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North Dakota PSC postpones decision on AVSNest Transmission Line project 2
ERCOT approves Houston Region Import Capacity Project 2
New York PSC schedules two public meetings for West Point Transmission Project 2
Adoption of DLR helped Oncor increase power transmission capacity 2
Wasilla City Council to soon decide on MEAs 115 kV transmission line 3
Appalachian Power proposes USD56 million project 3
Manitoba Hydro schedules 10 public meetings for ManitobaMinnesota Transmission Project 3
Brazil to receive BRL11.2 billion loan from 13 international banks 4
Brazilian Chesf energises Acarau II substation 4
GE receives contract from Brazilian companies, Furnas and TMT 4
MEM of Peru awards four electricity transmission concessions to Adinelsa 5
Chinese SGCC to partially roll out business to private players 5
Crompton Greaves wins substation automation contract in India 5
Vietnamese NPT completes HV transmission project, targets another by April-end 5
Philippines NGCP to complete transmission line projects by year-end 6
Construction of 220 kV transmission line launched in Tajikistan 6
Danish Dong Energy awards substation design contract to UKs Atkins 6
Lithuanian Litgrid to seek bids for construction of 330 kV line 6
Russias FGC UES to invest RUB12 billion in Zabaikalsky region 6
ABB bags USD58 million transmission orders in Denmark and India 7
MENA to invest USD316 billion in power sector during 2015-19 7
Dubais DEWA replaces 132 kV Al AweerHatta transmission line 7
CBI Electric launches HV cable manufacturing facility in Africa 7

April 14, 2014

Global Transmission Weekly
Update on the global electricity transmission industry

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 2
North Dakota PSC postpones decision on AVSNest
Transmission Line project
The North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC)
has delayed its decision on Basin Electric Power
Cooperative's AVS to Neset Transmission Line
The project entails the construction of a 190 mile
long (306 km), 345 kV single-circuit transmission
line; two new 345 kV substations at Judson and
Tande; and two 230 kV transmission lines one
between the 345 kV Judson and Western Area
Power Administration (WAPA)-owned 230 kV
Williston substations, and the other between the 345
kV Tande and 230 kV Neset substations.
The 345 kV line will start from the existing
Antelope Valley substation near Beulah and cross
the existing Charlie Creek substation near Grassy
Butte and the 345 kV Judson substation, before
terminating at the Tande substation. The project also
includes modification of the four existing
In January 2014, the Killdeer Mountain Alliance
(KMA), a citizens' group committed to protection of
the Killdeer Mountains of western North Dakota,
requested the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an
agency under US Department of Agriculture (DoA),
to compel Basin Electric Power to identify a new
route for its AVS to Neset Transmission Line
Project, and avoid crossing about an 8 mile (12.88
km) stretch of the project through the historic
Killdeer Mountain battlefield.
The state PSC is likely to announce its decision
by the end of April 2014.
ERCOT approves Houston Region Import Capacity
The Board of Directors of Electric Reliability Council
of Texas (ERCOT) has approved the Houston
Region Import Capacity Project proposed by
CenterPoint Energy.
This approximately USD590 million
transmission line project includes the construction
of a 122 mile (196.42 km), 345 kV double-circuit
transmission line from the Limestone substation
located in ERCOT's North zone to the Gibbons
Creek substation in Grimes County, and then
further onto the Zenith substation northwest of
It also includes the upgradation of substations at
Limestone, Gibbons Creek and Zenith to
accommodate the new lines, along with the existing
345 kV T.H. WhartonAddicks transmission line.
The project will help in increasing the Houston
area's power import capacity.
As per ERCOTs analysis, considering the rising
power demand, especially from petrochemical
manufacturing industry in the region, the additional
power transmission capacity in Houston region
would be required by 2018.
New York PSC schedules two public meetings for
West Point Transmission Project
The New York PSC has scheduled two public
meetings for West Point Transmission Project in
Athens and Cortlandt Manor.
The proposed project will entail the construction
of an approximately 80 mile long (129 km), 320 kV
underwater power cable in the Hudson River using
voltage source conversion (VSC) high voltage direct
current (HVDC) technology.
The line will start from the Leeds substation in
Athens, New York, and terminate at the Buchanan
North substation near Indian Point, New York. A
VSC-HVDC converter station at each end of the line
is also included in the project, which is currently in
the developmental phase.
The project is a part of New Yorks Energy
Highway initiative, which aims to rebuild and
upgrade New York States electric power system.
The project will provide 1,000 MW (expandable to
2,000 MW) of reliable electric power from upstate
New York to New York City.
The public meetings are scheduled on April 23
in Athens and on April 30 in Cortlandt Manor.
Adoption of DLR helped Oncor increase power
transmission capacity
The final report of a Department of Energy (DoE)-
funded project, which aimed to analyse the impact
of using dynamic line rating (DLR) to provide real-
time data on conductor temperature, has recently
been published.
Oncor, a U.S. transmission and distribution
utility, has successfully completed the DoEs Smart
Grid Demonstration Program (SGDP).

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 3
The programme highlighted that the real-time
information provided by Nexans DLR technology,
could significantly help increase the power-carrying
capacity of existing overhead line assets, and reduce
Under the programme, Oncor installed the DLR
technology on eight transmission circuits of capacity
138 kV to 345 kV in central Texas, where it helped in
increasing the power transmission capacity by up to
14 per cent.
The programme is a part of the companys five-
year investment programme, which includes
expenditure of about USD1 billion every year.
The Nexans DLR technology employs an
algorithm that transforms real-time sensor data
into conductor temperature, and calculates the
maximum current capacity (DLR) that maintains
the overhead line sag within safe clearance limits.
It keeps updating the DLR every five to 10
As per the reports highlights, adoption of DLR:
Provided up to 14 per cent additional
capacity above the ambient temperature-
adjusted ratings. The incremental capacity
was available for 83.5 to 90.5 per cent of the
Reduced congestion by up to 60 per cent on
5 per cent additional capacity. Congestion
on the Oncor transmission lines in 2011 and
2012 cost more than USD148 million and
USD197 million respectively.
Resulted in better transmission planning. By
providing additional capacity on
transmission lines where a full upgrade
cannot yet be justified, DLR can be used in
the planning process to enable a least-
regrets capital strategy.
Wasilla City Council to soon decide on MEAs 115 kV
transmission line
The Wasilla City Council is likely to announce its
decision on the appeal of Matanuska Electric
Association (MEA) against Wasilla Planning
Commissions decision to provide conditional
approval for its 115 kV transmission line.
In August 2013, the Commission mandated the
company to bury the 115 kV line as requested by
local residents.
Against this, the company has pointed out that
placing the line underground will increase the cost
of the project to USD41 million, around USD32
million higher than the cost of placing it above
MEA plans to build a double-circuit
transmission line from its Hospital substation at
Trunk Road to either the Herning substation or the
Cottle substation in Wasilla, Alaska.
The purpose of this project is to upgrade its
transmission system by providing two transmission
line circuits between Hospital substation and the
City of Wasilla.
Appalachian Power proposes USD56 million project
Appalachian Power has planned to improve the
electric transmission system in and around Fayette
County, West Virginia with an investment of about
USD56 million.
The project, which is centred roughly eight
miles (12.88 km) east of Fayetteville at the existing
Brackens Creek substation, involves construction
of approximately nine miles (14.49 km) of new
138 kV transmission line and approximately two
miles (3.22 km) of 69 kV transmission line;
rebuilding and upgradation of about 14 miles
(22.54 km) of existing 69 kV transmission line to
operate at 138 kV; removal of about 4.5 miles (7.25
km) of existing 69 kV line and two existing
substation sites; and construction of two new
The company has planned to host a public
meeting for the project on April 22, 2014 at Midland
Trail High School, Hico.
AEP West Virginia Transmission Company, an
affiliate of Appalachian Power has filed its
application for seeking approval to start
construction of the project with West Virginia PSC.
Construction works of the project are scheduled
to start in November 2014 and end by 2017.
Manitoba Hydro schedules 10 public meetings for
ManitobaMinnesota Transmission Project
Manitoba Hydro has scheduled 10 public meetings
for the second round of open houses for its 500 kV
ManitobaMinnesota Transmission Project in
These public meetings have been scheduled at
Ste. Anne in April 15, Richer on April 16, Vita on

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 4
April 22, Piney on April 23, La Broquerie on April
24, Marchand on April 30, Dugald on April 29,
Lorette on May 6, Headingley on May 7, and
Winnipeg on May 8.
The project entails the construction of 500 kV
AC transmission line in southeastern Manitoba and
upgrades to associated stations at Dorsey, Riel, and
The line will originate at the Dorsey Converter
Station (located near Rosser, northwest of
Winnipeg), travel south around Winnipeg and
pass near the Riel Station (east of the city) along
what is known as the Southern Loop corridor, and
continue south to the ManitobaMinnesota border
to connect to the Great Northern Transmission
Line project being developed by Minnesota
The line will terminate at Blackberry Station
located northwest of Duluth, Minnesota.
Brazil to receive BRL11.2 billion loan from 13
international banks
A group of 13 banks will provide a loan worth
BRL11.2 billion to the Brazilian government to
improve its power network.
These include Banco Bradesco (BBD), Itau
Unibanco (ITUB), Banco Santander (BSBR), BTG
Pactual, Citibank (C), J.P. Morgan (JPM), HSBC,
Banco Votorantim, Credit Suisse (CS), Bank of
America (BAC), Goldman Sachs (GS), Banco do
Brasil (BDORY) and Caixa Economica Federal.
The loan will be provided to the countrys
wholesale power market operator Cmara de
Comercializao de Energia Eltrica (CCEE).
The CCEE will in turn provide loans to
Brazilian power companies, which are supposed
to repay the loan directly to the banks from next
year onwards. This can result in higher power
tariffs in the country to enable the power
companies to repay the loan.
The recent disastrous drought has affected the
power generation capacity of the country, which
depends heavily on hydro energy to meet its
electricity demand.
The level of water in the reservoirs in the
southeast and central-west regions of the country in
2013 were at 36.7 per cent of capacity, compared to
54 per cent in 2012 and 78.5 per cent in 2011.
Brazilian Chesf energises Acarau II substation
Brazilian federal utility Companhia Hidro Eletrica
do Sao Francisco (Chesf) energised the first phase
of its Acarau II substation, built to enable the
expansion of wind power generation in Ceara
The company has invested over BRL22 million
in the facility, consisting of two 230/69 kV, 100 MVA
units, in an area with limited power transmission
and sub-transmission capacity.
By the end of 2014, the company is likely to put
the Sobral IIIAcarau II C1 power line in service,
which represents the second and final phase of this
Delays in the construction of Acarau II are
affecting local wind farms of Energimp, a subsidiary
of Argentine engineering company Industrias
Metalurgicas Pescarmona (Impsa).
GE receives contract from Brazilian companies,
Furnas and TMT
US-based multinational conglomerate General
Electric (GE) has received contracts from two
major Brazilian power companies, Furnas Central
Electric SA (Furnas), a subsidiary of Centrais
Eletricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobras), and
Triangle Miner Transmissora (TMT) for supplying
power network protection and control equipment
to ensure high-efficiency performance and quality
for each of the utility's grid modernisation
GE will provide its B90 bus differential system
for the Furnas 230 kV Cachoeira Dourada
substation located in So Paulo and its 138 kV Poos
de Caldas substation located in Minas Gerais.
It will also provide its equipment for Furnas' 765
kV reactors and 765 kV, 500 kV and 69 kV
transformers at its Ivaipora substation in So Paulo
and its Itabera substation in Minas Gerais. These
substations facilitate the highest AC voltage in
In addition, GE is providing protection,
control and communications solutions for the

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 5
reactive compensation system, transmission lines,
connections, feeders, measurements, protection
and control panels, level 2 Human Machine
Interface (HMI)/Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems and automation
solutions for the new 297 km 500 kV transmission
line being built from the Marimbondo II
substation in Minas Gerais to the Assis substation
in So Paulo.
MEM of Peru awards four electricity transmission
concessions to Adinelsa
The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) of Peru
has awarded four electricity transmission
concessions to local power system operator Empresa
de Administracion de Infraestructura Electrica
The first transmission line concession,
Huarochiri 1, crosses the municipalities of Cuenca,
Lahuaytambo, Langa, San Andre de Tupicocha, San
Damian, Surco, Antioquia, San Jose de los
Chorrillos, Huarochiri, Anchucaya, Huancayre, San
Juan de Tantaranche, and San Lorenzo de Quinti, all
in Lima's Huarochiri province.
The second concession is for the transmission
line Canta II, which connects Sumbilca in Lima's
Huaral province and Arahuay, Santa Rosa de
Quives, Canta and Huaros in Canta province, also
in the Lima region.
The third project includes construction of a 20
kV transmission line linking Canta, Huaros, San
Buenaventura, Lachaqui, Santa Rosa de Quives,
Huamantanga, Ambar and Sumbilca, all in Lima.
The fourth concession, called Cajatambo, will
connect Cajatambo, Gorgor, Huancapon, Manas,
Copa and Mangas municipalities in Cajatambo
and Ocros provinces of the Lima and Ancash
Chinese SGCC to partially roll out business to
private players
Chinas state-owned transmission grid developer
State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) has
planned to roll out some parts of its operations to
private players.
The company will open up three areas,
including direct current ultra high voltage (UHV)
power transmission, pumped storage power
stations and electric vehicle charging equipment to
private investors.
SGCC is one of the countrys two grid
developers and operates 80 per cent of the countrys
Crompton Greaves wins substation automation
contract in India
India-based Crompton Greaves Limited (CG) has
won a transmission contract from Indias central
transmission utility Power Grid Corporation of
India Limited (POWERGRID) for the supply of
substation automation systems.
Under the contract, CG will supply 220/132/33
kV ZIV 61850 automation systems for
POWERGRIDs Govindpur, Manoharpur,
Jaduguda, Dalbhumgarh, Jamtara and Rourkela
The scope of works also includes the
manufacture and supply of ZIV protection and
control relays, automation systems, and engineering
Vietnamese NPT completes HV transmission
project, targets another by April-end
National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT),
a subsidiary of state-owned Electricity of Vietnam
(EVN) has commissioned a 500 kV power line in
the northern province of Quang Ninh and targets
to complete another 500 kV line by this April-end.
The company has completed the construction of
the 500 kV Quang NinhMong Duong power
transmission line.
The 25.2 km line connects the Mong Duong
thermal power plant to the 500 kV Quang Ninh
substation. Construction on the VND946 billion line
began in December 2012.
On the other hand, the company targets to
complete the construction of the 500 kV PleikuMy
PhuocCau Bong transmission line by April 2014.
The line runs through the city of Ho Chi Minh,
the southern provinces of Binh Phuoc and Binh
Duong, and the central highland provinces of Gia
Lai, Dak Lak and Dak Nong.

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 6
The 437 km long line will increase the electricity
back-up capacity for the central highland and
southern regions of the country.
The project is estimated to entail an investment
of VND9.3 trillion, funded by the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the Bank for Industry
and Trade (Vietinbank), the Vietnam Development
Bank (VDB) and other financial institutions.
Philippines NGCP to complete transmission line
projects by year-end
National Grid Corporation of Philippines (NGCP),
the private concessionaire of Philippines
transmission network expects to complete two
transmission line projects by the end of 2014.
The two projects are the Southern Panay
Transmission Backbone Project and the CulasiSan
Jose transmission line project.
Work on both the above commenced in 2010.
The projects aim to accommodate the increasing
demand and improve the reliability of power
supply issues in Panay Island.
The Southern Panay Transmission Backbone
Project involves the construction of 93 km of 138 kV
and 69 kV overhead transmission lines, and two
new substations.
The CulasiSan Jose line project entails
construction of 86 km of overhead transmission
lines and the expansion of existing San Jose and
Culasi substations.
Construction of 220 kV transmission line launched
in Tajikistan
Tajikistan has launched the construction of a 220 kV
Kayrakum (Qairoqqum)Asht power transmission
line in the northern province of Sughd. The 74 km
long line is expected to entail an investment of TJS65
The line is one of the two transmission lines that
were extended a grant of USD122 million by the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2010. The other
project is the 220 kV GeranRumi line in the
Khatlon province.
The transmission line is expected to be
commissioned by September 2014.
Danish Dong Energy awards substation design
contract to UKs Atkins
Danish state-owned utility Dong Energy has
awarded a contract to UK-based engineering
consulting company Atkins Plc for designing five
substations for an offshore wind power project in
the UK.
Under the contract, Atkins will provide detailed
substation designs for the Race Bank wind farm,
which is one of DONG Energys major offshore
wind projects in the UK.
The Race Bank wind farm will have a capacity
of 580 MW and will be located 27 km off the east
coast of England. Construction of the facility is
scheduled to begin in 2017.
Lithuanian Litgrid to seek bids for construction of
330 kV line
Litgrid, the Lithuanian electricity transmission
system operator (TSO) plans to invite bids for the
design and construction of a 55.5 km long, a 330 kV
connection between Alytus and Kruonis.
The link is associated with the LitPol
interconnection project, which entails construction
of a cross-border transmission line between
Lithuania and Poland.
The 330 kV double-circuit overhead line will
connect the Kruonis pumped storage plant (PSP) to
On the other hand, the LitPol link will connect
Alytus to Elk in Poland via a 163 km long 400 kV
double-circuit overhead line. Power generated from
the Kruonis PSP will be transferred to Poland via
these lines.
As per the preliminary tender issued by the
company recently, the work on the AlytusKrounis
PSP will have to be completed within 30 months
after the signing of the contract.
Russias FGC UES to invest RUB12 billion in
Zabaikalsky region
Russias grid operator, Federal Grid Company of
Unified Energy System (FGC UES) plans to invest
around RUB12 billion in the construction of
transmission infrastructure in the Zabaikalsky
Region between 2014 and 2019.

Global Transmission Weekly | April 14, 2014 7
The company plans to build and upgrade 19
power facilities, covering over 706 km of power
transmission lines and 750 MVA of transformer
ABB bags USD58 million transmission orders in
Denmark and India
ABB has won two transmission projects worth
USD58 million in Denmark and India.
The contract won in Denmark is worth USD40
million and has been awarded by the countrys TSO
The contract involves the construction of the
transmission network to connect the 400 MW Horns
Rev 3 offshore wind farm to the national grid.
The new Horns Rev 3 wind farm is located in
the North Sea, about 30 km off the westernmost
point of Denmark, Blvands Huk.
The power generated by the wind farm will be
brought to shore via a 32 km long, 220 kV
submarine cable.
ABBs scope of work includes the technical
design, engineering, manufacturing and installation
of the high voltage cable system and accessories.
Delivery of the cable system is scheduled for 2016.
The other contract, worth USD18 million, has
been awarded by Indias central TSO Power Grid
Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID).
The scope of work entails construction of a 400
kV gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) substation at
Kolhapur in Maharashtra, India.
The new substation aims to strengthen the inter-
regional grid between the countrys western and
southern regions.
MENA to invest USD316 billion in power sector
during 2015-19
As per a study by Arab Petroleum Investment
Corporation (Apicorp), the Saudi Arabia-based
affiliate of Kuwait-based Organisation of Arab
Petroleum Exporting Countries (Oapec), the
Middle East and North African (MENA) region is
expected to invest USD316 billion between 2015
and 2019.
Of this, around USD38.5 billion will be invested
in the transmission segment.
The study also showed that of the total
transmission investments, the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC), which includes Saudi Arabia, the
United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Qatar,
Bahrain and Oman will account for USD15.5 billion.
The Maghreb region in North Africa,
encompassing Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco
and Tunisia will account for USD4.6 billion.
The Mashreq countries, including Egypt, Iraq,
Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian
territories are expected to witnesses and investment
of around USD10.8 billion.
Transmission investment in Iran are expected to
be around USD7.2 billion during 2015-2019 while
the remaining USD0.7 billion will be spent by the
rest of the Arab world, mainly North and South
Sudan, and Yemen.
Dubais DEWA replaces 132 kV Al AweerHatta
transmission line
The state-owned Dubai Electricity and Water
Authority (DEWA) has successfully completed the
replacement of transmission line insulators at the
132 kV Al AweerHatta transmission line.
The replacement works entailed an investment
of AED12.2 million.
CBI Electric launches HV cable manufacturing
facility in Africa
CBI Electric African Cables, South Africa-based
subsidiary of Reunert Group, has launched a high
voltage (HV) cable manufacturing facility at
Vereeniging in the Gauteng province of South
The ZAR150 million facility has been partly
funded by the government.
It will be the first facility in sub-Saharan Africa
to design and manufacture cables of up to 275 kV
with conductor sizes of up to 2,500 square mm.

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