Final Highway

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1(a). Role of road infrastructure in economic development ....3
(b). Advantages and disadvantages of road transport over other modes.....5
(c). Information expected in a feasibility study report.....8
2(a). Necessity of economic evaluation of highway projects....11
(b). Major differences between economic and financial analysis..11
(c). Criteria followed in selection of an appropriate economic evaluation method....12
(d). Economic analysis of given road.....13
3(a). Information expected from a desk study in a reconnaissance survey...15
(b). Considerations influencing choice of centre line in preliminary location survey....17
(c). Benefits analyzed in the feasibility study...17
4(a). Considerations in drawing up geometric standards for a country................................19
(b). Super elevation.........................................................................................................19
(c). Transition curve..........................................................................................................20
(d). Super elevation calculation.........................................................................................20
5(a). Vertical alignment......................................................................................................22
(b). Factors considered in the design of vertical curves.......................................................22
(c). Design vehicle, design speed, speed limit....................................................................23
(d). Parabolic vertical curve calculation..............................................................................23
6(a). Cross section elements..............................................................................................25
(b). Preliminary phase of design process of a junction........................................................28
(c). T-junction design........................................................................................................28
7(a). Characteristics that render roundabouts most effective.............................................31
(b). Design features of roundabouts.................................................................................31
(c). Roundabout design....................................................................................................32
8(a). Considerations in the choice between rigid and flexible pavements...........................35
(b). Meaning of pavement structure terms....................................................................... ....35
(c). Flexible pavement design...................................................................................................37


Question 1 (a.)
The word transport originates from the Latin word; transportare
i) Trans meaning across, over or through, and
ii) Portare meaning carry.
Thus transportation can be defined as ... the act of carrying somebody or something from one
place to another, usually in a vehicle (Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium [DVD], 2008). ...
Transport infrastructure refers to the fixed installations necessary for transport. In relation to
Uganda, the major elements of the road infrastructure consist of the following;
roads which may be earth roads, gravel roads or paved roads,
terminals such as bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals,
refuelling depots including fuel stations.
Other elements of Ugandas road infrastructure include;
earth retaining structures,
bridges, culverts and other drainage facilities,
safety systems such as roadside barriers and speed limiting devices such as speed
road signs,
road lighting, and
noise barriers.

Economic development refers to the ... promotion of more intensive and more advanced
economic activity through such means as education, improved tools and techniques, more available
financing, better transportation facilities, and creation of new businesses (Microsoft Student with
Encarta Premium [DVD], 2008). ...
Transportation is vital component of any societys growth and development. According to
Mathew (2006), it exhibits a very close relation to the style of life, the range and location of activities
and the goods and services which will be available for consumption. ...
Ugandas road infrastructure plays a number of roles in relation to Ugandas economic
development. These roles include the following:
I. Development of The Agriculture Sector:
The agricultural sector requires a constant supply of agricultural inputs such as pesticides,
fertilizers, tools and equipment, labour, seeds and so on. The agricultural sector would also be
practically redundant without access to markets.
Ugandas road infrastructure promotes the development of the agricultural sector by fulfilling
the above essential needs of the agricultural sector.

II. Facilitation of Social Activities, Market Growth And Land Usage:
Ugandas road infrastructure enables social activities to take place, such as the provision of
education and health services, sensitization workshops, political or religious rallies and so on.

III. Facilitation of Administration:

The management of the country by the Ugandan government can only be successful when there
are good transport linkages across the country. This eases monitoring of policy implementation,
eases maintenance of law and order as well as easing service delivery.

IV. Facilitation of Specialization & Mass Production:
Ugandas road infrastructure promotes economic development by facilitating mass production
of goods which subsequently promotes specialization. Goods can be produced from one
location in large quantities and then transported to other locales where demand is high. This
results in better quality goods produced at lower costs through economies of scale.

V. Development of the Industrial Sector:
The industrial sector requires a constant supply of industrial inputs such as raw materials,
labour, plant, tools, equipment and so on. The industrial sector also needs to be able to deliver
finished goods to retailers and consumers.
Ugandas road infrastructure promotes the development of the industrial sector by fulfilling the
above essential needs of the industrial sector.

VI. Transport Infrastructure Influences Both Place & Time Utility of Goods:
Transport improves place utility of goods. For instance milk in Mbarara is far cheaper than that
in Kampala due to the additional transport costs. A better road network ensures increased
efficiency and reduced transport costs incurred, hence, reducing the cost of the final product.
A better transport network ensures increased time savings due to fewer bottlenecks, traffic jams
and better travelling surfaces and therefore gives time utility to economic activities.
VII. Facilitation of Urbanisation:
A good road infrastructure promotes economic growth by facilitating urbanisation. The personal
mobility afforded by Ugandas road infrastructure has enabled urban growth of towns and cities
as more people relocate from rural areas in search of work and better living conditions.
The increase in urban populations is accompanied by a shift from agricultural production, mainly
for the domestic market, to industrial production for both domestic and foreign markets.

VIII. Preservation of Quality of Goods:
Ugandas road infrastructure enables the quick transportation of perishable goods, such as plant
products and animal products, from producers to consumers before the goods are no longer fit
for consumption.

IX. Cost of Goods:
The cost of a good also includes additional factors apart from the raw material costs and labour
costs. In order to achieve low-cost goods for both domestic and foreign markets it is necessary
to cut additional costs such as transport costs. In Ugandas case, this can only be achieved if a
competitive advantage can be gained through the provision of an efficient road transport

X. Defence & Strategic Needs:
A well organized transport network is necessary for the rapid response of a country to threats to
its strategic and defence needs. Ugandas road infrastructure is necessary for Uganda to be able

to carry out logistics operations. For example, it is difficult for a paramilitary organisation to take
over areas of Uganda due to the rapid response of Ugandas military.

XI. Development of the Tourism Sector:
Without adequate road infrastructure, Ugandas potential earnings from the tourism sector will
not be realised as tourists will not be able to access the tourist sites and areas of scenic beauty.
Ugandas road infrastructure makes the tourists experience convenient and comfortable by
providing easy access to tourist sites such as the at the source of the Nile at Jinja, Queen
Elizabeth National Park and Kabalega National Park. In this way Ugandas road infrastructure
promotes the tourism sector.

XII. Bridging The Gap Between The Producers & Consumers:
The production of goods or provision of services does not always coincide, in terms of location,
with that of consumers. This problem is overcome by Ugandas road infrastructure, which
enables the movement of products, consumers or both to a common meeting point for trade to

XIII. Facilitation Of The Exploitation Of Natural Resources:
Since Uganda is a landlocked country, the most convenient means of transporting exports from
the exploitation of natural resources is through over land transport. The road infrastructure of
Uganda enables natural resources such as plant products, animal products, mineral deposits and
soon fossil fuels, to be transported to foreign markets, thereby earning foreign exchange and
promoting economic development.

XIV. Creation of Employment:
The construction and maintenance of Ugandas road infrastructure is highly labour intensive.
This provides much needed employment to both skilled and unskilled labour as well as
conserving foreign exchange which would have been spent on expensive mechanical equipment.

XV. Balanced Development:
A well distributed road network allows more balanced distribution of services and hence a more
balanced development of the country, keeping in view the special needs of inaccessible areas
and underdeveloped societies in the country.

Question 1 (b.)
The advantages of road transport over other modes of transport include the following;
I. High Employment Potential
Road transport has a high employment potential for both skilled and non-skilled labour
compared to other modes of transport. Road transport is more labour based in its construction,
operation and maintenance compared to other modes of transport.

II. Lower Initial Costs
Compared to other modes of transport such as railway, it is initially less costly to construct a
road. Also in road construction, it is possible to carry out stage construction, which may not be
the case for other modes of transport.


III. More Economical For Short Hauls
Road transport is more economical for moving goods and people through short distances
compared to other modes of transport. This is because for other modes of transport it is not
cost-effective to construct terminals within a short distance of each other, for example railway
stations for railway transport or airports for air transport.

IV. Services Unique to the Individual
Other modes of transport usually do not offer services tailored to suit individual needs or
preferences. However, with road transport, road users are provided with services suited to the
individual, such as individual insurance cover, care of cargo and so on.

V. Less Complex Packaging & Restraints
Road transport affords road users the ability to transport goods using less complex packaging
and restraints compared to other modes of transport. Other modes of transport are subject to
greater vibrations and oscillations during transport, this poses a greater risk of damage to cargo,
thus the packaging and restraints for such modes must be more comprehensive.

VI. Door to Door Services
Road transport affords road users the ability to utilise almost any part of the road network as a
starting or ending terminal. Goods and services can be transported from the initial point to the
final point without having to make additional interconnections between. This enables road users
to avoid inconvenient delays and confusion and additional costs incurred when using modes of
transport that have fixed and limited terminals.

VII. Quick &Assured Deliveries
If other modes of transport are used, it becomes uneconomical to transport goods when the
vehicle is not fully loaded. Thus there are always time constraints with other modes of transport
as the vehicle must be fully loaded before departing. In order to enjoy economies of scale these
loads are usually large and hence it takes the vehicle some time to fill. However, the vehicles
used in road transport have much smaller capacities and hence take less time to fill before
departing to the final destination.

VIII. Flexibility
Road transport affords road users the opportunity to select from a number of available routes to
suit their particular needs; however other modes of transport are usually fixed in their choice of
transport routes.
Also road transport enables road users to move at their own convenience. They are free from
the rigours of timetables. However, the movement goods and people in other modes of
transport are controlled by schedules, which may not always match demand nor be convenient.

IX. Personalized Travel
Road transport affords road users the ability to travel by a vehicle of their choosing according to
factors such as their economic constraints, environmental concerns, space requirements,
comfort preferences and availability of transport vehicles. These transport vehicles may non-
motorised human powered means, non-motorised animal powered means or motorised means
of transport.


X. Wide Geographical Coverage
Because of the low construction costs and lower technical restraints imposed on road traffic by
terrain compared to other modes of transport, road transport has a wider geographical
coverage compared to other modes of transport. It would be very uneconomical to construct
such extensive geographical coverage using another mode of transport.

XI. Ease of Response to Road Accidents
Accidents occurring on or near roads are easier for emergency services to reach compared to
other modes of transport.
The disadvantages of road transport include the following;
I. High Maintenance Costs for Frequent Maintenance
Roads are affected to a great degree by climatic factors such as rainfall and variations in
temperature. Coupled with repetitive stresses imposed on the road pavement layers by traffic,
roads tend to deteriorate faster than other modes of transport such as rail transport. Thus a
higher frequency of maintenance work is needed for road transport, resulting in high
maintenance costs for road transport.

II. Safety
Due to the large volume of road users and the variety of vehicles operating on the roads, as well
as the effect of climatic factors on road transport, there is a large volume of road accidents
compared to other modes of transport. This has led to economic losses in the form of loss of
skilled labour, loss of materials and other inputs, delays

III. High Energy Consumption
The energy consumption per passenger kilometre and per tonne kilometre has been found to be
higher with road transport compared to other modes of transport. This is because in other
modes of transport, the energy costs are split with a larger number of transport users per
journey. For example a car moving from A to B may carry only 5 people while a train moving
between the same terminals may carry 1000 people.

IV. Environmental pollution
In urban areas the main source of pollution and noise is road transport. This poses significant
problems such as unwanted noises and vibrations, poor air quality, formation of acid rain and is
also said to be a contributor to global warming. Other examples of environmental degradation
include the destruction of areas of scenic beauty as roads are constructed.

V. Long Hauls
Other modes of transport are better suited to transport goods and services across large
distances compared to road transport. For example, water transport can be used transport
exceedingly larger amounts of cargo and personnel than road transport. This is especially useful
for large, bulky non-perishable products. Also air transport can cover a large distance in a much
shorter time and thus is more suited to meet urgent transport needs such as; mail delivery,
transport of perishable goods, transport of important cargo, transport of humanitarian items
and also transport of military units.

VI. Parking Problem

Due to the large volume of road users in urban areas, providing adequate parking for all of the
road users is not always possible. This causes a number of problems such as narrower streets,
which in turn cause encourage congestion and subsequent delays.

Question 1 (c.)
The feasibility study report marks the end of the appraisal process and should recommend whether the
project should go ahead, and to what standards it should be built (ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project
Appraisal, 1988).
The kind of information expected to be found in a feasibility study report of any given road link would
include the following;
1. Definition of objectives:
A road project should comply with the objectives of a national or regional transport plan. The
project's objectives must be defined in order to provide the basic framework for the analysis.
The objectives of the road project being studied may be ... to support some other
developmental activity, to provide fundamental links in the national or a district road network,
or perhaps to meet a strategic need. Alternatively, a road improvement may be proposed to
increase the structural or volumetric capacity of an existing road to cope with higher traffic
flows. Often, there will be multiple objectives (ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project Appraisal, 1988).

2. Determination of alternative ways of meeting objectives:
A number of proposed solutions are determined in context of the particular needs and problems
encountered. Possible alternatives include;
Upgrading a road in order to increase capacity.
New construction of a road.
Rehabilitation in case the road has deteriorated beyond the condition at which
overlaying is a satisfactory engineering alternative.
Reconstruction of the road, possibly to provide a new alignment .
Stage construction, or
Maintenance in order to ensure that the road does not 'fail' before the end of its design

3. Preliminary considerations:
A number of preliminary considerations must be made and these include;
Analysis period and design life, this impacts the design standards of the road as well as
the residual value of the road at the end of the economic analysis period.
Uncertainty and risk, the feasibility study should be carried out with recognition of
uncertainties in the future and make provisions to minimise risk.
Choice of technology, a choice must be made between using technology dominated by
mechanical equipment or dominated by labour.
Institutional issues, the aspects that need to be considered are ... the organisation,
staffing, training, procedures, planning, maintenance, funding and controls within the

agency responsible for the project, and also within other agencies who may need to
make an input to the project (ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project Appraisal, 1988). ...
Socio-economic considerations, the aspects that need to be considered are social
changes, the effect of construction on the indigenous community, the effect of the
project on road accidents, severance of the community, special needs of minority
groups, expertise and resources of the local design organisation and contracting
industry, the reliability of data on the local social environment, the site conditions and
Environmental conditions, the possible environmental effects of the project should be
considered in qualitative terms. Environmental problems raised may include air
pollution, noise and vibration, visual intrusion and destruction of ecosystems.

4. Assess traffic demand:
For the purposes of geometric design and the evaluation of economic benefits, the volume and
composition of current and future traffic needs to be known in terms of cars, light goods
vehicles, trucks, buses, non-motorised vehicles, and so on (ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project
Appraisal, 1988).

5. Design and cost different options:
The costs involved in the project are based on a design carried out to an appropriate level of
detail. The road design process consists of the four following phases.
Route location, the corridor is normally chosen to balance maintaining user benefits by
providing the shortest route consistent with engineering constraints of topography,
ground conditions, drainage, structures and the location of road building materials (ORN
5: A Guide to Road Project Appraisal, 1988).
Pavement design, this primarily deals with the choice of materials and their thickness
for each pavement layer.
Geometric design, this involves the selection of suitable horizontal and vertical
alignments and road widths.
Design of structures, this deals with earth retaining systems, drainage systems and
special provisions for erosion control as well as structures which allow the road to cross
or be crossed by rivers, water courses, railways and other roads.

6. Determine benefits for each alternative:
Estimates are made, not only of the costs connected with the project, but also of the benefits
that are expected to occur.
Benefits normally considered are ... direct savings on the costs of operating vehicles, economies
in road maintenance, time savings by travellers and freight, reduction in road accidents, and
wider effects on the economic development of the region (ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project
Appraisal, 1988). ...

7. Economic analysis and comparison of alternatives:

A cost-benefit analysis is carried out using the NPV (Net Present Value) or the IRR (Internal Rate
of Return) method, in order to ensure that an adequate return in terms of benefits results from
making a capital investment.

8. Recommendations:
The report will make recommendations on whether the project should go ahead, and to what
standards it should be built may also recommend alternative designs or approaches to the
project that would increase the rate of return in those areas where the original project is not
Depending on who the report is being written for, some aspects will have been covered in
greater depth than others and the recommendation will be delivered in the context of those


Question two
a) Purposes and significance of an economic evaluation

Economic evaluation of project cycles helps in determining the extent to which the
project will contribute to the goals of raising the standard of living of the people and
their general welfare.
Economic evaluation also provides for a systematic and unbiased procedure for
selecting different schemes for implementation.
Economic evaluation also ensures that the most worthwhile projects are given the
highest priority.
To decide whether the scheme under consideration is worth the investment at all.
To rank schemes competing for scarce resources in order of priority.
To compare various alternative schemes, with the most economical of all being
To assist in phasing the programme (stage construction) depending on the availability of

b) Major differences between economic analysis and financial analysis

Financial analysis of a project estimates the profits accruing to the project operating
entity whereas economic analysis is used to measure the effect of the project on the
national economy (overall benefits as compared to the costs)
For a project to be economically viable, it must be financially sustainable as well as
economically efficient. Therefore the economical benefits of a project cannot be
realized if the project is not financially sustainable.
Both types of analysis are conducted in monitory terms, the major difference being in
the definition of costs and benefits. In financial analysis, all expenditures incurred under
the project and revenues resulting from it are taken into account whereas economic
analysis attempts to access the overall impact of a project in improving the economic
welfare of all the citizens of the country concerned.
Economic analysis also differs from financial analysis in terms of; the breath of the
identification and evaluation of inputs and outputs, and the measure of costs and
Economic analysis involves all members of the society and measures the positive and
negative impacts of the project in terms of the willingness and ability to pay for the units
of increased consumption and to accept compensation for the foregone units of
consumption rather than the actual prices paid as is the case with financial evaluations.
In financial evaluation, we consider taxes, insurance premium and inflation rate whereas
they are not considered in economic evaluations.


c) Criteria to be followed in coming up with an appropriate evaluation method
Coming up with an appropriate evaluation method is a relatively complex process however some of the
criteria given below may help guide the processes.
The requirements or conditions imposed by the financing agency of the project: Some
financial agencies may dictate the method of evaluation so in the event that the project is
accepted, the specific method shall have to be used
The local practice and experience: Sometimes the local experience may favour a particular
method of evaluation. Such that if a particular method is not dictated, the adopted method will
by default be used
Technology involved in the given method; some of the methods involve complex computations
that may require a certain level of technology.
The level of accuracy: Some methods like the internal rate of return method require a very
high level of accuracy. Other methods like the benefit cost ratio where the discount rate is
assumed are not as accurate. Depending on the lending agency or the level of accuracy
required, a particular method may be chosen.
The problem type to be decided on: Here, the decision of the type design standards and/or
alignment of the road to be desired among other parameters like the determination of the
most appropriate timing of the investment and/or prioritisation of the most appropriate road
projects is made.
The type of project: consider a case where the project to be implemented is say a new
construction/upgrading, reconstruction/rehabilitation, stage construction, or maintenance
projects, then we have to have to focus on the feasibility and urgency of constructing the road
basing on the capacity and benefit to be experienced in ratio of time.
For example, the FYRR is suited to an upgrading, rehabilitation since these projects are majorly
time constrained that is to say; the date/time at which the project is needed is a major
consideration since there is already an existing alternative.
However, for reconstruction or new construction projects, NPV, benefit cost ratio and IRR are
preferable methods since the existing option is unsuitable or there is no alternative
The objectives of the project: The objectives of a project must be reflected by the benefits to
be included in the analysis. While the objectives of inter-urban trunk road projects normally is
to reduce vehicle operating costs and road maintenance costs, the objectives of rural access
road projects may include improving access to social services, stimulating agricultural
productions, etc.
The time, economic resources, skills and data available: For most projects, an analysis period
of 15 years from the date of opening is appropriate but, this should be tested by the
evaluation. Choosing the same analysis period as the design life of the pavement of a paved
road simplifies the calculation of the projects residual value.


d) Economic evaluation problem
Given data
Total length of existing road = 30km
Cost of improving an existing road = US$ 2, 000, 0000
Present traffic consists of:
(a) Commercial vehicles per day = 2000
(b) Cars per day = 1500
(c) Two wheelers per day = 1200
(d) Total vehicles per day = 4700
Cost of operation (US$/km) on the existing road and improved road:
Existing road Improved road
(a) Commercial vehicle 5.00 4.00
(b) Cars 3.00 2.50
(c) Two wheeler 0.60 0.50
The accident rate on existing road and improved road is as under:
(a) Existing road = 1.5 per mil- veh- km
(b) Improved road = 1.0 per mil- veh-km
(c) The cost of one accident = US$ 100,000
Growth rate of traffic is 10% p.a
The annual maintenance costs per km are:
(a) Existing road = US$ 30, 0000
(b) Improved = US$ 40,0000
The analysis period is 10yrs
The discount rate is 12%
Present Flow per year (mil. Veh- km/yr):
Commercial vehicles 200036530 = 21.90
Car 150036530 = 16.40
Two wheeler 120036530 = 13.14
Total 51.44
Predicted flow in 4
year (mil. Veh- km/yr):
Commercial cars: 21.90(1.1) ^4 = 32.07
Car 16.40(1.1) ^4 =23.97
Two wheeler cars 13.14(1.1) ^4=19.23
Total 75.27
Operation cost benefit:
Predicted operation cost in 4
Commercial cars: 132.0710^6 = 32.0710^6
Cars: 0.524.0610^6 = 12.0610^6
Two wheeler car: 0.119.2310^6 = 1.9210^6
Total = 45.98 10^6
Accident benefit:
year (1.5 1.0) 75.27100,000 = 3763500

year Flow(F)

cost saving



cost US$/yr
cost, (PVC)
1 20,000,000 17857142.86
2 20,000,000 15943877.55
3 20,000,000 14235604.96
4 75.27 3.764 45.98 49.744 31.613 300,000 190655.4235
5 82.8 4.14 50.59 54.73 31.055 300,000 170228.0567
6 91.08 4.55 55.62 60.17 30.483 300,000 151989.3364
7 100.23 5.01 43.31 48.32 21.857 300,000 135704.7646
8 110.23 5.52 45.92 51.44 20.775 300,000 121164.9684
9 121.26 6.06 52.38 58.44 21.074 300,000 108183.0075
10 133.35 6.67 81.43 88.1 28.365 300,000 96591.97098
11 146.73 7.34 89.61 96.95 27.870 300,000 86242.83123
12 161.4 8.07 98.57 106.64 27.371 300,000 77002.52788
13 177.51 8.87 108.42 117.29 26.879 300,000 68752.25704
TOTAL 267.348 TOTAL 49243140.51

Computation of NPV & B/C Ratio:
NPV = = 267,348,000 49,243,140.51 = US$ 218,104,859.5

B/C Ratio = / =

= 5.43

Concluding remarks:
All the above indicators point to the economic strength of the project under examination. Its NPV at just
over US$ 218 million is strongly positive and B/C ratio of 5.43 is well in excess of unity.


Question 3a
The Desk study is the first step in the reconnaissance survey. It is a preliminary study of the
bands/corridors being evaluated within the region. Some information may already publicly available at
low cost (as compared with the cost of carrying out, say, new subsurface investigations) at government
institutions such as the ministry of works having been obtained from previous similar projects around
the area. A good desk study will result in great savings in both time and resources, as it helps ensure the
early recognition of difficult routes and allows for better planning and interpretation of the subsequent
detailed site investigations.

The following is a general check-list of the types of information that might be gathered for a desk study;
1. General land survey:
(a) Location of site on published maps and charts.
(b) Dated air photographs.
(c) Site boundaries, outlines of structures and building lines. This is especially useful in planning
roads around developed areas where existing buildings and other structures restrain the possible
road path.
(d) Ground contours and natural drainage lines.
(e) Above-ground obstructions to view and flying, e.g. transmission lines.
(f) Indications of obstructions below ground. These are mainly in the form of service conduits and
information regarding these may be obtained from the relevant service providers i.e. telephone,
power and water.
(g) Records of differences and omissions in relation to published maps.
(h) Positions of survey stations and benchmarks (the latter with reduced levels). The main purpose
of these stations is to monitor the location of the centreline accurately as even the most modern
survey equipment has limited accuracy over long distances.
(i) Appropriate meteorological information.
2. Permitted use and restrictions:
(a) Planning and statutory restrictions applying to the particular areas under District and Country
Planning Acts administered by the appropriate local authorities.
(b) Local authority regulations on planning restrictions, listed buildings and building by-laws; (c) (d)
Rights of light, support and way including any easements.
(e) Tunnels, mine workings (abandoned, active and proposed), and mineral rights.
(f) Ancient monuments, burial grounds, etc.
(g) Prior potentially contaminative uses of the site and of adjacent areas (landfills).
(h) Any restrictions imposed by environmental and ecological considerations, e.g. sites of special
scientific interest e.g. wetlands, bird sanctuaries, game reserves etc.
3. Approaches and access (including temporary access for construction purposes):
(a) Road (check ownership);
(b) Railway
(c) By water
4. Ground conditions:
(a) Geological maps, obtainable from Entebbe Geological Centre.
(b) Geological memoirs.
(c) Flooding, erosion, landslide and subsidence history. This is especially important in hilly terrain
which is highly susceptible to failure of this sort.
(d) Data held by central and local governmental authorities.
(e) Construction and investigation records of adjacent sites.

(f) Seismicity.
5. Sources of material for construction:
(a) Natural materials. These must be analysed for quality to ensure durable construction.
(b) Tips and waste materials.
(c) Imported materials and transport cost considerations.
6. Drainage and sewerage:
(a) Names of the sewerage, land drainage and other authorities concerned, and their by-laws.
(b) Locations and levels of existing systems (including fields, drains and ditches), showing sizes of
pipe and whether they are foul, storm water or combined
(c) Existing flow quantities and capacity for additional flow.
(d) Liability to surcharging.
(e) Charges for drainage facilities.
(f) Neighbouring streams capable of taking sewage or trade effluent provided that they are purified
to the required standard.
(g) Disposal of solid waste.
(h) Flood risk to, and/or caused by, the proposed works.
7. Water supply:
(a) NWSC offices and their regulations.
(b) Locations, sizes and depths of mains.
(c) Pressure characteristics of mains.
(d) Water analyses.
(e) Availability of water for additional requirements.
(f) Storage requirements.
(g) Water sources for fire fighting.
(h) Charges for connections and water.
(i) Possible additional sources of water.
(j) Water rights and responsibilities.
8. Electricity supply:
(a) Umeme,UETCL, and regulations;
(b) Locations, sizes and depths of mains.
(c) The voltage, phases and frequency.
(d) Capacity to supply additional requirements.
(e) Transformer requirements.
(f) Charges for installation and current.
9. Telecommunications:
(a) Local office addresses;
(b) Locations of existing lines;
(c) Charges for installation.
(d) Proposed lines such as underground fibre optic cables.
10. Information relating to potential contamination:
(a) History of the site including details of owners, occupiers and users, and of any incidents or
accidents relating to the dispersal of contaminants;
(b) Processes used, including their locations;
(c) Nature and volumes of raw materials, products, and waste residues;
(d) Waste disposal activities and methods of handling waste;
(e) Layout of the site above and below ground at each stage of development, including roadways,
storage areas, hard-cover areas, and the presence of any existing structures and services;
(f) The presence of any waste disposal tips, abandoned pits and quarries

(g) The presence of nearby sources of contamination from which contaminants could migrate via air
and/or groundwater onto the site.

The preliminary location survey is a large-scale study of one or more feasible routes within a
corridor, each typically 40240 m wide, which is made for the purpose of collecting all physical
information that may affect the location of the proposed roadway.
Many considerations influence the location of the centreline that is finally selected. They include:
(1) In rural locales, locate the road along property edges rather than through them and maximize the
use of existing right-of-ways (to minimize the loss of farmland and the need for subways for crossing
animals and farm machinery).
(2) Avoid alignments that result in the motorist driving into the rising (morning) or setting (evening) sun
for long periods and, to relieve the monotony of driving on long straight sections, site the road so as to
view a prominent scenic feature.
(3) Minimize the destruction of man-made culture or wooded areas, and avoid cemeteries, places of
worship, hospitals, old peoples homes, schools and playgrounds.
(4) Avoid highly-developed, expensive, land areas and seek alignments that cause the least amount of
environmental (visual and audio) blight.
(5) In hilly terrain, maximize low-cost opportunities to provide long overtaking sections (for single
carriageways) and of using varying central reservation widths and separate horizontal and vertical
alignments (for dual carriageways).
(6) In hilly country also, avoid alignments that are shielded from the sun (so that rainwater on the
carriageway can dissipate).
(7) If a vertical curve is imposed on a horizontal curve, ensure that the horizontal curve is longer;
(8) Avoid introducing a sharp horizontal curve at or close to the top of a pronounced crest vertical curve
or the low point of a pronounced sag vertical curve, and make horizontal and vertical curves as flat as
possible at junctions with other roads (for safety reasons).
(9) Seek favourable sites for river crossings (preferably at right angles to stream centrelines), and avoid
locating bridges or tunnels on or near curves.
(10) Minimize the use of alignments that require (expensive) rock excavation.
(11) Try to ensure that excavation quantities are in balance with embankment quantities (so that
earthworks haulage is minimized).
i. Societal benefits
The highway network of a country forms the backbone of its economy and represents a huge
investment in millions of dollars that allows for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. A
route with wider effects on the economic development of a region is more likely to be chosen.
These societal beneficial effects may be in the form of direct employment during construction and
maintenance, improved trade and market growth around the areas served by the road and wider
accessibility to services and goods.
ii. Road user cost
One of the principal benefits of transport project proposals is the anticipated reduction in travel
time. The final route should achieve maximum time savings by avoiding bottlenecks and providing the
shortest route possible.

A reduction in accidents reduces the costs of vehicle repair associated with minor crashes and the
immeasurable cost of human life lost in fatal crashes thus offering a direct benefit to the final road user.
A route with minimum likelihood to cause accidents is likely to be chosen. A safer alignment may be
achieved by the employment of gradual changes in alignment and sufficient traffic signs.
Another direct benefit to the road user is in the form of reduced vehicle operation costs. This may
be achieved by;
offering a better riding surface that reduces vehicle maintenance regularity,
a straighter more direct alignment which reduce fuel costs as compared to longer meandering
iii. Cost of maintenance of the facility
A major consideration in the analysis of any project is the maintenance and life cycle costs. These costs
include annual expenditures for scheduled upkeep and preventive maintenance to keep a road in
operable condition.
A route with lower anticipated maintenance costs is more likely to be chosen as this is offers a
reduction in costs and hence a benefit to the client.
A reduction in the maintenance costs when upgrading an existing structure can be achieved by
improving drainage slopes and sizes of ditches to reduce the effect of climatic factors as well as careful
selection of materials.
iv. Cost of construction of the facility
Any route that minimises the overall construction cost of the proposed alignment is likely to be chosen.
This can be achieved by selecting the shortest alignment with the least obstacles to the roads path such
as valleys, river crossings e.t.c.


Considerations for drawing up geometric design standards of a country
The road project should meet the set environmental standards.
The project should meet the economic standards set by the government or donor group.
The different terrain in the country should be clearly defined to enable proper calculation of
features such as sight distances.
The road should be clearly classified to enable proper evaluation and planning.
The design speed and speed limits to be used should be appropriately defined.
It is also important to carefully identify a design vehicle to enable proper design to
accommodate all the other vehicles.

Super elevation is the inward tilt or transverse inclination given to the cross section of a carriage way
through out the length of a horizontal curve to reduce the effects of centrifugal forces on a moving

The minimum value for super elevation recommended for drainage is 2.5%.

The diagrams above shows the attainment of super elevation
In fig a) the camber is intact
In fig b) the outer edge is raised by placing fill that are then compacted until the fill is as high as
the centre line.
In fig c) more fill is added and compacted until the required slope of super elevation is attained.

Figs d), e) and f) show the attainment of super elevation about the outer and inner edge. Here
there are fill, cut and compaction processes to achieve this.
Below is the longitudinal section of super elevation about the centre line

Transition curve is a curve whose radius continuously changes along its length. It is used to join two
curves with different radii or a straight to a curve.

It is important to have a transition curve;
To promote passenger comfort as it reduces tendencies of sway and shock.
To provide convenient sections for pavement enlargement and super elevation.
To improve the general appearance of the road.
To reduce tendencies of vehicular skidding.


Length due to acceleration

Length due to super elevation

The radius is greater than 300m so the width of the carriageway needs widening

Super elevation

( )

Therefore the length is 87.52m
ii ( )

( )


( )

L = 132.39m


Vertical alignment is the arrangement of tangents and curves which compose the longitudinal profile
of the road. It is composed of a series of straight-line gradients connected by curves,
normally parabolic in form.
A vertical curve provides a smooth transition between two tangent grades. There are two types of
vertical curves: crest vertical curves and sag vertical curves.
The main aim of vertical alignment is to ensure that a continuously unfolding stretch of the road is
presented to motorists so that their anticipation of directional change and future action is instantaneous
and correct *Rogers, 2003; OFlaherty, 2002+.


In design of vertical curves the following are considered;
The shape of the vertical curve i.e. it can be circular, elliptical or parabolic and in all cases the
ratio of length to the radius should not be greater than 0.1.
There should be provision of cross falls to enable run off on the road to drain away. This can be
achieved by having a camber sloping from the road centre line or sloping from one side of the
road to the other.
The sight distances should be well established because the length of a curve depends on it.
The terrain of the area and hence the gradients to be manipulated to come up with an
economical and environmental friendly curve.
The design speed and speed limits of a given section of the road should be well established.


Design vehicle is a selected vehicle with maximum dimensions and operating characteristics which are
used as a basis to establish highway design controls to accommodate other vehicles that will use the sae

Design speed is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained at a given section of a road while
speed limit is a statutory maximum allowable speed on a road section.

( )

( )

( ) ( )

Elevation of PVC =Elevation PVI +

Elevation of PVC =59.34 +

Elevation of PVI = Elevation PVI +

Elevation of PVI = 59.34 +

For any elevation

This is the formula for finding reduced level of any point.


The results of the above formulae are tabulated below;

0+533.17 0 0 60.948
0+560.00 6.83 6.83 60.794
0+580.00 20 26.83 60.531
0+600.00 20 46.83 60.550
0+617.49 17.49 46.32 60.797
0+620.00 2.51 2.51 60.887
0+640.00 20 22.51 61.307
0+660.00 20 42.51 61.849
0+680.00 20 62.51 62.476
0+700.00 20 82.51 63.186
0+720.00 20 102.51 63.981
0+735.17 15.17 117.68 64.639

In conclusion

And its elevation is 64.639m which tally with the results above


Road reserve:
This is the width of land secured and preserved in public interest for road development purposes. It
should be adequate to accommodate all the elements that make up the cross section of the highway
and may reasonably provide for future development.
The width of the road reserve is measured at right angles to the centerline of the road and varies
according to the classification of the road.
Carriage way:
This is the section of the pavement which covers the traffic lanes, any auxiliary lanes and shoulders. Its
width governs the safety and convenience of traffic and has a profound influence on the road capacity.
The factors that influence capacity of a carriageway are:
a) The design volume, i.e. the greater the traffic volume the wider the carriageway and
Normally, the greater the number of lanes;
b) Vehicle dimensions, i.e. heavy commercial vehicles require wider carriageways to ensure
Adequate clearances when passing each other;
c) The design speeds, i.e. vehicles travelling at high speed, especially commercial vehicles, require wider
carriageways to ensure safe clearances between passing vehicles;
d) The road classification, i.e. the higher the road classification the greater the level of service (and
width of carriageway) expected.

Central reservation/ median strip:
This the longitudinal space separating dual carriages to separate the opposing traffic stream, minimize
headlight glare, provide stopping area in case of emergency and to include space for safe operation of
crossing and turning vehicles at intersections at grade. The width should be adequate for giving working
space around a stopped vehicle.
The central reservations on high-speed heavily trafficked rural roads in the United States are typically
15m to 30m. In Europe they tend to be much narrower (say 4 10m) and to be used with safety
barriers. In urban areas they can be as narrow as 1m, but 3m is preferred so that a crossing pedestrian
pushing a pram or wheelchair has space to wait in safety *OFlaherty, 2002+. On severely restricted
arterial streets, where a narrow separator of 0.6 1.2m is feasible, it may be desirable to have few, if
any, openings in median except at intersections.

Paved or unpaved width of the road between the edge of the carriageway and the shoulder break point.
The shoulder provides side support for the pavement or gravel surface and allows vehicles to stop or
pass in an emergency .The width of the shoulder should be adequate for giving working space around a
stopped vehicle. American practice recommends a 3m width for high type facility and a width of 1.2m -
2.4m for low type facilities. UK practice for rural roads recommends widths ranging from 1.2m to 3.65m
depending upon the road type and nature of kerb treatment.

(a) Camber
Camber, also known as cross fall, is designed to reduce or eliminate the accumulation of water ponding
on the pavement surface; if the water thickness is too great for the tire to make contact with the
pavement surface, hydroplaning can occur where the tire is effectively sliding along a water surface with
almost no ability to generate frictional resistance.
The pavement can have a crown or a high point in the middle with slopes downwards towards
both edges. This is favoured on two-lane roads and wider undivided roads. On divided roads, the

individual carriageways may be centrally crowned separately or a unidirectional slope may be provided
across the entire carriageway width.
The amount of camber to be provided depends upon the smoothness of the surface and the
intensity of rainfall. In the UK, a value of 2.5% is generally adopted for design. A cross fall for the
shoulders should be generally steeper than for the pavement by about 0.3 0.5% to facilitate quick
drainage. The UK practice is to provide 5% slope on the shoulder [Kadiyali, 2006].




(b) The preliminary design phase.
The preliminary design phase is essentially an iterative one. It involves preparing a number of possible
intersection layouts and generally examining each in terms of its operating characteristics (especially
safety and capacity), ease of construction and likely capital cost, and environmental and local impacts
that might affect the design selection. The most promising of the rough layouts are then selected for
further development and analysis (including road user and vehicle operating costs, if appropriate),
refined and examined in greater detail until that considered most suitable for the intersection is
selected for detailed design and preparation of final construction plans and specifications *OFlaherty,

Summary of design data
W =9m

(i) Capacities of turning movements
Y(0.364 q
+0.114 q
+0.229 q
+0.520 q
)} ..(i)
=E{745-Y[0.364 q
+0.144 q
+} (ii)
=F{745-0.364Y [q



D = [1+ 0.094(W
- 3.65)][1+ 0.0009(V

120)][1+0.006 V
= [1+ 0.094(4

- 3.65)][1+0.0009(70


120)][1+0.006 (85)

= 0.1076

E = [1+ 0.094(W
-3.65)][1+ 0.0009(V
= [1 + 0.094(4 - 3.65)][1+ 0.0009(70 -120)]

-3.65)][1+ 0.0009(V

-3.65)][1+ 0.0009(70 -120)]

Substituting these values in equations (i), (ii), (iii)

=0.1076{627+14(8)- 0.6895(0.364x750 + 0.114x350 + 0.229x800 + 0.520400)} =27pcu/hr
=0.9864{745 - 0.6895[0.364x750 + 0.144x350]}
=515 pcu/hr
=1.1660{745 - 0.364x0.6895 [750 +350]}


(ii) Assessment of junction arms
Using design reference flow (DRF) to capacity ratio called RFC i.e. Reference to Flow Capacity ratio.
Arm B-A =DRF
= 190 = 7.04 > 0.85 capacity is exceeded

Arm B-C =DRF
= 300 = 0.58 < 0.85 arm has sufficient capacity

Arm C-B =DRF
= 400 = 0.73< 0.85 arm has sufficient capacity

Based on the reference flow capacity ratios obtained, arm B-A has exceeded its capacity and needs
to be redesigned.
(iii) Potential junction improvement to accommodate design year flow.
Create auxiliary loads to accommodate waiting vehicles.
Given sufficient space requirements, the junction can be upgraded to a round-about or
signalized inter section.
Increasing the average width of the road carriageway.
Reducing the average width of each of the minor road lanes


Number 7
a) Characteristics that render roundabouts most effective at grade intersections
Roundabouts are most effective as at grade intersections that have the following characteristics in
rural or urban areas
High portions and volumes of right turning traffic and with five or more intersecting legs.
This is due to the fact that right turning traffic causes difficulty with signal controls when
their numbers are large, therefore making roundabouts more effective in this area
Priority is not given to traffic from any particular road. This occurs when intersecting roads
carry nearly equal amounts of traffic, or where the intersecting roads are both of high
standard and are intersecting at approximately right angles
Presence of accidents involving crossing or turning movements. Junctions that have
considerable accident threats call for the use of roundabouts, as it has been observed that

of accidents occurring at signalized junctions occur at roundabouts. Roundabouts

also reduce the possible areas of conflicts at junctions, therefore minimizing the possibility
of accidents
Traffic on minor roads is delayed by stop or give way signs
Where they cause less overall delay to vehicles. This is achieved by eliminating the necessity
of stopping the crossing streams of vehicles
Where there is a marked change in road standard for example, when one is moving from a
single to a dual carriage road
b) Design features of roundabouts
o For small roundabouts, the central island should be approximately

of the inscribed circle

o The circulatory width around the roundabout should be constant at about 1.0 to 1.2 times
the highest entry width subject to a maximum of15 meters
o Entries should be flares. Single and two lane approaches should become 3 and four lanes
respectively at give way lines
o Steep downhill gradients should be avoided at round about approaches
o Pedestrian guard rails should be used to control haphazard pedestrian crossing of traffic
streams and to provide safety
o The range of suggested parameters for the design of roundabouts are given in the table

Table 7a
Symbol Description Recommended range for design
e Entry width 4.0 15.0m
v Approach half width 2.0 7.3m
l Average effective flare length 1.0 100.0 m
S Sharpness of flare
D Inscribed circle diameter 15 100m
Entry angle 10 - 60
r Entry radius 6.0 100.0m


c) Given data

Table 7(b)
Geometric parameter symbol unit Arm C Arm D
Entry width e m 7.0 12.0
Approach half width v m 3.5 5.5
Average effective flare

m 50.0 50.0
Sharpness of flare S
Inscribed circle diameter D m 40.0 40.0
Entry angle deg 35.0 30.0
Entry radius r m 50.0 50.0

Table 7 (c)
To (Destination)
A 20 160 230 100
B 140 0 205 160
C 220 190 8 210
D 150 180 170 12

Facility to be opened to traffic in 2007
Design year 2026
Traffic growth rate r = 8%
Geometric parameters of arms C and D are shown in the table 7 (a)
Design life Y = (2026-2007) +1
=20 years

I. Design flows (DF) for the year 2026 were obtained by multiplying the values in
table 7 (b) by the equation

DF = 1.125P (1+r)
Where P present flows in table 7(b) in pcu/hr
Y design life (20 years)
r traffic growth rate

Multiplication produced these values in table 7(c) below
Table 7(d)
To (Destination)
A 105 839 1206 525
B 735 0 1075 839
C 1154 996 42 1101
D 787 944 891 63


II. Entry capacity for arms C and D, Q
= K(F - f
Where K = 1-0.00347( -30) 0.978[(

F = 303X
, where X
= v +
( )
( )
and S=
( )

= 0.21t
), where t
= 1+ 0.5/(1+M) and M=exp[(D-60)/10]

Arm C
K = 1 - 0.00347( -30) 0.978[(

= 1 0.00347(35 30) 0.978[(

= 1.01199
F = 303X
, where X
= v +
( )
( )
and S =
( )

S =
( )

= 0.112

= 3.5 +
( )
[ ( )

= 6.3596
F = 303
= 1926.93

= 0.21t
), where t
= 1+ 0.5/(1+M) and M=exp[(D-60)/10]

M = e

= 0.1353
= 1 + 0.5/(1+0.1353)
= 1.4404

= 0.21 ( ( ))
= 0.687
Approach capacity, Q = Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q

= 1154 + 996 + 42 + 1101
= 3293

Circulating capacity Q
= Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q

= 105 + 0 + 63 + 735 + 525 + 839
= 2267

Entry capacity Q
= K(F - f
= 1.01199 (1926.93 (0.687)
= 373.93

Arm D
K = 1 - 0.00347( -30) 0.978[(

= 1 0.00347(30 30) 0.978[(

) 0.05]
= 1.02934

F = 303X
, where X
= v +
( )
( )
and S=
( )

S =
( )

= 0.208

= 5.5 +
( )
( ( ))

= 10.0904

F = 303
= 3057.39

= 0.21t
), where t
= 1+ 0.5/(1+M) and M=exp[(D-60)/10]

M = e

= 0.1353
= 1 + 0.5/(1+0.1353)
= 1.4404
= 0.21 ( ( ))
= 0.913

Approach capacity Q = Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q
=787 + 944 + 891 +63
Circulating capacity Q
= Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q
+ Q

= 105 + 0 + 42 + 1154 + 996 + 735
= 3032

Entry capacity Q
= K (F - f
= 1.02934 (3057.39 (0.913 ))

= 297.66

III. Checking which of the arms still has capacity

For sufficient capacity, RFC =

Arm C, RFC =

= 8.806
Arm D, RFC =

= 9.02
Since RFC
8.806, and RFC
=9.02 are far greater than the upper limit of 0.85, queuing will
occur during peak hours on these arms of the roundabout


Disruptions due to maintenance. Traffic disruption due to maintenance last longer on rigid
pavements than on flexible pavements.
Riding characteristics. Due to increased variability in ground conditions, rigid pavements
tend to offer a better riding surface than a flexible pavement.
Ease and cost of repair. The cost and repair of flexible pavements is cheaper as compared
to rigid pavements.
Effect of climatic conditions. Flexible pavements are more susceptible to climatic effects
than rigid pavements.
Life time costs. The life time costs incurred in flexible pavements are high due to frequent
maintenance. In rigid pavements, the initial capital investment is higher.
Noise pollution. Bituminous surfacings are traditionally considered to be quieter and are
preferred for use in locales where noise is deemed a problem.
Construction time. Flexible pavements can be opened to traffic as soon as compaction is
completed and the surfacings have cooled to the ambient temperature, whereas rigid ones
formed from conventional mixes cannot be opened until they have gained sufficient
Variation in loading. Concrete pavements are generally better able to cope with
unexpected loads and fuel spillages in industrial estates and service areas. For example, if a
new housing or industrial estate is being built and it is a requirement that the roads be
constructed first so that they can be used by both construction traffic and subsequent
general traffic, concrete is considered by many to have a clear advantage.
The structure of a road pavement is composed of superimposed layers of selected and processed
materials that are placed on the basement soil or subgrade.
The main structural function of a pavement is to support the wheel loads applied to the carriageway
and distribute them to the underlying subgrade.

The uppermost layer of a flexible pavement is called the surfacing. The primary function of this layer
is to provide a safe, smooth, stable riding surface, i.e. a carriageway, for traffic; its secondary
functions are to contribute to the structural stability of the pavement and protect it from the natural

elements. The majority of modern-day surfacings in the western world are bitumen-bound; only
minor road surfacings are now composed of soilaggregate materials. When a surfacing is composed
of bituminous materials it may comprise a single homogeneous layer or course; more usually,
however, with heavily-trafficked roads, two distinct sublayers known as a wearing course and a
basecourse are laid in separate operations.
The wearing course forms the uniform carriageway surface upon which vehicles run. Ideally, it
(i) offer good skid resistance,
(ii) allow for the rapid drainage of surface water,
(iii) minimize traffic noise,
(iv) resist cracking and rutting,
(v) withstand traffic turning and braking forces,
(vi) protect the underlying road structure,
(vii) require minimal maintenance,
(viii) be capable of being recycled or overlaid,
(ix) be durable and give value for money.
No one material meets all of these requirements so, in practice, the selection of a wearing course
material depends on the design needs at each site.
The basecourse (also called a binder course) is a structural platform which regulates (i.e. makes
even) the top of the underlying roadbase, thereby ensuring that the wearing course has a good
riding quality when built; it also helps to distribute the applied traffic loads. If the wearing course is
impervious, the basecourse can be composed of a more permeable material.

The roadbase, which provides the platform for the surfacing, is the main structural layer in a
flexible pavement. As the stresses induced in a flexible pavement by the applied wheel loads
decrease with depth, the main function of the roadbase is to distribute the loads transmitted to it so
that the strength capacities of the weaker subbase and subgrade are not exceeded. Roadbases in
flexible pavements are normally designed to be very dense and highly stable, and to resist fatigue
cracking and structural deformation. If a pavement is formed with layers of bitumen- and cement-
bound materials, the structure is often referred to as a composite pavement. The rationale for
building a composite pavement is to combine the better qualities of both flexible and rigid
pavements. In the UK, a flexible composite pavement is defined as having its surfacing and upper
roadbase (if used) constructed from bituminous materials, supported on a roadbase or lower
roadbase of cement-bound material.
The material for the base course is typically unstabilized aggregates.

A subbase is very often present in a flexible pavement as a separate layer beneath the roadbase.
Whether it is present, or how it is used, depends upon its intended function(s). As a structural layer
within the pavement the subbase further distributes the applied wheel loads to the weaker
subgrade below.
Whilst the subbase material is of a lesser quality (and, thus, is normally cheaper) than the
roadbase material, it must be able to resist the stresses transmitted to it via the roadbase and it
must always be stronger than the subgrade soil.
Another major function of the subbase is to act as a working platform for, and protect the
subgrade from, site and construction vehicles as a pavement is being built. This is especially
important when the subgrade is of poor quality, e.g. clayey or silty, as the critical load-carrying
period is when the heavy wheel loads used in the laying and compaction of the roadbase are applied
to the subbase during construction.
The subbase is mostly a local aggregate material.


Summary of design information
Number of wet months,

Number of dry months,

Subgrade CBR,

Traffic growth rate varies with vehicle class
Design PERIOD 20 years
Construction materials
Surfacing material asphalt concrete
Roadbase crushed stone
Subbase Natural gravel
Subgrade good quality gravel
Determination of subgrade strength, S
From table 5.1, the CBR range given as 13-15% falls in the range of 12-20% corresponding to
subgrade class of S3
Determination of cumulative design traffic

Unidirectional flow, V
Assuming a maximum directional split of 2:1 for two way traffic

of the traffic volume or each class

( )



MINI BUSES 2511 1682 7 2524
BUSES 322 216 5.5 298
PICKUPS 588 394 2.5 457
TRUCKS 495 332 5.7 463
TRUCKS 131 88 4.5 115


MINI BUSES 29.43 9.81 19.62 0 0.0038
BUSES 147.15 29.43 58.86 58.86 0.6044
PICKUPS 29.43 9.81 19.62 0 0.0038
TRUCKS 117.72 39.24 78.48 0 0.9840
TRUCKS 196.2 39.24 78.48 78.48 1.9102


( )

MINI BUSES 7.0 2.0498
BUSES 5.5 1.7434
PICKUPS 2.5 1.2772
2 AXLE TRUCKS 5.7 1.7811
3 AXLE TRUCKS 4.5 1.5686


MINI BUSES 2524 0.0038 2.0498 0.1435
BUSES 298 0.6044 1.7434 2.2909
PICKUPS 457 0.0038 1.2772 0.0162
2 AXLE TRUCKS 463 0.984 1.7811 5.9237
3 AXLE TRUCKS 115 1.9102 1.5686 2.5067


From table 5.4, our cumulative design traffic of 10.8810 falls in the range of 8-20 msa which
corresponds to a traffic class of T1.
Required design structural number, DSN




) (

) (

Using chart number 2 with a subbase of natural gravel and a base of crushed stone, the following
parameters are obtained;


) ()

) ()

Layer thickness based on actual Design strength number, DSN

From design chart number 2, for a subgrade strength class of S3, and traffic class of T1, the
corresponding asphalt thickness, h
is 80mm, and from table 5.6, the layer coefficients are;

() () ()

) ( )
The pavement should therefore be composed of;
1. Surfacing material : 80mm
2. Roadbase : 175mm
3. Subbase : 250mm



1. Okello, F.E. (2010). Lecture Notes for CE323 Highway Engineering I, Kyambogo University.
2. OFlaherty, C.A. (2002). Highways: The Location, Design, Construction and Maintenance of
Road Pavements (4
Ed.). Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
3. Brokenbrough, R.L. (2009). Highway Engineering Handbook (3
ed.). United States of
America: McGraw-Hill.
4. Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications, Uganda. (2004). District Road Works,
Volume 1 - Technical Manuals: Manual A: Technical Manual. Uganda: Ministry of Works,
Housing and Communications.
5. United Kingdom, Department of Transport, Overseas Development Administration, TRRL
Overseas Unit. (1988). ORN 5: A Guide to Road Project Appraisal. Berkshire: TRL
6. Salvatore, D., & Diulio, E. (2003). Schaums Easy Outline: Principles of Economics. United
States of America: McGraw-Hill.
7. Garrabrant, R., (2004). Highway Engineering. United States of America: McGraw-Hill.
8. Mathew, T.V., (2006). Lecture Notes for Transportation Engineering I, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay. Mumbai:
9. Transport. (2009). Wikipedia. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from
10. Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation.
11. R.J.Slater, Highway Traffic Analysis and Design
12. Dr. L.R. Kadiyali, Principles and practices of Highway Engineering
13. T.F. Fwa, (2006). The handbook of highway engineering. Taylor and Francis group

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