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Danger Is Everywhere Facebook Prize Draw Terms and Conditions:

1. No !rchase necessary to enter the rize draw.

". This rize draw is oen to #$ residents aged 1% years or over& with the
e'cetion o( em)oyees o( the Promoter& their (ami)ies& agents and anyone e)se
connected with this romotion.
%. Entries m!st be received by "*.+,."+1*. 1":++-.T /0C)osing Date12. The
Promoter accets no resonsibi)ity (or any entries that are incom)ete&
corr!ted or (ai) to rocess by the C)osing Date (or any reason. Proo( o(
osting or sending is not roo( o( receit. 3!tomatica))y generated entries and
entries via agents or third arties are inva)id and sha)) not be considered.
Entries become the roerty o( the Promoter and are not ret!rned.
*. 4n)y one entry er erson. No entrant may win more than one rize.
5. To enter sim)y )ike and share the Danger Is Everywhere 63NTED ost
(o!nd on Docter Noe) 7one8s Facebook age:!k
9. 3)) correct)y com)eted entries wi)) be entered into a rize draw which wi))
take )ace on "5.+,."+1*. The (irst 1+ entries drawn wi)) be the winners
,. The rize (or each winner is a coy o( Danger Is Everywhere
:. Prizes are s!b;ect to avai)abi)ity. In the event o( !n(oreseen circ!mstances& the
Promoter reserves the right /a2 to s!bstit!te a)ternative rizes o( e<!iva)ent or
greater va)!e and /b2 in e'cetiona) circ!mstances to amend or (orec)ose the
romotion witho!t notice. No corresondence wi)) be entered into.
=. The winners wi)) be noti(ied via emai) or ost by * 3!g!st "+1* /+*.+:."+1*2.
The winners m!st c)aim their rize within %+ working days o( the Promoter
sending noti(ication. I( the rize is !nc)aimed a(ter this time& it wi)) )ase and
the Promoter reserves the right to o((er the !nc)aimed rize to a s!bstit!te
winner se)ected in accordance with these r!)es.
1+. The rizes are non>trans(errab)e and no cash a)ternative wi)) be o((ered.
11. To obtain detai)s o( the winners )ease emai) !((in?eng!ingro!.co.!k
stating the name o( the rize draw in the s!b;ect heading * weeks a(ter the
C)osing Date.
1". The Promoter wi)) !se any data s!bmitted by entrants on)y (or the !roses o(
r!nning the rize draw& !n)ess otherwise stated in the entry detai)s. -y entering
this rize draw& a)) entrants consent to the !se o( their ersona) data by the
Promoter (or the !roses o( the administration o( this rize draw and any
other !roses to which the entrant has consented.
1%. This Promotion is in no way sonsored& endorsed or administered by or
associated with Facebook. @o! acknow)edge that a)) in(ormation and materia)
that yo! s!bmit to enter this Promotion is s!bmitted to the Promoter and not
Facebook and yo! agree that Facebook sha)) not be )iab)e to yo! in any way in
resect o( this Promotion.
1*. The winners agree to take art in reasonab)e ost event !b)icity and to the !se
o( their names and hotograhs in s!ch !b)icity.
15. Promoter may dis<!a)i(y any entrant whose entry does not com)y with these
terms and conditions /in Promoter8s so)e oinion2 or who& in Promoter8s so)e
determination& has acted in a manner that is (ra!d!)ent& dishonest or !n;!st to
other entrants inc)!ding& witho!t )imitation& tamering with the oeration o(
the rize draw& mani!)ating or rigging votes& hacking& deceiving& cheating or
by harassing or threatening other entrants or a reresentative o( Promoter.
19. -y entering the rize draw each entrant agrees to be bo!nd by these terms and
1,. The Promoter is Peng!in -ooks Aimited. :+ .trand& Aondon 6C"B +BA.
1:. These terms and conditions are governed in accordance with the )aws o(
Eng)and and 6a)es.

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