Pleasant View Mayor Statement On Former Police Chief

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July 16, 2014

Melinda Greenwood
City Administrator

PLEASANT VIEW, UTAH: On Monday, July 14, the Standard Examiner submitted a GRAMA request to
the City for all written communication between the Mayor, City Administrator and former Chief of
Police, D. Scott Jackson. For the sake of transparency, those records have been compiled and are
posted on the Citys website at:

In light of actions last week by the Mayor and City Council, Mayor Mileski wishes to express the
following sentiment to the citizens of Pleasant View and the public in general:

I was elected as Mayor to serve the citizens of Pleasant View to the best of my ability. I firmly
believe we must have the highest standards and expectations for our employees. The removal of
Scott Jackson from the political appointment of Chief of Police was a thoughtful decision based
on differences of standards and expectations for all our employees. D. Scott Jackson generally
stated in emails he was not the man to be Chief and requested on multiple occasions to be
immediately terminated without cause. Based on the structure of our city government, I
determined the best approach was to fulfill D. Scott Jacksons multiple requests to be
terminated without cause as allowed by our City ordinance.

Furthermore, the City offers the following facts in the matter:
Mr. Jackson offered a resignation via email dated 7/10/14 at 4:27 and 4:31 AM
Mr. Jackson rescinded his resignation via email on 7/10/14 at 12:32 PM and requested to be
immediately terminated without cause simply as a matter of city administration determining
to move in a different direction and no longer needing my services.
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Mr. Jackson sent a text message to Mayor Mileski on 7/10/14 at 12:54 PM requesting amicable
separation or termination without cause
In a meeting on 7/11/14 between City Administrator Melinda Greenwood, Mayor Mileski and
Mr. Jackson, Mr. Jackson refused to resign and requested again to be terminated
In an email on 7/11/14 at 3:23 PM Mr. Jackson stated that I was not the individual [to] be in
my position as chief of police.
Per ordinance 2.12.010:
o The position Chief of Police is a political appointment made by the Mayor and Council
o Mr. Jacksons employment was terminated without cause; this action was not
o Mr. Jackson was given the opportunity to be heard by the Mayor and Council. This was
done is a closed session per state code as is appropriate due to discussions regarding
personnel matters
o Mr. Jackson was not entitled to legal representation
The City appropriately gave 24 hours notice of the 7/12/14 special City Council meeting and
followed all public meeting laws
Per Utah State Code 10-3b-302, the Mayor casts a vote in case of a tie

The Citys position is such that in lieu of a resignation, we fulfilled Mr. Jacksons repeated request of
termination without cause.

In the interim, Officer Ryon Hadley, who has many years of law enforcement experience, has agreed
to serve as the Acting Chief of Police until the City can move forward with permanently filling the
Chief position. Acting Chief Hadley has the full support of the officers and has already been excellently
filling the role in the past three days. The City greatly appreciates his willingness to step up during this
transition period. Furthermore, the Pleasant View City Police Officers are committed to serving and
protecting the citizens of our community and will continue to do so with pride.

Though the Mayor offered the above statement, the City wishes to uphold the respect and dignity of
its current and former employees and is not inviting further dialogue on this issue. Lastly, given Mr.
Jacksons repeated threats of a lawsuit, the City further declines to offer opinions and thoughts on the
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