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uesday 15 July was an
outstanding day for education.
Hated education secretary
Michael Gove was sacked. Teachers
and everyone who cares about
education will be delighted.
Te man who a week ago said only
bad teachers opposed him has lost
his job. His fall is testament to the
protests, strikes and campaigns we
have mounted.
Te simple lesson is that strikes work.
Cameron looked at the mounting
opposition to Gove and his policies,
at the strikes (most recently the
magnicent 10 July walkout), and
shuddered at the prospect of more to
come in the autumn.
He decided enough was enough
Gove had become a liability and had
to go.
Right to strike
How right it was that when leaders
of the NASUWT pulled away from
action a few months ago the NUT
decided to ght on building our
Stand Up for Education Campaign
and keeping up the strikes.
If we hadnt, Gove would still be in
In a sweet irony the man who
wanted to ram divisive pay policies
through and push teachers pay down,
has now himself failed his appraisal
and suered a pay cut and demotion.
We should celebrate, and every
teacher will enjoy the summer break
even more now.
We are still in a battle and on
every front we are still ghting Goves
But while we are still on the
battleeld and ghting, as we look

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Teachers 16/07/14
across to our enemy their general has
just fallen. Tat is a victory in any
Press home our advantage
His fall should be the signal to press
home our advantage and make sure
we drive back the forces, policies and
ideas Gove stood for and win the
battle for education.
New education secretary Nicky
Morgan has few qualications for the
job other than not being Michael
She is a corporate lawyer who
went to a posh private school, and as
equalities minister opposed equalities
Her job will be to make a few
vague noises and perhaps initiate a
few reviews in the hope that union
leaders will ease o and scale down
protests and strikes.
Some will say give her a chance,
take our time, see what she does.
Instead we should make Camerons
fear of more protests, and strikes
come the autumn a reality unless
he and Morgan give real ground
on pay, pensions, workload and the
So enjoy a Gove-free summer break
(how nice it is to even say that!) and
come back in the autumn prepared to
step up the ght to bury everything
Gove stood for.
Teachers join other strikers on 10 July demonstration. Photo: Ben Windsor
Gove has gone, broken by our strikes...

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