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Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument

Evaluation by:
Christine Zeitler
Prof. Frank Peschanel
Christine Zeitler
Balance & Business cc
Pinguinweg !
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
(his )*'+uestion survey form results in a ,rofile of your ,referre# thinking styles. By un#erstan#ing your
thinking style ,references you can achieve greater a,,reciation for how you learn- make #ecisions- solve
,roblems- an# communicate- an# why you #o these others.the way you #o. (he survey
measures ,references rather than skills. /t is not a test0 there are no wrong answers. 1ou will gain the
greatest un#erstan#ing by answering the +uestions frankly an# sincerely.
2 ,rofile of your mental ,references will be #etermine# by your res,onses to the following )* +uestions.
2nswer each +uestion by writing in the a,,ro,riate wor#s or numbers- or checking the bo3es ,rovi#e#. (his
is not a test- an# there are no right or wrong answers. 1ou are only in#icating your ,references. Please
res,on# to +uestions as authentically as ,ossible- kee,ing in min# your total self- at work an# at home.
"hen you have com,lete# the survey form- confirm that you have answere# every +uestion. (hen com,lete
the name an# a##ress information on the back of the form- an# sen# or fa3 ,ages ) through 4 to the $e#
5errmann 6rou, at the a##ress on the cover.
7efer to the glossary of terms for clarification of the terms use#. 8ave the glossary ,age for reference when
you receive your ,rofile results.
analytic 9 Breaking u, things or i#eas into ,arts an# e3amining them to see how they fit together.
artistic 9 (aking en:oyment from or skilful in ,ainting- #rawing- music- or scul,ture. 2ble to coor#inate colour-
#esign- an# te3ture for ,leasing effects.
conceptual 9 2ble to conceive thoughts an# i#eas0 to generali%e abstract i#eas from s,ecific instances.
controlled 9 7estraine#- hol#ing back- in charge of one;s emotions.
conservative 9 (en#ing towar# maintaining tra#itional an# ,roven views- con#itions- an# institutions.
creative 9 5aving unusual i#eas an# innovative thoughts. 2ble to ,ut things together in new an# imaginative
critical 9 E3ercising or involving careful :u#gement or evaluation- e.g.- :u#ging the feasibility of an i#ea or
detailed 9 Paying attention to the small items or ,arts of an i#ea or ,ro:ect.
dominant 9 7uling or controlling0 having strong im,act on others.
emotional 9 5aving feelings that are easily stirre#0 #is,laying those feelings.
empathetic 9 2ble to un#erstan# how another ,erson feels- an# able to communicate that feeling.
extrovert 9 More intereste# in ,eo,le an# things outsi#e of self than internal thoughts an# feelings. <uickly
an# easily e3,oses thoughts- reactions- feelings- etc. to others.
financial 9 Com,etent in monitoring an# han#ling of +uantitative issues relate# to costs- bu#gets- an#
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
holistic 9 2ble to ,erceive an# un#erstan# the Cbig ,ictureD without #welling on in#ivi#ual elements of an
i#ea- conce,ts- or situation. Can see the forest as contraste# with the trees.
imaginative 9 2ble to form mental images of things not imme#iately available to the senses or never wholly
,erceive# in reality0 able to confront an# #eal with a ,roblem in a new way.
implementation 9 2ble to carry out an activity an# ensure fulfilment by concrete measures an# results.
innovating 9 2ble to intro#uce new or novel i#eas- metho#s- or #evices.
integration 9 (he ability to combine ,ieces- ,arts an# elements of i#eas- conce,ts an# situations into a
unifie# whole.
intellectual 9 5aving su,erior reasoning ,owers0 able to ac+uire an# retain knowle#ge.
interpersonal 9 Easily able to #evelo, an# maintain meaningful an# ,leasant relationshi,s with many
#ifferent kin#s of ,eo,le.
introvert 9 Eirecte# more towar# inwar# reflection an# un#erstan#ing than towar# ,eo,le an# things outsi#e
of self. 8low to e3,ose reactions- feelings- an# thoughts to others.
intuitive 9 Fnowing something without thinking it out G having instant un#erstan#ing without nee# for facts or
Iogical 9 2ble to reason #e#uctively from what has gone before.
mathematical 9 Perceiving an# un#erstan#ing numbers an# being able to mani,ulate them to a #esire# en#.
metaphorical 9 2ble to un#erstan# an# make use of visual an# verbal figures of s,eech to suggest a
likeness or an analogy in ,lace of literal #escri,tions- e.g.- Cheart of gol#.D
musical 9 5aving an interest in or talent for music an#Hor #ance.
organi%e# 9 2ble to arrange ,eo,le- conce,ts- ob:ects- elements- etc. into coherent relationshi,s with each
planning 9 Formulating metho#s or means to achieve a #esire# en# in a#vance of taking actions to
problem solving 9 2ble to fin# solutions to #ifficult ,roblems by reasoning.
quantitative 9 Iriente# towar# numerical relationshi,s0 incline# to know or seek e3act measures.
rational 9 Making choices on the basis of reason as o,,ose# to emotion.
reader 9 Ine who rea#s often an# en:oys it.
rigorous thinking 9 5aving a thorough- #etaile# a,,roach to ,roblem'solving.
sequential 9 Eealing with things an# i#eas one after another or in or#er.
simultaneous 9 2ble to ,rocess more than one ty,e of mental in,ut at a time- e.g. visual- verbal- an#
musical0 able to atten# to more than one activity at a time.
spatial 9 2ble to ,erceive- un#erstan# an# mani,ulate the relative ,ositions of ob:ects in s,ace.
spiritual 9 5aving to #o with s,irit or soul as a,art from the bo#y or material things.
symbolic 9 2ble to use an# un#erstan# ob:ects- marks- an# signs as re,resentative of facts an# i#eas.
synthesizer 9 Ine who unites se,arate i#eas- elements- or conce,ts into something new.
technical 9 2ble to un#erstan# an# a,,ly engineering an# scientific knowle#ge.
teaching/training 9 2ble to e3,lain i#eas an# ,roce#ures in a way that ,eo,le can un#erstan# an# a,,ly
verbal 9 5aving goo# s,eaking skills0 clear an# effective with wor#s.
writer 9 Ine who communicates clearly with the written wor# an# en:oys it.
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
Please com,lete every +uestion accor#ing to the #irections given. Each res,onse- inclu#ing your answers to
+uestions )- B an# J- ,rovi#e im,ortant #ata. "hen #irections are not followe# or #ata is incom,lete we are
unable to ,rocess your survey.
. $ame ........................................................................................................................................................
). 8e3 M F
B. E#ucational focus or ma:or .......................................................................................................................
J. Iccu,ation or :ob title ...............................................................................................................................
Eescribe your work @,lease be as s,ecific as ,ossibleA ...........................................................................
4. "hich ,icture most closely resembles the way you hol# a ,encilK
L. "hat is the strength an# #irection of your han#e#nessK
Primary left Primary left,
some right
Both hands equal Primary right,
some left
Primary right,
(hink back to your ,erformance in the elementary an#Hor secon#ary school sub:ects i#entifie# below. 7ank
all three sub:ects on the basis of how well you #i#: M best0 ) M secon# best0 B M thir# best.
7. Math 8. Foreign language 9. Native language or mother tongue
Please check that no number is #u,licate#: (he numbers - )- an# B must be use# once an# only once.
Correct if necessary.
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
7ate each of the work elements below accor#ing to your strength in that activity- using the following scale:
4 M work / #o best0 J M work / #o well0 B M neutral0 ) M work / #o less well0 M work / #o least well.
Enter the a,,ro,riate number ne3t to each element. Eo not use any number more than four times.
10. nalyti!al 1". #e!hni!al s$e!ts %1. &nnovating
11. dministrative 17. &m$lementation %%. #ea!hing'#raining
1%. (on!e$tuali)ing 18. Planning %*. +rgani)ation
1*. ,-$ressing &deas 19. &nter$ersonal s$e!ts %.. (reative s$e!ts
1.. &ntegration %0. Pro/lem 0olving %1. Finan!ial s$e!ts
11. 2riting
Please tally: $umber of 4;s - J;s - B;s - );s - ;s . /f there are more than four for any category-
,lease re#istribute.
8elect eight a#:ectives which best #escribe the way you see yourself. Enter a ) ne3t to each of your eight
selections. (hen change one ) to a B for the a#:ective which best #escribes you.
%". 3ogi!al *1. ,motional .*. 0ym/oli!
%7. (reative *". 0$atial ... 4ominant
%8. Musi!al *7. (riti!al .1. 5olisti!
%9. 0equential *8. rtisti! .". &ntuitive
*0. 0ynthesi)er *9. 0$iritual .7. 6uantitative
*1. 7er/al .0. 8ational .8. 8eader
*%. (onservative .1. (ontrolled .9. 0imultaneous
**. nalyti!al .%. Mathemati!al 10. Fa!tual
*.. 4etailed
Please count: seven );s an# one BK Correct if necessary.
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
/n#icate a ma3imum of si3 hobbies you are actively engage# in. Enter a B ne3t to your ma:or hobby- a ) ne3t
to each ,rimary hobby- an# a ne3t to each secon#ary hobby. Enter only one B.
11. rts'(rafts 19. 9ardening'Plants "7. 0e:ing
1%. Boating "0. 9olf "8. 0$e!tator 0$orts
1*. (am$ing'5i;ing "1. 5ome &m$rovements "9. 0:imming'4iving
1.. (ards "%. Musi! 3istening 70. #ennis
11. (olle!ting "*. Musi! Playing 71. #ravel
1". (oo;ing ".. Photogra$hy 7%. 2ood:or;ing
17. (reative 2riting "1. 8eading +ther
18. Fishing "". 0ailing +ther
Please review: Inly one B an# no more than si3 hobbies. Correct if necessary.
!B. (hinking about your energy level or C#riveD select the one that best re,resents you. Check bo3 2- B- or
4ay $erson B 4ay'night $erson equally ( Night $erson
!J. 5ave you ever e3,erience# motion sickness @nausea- vomitingA in res,onse to vehicular motion @while in
a car- boat- ,lane- bus- train- amusement ri#eAK Check bo3 2- B- C- or E to in#icate the number of times.
None B 1<% ( *<10 4 More than 10
!4. Can you rea# while traveling in a car without stomach awareness- nausea- or vomitingK
=es B No
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
For each ,aire# item below- check the wor# or ,hrase which is more #escri,tive of yourself. Check bo3 2 or
B for each ,air- even if the choice is a #ifficult one. Eo not omit any ,airs.
7". .........(onservative ,m$atheti! 88. .....................&maginative 0equential
77. ..................nalyst 0ynthesi)er 89. ...........................+riginal 8elia/le
78. ..........6uantitative Musi!al 90. ..........................(reative 3ogi!al
79. .....Pro/lem<solver Planner 91. .......................(ontrolled ,motional
80. .............(ontrolled (reative 9%. ...........................Musi!al 4etailed
81. .................+riginal ,motional 9*. ..................0imultaneous ,m$atheti!
8%. ..................Feeling #hin;ing 9.. ................(ommuni!ator (on!e$tuali)er
8*. .........&nter$ersonal +rgani)er 91. .............#e!hni!al #hings Peo$le<oriented
8.. .................0$iritual (reative 9". ................2ell<organi)ed 3ogi!al
81. ................4etailed 5olisti! 97. ...........8igorous #hin;ing Meta$hori!al #hin;ing
8". .....+riginate &deas #est and Prove &deas 98. .......3i;e #hings Planned 3i;e #hings Mathemati!al
87. .....2arm, Friendly nalyti!al 99. ..........................#e!hni!al 4ominant
Please review: Ei# you mark one an# only one of each ,airK Correct if necessary.
**. Check one bo3 to ,lace yourself on this scale from introvert to e3trovert:
introvert e-trovert
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
7es,on# to each statement by checking the bo3 in the a,,ro,riate column.
agree agree
/et:een disagree
101. & feel that a ste$</y<ste$ method is /est for solving $ro/lems.
10%. 4aydreaming has $rovided the im$etus for the solution of many of
my more im$ortant $ro/lems.
10*. & li;e $eo$le :ho are most sure of their !on!lusions.
10.. & :ould rather /e ;no:n as a relia/le than an imaginative $erson.
101. & often get my /est ideas :hen doing nothing in $arti!ular.
10". & rely on hun!hes and the feeling of rightness or :rong<ness :hen
moving to:ard the solution to a $ro/lem.
107. & sometimes get a ;i!; out of /rea;ing the rules and doing things
&>m not su$$osed to do.
108. Mu!h of :hat is most im$ortant in life !annot /e e-<$ressed in
109. &>m /asi!ally more !om$etitive :ith others than self<!om$etitive.
110. & :ould en?oy s$ending an entire day @alone :ith my thoughts.A
111. & disli;e things /eing un!ertain and un$redi!ta/le.
11%. & $refer to :or; :ith others in a team effort rather than solo.
11*. &t is im$ortant for me to have a $la!e for everything and everything
in its $la!e.
11.. Bnusual ideas and daring !on!e$ts interest and intrigue me.
111. & $refer s$e!ifi! instru!tions to those :hi!h leave many details
11". Cno:<:hy is more im$ortant than ;no:<ho:.
117. #horough $lanning and organi)ation of time are mandatory for
solving diffi!ult $ro/lems.
118. & !an frequently anti!i$ate the solutions to my $ro/lems.
119. & tend to rely more on my first im$ressions and feelings :hen
ma;ing ?udgments than on a !areful analysis of the situation.
1%0. & feel that la:s should /e stri!tly enfor!ed.
Please ensure that you have answere# each of the +uestions in this last section.
=>?- @revise# >>*A $e# 5errmann an# >?B- @revise# >>A 7olan# 8,inola
"hat are the things that motivate you- what makes you tickK

"hat is it that you woul# like to changeK

"hat are the things you woul# like to im,rove @you may want to list severalAK

"hich of the above'mentione# ,oints is the most im,ortant to youK

$ame ...........................................................................................................................................
First $ame ...........................................................................................................................................
Place of Birth ...........................................................................................................................................
Eate of Birth ...........................................................................................................................................
(ime of Birth ...........................................................................................................................................

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