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ast Tursday 10 July up to 1.5
million workers were out on
strike across Britain.
It was a powerful strike that saw
tens of thousands of reghters,
teachers, council workers and civil
service workers on picket lines and
Tory leader David Cameron
branded the strike a failure.
But he then rushed to call for
even tougher anti-union laws to stop
more strikes. He wouldnt be doing
that if he really thought they had no
Te strikes also sealed the fate of
Education minister Michael Gove.
Goves reforms outraged teachers
and parents. Cameron had to admit
that Gove was a liability and that he
was toxic among teachers. Now their
strikes have nished him o.

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General 16/07/14
Camerons panicked reshue shows
the government is weak. We can beat
them and the unions need to pile on
the pressure.
Poverty pay
Te strike on 10 July was driven by
the issue of low pay.
Te latest ination gures (even
using the governments preferred CPI
gure) show ination at 1.9 percent
while public sector workers are being
oered just 1 percent.
Tat means yet another pay cut.
No wonder people have gone on
Its shameful that Labour have
said the 1 percent pay cap and Tory
spending targets will stay if they are
It means more attacks on living
standards and more cuts. We cant
rely on Labour we need to ght
Fireghters are taking 15 periods of
strike action all this week, resisting
attacks on their pensions.
Tey have stepped up their action
against the government and now we
all need to do the same.
Te 10 July strike was a massive
success but its not enough to beat
the Tories. We need to escalate the
Leading gures in Unison have
raised the idea of two days of strikes
in September. Health workers are to
ballot to strike in the autumn.
All the unions that took action on
10 July should strike together again
for two days in September and call
on other unions in the public and
private sector to join them.
Alongside the Britain needs a pay
rise protest called by the TUC on
18 October more strikes can hit the
government hard.
Fireghters join other strikers on 10 July demonstration
Israeli forces have killed over 200
Palestinian people in Gaza. Now
100,000 Gaza residents have been
warned to leave their homes or face yet
more bombing and shelling.
There is the real possibility of a ground
invasion that could cost thousands of
This slaughter has to stop.
On Saturday there is a national
demonstration against the assault on
Gaza in London. Come to the protest
and say no to Israeli state terror.
National demonstration:
Saturday 19 July, 12 noon
10 Downing St, London SW1A 1AA
For a march to the Israeli embassy
Called by Stop the War Coalition,
Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CND,
Friends of Al Aqsa, BMI & MAB
As reghters take eight days of action...

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