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The Portfolio

M. Riling

Becoming a Mathematician

As you build your portfolio, you will show that you have grown as a mathematician
and a problem-solver this year by demonstrating mathematical habits of thinking.


-look for patterns
-solve a simpler problem
-create data
-use multiple representations
-seek why and prove
-stay calm, patient, and persistent


-a 3-ring binder (at least 1 inch)

-5 dividers: - look for patterns / solve a simpler problem
- create data / use multiple representations
- generalize / seek why and prove
- stay calm, patient, and persistent / collaborate
- returned work


Every Friday
-pick something you did that week showing you using one of the habits
-fill out a handout explaining your choice

Every Marking Period
-reflect on your growth
-rewrite one of your favorite problems that you solved

In June
-select and flawlessly rewrite four pieces that you are proud of
-write a letter about you as a mathematician
Habits of a

Look for Patterns
recognize when things that look different are the same
be skeptical of patterns
identify how numbers are changing

Solve a Si mpler Problem
use easy numbers
find an easy task you can start with
remove confusing parts of the problem at first

create data
plug in numbers that could be the solution
try many variations so you can compare data

use multi ple representati ons
convert between equations, tables, and graphs
draw a picture
reorganize information

generali ze
use variables to represent situations
make a big picture statement, rather than describing 1 case
invent notation

Be Confi dent, Pati ent, and Persi stent
take risks
explore even when youre not sure where to start
try a new approach instead of giving up

share ideas with your group
ask a classmate when youre stuck
ask people for their thoughts when they seem hesitant

Seek Why and Prove
figure out why rules work and patterns happen
explain reasons in detail
create logical arguments that prove your ideas

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