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Developing Research Proposals

Prepared by:
University of ............
Department of .....................
July 201
Research Proposal !Role "#$s in $conomic development of %fghanistan &
'o: ................
(rom: ......................
"ub)ect: Research proposal
Proposed Research 'opic: "#$s in $conomic development of %fghanistan.
Purposes: Understand and Manage stress to make life better for you and your loved ones.
Stress management is an important skill for any parent, but it is especially important for parents
of children with learning disabilities (Learning disabilities affect about ! percent of the
population", and other types of disabilities. Many parents e#perience predictable periods of
stress as they ad$ust to the demands of parenting a learning disabled child. %hese feelings are
often similar to those people commonly e#perience after a significant loss such as a divorce,
loss of a $ob, or death of a loved one. &ll of these probles due to they can't manage thier stress
from their children. (hen a child is diagnosed with learning disabilities, all of the attention is
focused on helping the child. )owever, parents also need assistance in coping with their own
feelings and frustrations.
&s the parent of a child with learning disabilities, and possibly non*disabled children as well,
you will have typical parental stress along with the uni+ue challenges of parenting a special
needs child. %hese tips can help you learn to manage your stress and live a happier, more
satisfying life. ,y developing your stress management skills, you will also model important life
skills for your children(Logsdon,-.". Research has shown that parents of children with
learning disabilities had very elevated scores on the /arenting Stress 0nde#, signifying that they
perceived far more stress in their role as parents than did parents of children without learning
problems. ,y increasing coping skills, parents can reduce their own stress and can become
effective in reducing stress in their children(Latson,-..".
1owadays ,stress has created problem for millions of people. %he researcher feels that there are
different reasons which must be e#plored in order to be controlled and protected. %herefore in
this study , the researcher investigates the impact of stress management instruction and
cognitive behavioral techni+ues on the parents of children with Learning 2isabilities.
*ac+ground: 0 will conduct my study in two groups that are within the control group and
e#perimental group. Roadwork has - SM%s, each of which is responsible for maintenance of
roads within one geographical section of )amilton. %his particular team includes four men and
a woman. %hree of the men are in their thirties and one in his early !.s3 the woman is in her
thirties. %hey are assigned to an area around 4hartwell. %hey start each day with a brief (!*5!
minute meeting" on an agreed upon site, often $ust gathering around the back of a truck for their
meeting. 0 will attend these three mornings a week for four weeks, and will stay on to observe
their work for appro#imately -. hours during the four week period. My primary focus will be
on their interaction in meetings, although 0 will also observe (and perhaps en+uires about"
interactions during their other work.
'heoretical frame,or+: 4ognitive behavioural treatment is a method which is based on the
reactions to the non physical stimulus. (hich is applied by psychologists and therapists in
promoting a definite change in people and help alleviate emotional suffering and also it is used
in rising many issues like social, behavioural and intellectual matters.
)ealers cognitive behavioural recogni6es problems resulting from irrational thinking of
a person, false understanding, abnormal thoughts and they learn to treat them. %his treatment
can be conducted by individuals, families and groups such as an#iety, depression and anger.
. %he population in this study include &fghanistan 0nvestment Support policy, different
ministries . 7or selecting the sample, the first through lectures and posters in the school of
learning disabilities who are motivated to register and provide the researcher with background
for stress.
-. 4urrent studying designs are in two groups. /re*test post test model.
8.7or analy6es of data, the collected data will be entered into S/SS soft ware, after evaluating
the one sample colmogaroph 9Smrinov test for the normality of test distribution, the data will be
sub$ected to /earson product moment correlation for calculating the problem relationship
between interval variables. %he relationship between nominal variables and interval scales will
be calculated using &1:;& and t.test.
5. (rite a research report with the results of my empirical research.
. Specification of the population .
-. Lack of previous research and findings in this regard.
8. %he researcher inability to control all confounding variables in research positions.
2elimitations< 0 am choosing not to observe multiple teams, even though such comparisons
might be valuable, in order to allow more depth of understanding regarding the group on which
0 will focus. &dditionally, 0 will not use structured interviews in order to minimise my
obtrusiveness and my influence on the team members.

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