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Step 1 - THE GRAMMAR part 1

B) Change the pronouns: X says to Y

In reported speech you have to change
I, me, my, mine, myself, / we, us, our,
ours, ourselves if X isnt I or we. YOU
H!" #O $O%&O'( I O' )" #O X.
*ets see two e+amples,
(ary says to -eter she is a student.
(ary says to -eter they are friends.
In reported speech you have to change
you, your, yours, yourself and
yourselves if Y isnt you. YOU H!"
#O $O%&O'( YOU #O Y.
*ets see an e+ample,
(ary says to -eter he is a teacher.
You have to use indirect speech / reported speech if you want to encase the .uoted
sentence into a sentence. In this case there are going to /e several changes in the
.uoted sentence.
A) Look at the table below which contains the
adverbs of time and place that you have to change
in reported speech At the end of the list there
are two verbs that can be changed
!irect speech "eported speech
this / these that / those
here there
now then, at that time
today that day
tonight that night
yesterday the day /efore, the
previous day
tomorrow the ne+t day, the
following day
the day after tomorrow in two days time
the day /efore yesterday two days /efore
this 0wee12 that 0wee12
last 0month2 the 0month2 /efore,
the previous 0month2
ne+t 0year2 the ne+t 0year2, the
following 0year2
two days ago two days /efore
ago /efore
come go
/ring ta1e
&irst, we are going to learn how to
.uote a sentence in the present. In
these cases you dont have to go
/ac1 a tense, /ut there are other
necessary changes you have to do.
*ets loo1 at these first.
I am a
)e are
You are a
C) #he order of the reported
)hen you encase the .uoted sentence, you
have to use the following order,
$ub%ect & 'redicate (modal verb if necessary
& verb) & )b%ect & Adverbs (place* time +)
*ets see two e+amples,
Yesterday I went to the shop.
(ary says to -eter she went to the
shop the day before
%ow I am drawing a flower into my
(ary says to -eter she is drawing a
flower into her notebook then
!) #he order of the reported
Yes-no ,uestion:
whether .if & $ub%ect & 'redicate (modal
verb if necessary & verb) & )b%ect &
Adverbs (place* time)
*ets see two e+amples,
3o you li1e chocolate4
(ary as1s -eter whether.if he likes
Have you ever /een to 5cotland4
(ary as1s -eter whether.if he has
ever been to $cotland
/h-,uestion pronoun & $ub%ect &
'redicate (modal verb if necessary &
verb) & )b%ect & Adverbs (place* time)
*ets see two e+amples,
)here do you usually /uy food4
(ary as1s -eter where he usually
buys food
)hy have you /ought this
(ary as1s -eter why he has bought
that camera
6" $'"&U*7 You have to leave out
0do1* 0does1 and 0did1 if there isnt
negation in the sentence.
2) #he order of the reported
commands . suggestions . re,uests
You have to change the ver/ into
#O8I%&I%I#I!". If it is a negative
command you have to change it into %O#8
*ets see two e+amples,
9o to your room.
(ary tells the children to go to their
3ont watch late night films.
(ary tells the children not to watch
late night films.
#he most common used ver/ to introduce a
reported command is 3tell4. If there is
:please in the direct command, you have
to use 3ask4 and leave out :please.
e.g., 'lease, dont give up.
He asks me not to give up.
If the person is mentioned in
the direct command, you have
to write it into the introduction.
e.g., Children* drin1 your ;uice.
(other tells the children to drin1
their ;uice.

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