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2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public.

Page 1

Cisco Certified Netor! "ssociate
#ersion 2 $200%120&

'(am )escri*tion+ The 200%120 com*osite CCN" ,2 e(am is a 1%- hour test ith .0/00
1uestions. The
200%120 CCN" e(am is the com*osite e(am associated ith the CCN" 2outing and
certification. Candidates can *re*are for this e(am by ta!ing the Interconnecting Cisco
)e,ices+ "ccelerated $CCN"3& ,ersion 2.0 course. This e(am tests a candidate4s
!noledge and s!ills
re1uired to install, o*erate, and troubleshoot a small to medium%si5e enter*rise branch
netor!. The
to*ics include all the areas co,ered under the 200%120 CCN" e(am.

The folloing to*ics are general guidelines for the content li!ely to be included on the
e(am. 6oe,er,
other related to*ics may also a**ear on any s*ecific deli,ery of the e(am. In order to
better reflect the
contents of the e(am and for clarity *ur*oses, the guidelines belo may change at any
time ithout

.7 1.0 8*eration of IP )ata Netor!s
1.1 2ecogni5e the *ur*ose and functions of ,arious netor! de,ices such as routers,
sitches, bridges and hubs

1.2 Select the com*onents re1uired to meet a gi,en netor! s*ecification

1.3 Identify common a**lications and their im*act on the netor!

1.9 )escribe the *ur*ose and basic o*eration of the *rotocols in the 8SI and TCP:IP

1.. Predict the data flo beteen to hosts across a netor!

1.0 Identify the a**ro*riate media, cables, *orts, and connectors to connect Cisco
de,ices to other netor! de,ices and hosts in a ;"N

207 2.0 ;"N Sitching Technologies
2.1 )etermine the technology and media access control method for 'thernet netor!s

2.2 Identify basic sitching conce*ts and the o*eration of Cisco sitches
2.2.a Collision )omains
2.2.b <roadcast )omains
2.2.c =ays to sitch
2.2.c $i& Store
2.2.c $ii& >orard
2.2.c $iii& Cut through
2.2.d C"? Table
2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public. Page 2

2.3 Configure and ,erify initial sitch configuration including remote access
2.3.a hostname
2.3.b mgmt i* address
2.3.c i* default%gateay
2.3.d local user and *assord
2.3.e enable secret *assord
2.3.f console and #T@ logins
2.3.g e(ec%timeout
2.3.h ser,ice *assord encry*tion
2.3.i co*y run start

2.9 #erify netor! status and sitch o*eration using basic utilities such as
2.9.a *ing
2.9.b telnet
2.9.c SS6

2.. )escribe ho #;"Ns create logically se*arate netor!s and the need for routing
beteen them
2...a '(*lain netor! segmentation and basic traffic management conce*ts

2.0 Configure and ,erify #;"Ns

2.A Configure and ,erify trun!ing on Cisco sitches
2.A.a dt* $to*ic&
2.A.b auto%negotiation

2.B Identify enhanced sitching technologies
2.B.a 2STP
2.B.b P#STP
2.B.c 'therchannels

2.C Configure and ,erify P#STP o*eration
2.C.a )escribe root bridge election
2.C.b S*anning tree mode

.7 3.0 IP "ddressing $IP,9:IP,0&
3.1 )escribe the o*eration and necessity of using *ri,ate and *ublic IP addresses for IP,9

3.2 Identify the a**ro*riate IP,0 addressing scheme to satisfy addressing re1uirements in
;"N:="N en,ironment

3.3 Identify the a**ro*riate IP,9 addressing scheme using #;S? and summari5ation to
satisfy addressing re1uirements in a ;"N:="N en,ironment

3.9 )escribe the technological re1uirements for running IP,0 in conDunction ith IP,9
3.9.a dual stac!
2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public. Page 3

3.. )escribe IP,0 addresses
3...a global unicast
3...b multicast
3...c lin! local
3...d uni1ue local
3...e eui 09
3...f auto%configuration

207 9.0 IP 2outing Technologies
9.1 )escribe basic routing conce*ts
9.1.a *ac!et forarding
9.1.b router loo!u* *rocess
9.1.c Process Sitching:>ast Sitching:C'>

9.2 Configure and ,erify utili5ing the C;I to set basic 2outer configuration
9.2.a hostname
9.2.b local user and *assord
9.2.c enable secret *assord
9.2.d console E #T@ logins
9.2.e e(ec%timeout
9.2.f ser,ice *assord encry*tion
9.2.g interface IP "ddress
9.2.g $i& loo*bac!
9.2.h banner
9.2.i motd
9.2.D co*y run start

9.3 Configure and ,erify o*eration status of a de,ice interface
9.3.a Serial
9.3.b 'thernet

9.9 #erify router configuration and netor! connecti,ity using
9.9.a *ing
9.9.a $i& e(tended
9.9.b traceroute
9.9.c telnet
9.9.d SS6
9.9.e sh cd* neighbors

9.. Configure and ,erify routing configuration for a static or default route gi,en s*ecific
routing re1uirements

9.0 )ifferentiate methods of routing and routing *rotocols
9.0.a Static ,s. dynamic
9.0.b ;in! state ,s. distance ,ector
9.0.c ne(t ho*
9.0.d i* routing table
9.0.e Passi,e Interfaces $ho they or!& 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is
Cisco Public. Page 9

9.0.f "dmin distance
9.0.g s*lit hori5on
9.0.h metric

9.A Configure and ,erify 8SP>
9.A.a <enefit of single area
9.A.b Configure 8SP,2
9.A.c Configure 8SP,3
9.A.d 2outer I)
9.A.e Passi,e Interface
9.A.f )iscuss multi%area 8SP>
9.A.g Fnderstand ;S" ty*es and *ur*ose

9.B Configure and ,erify inter#;"N routing $2outer on a stic!&
9.B.a sub interfaces
9.B.b u*stream routing
9.B.c enca*sulation

9.C Configure S#I interfaces

9.10 ?anage Cisco I8S >iles
9.10.a <oot Preferences
9.10.b Cisco I8S Images $1.&
9.10.c ;icensing
9.10.c $i& Sho license
9.10.c $ii& Change license

9.11 Configure and ,erify 'IG2P $single "S&
9.11.a >easible )istance:>easible Successors:"dministrati,e distance
9.11.b >easibility condition
9.11.c ?etric com*osition
9.11.d 2outer I)
9.11.e "uto summary
9.11.f Path Selection
9.11.g ;oad <alancing
9.11.g $i& Fne1ual
9.11.g $ii& '1ual

107 ..0 IP Ser,ices
..1 Configure and ,erify )6CP $I8S 2outer&
..1.a Configuring router interfaces to use )6CP
..1.b )6CP o*tions $<asic o,er,ie and functionality&
..1.c '(cluded addresses
..1.d ;ease time

..2 )escribe the ty*es, features, and a**lications of "C;s
..2.a standard $editing and se1uence numbers&
..2.b e(tended 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public. Page .

..2.c named
..2.d numbered
..2.e ;og o*tion

..3 Configure and ,erify "C;s in a netor! en,ironment
..3.a named
..3.b numbered
..3.c ;og o*tion

..9 Identify the basic o*eration of N"T
..9.a *ur*ose
..9.b *ool
..9.c static
..9.d 1 to 1
..9.e o,erloading
..9.f source addressing
..9.g one ay N"T

... Configure and ,erify N"T for gi,en netor! re1uirements

..0 Configure and ,erify NTP as a client

..A 2ecogni5e 6igh a,ailability $>62P&
..A.a #22P
..A.b 6S2P
..A.c G;<P

..B Configure and ,erify syslog
..B.a Ftili5e syslog out*ut

..C )escribe SN?P ,2 and ,3.

107 0.0 Netor! )e,ice Security
0.1 Configure and ,erify netor! de,ice security features
0.1.a )e,ice *assord security
0.1.b 'nable secret ,s. enable
0.1.c Trans*ort
0.1.c.1 disable telnet
0.1.c.2 SS6
0.1.d #T@s
0.1.e *hysical security
0.1.f ser,ice *assord
0.1.g )escribe e(ternal authentication methods

0.2 Configure and ,erify Sitch Port Security
0.2.a Stic!y ?"C
0.2.b ?"C address limitation
0.2.c static:dynamic 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public. Page 0

0.2.d ,iolation modes
0.2.d $i& err disable
0.2.d $ii& shutdon
0.2.d $iii& *rotect restrict
0.2.e Shutdon unused *orts
0.2.f err disable reco,ery
0.2.g "ssign unused *orts in unused #;"Ns
0.2.h Putting Nati,e #;"N to other than #;"N 1

0.3 Configure and ,erify "C;s to filter netor! traffic

0.9 Configure and ,erify "C;s to limit telnet and SS6 access to the router

207 A.0 Troubleshooting
A.1 Troubleshoot and correct common *roblems associated ith IP addressing and host

A.2 Troubleshoot and resol,e #;"N *roblems
A.2.a Identify that #;"Ns are configured
A.2.b #erify *ort membershi* correct
A.2.c Correct IP address configured

A.3 Troubleshoot and resol,e trun!ing *roblems on Cisco sitches
A.3.a #erify correct trun! states
A.3.b #erify correct enca*sulation configured
A.3.c Correct #;"Ns alloed

A.9 Troubleshoot and resol,e "C; issues
A.9.a #erify statistics
A.9.b #erify *ermitted netor!s
A.9.c #erify direction
A.9.c $i& Interface

A.. Troubleshoot and resol,e ;ayer 1 *roblems
A...a >raming
A...b C2C
A...c 2unts
A...d Giants
A...e )ro**ed *ac!ets
A...f ;ate collisions
A...g In*ut:out*ut errors

A.0 Identify and correct common netor! *roblems

A.A Troubleshoot and resol,e s*anning tree o*eration issues
A.A.a #erify root sitch
A.A.b #erify *riority
A.A.c #erify mode is correct 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public.
Page A

A.A.d #erify *ort states

A.B Troubleshoot and resol,e routing issues
A.B.a #erify routing is enabled $sh i* *rotocols&
A.B.b #erify routing table is correct
A.B.c #erify correct *ath selection

A.C Troubleshoot and resol,e 8SP> *roblems
A.C.a #erify neighbor adDacencies
A.C.b #erify hello and dead timers
A.C.c #erify 8SP> area
A.C.d #erify interface ?TF
A.C.e #erify netor! ty*es
A.C.f #erify neighbor states
A.C.g 2e,ie 8SP> to*ology table

A.10 Troubleshoot and resol,e 'IG2P *roblems
A.10.a #erify neighbor adDacencies
A.10.b #erify "S number
A.10.c #erify load balancing
A.10.d S*lit hori5on

A.11 Troubleshoot and resol,e inter#;"N routing *roblems
A.11.a #erify connecti,ity
A.11.b #erify enca*sulation
A.11.c #erify subnet
A.11.d #erify nati,e #;"N
A.11.e Port mode trun! status

A.12 Troubleshoot and resol,e ="N im*lementation issues
A.12.a Serial interfaces
A.12.b >rame relay
A.12.c PPP

A.13 ?onitor Net>lo statistics

A.19 TS 'therChannel *roblems

107 B.0 ="N Technologies
B.1 Identify different ="N Technologies
B.1.a ?etro ethernet
B.1.b #S"T
B.1.c Cellular 3g:9g
B.1.d ?P;S
B.1.e T1:'1
B.1.f IS)N
B.1.g )S;
B.1.h >rame relay 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. This document is Cisco Public. Page B

B.1.i Cable
B.1.D #PN

B.2 Configure and ,erify a basic ="N serial connection

B.3 Configure and ,erify a PPP connection beteen Cisco routers

B.9 Configure and ,erify frame relay on Cisco routers

B.. Im*lement and troubleshoot PPPo'

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