechanical Engineer.

Qualification of personnel executing the job. e.g. Welding Inspector as per AS1796 Cert 10

Note indicating to sign and return workpack and all other relevant documentation to the person
originating this document.
Work Pack Type: Mechanical Instrumentation Electrical Structural Civil Piping
Title Print Name Signature Date
Prepared: Engineer Person developing the WP
Reviewed: Discipline Quality Control Moomba QA Welding Coordinator
Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 2 of 8

Reviewed: Senior Discipline Engineer Any Senior Discipline Engineer
included in the list of Approved
Reviewers (check with Principal
Mechanical Engineer)
If WP is developed by Service
Company then the reviewer should
be a Senior Discipline Engineer
from this company

Accepted by:
Insert extra line for Santos
Acceptance where Work Pack is
prepared by a Service Company

Approved: Engineering Team Leader
or Section Leader
Person responsible for issue of
Work Pack

Process Coordinator Production Coordinator Process/Production Permit Authority
Area Planner QC/Welding Coordinator Supervisor Tradesperson
Integrity Engineer Project Manager NDT Tech Other:
List all relevant documentation, including revision number and applicable Code/Standard as required. Attach a copy of all drawings
and/or field sketches.
Refer to The Well, Engineering, Santos Standards Index for List of applicable Specifications/Standards and include below.
Item No Document Type and Number. Revision

If the installation requires excavation work reference to the excavation Work
Pack is to be made in this section.

Reference the associated MOC (if applicable) .
Include all the relevant documents required by the Work Pack reviewer, planner
and construction personnel, e.g. P&IDs, New/Modified Equipment data, etc.
There is no need to attach the complete MOC document

Approved lift study (i.e. for cranage) referenced and attached (where applicable
per HSHS16 Appendix A)?

Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 3 of 8

Whenever piping demolition and/or Tie-Ins to existing systems are included
include reference to the following procedures:
- Moomba Plant: Operating Procedure 0003-60-001 (Identification and
Marking of Plant Piping prior to Demolition or Tie-ins) or
- Port Bonython Plant: Operating Procedure 2500-60-001 (Identification
and Marking of Plant Piping for Cutting, Welding or Abrasive blasting,
Mandatory in Moomba and Port Bonython plant only.

Risks associated with hazardous or toxic substances (e.g. mercury per
HSH08.4, asbestos) have been duly considered and MSDS(s) attached to
workpack (refer Chemwatch)?

If the persons executing the job might be exposed to hazardous or toxic
substances (e.g. Mercury, Asbesto, etc.) then include relevant MSDS(s) (refer
Also include reference to the relevant Santos EHS procedures (eg. HSH08.4 for
Mercury, HSHS08.1 for Asbestos, etc.)


All drawings which are required by the planning , construction and/or
maintenance departments in order to complete the Work Pack are to be listed in
this section and copies attached to the Work Pack.

Drawings must be provided on A4 or A3 sheets. Legible Mark-Ups from the
MOC documents are acceptable however preference is for back drafted

Reference to Painting and appropriate coating specification (where applicable)

List data sheets for Mechanical equipment covered by the Work Pack in this
section. Copies of the datasheets are to be included in the Work Pack.

Where sections of specifications or standards are referenced which the installer
will need to refer to, the relevant section shall be copied and attached to the
Work Pack. Do not attach the full document.

Reference to all relevant Australian, International and Santos standards


Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 4 of 8

Approved Weld Procedure Specification(s) (WPS's) referenced and attached for
all welds

For golden welds or hot taps both approval in principle and notification /
acceptance forms have been approved

All necessary Inspection and Test Plans (ITP's) referenced and attached in
accordance with Work Pack Build Sheet


List any Work Packs for other disciplines which are directly related to this Work
Pack i.e. this Work Pack may say cover the Mechanical works for a new pump
skid. The I/E Work Pack for the installation of the pump skid must be referenced
in this section.

Notes: A detailed step by step set of instructions for work execution.
Item No Task Description

This section is to include all the steps in logical order necessary to implement the work
including the plant shutdown, isolation and permitting work which will normally be done by

Workpack should cover a single engineering discipline only. In this context mechanical /
piping / civil / structural may be treated as one discipline i.e. don't mix these with
instrument or electrical workpacks.

Preference should be given to numbering each Job Instruction logical step as this makes
work tracking and referencing easier.
The use of sub-headings / sections is encouraged to maximise clarity.
Typical sections are:

1. Pre-start
2. Off-site works
3. Site works
4. Close-out

Colour photos should be included in the relevant steps in this section where they help to
identify work scope and or location.

Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 5 of 8

References to all associated Workpacks are included in the relevant Job Instructions

Permitting requirements (e.g. excavation, hot work, cold work) have been considered and
suitably referenced in job steps

Confined Space Entry (CSE) risks considered and factored into work methodology, CSE
risk assessment called up where appropriate (must involve Process/Production

Include reference to approved lift study (i.e. for cranage) in relevant Job Instruction (if

Demolitions and Tie-Ins aspects of the job are clearly described in the pack. Include
instructions to mark the Tie-Ins and cut points as per the following procedures:
- Moomba Plant: Operating Procedure 0003-60-001 (Identification and Marking of
Plant Piping prior to Demolition or Tie-ins) or
- Port Bonython Plant: Operating Procedure 2500-60-001 (Identification and
Marking of Plant Piping for Cutting, Welding or Abrasive blasting)

NOTE: The use of these procedures is mandatory in Moomba and Port Bonython plants

Relevant notifications to site personnel. Either because they will be directly involve with
the job or because they need to be aware that the job is taking place.


All piping field sketches match the relevant marked up (i.e. CDCR'd) P&ID(s)? i.e. pipe
specifications, pressure rating, valve specification(s), valve orientations, line slopes,
insulation, fire-proofing, venting / drainage requirements, applicable P&ID notes.

All relevant lines, equipment items, instruments, data sheets, and drawings (field
sketches, P&ID's, isometrics, equipment general arrangement drawings, plot plans etc)
have been fully referenced in the main body of the Workpack (i.e. with tag / number) and
at all appropriate job steps and attached

Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 6 of 8

This section must include steps to cover the QAQC checks as per the Piping Specs or
Vessel standard requirements for the work

Scaffolding requirements have been considered and suitably referenced in job steps

WorkPack includes fully specified Bill of Materials (including quantities, item descriptions,
pipe schedules, flange schedules, fitting ratings, material grades or specifications, Santos
valve specifications etc) for all necessary materials (whether it is on a field sketch or in
main workpack body). All the material specifications should be consistent with Santos
Standards, AS, ASME, ASTM or any other relevant Standard.

All the Tie-In points should be appropriately identified in the P&ID, Isometric and Photos.
Cross references should be made to the relevant Job Instructions.

Use HOLD POINTS to highlight a decision point by a Technical Person (e.g Integrity
Engineer, etc.)
In case of Repairs for which further investigation is required, include HOLD POINTS with
detailed explanation on how to preserve the relevant evidence.

Check that Isometric field sketches use appropriate drawing symbols (as per Santos
standard P&ID symbols drawing 1500-10-001)?

Location and orientation (i.e. "north" arrow) of all relevant piping, instruments, and
equipment are clearly referenced without any ambiguity or potential for confusion?

Isometric field sketches use solid lines for items to be fabricated or constructed, and
show adjacent piping or mechanical equipment (labelled with line or equipment number)
in dashed lines for context / clarity (tie-in points are thus clearly indicated by the transition
from solid to dashed lines)

Site measured dimensions (albeit to be confirmed later by job supervisor and
notwithstanding 40NB or less to be site run) shown where applicable on isometric and
general arrangement field sketches? e.g. to assist checking weld spacing (i.e. 6x wall
thickness or 50mm whichever is greater), requirement for pipe stressing, pipe run
allowance for instruments, adequacy of pipe supports / spans, and for materials ordering.

Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 7 of 8

Uniquely numbered and registered field sketches of all relevant piping (i.e. isometrics)
and mechanical equipment (i.e. general arrangement drawings) have been created as
appropriate i.e. they are not merely substituted for by marked up photographs?

Any referenced photographs are contained in the formal Mechanical/Photo Data Sheet or
Scaffolding/Cranage/Rigging Data Sheet (where applicable - refer to QA/QC Build Sheet)

Risks associated with hazardous or toxic substances (e.g. mercury per HSH08.4,
asbestos) have been duly considered and MSDS(s) attached to workpack (refer

Excavation risks considered, particularly potential underground services, and Excavation
Permit appropriately referenced in job steps.

Any machinery aspects of workpack have been reviewed and approved in writing by a
Senior Machinery Engineer?

Design is suitable for future operator or maintainer access and ergonomics
requirements? e.g. no tripping hazards introduced, adequate isolation blinds provided,
emergency escape access ok, valve / instrument / controls / buttons height and
orientation suitable, suitable drain valve outlet clearance provided, platforms and ladders
provided for access where required, suitable withdrawal clearance for adjacent
equipment such as filters and tube bundles, equipment / vehicle access ok for EWP's,
cranes, bundle pullers etc, suitable valve operator installed where required per Design
Guide 1515-50-G002.

No threaded joints in hydrocarbon service (other than for instrument tubing, instrument
connections, vents / drains, low pressure oil gathering systems, or GRE gathering

Include a section to close all the relevant documents associated with the Workpack, such
Work Permits, ITPs, etc.
Instruction to compile all the Work Pack signed-off documentation and return it to the
Engineering Work Pack
Engineering Project Work
Work Order/Project Code no:
Work Pack Title/Description:
Work Pack no: Unique (registered) number and associated revision number Page 2 of 8

All work has been completed to
required standards/specifications

MAC Tagging is complete as per
the Mac Tag Procedure used on all
flanged connections

Materials / parts used were correct
for the job

An Electrical Certificate of
Compliance have been completed

Where alternate materials/parts
have been used, the MOC been
completed and approved.

All plant / equipment / instruments
/ covers / supports removed to
provide access to job have been

Site left in tidy condition. All tools,
surplus materials, and waste

All records including ITPs, FICs
etc completed as required?


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