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SITE SUMMARY for: OncoAliados

Use for all sites (other than conferences and reading).

Post to your portfolio within 7 days of completing work at the site. For Community sites, team
leaders should submit the updated Site Book and Team Leader Report to their advisor at the same

Intern name: Claudia Gumina Date: July 17th
Rotation: Specialty Preceptor:
Rotation dates from: June 20
to: July 13
Total hours: 20

1. Describe the projects and activities you completed during this experience.
For this experience, I got to create original handouts in Spanish for people who do not have much
access to oncological nutrition information in Venezuela, There, most dietitians focus their practice
on weight loss so it is very hard for people with other conditions in need of nutritional advice to find
the help they need.

2. What new knowledge was gained or new skills practiced?
I got to practice my clinical skills when creating the handouts as well as some of my food service skills
when working on food-safety materiasl. I had to make sure the information was at an appropriate
literacy level so that it could be understood by most people.

3. Identify the roll of the nutrition professional at this site and discuss your interactions with the
professionals and audience members at the site.
There is not a nutrition professional working at this site, which is why my help was needed. I got to
talk to the organization director to figure out what kind of information she wanted and talked to her
about topics I thought would be relevant for the population. I did not interact with an audience
during this experience.

4. Were there regulations or rules at this site that were related to the Scope of Practice for Nutrition
and Dietetics, or the Code of Ethics?
For this experience, I made sure to create the handouts based on the most up-to-date information in
order to provide the organizations with accurate, relevant information. This falls within the dietetics
professional responsibilities which states, "The dietetics practitioner pro- vides accurate and truthful
in- formation in communicating with the public."

5. What did you learn about the audience / population group? What did you learn about yourself?

6. Describe how you were effective with this topic or with this group. What would you do differently
in the future?

7. Summarize the ways that you applied wellness concepts and messages in this rotation. Discuss
whether there were any opportunities to promote sustainable food choices or address sustainability
from a food systems perspective.

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