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Mayan Mask & Aztec Shield Project

To enrich our study of Mesoamerican Civilizations, you will create a Mayan

mask or an Aztec shield. Please be creative and let your uniqueness and individual
talent shine in your presentation. When you have completed your project, type a 5-
10 sentence paragraph explaining why you chose to decorate your project how you
did. The masks and the shields will be due on Friday, October 28. You are always
welcome to turn in your project early if you wish. This assignment will count as a
project grade for social studies. I am looking for neatness, creativity, and a
thoughtful written explanation. Be creative and have fun!
Mayan Mask Project
Almost every culture in the world has worn masks during festivals and
ceremonies. The Incas, Aztecs, and Mayas were no exception. Masks were made of
many materials, often inlaid with gold or gems. Masks were placed over mummies
to protect them in the afterlife. Many were hung on walls in temples and worshiped.
Design and create a Mayan mask. You may present your mask on a poster or create
it with any materials.
Here are some Web sites that you may find useful:
Aztec Shield Project
The Aztecs were warriors who conquered many people. For protection, the
warriors carried shields, many decorated with feathers. The rest of the warrior
outfit was determined by military ranking. Design and create an Aztec shield. You
may present the shield on a poster or create the shield with materials.
Here are some Web sites that you may find useful:
Mayan Mask & Aztec Shield Project Rubric
4 The mask or shield is well crafted and creative. The mask or shield is
neat and shows evidence of time and effort. The paragraph explanation is
clear, thoughtful and at least five complete sentences. The student
presentation is clear and shows knowledge of shield or mask creation.

3 The mask or shield is crafted. The mask or shield is neat and shows
some evidence of time and effort. The paragraph explanation is not
completely clear and somewhat thoughtful The paragraph is at least five
complete sentences. The student presentation is not completely clear and
shows some knowledge of shield or mask creation.

2 The mask or shield is created. The mask or shield is not neat and does
not show evidence of time and effort. The paragraph explanation is not clear
or thoughtful. The paragraph is not five complete sentences. The student
presentation is not clear and does not show knowledge of the shield or mask

1 The mask or shield is incomplete. The mask or shield is sloppy and does
not show evidence of time or effort. The paragraph explanation is missing or
completely off topic. The student presentation is not clear and does not show
knowledge of the shield or mask creation

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