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SecLlon 13. 1he SLaLe shall proLecL and promoLe Lhe rlghL Lo healLh of Lhe people and
lnsLlll healLh consclousness among Lhem.
SecLlon 16. 1he SLaLe shall proLecL and advance Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo a balanced
and healLhful ecology ln accord wlLh Lhe rhyLhm and harmony of naLure.
-. !!/!
hlllpplne LnvlronmenLal ollcy
Approved on !une 6, 1979
WPL8LAS, Lhe lndlvldual and, aL Llmes, confllcLlng, demands of populaLlon growLh,
urbanlzaLlon, lndusLrlal expanslon, rapld naLural resources uLlllzaLlon and lncreaslng
Lechnologlcal advances have resulLed ln a plecemeal-approach concepL of
envlronmenLal proLecLlon,
WPL8LAS, such Lunnel-vlslon concepL ls noL conduclve Lo Lhe aLLalnmenL of an ldeal
envlronmenLal slLuaLlon where man and naLure can Lhrlve ln harmony wlLh one
anoLher, and
WPL8LAS, Lhere ls now an urgenL need Lo formulaLe an lnLenslve, lnLegraLed program
of envlronmenLal proLecLlon LhaL wlll brlng abouL a concerLed efforL Lowards Lhe
proLecLlon of Lhe enLlre specLrum of Lhe envlronmenL Lhrough a requlremenL of
envlronmenLal lmpacL assessmenLs and sLaLemenLs:
SecLlon 1. ollcy. lL ls hereby declared a conLlnulng pollcy of Lhe SLaLe
(a) Lo create, develop, malnLaln and lmprove condlLlons under whlch man and naLure
can Lhrlve ln producLlve and en[oyable harmony wlLh each oLher,
(b) Lo fu|f||| Lhe soclal, economlc and oLher requlremenLs of presenL and fuLure
generaLlons of llllplnos, and
(c) Lo |nsure Lhe aLLalnmenL of an envlronmenLal quallLy LhaL ls conduclve Lo a llfe of
dlgnlLy and well-belng.
SecLlon 2. Coal. ln pursulng Lhls pollcy, lL shall be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe CovernmenL,
ln cooperaLlon wlLh concerned prlvaLe organlzaLlons and enLlLles, Lo use all pracLlcable
means, conslsLenL wlLh oLher essenLlal conslderaLlons of naLlonal pollcy, ln promoLlng
Lhe general welfare Lo Lhe end LhaL Lhe naLlon may
(a) recognlze, dlscharge and fulflll Lhe responslblllLles of each generat|on as trustee
and guard|an of the env|ronment for succeed|ng generat|ons,
(b) assure the peop|e of a safe, decent, hea|thfu|, producLlve and aesLheLlc
(c) encourage Lhe w|dest exp|o|tat|onof Lhe envlronmenL w|thout degrad|nglL, or
endangerlng human llfe, healLh and safeLy or creaLlng condlLlons adverse Lo
agrlculLure, commerce and lndusLry,
(d) preserve |mportant h|stor|c and cu|tura| aspects of Lhe hlllpplne herlLage,
(e) aLLaln a raLlonal and orderly ba|ance between popu|at|on and resource use, and
(f) |mprove the ut|||zat|on of renewab|e and non-renewab|e resources.
SecLlon 3. 8lghL Lo a PealLhy LnvlronmenL. ln furLherance of Lhese goals and pollcles,
Lhe Government recogn|zes the r|ght of the peop|e to a hea|thfu| env|ronment. lL
shall be Lhe duLy and responslblllLy of each lndlvldual Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe preservaLlon
and enhancemenL of Lhe hlllpplne envlronmenL.
SecLlon 4. LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenLs. ursuanL Lo Lhe above enunclaLed
pollcles and goals, a|| agenc|es and |nstrumenta||t|es of the nat|ona| government,
|nc|ud|ng government-owned or contro||ed corporat|ons, as we|| as pr|vate
corporat|ons f|rms and ent|t|es sha|| prepare, flle and lnclude ln every acLlon, pro[ecL
or underLaklng whlch slgnlflcanLly affecLs Lhe quallLy of Lhe envlronmenL a deta||
statement on
(a) Lhe env|ronmenta| |mpact of Lhe proposed acLlon, pro[ecL or underLaklng
(b) any adverse env|ronmenta| effect wh|ch cannot be avo|dedshould Lhe proposal
be lmplemenLed,
(c) a|ternat|ve Lo Lhe proposed acLlon,
(d) a deLermlnaLlon LhaL Lhe short-term uses of Lhe resources of Lhe envlronmenL are
cons|stent w|th the ma|ntenance and enhancement of the |ong-term product|v|ty of
Lhe same, and
(e) whenever a proposal lnvolve Lhe use of dep|etab|e or non-renewab|e resources, a
flndlng musL be made LhaL such use and comm|tment are warranted.
8efore an envlronmenLal lmpacL sLaLemenL ls lssued by a lead agency, all agencles
havlng [urlsdlcLlon over, or speclal experLlse on, Lhe sub[ecL maLLer lnvolved shall
comment on Lhe drafL envlronmenLal lmpacL sLaLemenL made by Lhe lead agency
w|th|n th|rty (30) days from recelpL of Lhe same.
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SecLlon 3. Agency Culdellnes. 1he dlfferenL agencles charged wlLh envlronmenLal
proLecLlon as enumeraLed ln LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon no. 422 shall, w|th|n s|xty (60) days
from Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls uecree, subm|t to the Nat|ona| Lnv|ronmenta| rotect|on
Counc|| (NLC), the|r respect|ve gu|de||nes, ru|es and regu|at|ons Lo carry ouL Lhe
provlslons of Sec. 4 hereof on envlronmenLal lmpacL assessmenLs and sLaLemenLs.
-. !/#0
LsLabllshlng an LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL SysLem, lncludlng oLher
envlronmenLal managemenL relaLed measures and for oLher purposes
Approved on !une 11, 1978
WPL8LAS, Lhe pursulL of a comprehenslve and lnLegraLed envlronmenL proLecLlon
program necesslLaLes Lhe esLabllshmenL and lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of a sysLem whereby
Lhe ex|genc|es of soc|o-econom|c undertak|ngs can be reconc||ed w|th the
requ|rements of env|ronmenta| qua||ty,
WPL8LAS, Lhe regulaLory requlremenLs of envlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenLs and
AssessmenLs lnsLlLuLed ln pursulL of Lhls naLlonal envlronmenLal proLecLlon program
have Lo be worked lnLo Lhelr full regulaLory and procedural deLalls ln a manner
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe goals of Lhe program.
SecLlon 1. ollcy. lL ls hereby declared Lhe pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo aLLaln and malnLaln a
rat|ona| and order|y ba|ance beLween soclo-economlc growLh and envlronmenLal
SecLlon 2. LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL SysLem. 1here ls hereby esLabllshed an
LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL SysLem founded and based on Lhe envlronmenLal
lmpacL sLaLemenL requlred, under SecLlon 4 of u 1131, of all agencles and
lnsLrumenLallLles of Lhe naLlonal governmenL, lncludlng governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlons, as well as prlvaLe corporaLlons, flrms and enLlLles, for every
proposed pro[ect and undertak|ng wh|ch s|gn|f|cant|y affect the qua||ty of the
SecLlon 3. ueLermlnaLlon of Lead Agency. 1he MlnlsLer of Puman SeLLlemenLs B-1/
8"# &CD 1< %&'(E &-2)>1-4#-8,6 CF48 D+>#,+G or hls deslgnaLed represenLaLlve ls
hereby auLhorlzed Lo name Lhe lead agencles referred Lo ln SecLlon 4 of u 1131 whlch
shall have [urlsdlcLlon Lo underLake Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe necessary envlronmenLal
lmpacL sLaLemenLs on declared envlronmenLally crlLlcal pro[ecLs and areas. All
LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenLs shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon Councll for revlew and evaluaLlon.
SecLlon 4. resldenLlal roclamaLlon of LnvlronmenLally CrlLlcal Areas and ro[ecLs. 1he
resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes may, on hls own lnlLlaLlve or upon recommendaLlon of Lhe
naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll, by proclamaLlon declare cerLaln pro[ecLs,
underLaklngs or areas ln Lhe counLry as envlronmenLally crlLlcal. no person,
parLnershlp or corporaLlon shall underLake or operaLe any such declared (1)
env|ronmenta||y cr|t|ca| pro[ect or (2) area wlLhouL flrsL securlng an Lnv|ronmenta|
Comp||ance Cert|f|cate lssued by Lhe resldenL or hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve.
lor Lhe proper managemenL of sald crlLlcal pro[ecL or area, Lhe resldenL may by hls
proclamaLlon reorganlze such governmenL offlces, agencles, lnsLlLuLlons, corporaLlons
or lnsLrumenLallLles lncludlng Lhe re-allgnmenL of governmenL personnel, and Lhelr
speclflc funcLlons and responslblllLles.
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lor Lhe same purpose as above, Lhe MlnlsLry of Puman SeLLlemenLs shall:
(a) prepare Lhe proper land or waLer use paLLern for sald crlLlcal pro[ecL(s) or area (s),
(b) esLabllsh amblenL envlronmenLal quallLy sLandards,
(c) develop a program of envlronmenLal enhancemenL or proLecLlve measures agalnsL
calamlLuous facLors such as earLhquake, floods, waLer eroslon and oLhers, and
(d) perform such oLher funcLlons as may be dlrecLed by Lhe resldenL from Llme Lo
SecLlon 3. LnvlronmenLally non-CrlLlcal ro[ecLs. All oLher pro[ecLs, underLaklngs and
areas noL declared by Lhe resldenL as envlronmenLally crlLlcal shall be consldered as
non-crlLlcal and shall not be requ|red to subm|t an env|ronmenta| |mpact statement.
1he naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll, Lhru Lhe MlnlsLry of Puman
SeLLlemenLs may however requlre non-crlLlcal pro[ecLs and underLaklngs Lo provlde
addlLlonal envlronmenLal safeguards as lL may deem necessary.
SecLlon 6. SecreLarlaL. 1he naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll ls hereby
auLhorlzed Lo consLlLuLe Lhe necessary secreLarlaL whlch wlll admlnlsLer Lhe
LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL SysLem and underLake Lhe processlng and evaluaLlon
of envlronmenLal lmpacL sLaLemenLs.
SecLlon 7. ManagemenL and llnanclal AsslsLance. 1he MlnlsLry of Puman SeLLlemenLs
ls hereby auLhorlzed Lo provlde managemenL and flnanclal supporL Lo governmenL
offlces and lnsLrumenLallLles placed under lLs supervlslon pursuanL Lo Lhls uecree
flnanced from lLs exlsLlng approprlaLlon or from budgeLary augmenLaLlon as Lhe
MlnlsLer of Puman SeLLlemenLs may deem necessary.
SecLlon 8. 8ules and 8egulaLlons. 1he naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll shall
lssue Lhe necessary rules and regulaLlons Lo lmplemenL Lhls uecree. lor Lhls purpose,
Lhe naLlonal olluLlon ConLrol Commlsslon may be avalled of as one of lLs
lmplemenLlng arms, conslsLenL wlLh Lhe powers and responslblllLles of Lhe naLlonal
olluLlon ConLrol Commlsslon as provlded ln u 984.
SecLlon 9. enalLy for vlolaLlon. Any person, corporaLlon or parLnershlp found vlolaLlng
SecLlon 4 of Lhls uecree, or Lhe Lerms and condlLlons ln Lhe lssuance of Lhe
LnvlronmenLal Compllance CerLlflcaLe, or of Lhe sLandards, rules and regulaLlons lssued
by Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll pursuanL Lo Lhls uecree shall be
punlshed by Lhe suspens|on or cance||at|on of h|s]|ts cert|f|cate or and]or a f|ne |n an
amount not to exceed I|fty 1housand esos (S0,000.00) for every vlolaLlon Lhereof,
aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll.
SecLlon 10. LnvlronmenLal 8evolvlng lund. roceeds from Lhe penalLles prescrlbed ln
Lhe precedlng SecLlon 9 and oLher penalLles lmposed by Lhe naLlonal olluLlon ConLrol
Commlsslon as auLhorlzed ln u 984, shall be auLomaLlcally approprlaLed lnLo an
LnvlronmenL 8evolvlng lund hereby creaLed as an exempLlon Lo u 711 and u 1234.
1he fund shall be used excluslvely for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon Councll and Lhe naLlonal olluLlon ConLrol Commlsslon ln Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls uecree. 1he rules and regulaLlons for Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhls fund
shall be formulaLed by Lhe MlnlsLry of Puman SeLLlemenLs and submlLLed Lo Lhe
resldenL for approval.
SecLlon 11. 8epeallng Clause. 1he Inter-Agency Adv|sory Counc|| of Lhe naLlonal
olluLlon ConLrol Commlsslon creaLed under SecLlon 4 of u 984 ls hereby abo||shed
and lLs powers and responslblllLles are forLhwlLh delegaLed and Lransferred Lo Lhe
ConLrol of Lhe naLlonal LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Councll. All oLher laws, decrees,
execuLlve orders, rules and regulaLlons lnconslsLenL herewlLh are hereby repealed,
amended or modlfled accordlngly.
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roclalmlng cerLaln areas and Lypes of pro[ecLs as envlronmenLally crlLlcal and wlLhln
Lhe scope of Lhe LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL SysLem esLabllshed under u 1386
Approved on uec 14, 1981
a. non-ferrous meLal lndusLrles
b. lron and sLeel mllls
c. eLroleum and peLro-chemlcal lndusLrles lncludlng oll and gas
d. SmelLlng planLs
l. Peavy lndusLrles
a. Ma[or mlnlng and quarrylng pro[ecLs
1) Logglng
Ma[or wood processlng pro[ecLs 2)
3) lnLroducLlon of fauna (exoLlc-anlmals) ln publlc/prlvaLe foresLs
4) loresL occupancy
3) LxLracLlon of mangrove producLs - -1 61-F#> ,661/#7 5+>*+,-8
Crazlng 6)
b. loresLry pro[ecLs
1) ulkes for/and flshpond developmenL pro[ecLs
c. llshery ro[ecLs
ll. 8esource LxLracLlve lndusLrles
a. Ma[or dams
b. Ma[or power planLs (fossll-fueled, nuclear fueled, hydroelecLrlc or
c. Ma[or reclamaLlon pro[ecLs
d. Ma[or roads and brldges
lll. lnfrasLrucLure ro[ecLs
LnvlronmenLally CrlLlcal ro[ecLs A.
1. All areas declared by law as naLlonal parks, waLershed reserves, wlldllfe
preserves and sancLuarles,
2. Areas seL aslde as aesLheLlc poLenLlal LourlsL spoLs,
3. Areas whlch consLlLuLe Lhe hablLaL for any endangered or LhreaLened
specles of lndlgenous hlllpplne Wlldllfe (flora and fauna),
4. Areas of unlque hlsLorlc, archaeologlcal, or sclenLlflc lnLeresLs,
3. Areas whlch are LradlLlonally occupled by culLural communlLles or Lrlbes,
6. Areas frequenLly vlslLed and/or hard-hlL by naLural calamlLles (geologlc
hazards, floods, Lyphoons, volcanlc acLlvlLy, eLc.),
7. Areas wlLh crlLlcal slopes,
8. Areas classlfled as prlme agrlculLural lands,
9. 8echarged areas of aqulfers,
a. Lapped for domesLlc purposes
b. wlLhln Lhe conLrolled and/or proLecLed areas declared by
approprlaLe auLhorlLles
c. whlch supporL wlldllfe and flshery acLlvlLles
10. WaLer bodles characLerlzed by one or any comblnaLlon of Lhe followlng
a. wlLh prlmary prlsLlne and dense young growLh,
b. ad[olnlng mouLh of ma[or rlver sysLems,
c. near or ad[acenL Lo LradlLlonal producLlve fry or flshlng grounds,
d. whlch acL as naLural buffers agalnsL shore eroslon, sLrong wlnds and
sLorm floods,
e. on whlch people are dependenL for Lhelr llvellhood.
11. Mangrove areas characLerlzed by one or any comblnaLlon of Lhe followlng
a. WlLh 30 and above llve coralllne cover,
b. Spawnlng and nursery grounds for flsh,
c. whlch acL as naLural breakwaLer of coasLllnes.
12. Coral reefs characLerlzed by one or any comblnaLlons of Lhe followlng
8. LnvlronmenLally CrlLlcal Areas
:(;+1'(5<(*43 =4>)
SaLurday, !une 28, 2014 12:23 M

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