Veturi Design Procedure

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Scrubber design of a Venturi Scrubber

Problem: Calculate the throat area of a Venturi scrubber to operate at

specified collection efficiency.
Volumetric flow rate of process gas stream = 11,! acfm "at #$%&
'ensity of dust = 1$( lb)ft*
+i,uid-to-gas ratio = . gal)1 ft*
/verage particle si0e = *.. m (1.05 x 10-5 ft)
Water droplet size !" m (1.5#5 x 10-! ft)
Scrubber coe$cient % 0.1!
&e'uired collection e$cienc( )"*
Viscosit( of gas 1.+, x 10-5 lb-ft-sec
.unning/am correction factor 1.0
1tep 1. Calculate the inertial impaction parameter, 01 from 2o/nstone3s
e'uation1 (2o/nstone3s e'uation describes t/e collection e$cienc( of a
Venturi scrubber).
4 1- exp5-% (67-68) (0)1-+9
4 fractional collection efficienc(
% correlation coe$cient :/ose ;alue depends on t/e s(stem geometr( and
operating conditions1 t(picall( 0.1 to 0.+
0 .f <p ; (dp)+ - (1"dd) inertial impaction parameter
<p particle densit(
; gas ;elocit( at Venturi t/roat1 feet per second
dp particle diameter1 feet
dd droplet diameter1 feet
gas ;iscosit(1 lb-ft-sec
.f .unning/am correction factor
1tep .. %rom the calculated value of the preceding 0 (impaction parameter)1
bac% calculate t/e gas ;elocit( at t/e Venturi t/roat ;.
Calculate 0=
0.)" 1- >xp5-0.1! x + x (0)1-+9
Sol;ing for 0=
? 1)5.+
.alculate ;=
0 .f <p ; (dp)+ - (1"dd)
; 1" 0 dd - 5.f <p (dp)+9
1" x 1)5.+ x (1.5#5 x 10-!) x 1.+, x 10-5) - 51 x 1"# x (1.05 x 10-5)+9
,,0.+ ft-sec
Step ,. .alculate t/e t/roat area S1 using gas ;elocit( at t/e Venturi t/roat ;=
S (;olumetric @o: rate)-(;elocit()
1110!0 - (A0 x ,,0.+)
0.55# ft+

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