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Course Instructors Prole:

David L. OBrien, CTP

Principal: EETreasury
Prior to establishing his consultancy:
David was Assistant Treasurer at EDS Corp $22bn High Tech company with operations in 83 Countries and was direct responsibility for:
In-House Bank; global cash management; working capital; foreign exchange risk; $3 bn investment portfolio; and Treasury technology
including SAP Treasury, SWIFT Net and a TWS.
Developed a FAS 133 friendly foreign exchange management program though the In-House Bank that consistently resulted in monthly
coverage of 97.5% of exposures on $40 bn in annual trading.
Designed and implemented a cash concentration structure for 83 countries that has resulted in a $715 mm (44%) reduction in surplus
cash, daily visibility of 94% of cash balances and 95% forecasting accuracy over 90 day horizons.
He was also Director of Treasury at Fidelity Investments a $14 bn revenue Mutual Fund company where he was responsible for global cash
management, foreign exchange and working capital.
David spent several years as Assistant Treasurer at Holiday Inns, a $2bn hotel chain with operations in 103 countries where he was
responsible for global cash management, foreign exchange, bank debt and credit card processing.
He is a frequent speaker at events sponsored by Regional Treasury Associations, AFP, Association of Corporate Treasurers and EURO
Money. Since establishing his consultancy he has led Treasury workshops of 3-20 days sponsored by various institutions in: the U.S.,
Canada, South Africa, London, Ghana, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, the U.K., Hong Kong, Zambia, Trinidad, and Barbados.
David is a past Chairman of the AFP and has served on several of the associations committees. He holds a BA from University of Richmond,
an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University and the CTP certifcation from the AFP.
David L. OBrien, CTP is a consultant in Treasury with expertise in global cash management,
cash forecasting, treasury technology, investments, debt, foreign exchange and working capital
management. Among many client projects, he has:
Coordinated the reengineering of a $2 bn US cash management system for a healthcare company
to improve cash control and reduce bank fees by an estimated 28%.
Engaged by a $17 bn MNC with operations in 123 countries to coordinate a banking
rationalization; implement SAP Treasury and install SWIFT Net. Improved effciency; reduced bank
accounts; reduced bank fees; and improved cash control.
Engaged by a $17 bn MNC with operations in 123 countries to coordinate a banking
rationalization; implement SAP Treasury and install SWIFT Net. Improved effciency; reduced bank
accounts; reduced bank fees; and improved cash control.
Commercial banks are increasingly challenged to win corporate business.
The market is complex, crowded and under price pressure as never before.
In a similar light Treasurys world is growing increasingly more complex.
Never has it been more important for companies to control cash, working
capital and risk. To do so Treasuries seek to deploy the latest Best Practice
tools, techniques and technology.
In order to succeed is closing business, commercial bankers must
understand the corporate Treasury environment and be able to craft Treasury
management solutions that are effective and cost-efcient.
This training consists of a 3-Day Interactive Workshop designed to provide
commercial bankers with current, practical knowledge of the essential
elements of Treasury management and how to craft solution sets that will
close business. Throughout the workshop the delegates will be taught
how best to quantify the value proposition from both a bank and customer
Wholesale Banker:
Treasury Solutions Tat Sell!
3-Day Interactive Workshop
Course Objectives
Learn Treasury objectives, best practices and
How to have constructive discussions with
Multi-national Treasurers on Treasury matters
Learn how to develop bespoke solutions to
Multi-national Treasury challenges
Learn how to design leading edge structures that
sell because they provide Multi-national Treasuries
improved control and operating efciency
Who Should Attend
Bank Global Treasury Service sales staff
Bank relationship management staff
Commercial product support staff
Wholesale marketing & product development staff
S y s t e m s & S o l u t i o n s
N i g e r i a L i m i t e d
Session 1: Treasury Organization
Treasury Objectives
o The key factors
o Corporate Treasury compared to Bank
Change in the Paradigm
o How the fnancial meltdown of 2007-2008
changed Treasury
o The resultant regulatory environment
EURO Meltdown
o What are MNCs doing to manage the risk
Vision for Integrated Treasury
o How responsibilities are integrated for
improved results
Treasury Benchmarking and Metrics
o Shift from P&L to Value-Add metrics
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a work
paper approach to discuss Treasury objectives
and the bank products generally used to support
each area of responsibility.
Session 2: Corporate Financial Statements
Key to understanding the client
o Asset/liability management
o Funding strategy
o Bank products
Islamic Finance
o Growing importance
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a case
study to better to better understand how fnancial
statements tell the customer story in terms of
potential products and services.
Session 3: Solution Cost Benet
The customer perspective
o Intangible benefts
o Financial benefts
Identifying then selling the value proposition
The bank perspective
o Bank strategy alternatives
o Intangible benefts
o Model for pricing
Session 4: Cash Management
Global Best Practices
o In-house banks
o Multi-lateral netting, re-invoicing
Treasury practices
o Global space
o Africa
o Comparison of current alternatives
o Investment Policy
o Bank products and services
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize several
case studies of the African market to practice how
to develop global cash management solution sets
including the beneft analysis from the customer
and bank perspective.
Master the corporate RFP
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a case
studies of the African market to better understand
how to respond to a RFP including understanding
the customer beneft analysis and how to model
the benefts from the bank perspective.
Session 1: Working Capital Management
Working Capital Best Practices
o Rules, tools and techniques to drive
o Improve control with effective metrics
o Inuencing the outcome
Bank product and service
o Supply chain
o Dynamic discounting, reverse factoring
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a case
study of the ASEAN market to practice how to
develop a working capital solution set utilizing
bank products and services and the beneft
analysis from the customer and bank perspective.
Session 2: Cash Flow Forecasting
A seat at the table for Treasury
o Critical function
o Integration with working and cash
The banks role
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a white
paper approach to practice how to a customer
would develop a Cash Flow forecasting process
and system.
Session 3: Treasury Technology
Leverage technology
Best Practice use of Treasury technology
o An accelerating process
o Customer drivers
o eTreasury vision
o Shift away from stored applications
Web based, cloud computing, SAAS,
Bank systems
o Information conduit, information
o Decision tools
o Transaction tools
o Practical limitations
o Building the interfaces
Treasury workstations
o Functions
o Integration
ERP systems
o What they can and cannot do
Bloomberg and the like
o The corporate requirement
o Corporate options
o How to pick the correct club for the
customers shot
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a work
paper approach to discuss Treasury objectives
and the bank products generally used to support
each area of responsibility.
Session 4: Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange operations
Mainland China
o Quick march to convertibility
o Impact on other currency pairs
African Foreign Exchange issues
Foreign exchange products and techniques
o Forwards
Structure and application
o Futures
Structure and application
o Non-deliverable forwards
Off-shore market places
o Foreign exchange SWAPS
Structure and application
o Foreign exchange options
Structure and application
Counterparty risk
o Option variants
Use of technology to achieve fully
automated trading
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize several
African case studies to practice how to develop
hedging solution sets and the beneft analysis
from the customer and bank perspective.
Session 1: Enterprise Risk Management
Risk vs. Return
Categories of risk
o Core vs. non-core risks
Putting a holistic process in place
o Step by step key elements
Bank products and services
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a
working paper approach to better understand
Enterprise Risk Management for a MNC.
Session 2: Financial Risk Management
The risk and the markets
o Drivers of rates
o Quotation of spot rates
o Current regulatory impact
2.A Commodity Risk
The risks and the markets
Regulatory changes
Bank products and services
o Commodity book trading
2.B Interest Rate Risk
The risk and the markets
o Changes expected in the CDS market
o Cheapest to Deliver structures
o Current regulatory impact
Interest rate products and techniques
o Forwards
Structure, pricing and application
o Futures
Structure, pricing and application
In trading and risk management
Structure and application
Changes expected in the SWAP market
o Interest rate options
Caps, foors, SWAP options
Structure, pricing and application
Regulatory changes
Bank products and services
o Interest rate derivative book trading
Delegate Exercise: delegates will utilize a case
study to practice how to develop a interest rate
solution set for the African market utilizing bank
products and services and the beneft analysis
from the customer and bank perspective
Day 1
Day 3
Day 2
Course Agenda
Presenters Recent Speaking Engagements
Global Treasury Workshops January-December 2013
(New York, London, Johannesburg, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kula Lumpur, Trinidad,
Riyadh, Accra, and Nairobi) Hired by several training companies to develop
and deliver 4 day interactive workshops exploring all aspects of Global
Treasury management; Treasury organization structures, Treasury technology,
cash management, cash forecasting, foreign exchange, working capital
management, corporate fnance, debt and investments with worked examples
and case studies used to reinforce learning.
CTP Exam Prep Workshops, January-December 2013
(Accra, Riyadh, Dubai) Hired by a fnance training company to develop and
deliver 5 day interactive CTP Exam Prep workshops. The training was to
prepare delegates to sit for the CTP Exam with sample questions and review
of the Essentials of Treasury Management, 3rd Ed content used to reinforce
The Certied Treasury Professional and CTP are Registered Trademarks of
the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP).
The Essentials of Treasury Management, 3rd Edition is a publication of the AFP
AFP Annual Conference, October 2013
5 hour preconference workshop on working capital.
New York Cash Exchange; New York, NY, May, 2012
Treasury Management in Latin America: 75 minute session was a
detailed evaluation on Treasury Management in Latin America, including:
cash concentration, Foreign Exchange, Multi-lateral netting, Central Bank
and local Tax structures. In addition, the session covered how to achieve
Best Practices in Latin American Treasury.
Treasury Metrics: 75 minute session was a detailed discussion of how
to establish a Treasury Reporting package with value-add metrics for
performance measurement.
Global Treasury Overview, Major Chinese Bank, May 2012
Hired by a world renown fnance training company to develop and deliver a 3
day overview of global cash management Best Practice tools and techniques to
Executives of a major Chinese bank.
Global Treasury Workshop, Pakistan, May 2012
Hired by a telecommunications company to develop and deliver a 5 day
interactive workshop to their staff exploring all aspects of Global Treasury
management, including Treasury organization structures, Treasury technology,
cash management, cash forecasting, foreign exchange, working capital
management, corporate fnance, debt and investments with worked examples
and case studies used to reinforce learning.
Treasury Workshops, Republic of Zambia, April-May, 2012
Hired by the largest Treasury educational frm in the world to develop and
deliver delivered four specifc interactive workshops for the Republic of Zambia,
Ministry of Finance over 20 instructional days. Sessions covered: global cash
management, cash forecasting, working capital, and fnancial risk management.
American Express, US
American Red Cross, US
Arabian Darb, Kuwait
Bank of China, China
Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas, Philippines
Bunco BHD, Dominican Republic
BP Finance, US
CitiBank, NA, US
Canadian Housing Authority, Canada
Canon USA, US
EDS Corp. EMEA and Asia Pacifc
Ghana Telecom University, Ghana
Holiday Inns, Asia, EMEA and Latin America
JP MorganChase, US
Ministry of Finance, Zambia
Oman Drydock Company, SAOC, Oman
Sally Beauty, US & UK
SSA Marine, US
State Bank of India, US
... plus many more
Presenters Partial Client List:
Great course, worth every penny Nana Tille, Barbados
I hired David as a consultant to implement an in-house bank for our Global Treasury
operations. Davids expertise and experience have been integral in moving us toward our
goals. I highly recommend David; he is a pleasure to work with. Greg Coffey, Treasurer, US.
The course was flled with practical, implementable ideas.
Patrick OMalley, Treasurer, UK
David was hired by me when I was CFO at Masonite Inc. He did a fantastic job in
helping Masonite to identify and implement hedging and risk management strategies, as
well as upgrading the banking environment. Masonite is a global company with signifcant
international sales and operations and David provided signifcant value add in helping to
determine the international banking needs as well as helping to provide criteria for selection of
banks in the network through the RFP process. His help was critical in the process.
Tony DiLucente, CFO, US.
I always attend Davids workshops when I am at the AFP Conference. He is a thought leader
in the management of global Treasury operations. I always pick up practical ideas to apply in
my own shop.
Robert Waldroon, Director of Treasury, ILFC EMEA.
Many thanks to you for the excellent Liquidity Management workshop. Ive learned a lot from
you and I am sure that it will be very helpful in my career. I look forward to you next event.
Numan Al Rwaldi, Oman.
Contact Details:
Ofce: +234 809 295 0000 | Mobile: +234 80 9179 9577 | Mobile: +234 81 0323 1613
Email: |
Ofce Address: Pro Space Center, 18A Olu Holloway (formerly Temple) Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
Our partners:
Prole Summary
AvantGarde Systems & Solutions Nigeria Ltd
After many years of successful Treasury, Risk Management consulting and SAP End to End
implementations in Africa and the USA , the founders of AvantGarde Systems and Solutions Ltd saw an
opportunity create a local consulting and Technological company in West Africa with fresh approach
and tested delivery models. AvantGarde Systems and Solutions is the child-company of CTS Pty Ltd in
South Africa and Gabod Consulting Group LLC in USA.

Our differentiators:
The experience we bring from work in the rest of Africa and the USA,
availability of in-house SAP skills,
encouraging entrepreneurial fair (but with accountability),
development of local talent through training and mentorship and a drive for innovation.
Our Services
Transactional Banking
Analytical Banking
SAP Basel II/III for Banking
Treasury, Cash and Financial Risk Management
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
Big Data, Business Intelligence, Analytics
In-Memory Computing (SAP Hana) & Cloud Solutions
Other Available Training
Fundamentals of Corporate Treasury Management for Non-Treasury Managers (2 Days)
Global Treasury Management Controlling your Cash and Risk (3 days)
Bank Treasury Best Practices (4 Days)
Basel II / III Retail Credit Risk Modeling (3 days)
Tax Revenue Forecasting, Modelling and Revenue Analysis (3 Days)
SAP Treasury and Risk Management (5 Days)
SAP Cash Management (2 Days)
AvantGarde Systems & Solutions
S y s t e m s & S o l u t i o n s
N i g e r i a L i m i t e d

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