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LDD Revision

Database: shared, integrated computer structure that store a collection of etada
ta and end-user data.
Database management system (DBMS): collections of programs ; manages structure a
nd controls access to data
-is the intermediary between the user and the DB
-DB structure stored as file collection
-Can only access files through the DBMS
Problem with file system:
-req extensive programming
-cannot perform ad hoc queries
-System admin is complex and difficult
-Difficult to make changes to existing structures
-Security features are likelu to be inadequate
-Multiuser accessing problem
-Data redundancy
DBMS Advantages:
-Data dictionary mgmt
-Data storage mgmt
-Data transformation & presentation
-Multiuser access control
-Backup and recovery mgmt
-Data integrity mgmt
-minimize data redundancy
-Database access languages
Data independence (should not affect ER model):
-Logical independence: change internal model without affecting conceptual model
-Physical independence: changes in the physical model do not affect internal mod
why?(change any independent layer)
Entity types:
-Strong Entity (Employee, Person)
- Survive by it self
- Does not need any other PK
-Weak Entity ( Child)
-cannot survive by its own
-need PK from its super table
-Assocation between entities
-Participants are entities that participate in a relationship
-Relationships between entities alwayhs operate in both directions
-Relationships canbe classified as 1:1, 1:M, and M:N
-Entity Integrity
-Each row int the table has its own unique identity
-Referential Integrity
-FK contains a value that refers to an existing valid tuple)row) in anot
her relation
Degrees of data abstraction: (Want to keep these layers independant)
-External(view of user)
-Conceptual(view of analyst)
-Internal (view of DBMS)
-Physical (view of your HDD(storage))
Extended Entity Relationship Model(EERD) (improved form of ERD)
-Result of adding semantics constructs to original entity relationship (ER) mode
Entity Supertype and subtype(minimise null values)
-Entity Supertype (common information eg name)
-Generic entity type related to one or more entity subtypes
-contains common char
-Entity Subtype (seperate(unique) information eg emp_num)
-Contains unique char of each entity subtype
-Enables entity subtype to inherit attributes and relationships of supertype
Subtype Discriminator
-Attribute in a supertype entity
-Determines to which entity subtype each supertype occurence is related
Disjoitn & overapping Constraints
- Disjoint
-seperate information(eg student cannot be a graduate and undergraduate
at the same time)
-Sharing information(eg employee can be a student aswell)
Normalization Process:(assign of correct attribute to correct entity) why?(remov
e anomily)
-Each table represents a single subject
-No data item will be unnecessarily stores in more than one table
Partial dependency
- exists when there is a function dependence in which the determinant is only pa
rt of the primary key
Transitive dependency
-Exits when there are functional dependencies such that X > Y, Y > Z and X is th
e primary key
First Normal Form
-Elimate the repeating groups
-identify the primary key
-identify all dependencies
Second Normal Form
-It is in forst normal form
- includes no partial dependencies
-no attributes is dependant oo only portion of PK
Third Normal Form
-removing transitive dependencies
Batabase system VS Informtion System
-performance depends on 3 factors:
-DB design and implementaion
-Application design and implementation
Database life cycle
-DB initial study
-DB design
-Implementatin and loading
-Testing and evaluation
-Maintenance and evolution
-logical unit of work that must be either al of the work completed or none compl
- Successfull transaction changes database from one consistent state to another
Transaction Propertu
-All operations of a transaction must be completed
-Permanence of database cosistent state
-Data used during transaction cannot be used by second transaction until
the fir is completed
-Once transaction are committed, they canno be undone
-concurrent execution of several transactions yields consistent results
Concurrency Control
-Main problems
-lost updates
-Uncommitted data
-inconsistent retreievals
-Coordination of simulataneous transaction execution in a mutiprocessing databas
-Objectives is to ensure serializability of transactions in a multiuser environm
Distributes process & Database
- DB logical processing is shares among two or more physical independent
-conneced through network
-Stores logically related information
Advantages of distributed system(Google)
-data located near greatest demand site
-faster data access
-faster data processing
-growth facilitation
-improved communications
-reduced operating costs
-user-freindly interdface
-less danger of a single-point failure
-processor independnece
-complexity of management and control
-lack of stndards
-increased storage req
-increased training cost
-costs(licensing, duplicating hardware)
Fact Table
-numeric measurements that represent specific business aspect or activity
-fact table contains facts linked through their dimensions
-metrics are facts computed at run time
Dimension tables(represent subject eg customer, sale, product)
-study facts via dimensions
-decision support data alomst always viewd in relation to other data
Star Schema
-facts and dimensions represented in physical tables on data warehouse database

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