Supernatural Worksheet

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Video Session: (Season 1, Episode 1)

Sixteen years ago, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen
Ackles) lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Suse!uently,
their father John (Jeffrey Dean "organ, #Watchmen#) raised them to e soldiers. $e
taught them aout the paranormal e%il that li%es in the dark corners and on the ack
roads of America...and he taught them ho& to kill it.
Sam escapes to college to start a ne&, normal life, ut gets pulled ack in after Dean
sho&s up on his doorstep to tell him their father is missing. 'ollo&ing clues from their
father(s eerie phone message, the oys tra%el to a small to&n and encounter a %iolent
and %engeful spirit called the #Woman in White.#
The big story
)omplete the chart &ith the name of*
Watch the first scene and mark the sentences , (true) or ' (false).
-. ,he ay Sammy and his rother Dean sleep in the same room.
/. ,he children0s parents oth &ent to sleep early.
1. ,he children0s mother &oke up ecause the ay &as crying.
2. ,he man in the ay0s room &asn0t his father.
3. ,he ay0s mother sa& her husand sleeping in front of the ,4 in the li%ing room.
5. ,he father took the ay out of the house during the fire.
6. ,he children0s mother died ecause of the fire.
The small story
Watch the second part of the episode and ans&er the !uestions*
-. Who is 7the &oman in &hite89
/. Why did she commit suicide9
1. Where do Sam and Dean see her for the first time9
2. What happened on the ridge that night9
3. Who are the &oman0s %ictims9 Why does she kill them9
5. Why can0t she 7come ack home89
6. $o& do Sam and Dean make her go a&ay9
:. "ention three differences et&een the series and the real legend.
;. Write do&n the difference et&een Sam and Dean. What phrases did they repeat the most9
-<.=i%e a rating from -.-< to this episode, &rite a /3< &ords re%ie& aout it and send it to
samceccpa> efore ,hursday -<
April /<-2 at -<pm (?,) .2*<< Asunci@n)

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