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Assalamualaikum and a very superb morning/afternoon/evening I bid to Mdm/Mr
Chairperson, precise time keeper, wise and loyal adjudicators, dear worthy opponent team
and finally members of the floor.
I stand here as the first speaker for the opposition team to define our motion today word
by word. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, the word FOREIGN
means a belonging to or connect with a country that is not your own, WORKER is mean
by a person who works, especially one does a particular kind of work , BENEFITS is an
advantage or useful effect that something has, and lastly COUNTRY Is an area of land with
its own people,government and so on.
Please lend me your ears for 8 minutes as I will drive you through the isle of reality as I
am hoisting up the truth and nothing but the truth on our motion today that is FOREIGN
WORKERS BENEFITS THE COUNTRY. I _____, as the first speaker of the opponent
team will now clarify my team role for this debate session. I, myself will be talking about
Foreign workers cause health problem to increase. Next my 2
speaker will now explain
another two point that is Hiring foreign workers will cause imbalance of our countrys
economy and foreign workers causes social problem in our country to increase and they
bring more negative cultures into our country. Last but not least my, 3
speaker will
definitely rebut, rebut and rebut all the misguided argument raise by the opponent team.
Moving to my first point, foreign labours cause health problem to increase. Why I say so
L&G, look around us the foreign labours who came to work in Malaysia are NOT VERY
HEALTH CAUTIOUS. They always dispose their waste as if they are in their own country.
Look at the the places where they stayed, the surrounding are very filthy. They just throw
their garbage around carelessly and these garbage sometimes cloged the drains. As we all
know mosquitos especially aedes (which causes dengue) breed in water and the cloged
drain will cause the water to be stagnant and become a breeding ground for the them. This
could cause a rise in dengue fever and several other diseases case involving our own local
people.You see L&G, hiring foreign labours to work in our country will only spell trouble for
us the local people. As we all knew, people from third world nation are notoriously known for
their dirty habits, and they didnt really care about the cleanliness of their foodstuff. That is
why the number of chlolera cases in their country is high. If we bring them to work in our
country, they might also bring this negative habits into our country and Im very sure we the
local people will had to suffer from their bad habits. So L&G Its better to hire our own local
people to work instead of using these foreign worker because at least well know the origin of
the people who work for us. As the saying goes Better the devil we knew than the angel we
never met. By hiring local people, we are certified that they are free from diseases because
citizen of Malaysia have been given various vaccin to immune us from dangerous diseases.
But the foreign labours, especially those who came from a third world nation, didnt get any
vaccination. So when they came to Malaysia, they might bring back pandemic diseases that
has been long gone from our country such as Malaria,SARS and all sort other. So when we
hire them we all had to suffer from theirs misfit. So you see L&G, foreign workers didnt
actually bring benefits to our country. With that I rest my case.

The sea is rising, the tide is high, the curtain is up and Im ready to say. Assalamualaikum
and a very superb morning/afternoon/evening I bid to Mdm/Mr Chairperson, precise time
keeper, wise and loyal adjudicators, dear worthy opponent team and finally members of the
floor. I _____, as the second speaker will introduce two new points b4 that let me rebut the
misguided argument raised by the 1
goverment speaker.
L&G, Hiring foreign workers may cause our countrys economy to be unstable. The cost in
acquiring and maintaining these foreign worker are quite high. From my finding, I found out
that the cost to acquire one legal foreign worker is more than RM10,000 . Plus after a
company managed to acquire these foreign workers, theres no gurantee that they will
remain loyal. These people are usually goes to the highest bidder, so when another
company offers them better wage their will surely just change jobs without hesitation. This
means the foreign workers may change job often or leave the country quickly if there is a
problem occur, such that happened in Libya.
Next, the presence of foreign worker shall lower the pay rate for certain jobs. Jobs which are
attractive in some countries such as construction worker and such others.This will make the
local who do this kind of work suffer , because their wages would also be lower compared to
what they used to have before the presence foreign worker in our country. L&G, have u
heard about Niger Delta Struggle in Nigeria? Well basicly it is caused by foreigners who
came there to mine oil, they make lots of profit there, while leaving the locals in poverty. Plus
they just mine the oil without caring for the environment, so the locals had to live in
contaminated surrrounding for years . You see L&G with the presence of foreign workers in
our might someday make us become like those people in Nigeria, who failed to prosper in
their own country.With salary rate being lowered, our own people will be suffering in our own
country, while the foreign workers enjoy their life. The foreign labours wouldnt have trouble
with the low wage, this is because they had been surviving with low wage their whole life. So
you see L&G, they are only bringing more trouble rather than benefit. Basicly what Im
saying here is that the presence of foreign worker causes our countrys economy to be
unbalanced, and its unfair to our own locals.

Moving on to my next point , foreign worker causes social problem in our country to
increase and they bring more negative cultures into our country. L&G recently weve seen a
lot gangsterisme issues being portrayed in our local media,and this issues are mainly
caused by those foreign workers who came to work in Malaysia. This has caused parents to
become scared to let off their children to wander around unsupervised, especially those who
have teenagers. The parents feel that the world have become a dangerous place for their
children. Nowadays with the rapes,prostitution, and human trafficking, parents felt worry and
anxious to let their children to explore the world. Especially Parents with teenage daughters,
L&G, all of us have heard about all those Lombok boys who seduced our own local young
girls and these girls back to Lombok, At first these Lombok boys came to Malaysia to work,
but then they started to fall down with our local girls charm and then they seduced them and
bring them back to Lombok. And then when the girl realize that they are making a mistakes,
its already to late for them to do anything. This matter has made parents who has daughters
sleepless because they are scared what if my daughter had fallen for a Lombok guy. And
because of this most parents wouldnt allow their child to go out and explore the the world
outside their safezone because their are scared something bad might happen to their
children.This has somehow blocked our future generation growth. If the parents didnt allow
their children to explore and experience the things that are going on the real world, the child
growth will not be perfect. This is because they couldnt learn the reality about things that are
actually happening in real life. You see L&G, The presence of foreign workers can actually
interrupt the growth of our future generation. As we all know L&G, people might looked
innocent on the outside, but on the inside well never know what are they thinking about.
These foreigners might seem all gooey and friendly, but actually they might scheming
something that can cause harm to our country. So why do we require them to come to work
in our country? Theyll only cause more problem to arise in our country. Beside those jobs
that the foreigners are paid to do , can actually be done by our own local people. Moreover if
we bring too many of them into our country,they might overpopulate us someday. Do we
want them to be a part in our 1Malaysia nation? Of course not L&G, our country should only
be populated with us only . But I am sure their numbers are increasing day by day, so we
should stop bringing them to our country anymore to avoid being overpulated by them. If
there are too many foreign worker in our country, they might cause our country harmonys to
topple down and this can make our country to be vulnerable to outside forces who has bad
intention to our country and those who wants to invade us. This has proven that hiring
foreigners to work in our country is actually bringing more trouble compared to the benefits.
L&G, prention is better than cure, so to avoid these problems to arise, we shouldnt bring
anymore foreign worker to our country. So L&G with that I rest my case.

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