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JavaScript Tutorial
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2 Copyright 2013 Kony, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
! JavaScript is most commonly associated with the web
! We are going to go through a basic tutorial on JavaScript covering the basics youll need to
get through in order to be successful with the Kony Developer training course.
! This is by no means a comprehensive JavaScript tutorial youll need to work on your
JavaScript skills on your own.
! A great place to start is or any of the many other site like this:
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! In order to learn JavaScript, youll need to be able to write and TEST your JavaScript code
! There are LOTS of ways to test JavaScript code but it's harder to find a way to test
JavaScript outside of the web context
! We will use Firebug a plugin to Firefox to test pure JavaScript so we can learn the
language without worrying about HTML
! Here's an example of what you get:
Testing our code
results from running code
shown here
enter in our JavaScript
to run the code!
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! In the upper corner of Firefox you'll see the Firebug add-in (note: earlier versions may have
it elsewhere on the screen):
! Clicking on the icon opens the Firebug window at the bottom of the screen:
Testing our code using Firebug
Firebug window
check this to
open the editor
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! This is the view we'll use for writing and running our code:
Testing our code using Firebug (cont.)
click to run
your code
for this module, when
asked to write code,
we will do it here
here you'll see your
code echoed back to
you along with any
shows the history of
all code that you ran
good for re-running
old stuff
clears the results
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! JavaScript has some basic rules that well just cover here
! Before we start, from here on well frequently use JS to mean JavaScript
! Well also use this font when we are talking code or giving code samples or snippets
! Here are the rules:
! JS is case sensitive: hello and Hello and HELLO are all different variables as far as
JS is concerned and if a method is called alert, calling Alert wont work
! typical JS convention is to lower case the first letter of a variable and camel case
the rest or just all lower case
! To comment out a whole line or part of a line of code, use //
! for example: //this is a comment line
! To comment multiple lines, start the comment on the first line with /* and end the
comment on the last line with */ - everything inbetween is considered a comment
! for example: /* here starts my comment
and here ends my comment */
! Every line of code must end with a ";"
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! You'll be writing a lot of functions
! Functions are defined using the function keyword.
! You must have the input parameters specified in parenthesis - if no inputs, you still need
the parenthesis
! The function code is entered within curly braces {}
! Here is an example of a function definition with no input parameters:
function myFunction() {
// your logic goes here
! Here is an example of a function with 2 input parameters:
function myFunction(inputA, inputB) {
// your logic goes here
! You can call a function by just entering it's name and any parameters, if required:
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! JavaScript variables are not typed as string, number, boolean, etc
! There are 2 levels of variable global and local (within a function)
! The variable for each is defined using the same syntax
! In JavaScript you can define a variable using var OR just start using it
! What differentiates between the two is WHERE you define them
! Here's an example:
var a; //creates a new global variable a with no initial value
function myFunction() {
var b="fred"; //b is a local variable to this function
! Here's another example:
a="betty"; //creates a new global variable a and set it to "betty"
function myFunction() {
b="fred"; //b is a GLOBAL variable
without the var inside a
function, it's declaring a global
using var makes it local
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! You can assign values to variables with = and = is ONLY used for assignments of values
(we will contrast that to how to check for equality in an IF statement later).
! Operators are:
! Note: for strings, "+" is your concatenation operator (ex. "hello" + " world" -> "hello
Variable assignments and math
courtesy of
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! Strings can be represented by either single quotes or double quotes they both work
! Example: "hello" and 'hello' both work
! Example: "this will 'work'" => this will 'work'
! You can concatenate variables with strings, variables with variables, etc..
! Example: if a = 10 and b = "frog" then
b + "s live to be " + a + " years old" => frogs live to be 10 years old
! Strings are an array of characters you can access characters by index (0 based)
! Example: if a="hello world" then a[4] is "o"
! There are many string functions available, here are some examples for a="hello world":
! a.length => 11
! a.indexOf("wor") => 6 remember, it's 0 based
Strings, numbers and Boolean values
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! Numbers are not typed as real, long, integer etc!
! All numbers in JavaScript are stored internally as 64 bit floating point numbers
! For example all of the following declarations result in IDENTICAL values:
! b = 100;
! b = 10e1;
! b = 100.0000000
! Note: b=10 and b="10" are totally different things
! To convert a numeric string to a number use the Number() function
! For example: if b="101.967" then Number(b) will be 101.967 the number
! For Boolean values, use true and false. For example:
var isActive=false;
Strings, numbers and Boolean values (cont.)
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! Functions can do things AND functions can return things
! Using the return keyword to have the function return a value back to the calling routine
! Consider this example:
function doAdd(x, y) {
return x+y;
function showResult() {
return ("if x=5 and y=10, then the sum is " + doAdd(5,10));
! Calling showResult(); would return: "if x=5 and y=10, then the sum is 15"
Functions returning data
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! For testing out code, we'll need to print out our results
! For Firebug, using the console.log() function will output results.
! The syntax is:
console.log(<something>) where <something> can be a string, number, object, etc!
! It will try to print the text equivalent. We'll see how useful that is with arrays and JSON
! Here's an example:
! Note: in other tools print() might work instead of console.log()
Printing out results
Note: since the output echoes
the code, for simple examples
we'll just show the output to
see code and results
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! We'll start with a simple exercise to get used to JavaScript
! Create a global variable and set it to the string "this is a good test string"
! Create a function that will:
! accept 2 input parameters a string and a number
! print out how many characters in the passed in string
! add the number of characters to the passed in number and return that as a result
! Call that function passing in the global variable and a hardcoded number
! Print out the function result
! Solution shown on next slide if you need help!
Exercise JS functions and strings
example output when the
passed in number is 55
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15 Copyright 2013 Kony, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
! Here is a simple solution to the exercise.
! Let's walk through it to make sure we understand everything going on:
! Don't forget the ";" at the end of each line
! Function code must be enclosed in {}
Exercise functions and strings solved
create our global variable
our function that takes 2
input parameters!
!prints the string length!
!and returns the math
here we call our function from
within our print statement
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! If statement format:
if (condition)
code to be executed if true
! if!else if!else statement format:
if (condition)
code to be executed if true
else if (condition)
code to be executed if true
code to be executed if neither are true
condition must always be
in parenthesis
Note that the if statement
itself doesn't have ";" after
it anywhere
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17 Copyright 2013 Kony, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL
! JavaScript utilized the following comparison operators (the return value based on x=5):
! Note: if (x=5)! will NOT work. Why? because the assignment will happen (i.e. setting x
to the value of 5) and the result of that is success which will always be true
Comparison operators
courtesy of
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! Here are some examples. For each assume x=10 and y="ten"!

Comparison examples
if (x=="10")
console.log("x is a string")
if (y=="ten")
console.log ("y is 10")
console.log ("y is not 10")
if (x<=0)
console.log ("x is too small")
else if (x > 20)
console.log ("x is too big")
console.log ("x is just right")
Example: if
Example: if!else
Example: if!else if!else
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! You can also use these conditional operators:

! Here is a shortcut notation for conditionally setting a value (if statement shortcut):
condition?<return value if true>:<return value if false>
! For example, if ears=3, then the statement:
earstatus = (ears==2)?"you have 2 ears":"you have extra ears!"
! will result in earstatus being set to "you have extra ears!"
! if checking for the existence of a value use null.
! For example if (a==null) {console.log("value undefinied")}
Conditional operators and shortcut
courtesy of
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! Arrays are zero based indexed collections of values the values in an array can be of
different types and the values are comma separated in [ ]
! For example: randomData= ["apple",true,10.346] then
! randomData[0] would be the string "apple"
! randomData[1] would be the Boolean value true
! randomData[2] would be the number 10.346
! To add a value, pick an index and set the value
! if the index already exists, it'll overwrite that value
! if the index doesn't exist, it'll create that value
! if the new index leaves a gap, the gap index values will be undefined
! for our example above
! randomData[2]="fred" overwrites 10.346 with "fred"
! randomData[5]=6.5 means randomData[3] and randomData[4] are null
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! We will be using a lot of JSON Objects (JavaScript Object Notation)
! These are like arrays, but instead of being index based, they are based using key/value
! The syntax is comma separated key/value pairs inside {}. The key/value pairs are
denoted with key:value
! Note: the key is interpreted as a string and it's ok to write it with or without quotes
! For example:
bodyParts = {hands:2, mouth:1, fingers:10, toes:10, tails:0, hair:"brown"}
! bodyParts["hands"] would return 2
! bodyParts["hair"] would return "brown"
! bodyParts[0] would return null
! bodyParts["heart"]=1 would set a key of "heart" and it's value would be 1
! Note: explicitly typing keys as strings is fine too: bodyParts ={"hands":2, "mouth":1}
JSON Objects
key value
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! BOTH arrays and JSON Objects need to be defined as arrays/objects before use
! you can't just start out with a[1]=0
! Arrays/JSON objects are objects, not types, so they need to be declared as such
! You can nest arrays and JSON objects. For example:
fredinfo = {firstname:"fred", lastname="flinstone"}
people= ["wilma", "barney", fredinfo]
! the array element people[2] returns the object defined as fredinfo
! the array element people[2]["lastname"] returns "flinstone"
! For arrays, you can check to see if there are any values with the .length method.
! For example:
! If a=[1,4,2,5] then a.length would return 4
! if a=[] then a.length would return 0 and in this case, a is NOT null
Arrays and JSON Objects
note the nesting of index/key values
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! Loops for a specific number of iterations
! Here is the basic syntax:
for (statement 1; condition; statement 2)
code to be executed
! where:
! statement 1 is executed before the loop (not each iteration)
! condition is checked and if true will execute the next iteration of the loop
! statement 2 is executed after each iteration of the loop
! For example:
cars = ["ford", "hyundai", "audi", "BMW"]

for (var i=0; i<cars.length; i++)
console.log (cars[i]);
For loops
i is initialized to 0 for the first

the i++ runs AFTER the code
block executes.
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! Loops indefinitely until a condition is met
! Here is the basic while loop syntax:
while (condition)
code to be executed
! where: condition is checked and if true will execute the next iteration of the loop
! Here is another variation, the do!while loop:
code to be executed
while (condition);

! where: condition is checked and if true will execute the next iteration of the loop
! Note, unlike the while loop, the do!while will execute once before checking the criteria
While loops
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! JavaScript supports the try!catch block to catch any unexpected errors without crashing
your app
! The syntax is:
//your code
//your error handling code here
! The err object will contain the error information.
! in our Chrome tool we'll only get a text string with the error information (error name and
error message)
! in a Kony app, you'll actually get an error object including the following properties:
! sourceURL the module name that contains the code that caused the error
! name the type of error
! message the actual error message
Try!Catch error handling
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! For example:
function testErr() {
a[xxx]=87; //bad line of code didn't initialize a
console.log("error: " + err);

! the single line of code in our function will throw an error:
Try!Catch error handling
Note: this "undefined" entry
means that the function you
called (i.e. testErr) didn't return a
value so it's result is undefined
that is not an error
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! If we run that same code in a Kony app, here is what the logs would say (iPhone example):
! in our error handling code, for example, we could isolate just the error message by
accessing err.message or just the name with
! You can also throw errors in your code forcing it down the catch path.
! The syntax is simply: throw <something> where <something> can be a string, number,
Boolean or an object
! Your error handling code will have to know what to expect if you'll throw a custom error
that is different than what might be thrown by the system
! Let's look at an example of this!
Try!Catch error handling
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function testPrint(input) {
if (input<5)
throw "too small!"
if (err.message != null)
console.log("this error occurred: " + err.message);
Try!Catch error handling example
if the input is less than 5, we throw
a custom error that is only text
we know this line will throw a
system error
we can check to see if the error
object has a message attribute
if so, print the error's message info
if not, assume it's our text error
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! There is a better way!
! Rather than throwing an error message, throw an error object so now the handling code
gets much easier:

function testPrint(input) {
if (input<5)
throw {message: "too small!", value:input, otherdata:"etc"};
console.log("this error occurred: " + err.message);
//more code to process other error values

! Note: this will work for Kony apps that throw the error object, our Chrome tool won't work for

Throwing an error object
Throw the error object
with message attribute
and any other data we
might need to know
we will now always get
an error object with a
message attribute -
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! Let's put a few of these coding concepts to use in this exercise
! The idea is to write code that loops through some data and prints out the results in nice
formatted sentences
! Start off using this exact code as your "data":
people = [a,b,c];

! Write a function that displays THIS as the output when passed in the people data as input:

! Solution shown on next slide if you need help!
Exercise looping through data
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function printpeople(list) {

for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++)
var display;
display = list[i]["name"] + " is " + list[i]["age"] + " years ";
display = display + " and loves to play " + list[i]["sport"];

if (list[i]["cars"] != null)
var cardisplay ="";
for (var j=0;j<list[i]["cars"].length;j++)

if (j==0) {cardisplay = list[i]["cars"][j];}
else {cardisplay = cardisplay + ", " + list[i]["cars"][j];}

display = display + " and has these cars: " + cardisplay;
display = display + " and has no cars";
! to call our function, we'd have one line, after the function definition: printpeople(people);
Exercise looping through data solved
our data is an array of JSON objects so
we can iterate through it by index
check to make sure there
are cars in the collection
start building our sentence
using keys to get data
cars is also an array to loop through
know when to use ","
add cars to display text
text if no cars found
output our results
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! JavaScript really doesn't care about white space in your code.
! We can rewrite this example:
function checkx(x) {
if (x<=0)
console.log("x is too small");
else if (x > 20)
console.log("x is too big");
console.log("x is just right");
! As this:
function checkx(x) {
if (x<=0) {print("x is too small");}
else if (x > 20){print("x is too big");}
else {print("x is just right");}}
! It really doesn't matter follow whatever standards you want, the code all runs the same "
A note on style

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