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TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow

Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow

Lesson Overview
The workIlow option Ior parking documents is presented in this lesson. Extensive
knowledge which cannot be provided by this course is required to set up the
workIlow. The lesson is intended to enable the Financial Accounting application
manager to design a plan Ior this area and ensure coordination between the
relevant department and specialists in the workIlow area.
Lesson Objectives
AIter completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe how to use the workIlow when parking documents
Name the advantages oI using workIlow when parking documents
Business ExampIe
Various employees are involved in posting Financial Accounting documents
within the relevant department. One employee parks the documents, another one
checks the account assignment and supplements account assignment objects, iI
necessary, and then ensures the posting is made in order to update the transaction
Iigures. The department would like to Iind out to what extent the SAP system is
able provide support Ior this process Ilow.
WorkfIow in One Sentence
Figure 182: WorkfIow in One Sentence
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
In the SAP business workIlow, the Iour process dimensions
Organizational structure (Who?)
Process structure (When? In what order? Under what circumstances?)
Function (What?)
InIormation (With which data?)
are combined to allow business processes to be carried out as eIIiciently as
The process to be displayed as workIlow is stored in the system in parameters
using a graphic deIinition tool. During the process the workIlow manager - and
hence the system - perIorms all the tasks that were worked out when the process
was deIined. As a result, the user is relieved oI any avoidable organisational tasks
and can concentrate on the aspects oI his or her actual work.
Figure 183: The Five EssentiaI Questions on Every Business Process
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TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
Figure 184: Benefits of the SAP Business WorkfIow
The SAP Business WorkIlow supports processes oI your company within an SAP
system. It also supports the communication between business processes operated
on diIIerent systems.
The SAP Business WorkIlow provides the end user with all inIormation required
to perIorm the next step.
SAP provides standard workIlow templates in order to depict business processes.
You can customize these SAP workIlow templates or create your own.
Figure 185: WorkfIow Management Architecture
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
WorkfIow Management Architecture
In short, workIlow means getting the right work to the right employee at the right
The SAP Business WorkIlow is structured in three layers. This modularization oI
the components involved is the basis Ior a high degree oI Ilexibility.
The right work: Whatever you wish to perIorm during the workIlow: it must
be implemented in the Business Object Repository as a method oI a business
object type.
At the right point of time: The process level describes the business process in a
sequence oI individual steps. The worklow deIinition is the total oI all steps put
together. Individual steps can reIer to methods oI the BOR (Business Object
Rep.), but they can also be used to control the process, i.e. to, Ior example,
enable loop-type processing, query conditions, provide values in the interIace (
container). WorkIlow Builder is the tool used Ior the maintenance oI the process
To the right processor: The organizational level establishes a link to the
organizational structure.
There is a group oI potential processors available Ior each task which is able
to be perIomed as part oI the workIlow.
This group can be restricted by speciIications on the processor in the
workIlow step. The selected processors receive a work item at their business
workplace during the runtime. The corresponding method oI the business
object type is started once the work item is perIormed.
434 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
Figure 186: WorkfIow: Design and Procedure I
WorkIlows are usually initiated by a triggering event. Events are used to display
the changes in status oI objects within the system. Like methods, they are deIined
in the object repository Ior each object type. Events are initiated in the respective
Example: The workflow for account assignment approval (WS0100000) is
started by triggering the marking for organizational change event when saving a
parked document with the speciIication oI a measure.
Work items represent single-step tasks during runtime. They are sent to the
responsible processors by the workIlow manager.
Whenever a processor accepts a work item in order to process it, the work item
disappears Irom the inboxes oI the other processors.
Whenever a work item is processed, the corresponding object method is called up.
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
Figure 187: ExampIe: Designing the (Entire) WorkfIow for a Parked
For every business step, ask yourselI:
What work has to be done?
You consequently know which object type and method you require.
With dialog steps: Who is carrying out the work?
You consequently know which processors are responsible.
What text is supposed to be displayed at the workplace oI the person
receiving the work item?
This text is treated as a task when creating the step. Store your answers in
the design.
436 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
Figure 188: WorkfIow: Areas of AppIication
WHAT Is Carried Out? - Tasks ReIated to the WorkfIow
Posting invoices
Releasing purchase requisitions
Changing material masters
Approving leave
Creating customer accounts
Deleting purchase orders
Creating requirement requests via the Internet
Tasks represent steps oI the business process. The process to be shown must be
divided into individual tasks during the deIinition. The deIinition oI the workIlow
determines the tasks and the order in which they are to be carried in the process.
Tasks reIer precisely to one object type oI the business object repositories and to
exactly one oI their methods deIined there. In exceptional cases a business process
may only have one task. A workIlow deIinition should be created even in these
cases, however. Tasks are represented by work items during the runtime oI the
workIlow. The work items appear in the inbox oI the receiver.
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
Figure 189: Task Definition: "PossibIe Processors" - WHO is doing
Each task must be assigned possible processors. This is the group oI employees
at your company, who come into question Ior carrying out the respective task.
WHO Is Doing Something?
Figure 190: WHO Is Doing Something? WorkfIow Steps and "ResponsibIe
438 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
You deIine a workIlow step when you enter a job in the workIlow deIinition.
In this workflow step you can enter responsible processors. Furthermore you
can exclude processors explicitly. The slide shows you how to assign processors
during the step.
The system calculates the intersection oI 'possible processors and 'responsible
processors Ior the runtime. It is then checked whether each user included in it has
been excluded in the workIlow step deIinition. II the results oI both inspections
are positive, the user receives a work item in his or her inbox and then belongs to
the receivers of the work item.
Figure 191: User Interface: Inbox in the SAP System
The Business Workplace consists oI three screen areas:
Selection tree: You can Iind the selection tree on the leIt side oI the Business
Workplace. Here you can select work items to be executed, workIlows which
you have started or documents.
Worklist: The worklist is displayed at the top right oI the Business-Workplace
screen in case you want to mark the 'WorkIlow Iolder. The system automaticlly
puts the entries in groups in this Iolder. There are special Iolders in which you can
Iind overdue work items or missed deadline work items. II you mark 'Inbox in the
selection tree, you can see all work items and documents in this area oI the screen.
Work item preview: The work item selected Irom the work list is displayed in a
preview at the bottom right oI the screen. Not all Iunctions oI the work item
display or workIlow protocol are available. It is possible Ior the user to make a
decision Irom within the work item preview.
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
Figure 192: Inbox
The work items can be perIormed directly in the worklist. The corresponding
applications are started directly and provided with the required data by
double-clicking on them. Recipients can display the attachments oI the work item
and add new ones. You can add various types oI documents to a work item as
attachments, e.g. SAPscript documents, MicrosoIt OIIice documents or Internet
The WebFlow Engine determines the recipients oI the work item. All selected
recipients can view the work item and perIorm it at their Business Workplace.
Only one user can perIorm the work item, however. II, thereIore, a user starts to
perIorm the work item, the other recipients are unable to perIorm this work item. A
recipient can accept a work item. An accepted work item can only be perIormed by
the user who has accepted it. By selecting Put Back, you can disable the reserved
status oI the work item and make it accessible again to all selected processors. The
status oI the work item is then set back to 'ready. You can deIine that concluding
the processing oI a workIlow step has to be conIirmed explicitly. AIter processing
a work item, a dialog box appears in which you can Iinish processing the work
item. The work item remains in the worklist and is set to 'perIormed iI you select
Cancel at this point oI time. You can set 'Set to completed within the worklist Ior
work items with the 'perIormed status. The work item can be perIormed several
times or passed on as long as this has not been done.
WorkfIow and FinanciaI Accounting
Workflow variants can be created Ior document parking in Customizing oI FI.
Whether the document release is supposed to be active is speciIeid here together
with the minimum amount Ior which this is necessary.
440 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
The company codes can be assigned workIlow variants. No documents are
released iI any company code is not assigned a workIlow variant.
Figure 193: Assigning WorkfIow Variants to Company Codes
It is possible to apply diIIerent release procedures to diIIerent accounts receivable
and payable. This can be controlled by means oI the Release Group Iield in the
master record oI accounts receivable and accounts payable.
The release group is required in order to determine the release approval path at
the time oI processing. The release approval path is determined by the workIlow
variant in connection with the document type and release group.
The subworkIlow which is initiated by releasing the amount and who is to release
are determined by the release approval path and the particular amount. II no
release group is deIined, the initial release group is then used Ior access.
Figure 194: CaIcuIation of the ReIease ApprovaI Path
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
The release procedure is represented by subworkflows in the workIlow
terminology. For document parking, workIlow variants (in combination with
release approval paths) are assigned amounts, which determine the release
procedures to be initiated and perIormed. The subworkIlows control the individual
release procedures, e.g. the number oI release approval levels to be run through.
By deIault, subworkIlows are supplied as workIlow templates Ior reIerence. The
Iirst subworkIlow (WS10000052) contains a single-level release, the second one
(WS10000053) a two-level release and the third one (WS10000054) a three-level
release. With the single-level release, a person must release the document. The
principle oI dual control can be supported with the two-level release, and the
principle oI triple control with the three-level release. The respective subworkIlow
is triggered by parked documents during the initial entry.
Figure 195: Assignment of SubworkfIows
442 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
Exercise 32: Document Parking and
Exercise Objectives
AIter completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Understand the process Ior parking documents as part oI the workIlow
Business ExampIe
In your company, you want to use a workIlow Ior document parking. For
documents over 500 EUR, the amount should be released by an authorized
First you make sure that the workIlow variant 1000 is deIined Ior your company
code. You then park the document and thus start a workIlow. Next, another
employee receives the parked document Ior Iurther processing (to release the
amount). You log on under a diIIerent user name and release the amount Ior your
1. Make sure Workflow variant 1000 (Variant IDES FIPP-WF) is deIined Ior
your company code AC##.
2. Document parking and processing (workflow variant 1000): Park a
document Ior a vendor invoice in your company code (AC==) (vendor
AC202-## Ior EUR 700).
Make sure that you enter the invoice with the park document transaction
FV60 (Accounts Payable Document Entry Document Parking
Park or Eait Invoice).
3. Display the document that has been parked. Where can you get inIormation
on the subject oI workIlow and what inIormation is available?
4. You want to get an idea oI how the workIlow, which was started when your
document was parked, looks. You are particularly interested to know which
group oI people are able to release your document.
5. Releasing a parked document: Log on to your system and client using the
user name WF-FI-1. Your instructor will give you the password.
Release the document you parked yourselI under a diIIerent user name. Take
a look at the protocol Ior this and log user WF-FI-1 oII Irom the system.
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
SoIution 32: Document Parking and
First you make sure that the workIlow variant 1000 is deIined Ior your company
code. You then park the document and thus start a workIlow. Next, another
employee receives the parked document Ior Iurther processing (to release the
amount). You log on under a diIIerent user name and release the amount Ior your
1. Make sure Workflow variant 1000 (Variant IDES FIPP-WF) is deIined Ior
your company code AC##.
a) Choose IMG Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global
Settings Company Coae Enter Global Parameters.
Select your company code (AC==) and click the Detail (F2) pushbutton
in the application toolbar.
In the Processing parameters section, enter 1000 Ior Workflow variant.
Workflow Variant 1000 (IDES FIPP-WF variant)
Save your entries by clicking on the disk in the standard toolbar.
2. Document parking and processing (workflow variant 1000): Park a
document Ior a vendor invoice in your company code (AC==) (vendor
AC202-## Ior EUR 700).
Make sure that you enter the invoice with the park document transaction
FV60 (Accounts Payable Document Entry Document Parking
Park or Eait Invoice).
Continuea on next page
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TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
a) SAP Easy Access Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts
Payable Document Entry Document Parking Park or Eait
Invoice (FJ60).
Vendor AC202-##
Document date Current date
Posting date Current date
Company code AC##
Amount 700
Currency EUR
Calculate tax x
Select/set switch
Tax code 1I (10 course input tax)
Text Invoice parking
G/L acct 400020
Amount *
In the application toolbar, click on Save as completed or Iollow the
You receive a message in the status bar: "Document 18000000xx
AC## was parked."
Please make a note oI the document number.
Continuea on next page
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
3. Display the document that has been parked. Where can you get inIormation
on the subject oI workIlow and what inIormation is available?
a) You can also go directly Irom the entry screen to the document display
by choosing Document Display. The parked document is displayed
(title bar. Display parkea customer invoice 19000000xx AC== 200x).
Hint: (Alternatively choose SAP Easy Access Accounting
Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Document
Display (FB03). Enter the company code, the Iiscal year,
and the document number, or use the search Iunction with the
Document List pushbutton on the application toolbar.)
Click the Workflow tab page. Here you can Iind inIormation about
workIlow control. A release is required. The release path 1000 is
4. You want to get an idea oI how the workIlow, which was started when your
document was parked, looks. You are particularly interested to know which
group oI people are able to release your document.
a) Choose SAP Easy Access Office. Double-click Workplace. Choose
Outbox Startea workflows. Select the transaction on the right-hand
side oI the screen by clicking the work item title, then the Display
Workflow Log button (scroll symbol).
The amount still has to be released.
You can Iind more inIormation by means oI the Processor pushbutton.
5. Releasing a parked document: Log on to your system and client using the
user name WF-FI-1. Your instructor will give you the password.
Continuea on next page
446 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Lesson: Document Parking and WorkfIow
Release the document you parked yourselI under a diIIerent user name. Take
a look at the protocol Ior this and log user WF-FI-1 oII Irom the system.
a) Log on to the system using the user name WF-FI-1.
System is designated by your instructor
Client is designated by your instructor
User WF-FI-1
Password is designated by your instructor
Language: Local language
When the License Information for Multiple Logon dialog box appears,
choose 'Continue with this log on without enaing existing log-ons.
Using work list in the office area you can Iind a list oI documents
available Ior processing.
Choose Office Workplace Inbox Workflow Groupea
accoraing to task Release Amount
On the right oI the screen, select the document you want to process
(usually the one posted by you under a diIIerent user name).
Click the Execute icon. The document is displayed and checked by
you. The document is OK and can be posted. You release the document.
Click the Release pushbutton on the application toolbar (Release
The amount release process is now Iinished.
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Unit 8: Parking Documents TFIN50
Lesson Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe how to use the workIlow when parking documents
Name the advantages oI using workIlow when parking documents
448 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Unit Summary
Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Describe the Iunctionality oI document parking
IdentiIy the diIIerences between parking documents and holding
Park Financial Accounting documents
Edit, delete or post parked documents
Describe how to use the workIlow when parking documents
Name the advantages oI using workIlow when parking documents
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Unit Summary TFIN50
450 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Test Your KnowIedge
Test Your KnowIedge
1. A document number is assigned by means oI the document type with the
'Hold Document Iunction.
Determine whether this statement is true or false.
2. Which statements are right?
Choose the correct answer(s).
A A company code can be assigned several wokIlow variants.
B A task can be assigned one possible processor only.
C It is possible to design multilevel workIlow sequences.
D The same workIlow variant can be assigned to several company
2006/Q2 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 451
Test Your KnowIedge TFIN50
1. A document number is assigned by means oI the document type with the
'Hold Document Iunction.
Answer: False
A number is assigned by means oI the document type with the 'Park
Document Iunction. With 'Hold Document, the user assigns a designation.
2. Which statements are right?
Answer: C, D
One workIlow variant can be used Ior several company codes. It is possible
to create multilevel workIlow secuences. Individual tasks can usually be
assigned several possible processors.
452 2006 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 2006/Q2
TFIN50 Course Summary
Course Summary
You should now be able to:
Create organizational units Ior Financial Accounting
Maintain master data
InIluence the entry oI posting transactions
Analyze and explain posting transactions
Display special G/L transactions in the system
Use the document parking Iunction within the system and deIine it
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Course Summary TFIN50
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