2014-07-16 Letter To Minister Findlay - NDP Call For Investigation Into Charity Audits

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July 16, 2014

Honourable Kerry-Lynne Findlay, P.C., M.P.

Minister of National Revenue
555 MacKenzie Avenue, 7th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5

RE: CRA Targeting Charities

Dear Minister Findlay,

Serious allegations of intimidation and political interference continue to emerge in connection with the targeted audits
of charities undertaken by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Canadians must have complete confidence in the integrity
of the CRA and our tax system. However, I fear that the evidence strongly suggests that the Conservative Government
has been misusing the CRA to target its political opponents.

New Democrats believe that these very serious allegations demand immediate action.

When it was first announced in Budget 2012, then Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver touted the $8 million
Conservative plan to audit charities as designed to crack down on environmental and other radical groups which, he
said, are working to undermine Canadas national interest.

Serious ethical questions and allegations of intimidation have been raised about this plan since the very beginning, and
for good reason. Some of the most prominent and respected environmental and advocacy groups in the country are
being aggressively audited by the CRA, and a recently published study concluded that as a result of the audits, many
organizations contributions to public debates have been muffled or silenced.

The program has the appearance of blatantly misusing CRA resources to target those who do not agree with the
government, and compromises the very integrity of CRA. Disturbingly, it has also been revealed several of these audits
have been driven by complaints made by Ethical Oil, an organization with close ties to the Conservative government.

These targeted audits are effectively muzzling public interest groups from carrying on with their work to preserve a
healthy environment for future generations. Furthermore, the lengthy, time-consuming nature of the investigations
places great financial and organizational strain on non-profits, and has long-term implications for organizations with
tight operational budgets.

In Question Period, you have responded to our questions about this surreptitious program by stating that, CRA audits
occur at arm's length, free of political interference. The CRA is doing its job.

The serious nature of these allegations of political interference should compel you to demonstrate, through an
independent external review, that these audits are indeed occurring at arms length and free of political interference.

The alleged misuse of the Canada Revenue Agency to target political opponents of the government threatens the very
integrity of Canadas tax system. Canadians deserve answers. Therefore, we are requesting that an independent external
investigation be launched into the allegations of political interference in the audits of charities, and that the findings of
that review be reported to Parliament.


Murray Rankin, Member of Parliament for Victoria
Official Opposition Critic for National Revenue

Megan Leslie, Member of Parliament for Halifax
Official Opposition Critic for the Environment

Cc: Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minster of the Environment

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