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JULY 15th, 2014


Noon Meeting at the Soda Center at St.Marys
College in Moraga

Club Assembly

Greeter & Invocation: Roger Gregory

*July 22
Club Assembly
July 22
OMPA Swim Meet Committee at
Cliff Dochtermans home 5:30PM.-
July 25
TGIF Social at Cliff Dochtermans home
*July 29
Chrissy Orangio, Contra Costa Program
Coordinator, Global Student Embassy
*August 5
Edy Schwartz A Sneak Peek at the Film
**August 12
Special Evening Meeting, Ravi Ravindran,
President-Elect of Rotary International

* Regular Tuesday noon meeting
** Second Tuesday Evening Meeting at 6:00p


We were pleased to welcome:

Suzann Costanza Wife and temporary driver of Angelo
Debra Flynn Our Employee of the Month for July
Debra Shinn Owner of Moraga Cleaners

Our Meeting Today..
Linda May offered an opening thought from Eleanor
Roosevelt exploring her beliefs about life. You have to
accept whatever comes in life and the important thing is that
you meet it with courage and the best you have to give. .

Linda May Quoting Eleanor Roosevelt



Mark your calendars for a special visit from the PresidentElect of
Rotary International, Ravi Ravindran, from the Rotary Club of
Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ravi will be the the world-wide president of
Rotary International during 2015 and 2016. It is a rare opportunity
for our Club to have the President-elect attend our meeting. Invite
your friends, neighbors and spouses to this very special event!!

The Fab Five Rotary Clubs of our area are sponsoring the
Picnic in the Park at the Lafayette Reservoir on Saturday,
July 19
from 5:30 PM until 8:30 PM
. Bring a picnic, your
family, and a blanket or chairs as the Big Band of Rossmoor
and the Swinging Blue Stars entertain active duty troops and
our veterans. All veterans are especially urged to attend.
Troops from Travis AFB and Camp Parks will be meeting
and greeting veterans in a private welcome between 4 and 5
pm. A traditional USO show will be featured. There is no
charge for the event. Mark it on your calendar, now!

OMPA Swim Meet
Please plan on attending the next planning meeting for the
OMPA Swim Meet Concession which will be held on the
evening of July 22
at the Dochterman residence. Very
soon we will be passing around a signup sheet for
volunteers to help with this three day event. It is imperative
to get everyones help in pulling off a successful fundraising
effort. OMPA not only makes a lot of money for the club (it is
our 2
largest fundraiser), but is also a great way to display
Rotary to the community.

Club Dues Payable This Month
Club annual dues are payable this month to Treasurer, Lad
Lynch (With a check made out to Moraga Rotary of course)!
The annual dues are $135 plus a donation to the Rotary
Foundation of $100. The dues are due this month. The
foundation donation can also be made either all now or $50
now and $50 in January. Annual dues for an associate
member remain at $50 per year.

Board Meeting
Our Board Meeting was held last night at the Trinity Church.
The discussion centered around the new budget for the
Rotary year as well as upcoming events for the club.

Upcoming Events for Other Rotary Clubs

The Mount Diablo Rotary Clubs are hosting a wine tasting,
hors doeuvres and vineyard tour at Tamayo Family
Vineyards on August 2
The event supports their 2014
Rotary Agua Nicaragua water project and is the kickoff
project of our local Wine Appreciation Fellowship.
questions or additional information contact Marianne Clark at
(925) 639-7647

Nora Avelar-Martin announced that she had received a
notice from Sabrina Julian, the current president of the
Angels-Murphys Rotary Club advertising their upcoming
Shrimp Feed on August 16
. Go to their club website for
more information.

The Orinda Rotary Club is holding their Dancing with the
Cars event on Friday, September 12
. I am sure that Jose
Avelar can provide us information on this Rebels with a
Cause dinner event.

Club Awards at the Recent District Meeting in Woodland

Nora Avelar-Martin reviewed the numerous awards the club
received at the District 5160 meeting last weekend in
Woodland. The awards included:

Hand On Service for Our Holiday Stocking Project
Adventure in Service
Central Award for Strategic Goals
Club Newsletter
Presidential Citation.

Marcella Avelar received an award for supporting our
superlative Assistant Governor last year, Jose Avelar!!

Employee of the Month for July

Our 29
Employee of the Month Award went to Debra Flynn
the Customer Service Manager of Moraga Cleaners.
Debbie Shin, the owner of Moraga Cleaners, thanked the
Club and Chamber of Commerce for the award and
described how important Debra is to her customers and

Kevin Reneau, Debra Shin, Debra Flynn and Frank May at Moraga

Happy Bucks, Birthdays and Trips!!
Lad and Leslie Lynch celebrated their 52
Anniversary by attending a performance of Beach Blanket
Babylon and having dinner at the North Beach Restaurant.
This was a package that they recently purchased at Nite at
the Races!! Congratulations to Lad and Leslie!!

Herb Wehmeyer offered a sad buck for a particularly dismal
golf outing he suffered through on Monday.

Barbara Bruner offered a HappY buck for the successful
presidential year of Nora Avelar-Martin.

Angelo Costanza offered a buck for the report back from
our three Camp Royal attendees this year. The general
reaction to the experience from the campers was
Roger Gregory recently returned from a trip to Scranton PA.
He described a very inventive fundraiser offered by the local
Rotary Club involving the defecation of cows on a sectioned-
off football field!!

Cliff Dochterman offered Happy Bucks for his sons recent
appointment as the Athletic Director at UC Santa Cruz.

Frank May offered two Happy Bucks for the recent Million
Dollar Match Day at Kiva where 25,000 lenders sent $2.9
million in Micro-loans helping to make a difference in 56
countries in a single day. Moraga Rotary has supported the
Kiva micro-loan efforts for the past three years.

The Program
Our President, Debbie Roessler presented a program on her
recent trip to Australia to attend the Rotary International
Convention in Sydney. Her photographs were spectacular
and showed off the diversity found in the country.

Debbie Does Australia!!

Debbie began her talk by giving us a tour of Sydney
including the opera house, the harbor as well as the city
skyline. She then took us to the convention opening on
Sunday showing us the food booths offered by Australian
Rotary Clubs. Debbie showed us various exhibits in the
House of Friendship including a Shelter Box booth. The
House of Friendship is also the place to meet old and new
Rotarian friends. She highlighted some of the entertainment
at the convention including a performance by ten tenors.

The next part of the trip featured the Blue Mountains with
spectacular scenery, an authentic Rotarian Aussie Barbie
and pictures of wallabies, kangaroos, koala bears and emus
(Debbie skipped the snakes and spiders however.)

Debbie and Lou then journeyed to Cairns and The Great
Barrier Reef. She also showed us a train trip to the
rainforest and a park featuring dingoes and aborigines.
Sunset and sunrise at Ayers Rock was the next highlight of
the trip before moving on to Alice Springs with the School of
the Air which provides broadcast education for students
throughout the outback. Debbie and Lou also visited the
Royal Flying Doctor Service which has provided remote
medical support the outback since 1938.

Debbie then visited a Rotary club in Adelaide before
travelling back to Melbourne and trips to the Wolf Blass

Winery and Captain Cooks House.

Thank you, Debbie and Lou, for representing Moraga Rotary
in Sydney. It certainly was a trip of a lifetime.

Herb Wehmeyer had the winning ticket for the second week
in a row but the jackpot again eluded him.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House

Is this a kangaroo or a wallaby?

Ayers Rock

The search for individual joy, satisfaction, and happiness
is universal, and I strongly believe it is a goal that can
best be fullled by helping others.Some of the most
rewarding moments in our lives occur when we are
helping, serving, and caring for others.

A Chat with President Cliff, THE ROTARIAN,
August 1992

July 19 Fab 5 Event Picnic in the Park,
Lafayette Reservoir
July 25 -- TGIF Social at Dochterman Home
Aug 2 Rotary Wine Fellowship Tasting
Event, Tamayo Vineyards, Brentwood
Aug. 8-10 OMPA Swim Meet
Sept 23 Official Visit of District Governor
Oct 31 Nov 2 District Conference Recess
in Reno
Nov 15 Salute to Rotary Day at Golden Gate
Dec 9
Rotary Christmas Party


PresidentDebbie Roessler
President-elect .......Roger Gregory
Past President..Nora Avelar-Martin
Secretary...........Kevin Reneau
Treasurer......Lad Lynch
Community Service Chair.... .Barbara Bruner
New Generations....Rich Render
International Service Chair..Tony Schoemehl
Rotary Foundation.........Lad Lynch
Public Relations .Gary Irwin
Membership.....Frank May
Director at Large.John Erickson
Director at Large....Cliff Dochterman
Director at Large...Marv Ellenberg
Director at Large....Linda May
President, Rotary InternationalGary Huang
District Governor.Pam Gray
Assistant District Governor...Mark Roberts

2013 2014 Theme Light Up Rotary
Newsletter Editor for July Frank May
Editor for August Nora Avelar-Martin

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