2010 SYLLABUS. Relatii Interetnice in SUA

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Spring 2010 Sy!"#$
Relaii interetnice n SUA (SAE3204)
C&#r$' in(&r)!*i&n
C&#r$' +r',i*$- 5 credits
C!$$ )''*ing$- Thursdays, Einstein Roo (!roitorilor st")
%&#r$- #2"00 $ #%"00 (#
st, odd
&ee's) ( #2"00 $#4"00 (2
nd, e)en
S*r#+*#r'- course * seinar sessions + student ,ro-ects ,resentations
N#)"'r &( .''/$- #2 &ee's (% + S,rin. holiday + %)
F&r)$ &( '0!#!*i&n- Seinar acti)ity, Student /ro-ect * 0inal Test
In$*r#+*&r- 1er2an 34eti5i, /h6, 7ecturer 8 Aerican Studies 6e,artent
O((i+' 1&#r$- Thursdays, #4$#% odd &ee's, Einstein Roo
E)!i +&n*!+*- )aetisis9yahoo"co
This course ais at ,resentin., theori:in. and de2atin. the to,ic o; ethnic ( racial
.rou,s and interethnic relations in the United States, ;ro historical and conte,orary
Students are in)ited to read the 2i2lio.ra,hy ,ro)ided, to ,artici,ate in the course and
seinar sessions, and to ,re,are id$ter seinar ,ro-ects"
C&#r$' in*r&,#+*i&n
<nterethnic relations are de;ined on the 2asis o; the e=istence o; 0!ri&#$ ethnic groups
in a deterined historical$,olitical and socio$cultural conte=t" United States o; Aerica
is one o; the ost )i)id interethnic s,ace &here racial and ethnic .rou,s eet in their
social, ,ro;essional and cultural li)es" >istorically s,ea'in., the Aerican s,ace has
2een naed a ?nation o; ii.rants@ re;errin. to the ;act that any ethnic .rou,s
ha)e contri2uted 8 throu.h )arious ,eriods o; immigration 8 to the current ethnical,
cultural and social co,osition o; the US ,o,ulation"
Aeyond this ia.e o; a co,osite +&))#ni*y, &hich enco,asses Native or American
Indians, Black or African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos or Hispanic Americans as
&ell as Pacific Islanders, Hindus, Arabs, Jews and uropean Americans o; any
ancestries (Aritish, Beran, <rish, <talian, /olish etc"), Aerica ha)e 2een li)ed any
oents o; +&n(i+*$ ,recisely 2ecause o; ,eo,leCs ethnicit! or race, and the socio$
cultural si.ni;ications these ters acDuired durin. history and conseDuent attitudes and
These con;licts are 2etter understanda2le &ithin the conte=t o; the interethnic
relations, in the ,ast and in conte,orary ties" These con;licts could 2e descri2ed
throu.h conce,ts such asE discrimination, segregation, pre"udice, oppression, racism,
violence etc", ters that re;er to ,o&er ,ositions 2et&een ethnic(racial .rou,s" And
the ,olitical and cultural solutions to these con;licts could 2e descri2ed throu.h ters
such asE abolitionism, emancipation, civil rights movement, multicultural societ!,
political and cultural pluralism, post#ethnicit! or affirmative action etc"
All these processes, relations, struggles, responses, advancements etc" .enerated a
si.ni;icant array o; social and cultural (&r)$ and '2pr'$$i&n$ that could 2e analy:ed in
order to assess the interethnic relations in the US, ,ast and ,resent" Histor!, sociolog!,
cultural anthropolog!, political science or cultural studies are all in)ol)ed in this
ultidisci,linary and critical analysis"
The course &ill ,resent in their 1i$*&ri+! and +#*#r! conte=ts (a) theoretical conce,ts
related to the su2-ect o; interethnic relations in the US, (2) a-or characteristics and
issues o; the ethnic(racial .rou,s, as &ell as (c) e=,ressions and ,ro2leati:ations o;
the interethnic and interracial e=,erience"
O"3'+*i0'$ !n, L'!rning &#*+&)'$
The students ;ollo&in. this course should 2e a2le to describe the e=istence, the
i,ortance and the challen.es o; interethnic relations in the US, in their ain as,ects,
as &ell as to understand and discuss soe social$cultural issues o; this su2-ect"
A;ter co,letin. this course the students &ill ha)e a .ood 'no&led.e a2out the
ethnic(racial .rou,s in the USA and their interactionsF &ill deonstrate a&areness and
co,rehension ;or cultural di)ersity and &ill 2e a2le to understand and use conce,ts
hi.hli.hted alon. the entire course (such as race, immigration, segregation or
Additionally, students &ill 2e a2le to learn from different disciplinar! approaches as
&ell as to enhance their abilit! to read anal!ticall! and criticall!, res,ecti)ely, to
identif! and discuss issues in historical#cultural conte$ts"
S*#,'n*$ r'4#ir')'n*$ !n, gr!,' +!+#!*i&n
Students are reDuired toE
$ read the su..ested seminar readings and ,artici,ate to discussionsE -1 or 1
$ a'e a powerpoint research presentation (id$ter ,ro-ect)E -1 or 1 ,oints
$ co,lete an indi)idual e$am test (e)aluatin. studentsC ca,acity to utili:e the
'no&led.e acDuired durin. the course lectures and ;ro readin. the
2i2lio.ra,hy) durin. the e=aination sessionE a=iu 5 ,oints
C&#r$' Bi"i&gr!p1y
Beneral Bibliograph! includes the ;ollo&in. titlesE
16 Eliott R" Aar'an, ed" $ A Nation of Peoples. A Sourcebook on Americas
Multicultural Heritage
26 /eter <" Rose $ They and We. acial and !thnic elations in the "nited States
76 S" 6ale Gc7eore, et al" $ acial and !thnic elations in America
86 !harles Haret $ #ontemporary acial and !thnic elations
96 Gary E" Iillias, ed" $ ace elations. $pposing %ie&points
:6 Hohn >o,e 0ran'lin, Al;red A" Goss, Hr" 8 'rom Sla(ery to 'reedom. A History of
African Americans
;6 Hose,h 0" >ealey 8 ace) !thnicity) *ender) and #lass. The Sociology of *roup
#onflict and #hange
<6 !harles Balla.her $ ethinking the #olor +ine. eadings in ace and !thnicity
56 Adal2erto A.uirre Hr", Honathan >" Turner $ American !thnicity, The -ynamics
and #onse.uences of -iscrimination
106 Taar Haco2y, ed" $ ein(enting the Melting Pot, The Ne& /mmigrants and What
it Means to be American
116 Haes A" Aan's $ Teaching Strategies for !thnic Studies
126 Giles Jr)ell, ed" $ !ncyclopedia of American Studies
S')in!r r'!,ing$-
Seinar readin.s &ill 2e a)aila2le at the Aerican 7i2rary in a %eader or u,loaded in
electronic ;orat on your yahoo.rou, in &iles ' Interethnic %elations(
C&#r$' &#*in'-
Note) Seinar readin.s &ill 2e su..ested 2e;ore each seinar
=''/ 1
29 FEB
In*r&,#+ing *1' $*#,y &( in*'r'*1ni+ r'!*i&n$
Sylla2us and Ai2lio.ra,hy ,resentation
%ideo discussions) racial ineDualities, counity dialo.ues, and the
ii.rant issue
=''/ 2
T1' (&r)!*i&n &( '*1ni+ !n, r!+i! gr&#p$6
The ethnic co,osition o; Aerican societyE social, cultural and ,olitical
issues" Theory and odels o; interethnic relations"
=''/ 7
11 MAR
N!*i0' A)'ri+!n$ * ?;irst Aericans@ and Kati)e Aericans today
E#r&p'!n A)'ri+!n$ > coloni:ation, ii.ration &a)es, the ancestry issue
Seminar, ?#'$*i&n$ &( r!+' !n, '*1ni+i*y6 6e;inin. race and ethnicity in
)arious conte=tsF racis, nati)is, su,reacis" /olitics o; race and
ethnicity in the US" The LassiilationC de2ate"
=''/ 8
1< MAR
A(ri+!n A)'ri+!n$ > historical and conte,orary as,ectsF cultural identities,
ethno.ra,hies o; Alac' counitiesF issues o; A;rican Aericans 8,ast and
=''/ 9
29 MAR
A$i!n !n, P!+i(i+ I$!n,'r A)'ri+!n$F Ar!" A)'ri+!n$ 8 historical and
conte,orary as,ects
%i$p!ni+ A)'ri+!n$ * historical and conte,orary as,ects
Seminar, Aerican ethnic and racial .rou,s (di;;erent ,ers,ecti)es $ re)ie&)
=''/ :
Special seminar, Racial e=,eriences in Aerica
(3ideo screenin. and discussions)
=''/ ;
19 APR
C&n*')p&r!ry i$$#'$ &( in*'r'*1ni+ r'!*i&n$ B1C- +he New Immigration,
Affirmative Action
=''/ <
22 APR
C&n*')p&r!ry i$$#'$ &( in*'r'*1ni+ r'!*i&n$ B2C- -ulticulturalismF
Post#ethnic America
=''/ 5
25 APR
E*1ni+ $*#,i'$ !$ +#*#r! $*#,i'$- 6escri2in. and analy:in. race, ethnicity
and interethnic relations" Utili:in. the ;ollo&in. conce,ts in cultural studies
.olonialism/Postcolonialism, Hegemon!/0ubaltern/%esistance,
In*r&,#+ing S*#,'n* pr&3'+*$ > T&pi+$, )'*1&, !n, *1'&ry-

- Hispanic, Asian and Native American arts1literatures * historical
traditions, social identities and cultural e$pressions
- 2rban cultures, race and ethnicit! in America
=''/ 10
0tudent research presentations and discussions 345)
M#*i+#*#r! '2pr'$$i&n$ in !r*$ D i*'r!*#r'
=''/ 11
17 MAY
0tudent research presentations and discussions 365)
Ur"!n +#*#r'$, r!+' !n, '*1ni+i*y in A)'ri+!
=''/ 12
20 MAY
Sp'+i! $')in!r6 The ;uture o; interethnic relations in the US $ conclusions"
/re,arin. e=a
!arl" E" HA!MSJK, Eory" H" TJ7AERT, eds" $ %ace and .ulture in America(
%eadings in %acial and thnic %elations, Aur.ess <nternational Brou,, 3
o !arl E" Hac'son 8 @'n'r! In*r&,#+*i&n (,," #$2#)
o Eory H" Tol2ert 8 R!+' !n, C&&r in %i$*&ry (N5$##4)
o Elisa2eth GcTa..art AlDuist 8 R!+' !n, E*1ni+i*y in *1' Li0'$ &(
Min&ri*y =&)'n (2N3$3#5)
!harles HARET $ .ontemporar! %acial and thnic %elations, >ar,er !ollins, #NN5E
o R!+' !n, R!+i$) (N5$#55)
o T1r'' M&,'$ &( A)'ri+!n R!+i!-E*1ni+ R'!*i&n$ (400$420)
Adal2erto ABU<RRE, Hr", Honathan >" TURKER 8 American thnicit!( +he
7!namics and .onse8uences of 7iscrimination, GcBra& >ill, 4
edition, 2004E
o E*1ni+i*y !n, E*1ni+ R'!*i&n$ (#$23)
o E2p!ining E*1ni+ R'!*i&n$ (24$33)
o T1' Ang&-S!2&n C&r' !n, E*1ni+ An*!g&ni$)$ (4O$%0)
Hose,h 0" >EA7EP, %ace, thnicit!, 9ender, and .lass( +he 0ociolog! of 9roup
.onflict and .hange, /ine 0or.e, 3
edition, 2003E
o T1' D'0'&p)'n* &( D&)in!n*-Min&ri*y @r&#p R'!*i&n$ in
Pr'in,#$*ri! A)'ri+!6 T1' Origin$ &( S!0'ry (#Q#$20Q)
o In,#$*ri!iE!*i&n !n, D&)in!n*-Min&ri*y R'!*i&n$6 Fr&) S!0'ry *&
S'gr'g!*i&n !n, *1' C&)ing &( P&$*in,#$*ri! S&+i'*y (20N$23#)
Photo ssa!" FJi) Cr&.- T1' S'4#'G "y J#n' J&r,!n (24%$250)
o A(ri+!n A)'ri+!n$6 Fr&) S'gr'g!*i&n *& M&,'rn In$*i*#*i&n!
Di$+ri)in!*i&n !n, M&,'rn R!+i$) (255$2Q4)
Photo ssa!( FNi//i R&$!G "y Ni//i @i&0!nni (302$304)
o N!*i0' A)'ri+!n$6 Fr&) C&n4#'$* *& Tri"! S#r0i0! in ! P&$*in,#$*ri!
S&+i'*y (,," 305$32Q)
Photo ssa!( FDir* R&!, %&)'G "y C1'ry S!0!g'!# (34N$352)
o %i$p!ni+ A)'ri+!n$6 C&&niE!*i&n, I))igr!*i&n, !n, E*1ni+ En+!0'$
Photo ssa!( FFr''.!y 2<0G "y L&r'n! D'' C'r0!n*'$ (405$40Q)
o A$i!n A)'ri+!n$6 A FM&,' Min&ri*yGH (40N$43Q)
Photo ssa!( F=1'n I =!$ @r&.ing UpG "y N'i' =&ng (4%3$
o =1i*' E*1ni+ @r&#p$6 A$$i)i!*i&n !n, I,'n*i*y > T1' T.iig1* &(
E*1ni+i*yH (4%Q$4O5)
Photo ssa!( FT1' I))igr!n* S*&ryG "y @r!+' P!'y (50N$
!harles A" BA77AB>ER, ed", %ethinking +he .olor Line( %eadings in %ace and
thnicit!, GcBra& >ill, 2
edition, 2003E
o Gin Rhou 8 T1' C1!nging F!+' &( A)'ri+!6 I))igr!*i&n, R!+'IE*1ni+i*y,
!n, S&+i! M&"ii*y (44#$4%3)
o Ste,hen Stein2er. 8 =1y Iri$1 B'+!)' D&)'$*i+$ !n, I*!i!n$ !n, J'.
Di, N&* (4%3$4Q3)
o Gichael I" Suleian 8 T1' Ar!" I))igr!n* E2p'ri'n+' (4Q3$4N#)
o !harles A" Balla.her 8 C&&r-Bin, Pri0i'g'6 T1' S&+i! !n, P&i*i+!
F#n+*i&n$ &( Er!$ing *1' C&&r Lin' in P&$*-R!+' A)'ri+! (5Q5$5OQ)
Taar HA!JAP, ed", %einventing the -elting Pot( +he New Immigrants and :hat
It -eans +o Be American, Aasic Aoo's, 2004E
o Gichael Aarone 8 N'. A)'ri+!n$ A(*'r S'p*')"'r 11 (2%#$2%N)
o Stanley !rouch 8 @&&$'-L&&$' B#'$ (&r *1' M'*ing P&* (2Q#$2O3)
o Bary Shteyn.art 8 T1' N'. T.&-=!y S*r''* (2O5$2N2)"
U$'(# In*'rn'* Lin/$-
In*'rn'* R'$&#r+'$ (&r E*1ni+ S*#,i'$ BD'!.!r' Uni0'r$i*yC
A)'ri+!n E*1ni+ S*#,i'$ BY!' Uni0'r$i*yC
A)'ri+!n E*1ni+ @'&gr!p1y BV!p!r!i$& Uni0'r$i*yC
T1' Y'&. P!g'$ > A)'ri+!n I,'n*i*i'$ BUni0'r$i*y &( Virgini!C
Min&ri*y S*#,i'$
A)'ri+!n S!0' N!rr!*i0'$- An Onin' An*1&&gy
V&i+'$ &( Ci0i Rig1*$
An+'$*&r A)'ri+!n$ > D&+#)'n*$

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