Process For Using Microsoft Excel With Transaction Code MM01 - Material Master Creation

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2011 Winshuttle, LLC. All rights reserved. 3/11 www.winshuttle.

This document describes how Trnsction cn be used to crete
sles order
in the !A"# $usiness !uite %rom dt in &icroso%t '(cel or Access
using the
!A" trnsction &&01.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 2
"rocess %or using &icroso%t '(cel with
code &&01 * &teril &ster Cretion
Lunch the Trnsction A))liction %rom the des-to) shortcut or through the
Windows !trt &enu.
Clic- New.
'nter trnsction code &&01 in the Trnsction Code .eld.
Clic- Go.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 3
Choose the ))ro)rite !A" s+stem using the !+stem button, i% necessr+. 'nter
))ro)rite /ser 0t
in the !A" Logon window.
Clic- the OK button.
Choose Recording Mode.
NOTE1 2or most trnsctions, $tch 3n)ut &ode will su4ce, but %or downloding
in%ormtion %rom !A"
trnsctions, or %or 2innce or 56 trnsctions in which there re 0+nmic Actions
e(ecuting or user
)rmeter vlues being used, 7on*$tch 3n)ut &ode will be necessr+. The
distinction o% Without !A"
Controls nd With !A" Controls is 8ust mtter o% wht tools re on the
trnsction screens.
!o, in this )rocedure, choose Batch Input Mode.
'nter n+ %urther )ro)erties such s Title, "ur)ose o% cretion, nd Comments into
the ))ro)rite
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 9
3% +ou would li-e to loc- down the editing o% the Trnsction scri)t, select the Lock
chec-bo(. This will )ssword*)rotect the Trnsction scri)t, )reventing n+one
%rom chnging it.
Clic- the Net button.
:ou will now be lunched into the &&01 trnsction.
NOTE1 The %ollowing screens m+ vr+ ccording to the w+ +our !A" s+stem hs
been con.gured.
At this )oint, +ou re mneuvering through the trnsction itsel% nd the )rocess
should %eel ver+ nturl.
Tht sid, to m-e this )rocess re)etble b+ Trnsction, there will be %ew
modi.ctions to the )rocess
com)red to how +ou would mnull+ crete )urchse order. These di;erences
will be identi.ed throughout
the rest o% this document.
"ress the !ENTER" -e+.
0e)ending on +our s+stem con.gurtion, enter the &teril 7umber, 3ndustr+
sector, &teril T+)e, nd
then clic- the Se#ect view<s= button.
Clic- the Ba$ic %ata & selection. When recording the &&01 trnsction, +ou
wnt to -ee) the selection
Clic- the green chec- to continue.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide >
'nter dt into the .elds tht will need to hve dt u)loded into them. ?nce ll
o% the dt hs been entered,
clic- the Tb List dro) down button.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide @
!elect the ne(t Tb tht will be u)dted.
'nter the '#ant number nd clic- the green chec-mr-.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide A
/)dte the .elds on this tb s well.
Clic- the Sa(e icon when ll u)dtes hve been mde. This will lso end the
3t is now time to crete the m))ing %or this trnsction.
&))ing Trnsction scri)t is 8ust mtter o% connecting the !A" .elds to dt
.le. Trnsction
)rovides &))er to %cilitte this )rocess.
Auto &))ing will m) the entire Trnsction scri)t to n '(cel s)redsheet.
$ecuse o% the com)le(it+
o% this trnsction, we will choose the Crete &))ing o)tion insted.
Clic- the Create Mapping lin- on the &) )nel.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide B
The screenshot below shows the '()ert Tb o% the &))er.
3n ech o% the rows o% the &))er, +ou will see1
Mapper Row Nu)*er C this is 8ust re%erence number
Ena*#e +#ag C onl+ enbled &))er rows will be e(ecuted b+ Trnsction
Screen C Technicl screen in%ormtion %rom the recorded trnsction
+ie#d %e$cription C The lbel ssocited with the !A" .eld nme
+ie#d Na)e C The lbel ssocited with the !A" technicl .eld nme
Mapping T,pe C 2i(ed Dlue, '(cel to !A", !A" to '(cel Eor, i% m))ing to Access1
Access to
!A", !A" to AccessF
-a#ue C Dlues ssigned to the !A" .eldG either .(ed vlues, or vlues to or %rom
the ssigned
dt source
Note$ C 2ree*%ormt notes to )rovide use%ul in%ormtion to users o% the
Trnsction scri)t
3n the 0t !ource "review section, +ou will see )review screen o% the selected
dt source.
To chnge the 0t !ource, clic- the Chnge !ource T+)e lin- t the to) o% the
'()ert Tb. This dis)l+s
dro)*down bo( to switch to &icroso%t Access. The "review section will lso
chnge to reHect the
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide I
3n this cse, we will use &icroso%t '(cel.
3t is now time to begin the m))ing )rocess, so clic- on the $sic tb.
The esiest w+ to remember how to m) is this1 drg %rom the source o% the dt
to the destintion.
Jee)ing tht in mind, we will be u)loding dt %rom '(cel to !A".
Clic- in Column A, drg it u), nd dro) it onto row 2.
Continue cross the '(cel )review b+ drgging Column $ u) nd dro) it onto row
3, Column
C u) to row 9, Column 0 u) to row @, Column ' u) to row A, nd Column 2 u) to
row B.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 10
Clic- the Sa(e icons <bove the &))er nd in the '(cel )review re= to sve
the '(cel )review nd
the Trnsction scri)t.
Clic- the blue Back rrow to e(it the &) screen.
3% necessr+, +ou cn nvigte bc- to the &) b+ clic-ing the /)dte &))ing
lin- on the &) )nel.
Clic- the Ece# icon to the right o% the !elect 0t 2ile .eld to o)en the m))ed
'(cel s)redsheet.
7otice the Log 6esult Column ws utomticll+ ssigned the ne(t vilble
column %ter the lst
m))ed column.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 11
?nce our dt hs been entered into the '(cel s)redsheet in the )ro)er %ormt,
it cn be run b+
$c- in the Trnsction window, clic- the Run button.
?nce the 8ob hs .nished running, +ou will see messge on the bottom le%t
corner tht it hs .nished.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 12
,o to the '(cel sheet nd chec- the log column. The run ws success%ul nd the
messges returned %rom
!A" were entered into the log column.
&&01 !te)*b+*!te) ,uide 13

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