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Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

M. Riling 3
Quarter Habits Portfolio Reflection
!. "#at is $our strongest or most im%ortant %iece& Ho' do $ou (no'& "#$ is it
im%ortant to $ou as a student) and as a mat#ematician&
*. "#at is $our 'ea(est %iece&
3. "#at are most of t#e %ieces in $our %ortfolio from& +ests, do no's) in/class
'or() et cetera& Do $ou t#in( t#at0s '#ere $ou do $our best 'or(&
1. "#at (ind of gro't# or c#ange can $ou see in $our %ortfolio&
2. Ho' im%ortant is $our %ortfolio to $ou& Ho' u%set 'ould $ou be if it 'as
destro$ed in t#e .ombie a%ocal$%se&
Here are our #abits of t#in(ing:
see( '#$ and %ro5e use multi%le re%resentations
create data sol5e a sim%ler %roblem
generali.e be confident) %atient) and %ersistent
collaborate loo( for %atterns
!. "#ic# t'o of t#e #abits do $ou use t#e most fre-uentl$ in class& Ho' do t#e$ #el%&
*. 3re t#ere an$ #abits t#at #a5e started to ma(e more sense as t#e $ear #as %rogressed&
"#at #el%ed $ou to understand t#em better&
3. "#ic# of t#e #abits do $ou use t#e least& "#$ is t#at&
1. 3re t#ere an$ #abits t#at $ou use toget#er fre-uentl$&

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