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Ecran prcdent
Configuration: C-16 Tru! Engine W1A""""1-UP
Fonctionnement des systmes
C-15, C-16 and C-18 Engines
Numro d'imprim -RENR2!"-! #ate de pu$%ication -!1&!1&2!!" #ate de mise ' (our -1!&!1&2!!"
Fuel System
SMCS - 1250
Illustration 1 g01046001
Typical fuel system schematic
(1) Fuel supply line
(2) Unit injectors
() Fuel gallery (fuel manifol!)
(4) "#$
(5) %ressure regulating &al&e
(6) 'econ!ary fuel filter
(() Fuel priming pump
%agina 1 !i 10 #)16 Truc* "ngine +1,00001)U%('"-%6(. ) () ) 'yst/mes et composants
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(8) Distribution block
(9) Fuel temperature sensor
(10) Fuel transfer pump
(11) Pressure relief valve
(12) Check valve
(13) Fuel tank
(1) Fuel return line
(1!) Fuel return line to tank
"he fuel suppl# circuit is a conventional $esi%n for unit in&ector $iesel en%ines' "he s#stem consists of the
follo(in% ma&or components that are use$ to $eliver lo( pressure fuel to the unit in&ectors)
Fuel tank * "he fuel tank is use$ to store the fuel'
Fuel priming pump * "he fuel primin% pump is use$ to evacuate the air from the fuel s#stem' +s the air is
remove$ the s#stem fills (ith fuel'
Fuel filter * "he fuel filter is use$ to remove abrasive material an$ contamination from the fuel s#stem'
Supply lines and return lines * ,uppl# lines an$ return lines are use$ to $eliver the fuel to the $ifferent
"he purpose of the lo( pressure fuel suppl# circuit is to suppl# fuel that has been filtere$ to the fuel in&ectors
at a rate that is constant an$ a pressure that is constant' "he fuel s#stem is also utili-e$ to cool components
such as the .C/ an$ the fuel in&ectors'
0nce the in&ectors receive the lo( pressure fuel1 the fuel is pressuri-e$ a%ain before the fuel is in&ecte$ into
the c#lin$er'
"he unit in&ector uses mechanical ener%# that is provi$e$ b# the camshaft to achieve pressures that can be in
e2cess of 200000 kPa (30000 psi)'
Control of the fuel $eliver# is mana%e$ b# the en%ine3s .C/' Data from several of the en%ine s#stems is
collecte$ b# the .C/ an$ processe$ in or$er to mana%e these aspects of fuel in&ection control)
4n&ection timin% 5
Fuel in&ection timin% a$vance 5
4n&ection $uration 5
.n%ine col$ mo$e status 5
"he mechanical electronic fuel s#stem relies on a lar%e amount of $ata from the other en%ine s#stems' "he
$ata that is collecte$ b# the .C/ (ill be use$ in or$er to provi$e optimum performance of the en%ine'
Low Pressure Fuel Supply Circuit
"he flo( of fuel throu%h the s#stem be%ins at fuel tank (13)' Fuel is pulle$ from the tank b# fuel transfer
pump (10)' "he fuel transfer pump incorporates a check valve (12) that (ill allo( fuel to flo( aroun$ the
%ears of the pump $urin% han$ primin% of the fuel s#stem' "he fuel transfer pump also incorporates a pressure
relief valve (11)' "he pressure relief valve is use$ in or$er to protect the fuel s#stem from e2treme pressure'
"he fuel transfer pump is en%ineere$ in or$er to pro$uce an e2cess fuel flo( throu%hout the fuel s#stem' "he
e2cess fuel flo( is use$ b# the s#stem to cool the fuel s#stem components' "he e2cess fuel flo( also pur%es
Pa%ina 2 $i 10 C*16 "ruck .n%ine 71+00001*8P(,.9P36:9 * 3:) * ,#st;mes et composants
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any air from the fuel system during operation. Air that can become trapped in the fuel system can cause
cavitation that may damage the components of the unit injector.
The fuel travels from the fuel transfer pump to distribution block (8). A fuel temperature sensor (9) that is
installed in the distribution block is used to sample the fuel temperature. A signal that represents the fuel
temperature is sent to the E! for processing.
The fuel is then pumped to the fuel filter base. "n most applications# fuel priming pump ($) is located on the
fuel filter base. The fuel filter base also incorporates a siphon break that prevents fuel from draining from the
fuel system %hen the engine is not in operation. The priming pump utili&es a series of check valves in order
to direct the flo% of fuel during the priming pump's operation. The check valves %ork %ith the fuel priming
pump in order to produce a pumping action. The check valves also prevent fuel from being forced back into
the fuel transfer pump. The fuel flo%s through a t%o micron fuel filter ((). The filtered fuel then flo%s out of
the fuel filter base.
"f a fuel cooled E! is installed on the engine# the fuel is pumped into the E!. The fuel travels through the
cored passages of the housing of the E! in order to cool the control module's electronics.
The fuel is transfered by fuel supply lines ()) to fuel gallery (*) in the cylinder head or to fuel manifold (*).
+nly a portion of the fuel that is supplied to the fuel injectors is used for engine operation.
The fuel that is unused by the engine is provided for cooling purposes. This unused fuel is discharged into the
return passages of the fuel gallery. The fuel is returned to the fuel tank by the fuel return lines. A continuous
flo% of fuel is e,perienced %ithin the lo% pressure fuel system.
-uring engine operation# fuel injectors (.) receive fuel from the lo% pressure fuel system. The injector
pressuri&es the fuel to high pressure. The fuel is then injected into the cylinder. The e,cess fuel is returned to
the tank. /efer to 0ystems +peration# 12nit "njector1 for a complete e,planation of the injection process.
A pressure regulating valve (3) is located in the fuel return. The pressure regulating valve allo%s the lo%
pressure fuel system to maintain a constant pressure. A flo% control orifice is also located in the fuel return.
The flo% control orifice maintains a system back pressure that is constant. The orifice allo%s the flo% of fuel
through the system to be constant. This prevents e,cessive heating of the fuel.
Fuel Heaters
4uel heaters help to prevent the plugging of the fuel filters in cold %eather. This plugging is called %a,ing. "n
cold ambient conditions# the cold engine does not dissipate enough heat into the fuel system in order to
prevent %a,ing. 5eaters that are not thermostatically controlled can heat the fuel in e,cess of (36 ()796 4).
E,cessive temperatures in the fuel system %ill drastically reduce the efficiency of the engine. The fuel
system's reliability is also affected by high fuel temperatures.
Note: 8ever use fuel heaters %ithout some type of temperature regulator. Ensure that fuel heaters are turned
+44 during %arm %eather conditions.
Electronic Controls
There are t%o major components of the electronic control system that are necessary in order to provide
control of the mechanical electronic unit injectors9
E! :
;ersonality module (storage for the E!flash file) :
The E! is the computer that is used to provide control for all aspects of engine operation. The personality
module contains the soft%are that defines the characteristics of the engine control. The personality module
contains the operating maps. The operating maps define the follo%ing characteristics of the engine9
5orsepo%er :
Tor<ue curves :
;agina * di )= >)( Truck Engine ?)A====)>2;(0E@;*($9 > *$) > 0ystAmes et composants
Engine speed (rpm) :
+ther characteristics :
The E!# the personality module# the engine sensors# and the unit injectors %ork together in order to control
the engine. 8either of the four can control the engine alone.
The E! maintains the desired engine speed by sensing the actual engine speed. The E! calculates the
amount of fuel that needs to be injected in order to achieve the desired engine speed.
Fuel Injection
The E!controls the amount of fuel that is injected by varying the signal to each of the unit injectors. The
unit injectors %ill inject fuel only %hile the unit injector solenoid is energi&ed. The E! sends a )=3 volt
signal to the solenoid in order to energi&e the injector solenoid. @y controlling the timing of the )=3 volt
signal# the E! controls injection timing. @y controlling the duration of the )=3 volt signal# the E!
controls the amount of fuel that is injected.
The E! sets certain limits on the amount of fuel that can be injected. The 4/ fuel position is a limit that is
based on boost pressure in order to control the fuel air mi,ture for the emission control. ?hen the E!
senses an increase in the boost pressure# the E! increases the 4/ fuel position. The rated fuel position is a
limit that is based on the horsepo%er rating of the engine. The rated fuel position is similar to the rack stops
and the tor<ue spring on a mechanically governed engine. The rated fuel position provides the horsepo%er
and the tor<ue curves for a specific engine family. The rated fuel position provides the horsepo%er and the
tor<ue curves for a specific horsepo%er rating. The limits are programmed by the factory into the personality
module. The limits are not programmable in the field.
The injection timing relies on the follo%ing engine parameters9 engine speed# engine load and other engine
data. The E! senses the top center position of number one cylinder from the signal that is provided by the
engine speedBtiming sensors. The E! decides %hen the injection should occur relative to this top center
position. The E! provides the signal to the unit injector at the desired time.
Unit Injector Mechanism
;agina 7 di )= >)( Truck Engine ?)A====)>2;(0E@;*($9 > *$) > 0ystAmes et composants
"llustration . g=)=**78*
Typical unit injector mechanism
()) 2nit injector
(.) Adjusting nut
(*) /ocker arm assembly
(7) amshaft
The unit injector mechanism provides the do%n%ard force that is re<uired to pressuri&e the fuel in the unit
injector. ?hen a signal is received from the E!# the unit injector ()) injects the pressuri&ed fuel into the
combustion chamber. The camshaft gear is driven by an idler gear %hich is driven through the front gear train
by the crankshaft gear. The gears of the front gear train that are timed must be aligned in order to provide the
correct relationship bet%een the piston and valve movement. -uring assembly of the front gear train# care
must be taken in order to correctly align the timing marks of the gears. The camshaft has three camshaft lobes
for each cylinder. T%o lobes operate the inlet and e,haust valves# and one operates the unit injector
mechanism. 4orce is transferred from the unit injector lobe on camshaft (7) through rocker arm assembly (*)
to the top of the unit injector. The adjusting nut (.) allo%s setting of the unit injector adjustment. /efer to the
section on adjustment of the injector in Testing and Adjusting for the proper setting of the unit injector.
Unit Injector
;agina 3 di )= >)( Truck Engine ?)A====)>2;(0E@;*($9 > *$) > 0ystAmes et composants
Illustration 3 g00942819
(1) Solenoid
(2) Tappet
(3) Plunger
(4) Barrel
(5) Nozzle asse!l"
Operation of the Electronic Unit Injector
T#e operation o$ t#e %le&troni& 'ontrol (nit (%(I) &onsists o$ t#e $ollo)ing $our stages* Pre+in,e&tion-
In,e&tion- %nd o$ in,e&tion and .ill/ (nit in,e&tors use a plunger and !arrel to pup #ig# pressure $uel into t#e
&o!ustion &#a!er/ 'oponents o$ t#e in,e&tor in&lude t#e tappet- t#e plunger- t#e !arrel and nozzle
asse!l"/ 'oponents o$ t#e nozzle asse!l" in&lude t#e spring- t#e nozzle &#e&0- and a nozzle tip/ T#e
&artridge 1al1e is ade up o$ t#e $ollo)ing &oponents* solenoid- arature- poppet 1al1e and poppet spring/
T#e in,e&tor is ounted in an in,e&tor !ore in t#e &"linder #ead )#i&# #as an integral $uel suppl" passage/
T#e in,e&tor slee1e separates t#e in,e&tor $ro t#e engine &oolant in t#e )ater ,a&0et/ Soe engines use a
stainless steel slee1e/ T#e stainless steel slee1e $its into t#e &"linder #ead )it# a lig#t press $it/
Pagina 2 di 10 '+12 Tru&0 %ngine 31400001+(P(S%BP3259 + 35) + S"st6es et &oposants
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Illustration 4 g00942799
(A) Fuel supply pressure
(B) Injection pressure
(C) Moving parts
(D) Mecanical !ove!ent
(") Fuel !ove!ent#
$re%injection !etering starts &it te injector plunger an' te injector tappet at te top o( te (uel injection
stro)e# *en te plunger cavity is (ull o( (uel+ te poppet valve is in te open position an' te no,,le cec) is
in te open position# Fuel leaves te plunger cavity &en te roc)er ar! puses 'o&n on te tappet an' te
plunger# Fuel (lo& tat is -loc)e' -y te close' no,,le cec) valve (lo&s past te open poppet valve to te
(uel supply passage in te cylin'er ea'# I( te solenoi' is energi,e'+ te poppet valve re!ains open an' te
(uel (ro! te plunger cavity continues (lo&ing into te (uel supply passage#
$agina 7 'i .0 C%./ 0ruc) "ngine *.A0000.%1$(2"B$3/79 % 37) % 2yst4!es et co!posants
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Illustration 5 g00942798
(A) Fuel supply pressure.
(B) Injection pressure
(C) o!ing parts
(") ec#anical $o!e$ent
(%) Fuel $o!e$ent.
&o start injection' t#e %C sen(s a current to t#e solenoi( on t#e cartri(ge !al!e. &#e solenoi( creates a
$agnetic )iel( *#ic# attracts t#e ar$ature. +#en t#e solenoi( is energi,e(' t#e ar$ature asse$-ly *ill li)t
t#e poppet !al!e so t#e poppet !al!e contacts t#e poppet seat. &#is is t#e close( position. .nce t#e poppet
!al!e closes' t#e )lo* pat# )or t#e )uel t#at is lea!ing t#e plunger ca!ity is -loc/e(. &#e plunger continues to
pus# )uel )ro$ t#e plunger ca!ity an( t#e )uel pressure -uil(s up. +#en t#e )uel pressure reac#es
appro0i$ately 14500 /2a (5000 psi)' t#e )orce o) t#e #ig# pressure )uel o!erco$es t#e spring )orce. &#is
#ol(s t#e no,,le c#ec/ in t#e close( position. &#e no,,le c#ec/ $o!es o)) t#e no,,le seat an( t#e )uel )lo*s
out o) t#e injector tip. &#is is t#e start o) injection.
2agina 8 (i 30 C435 &ruc/ %ngine +3A00003462(7%B21579 4 17) 4 7yst8$es et co$posants
Illustration 6 g00942801
End of injection
(A) Fuel supply pressure
(C) Moving parts
Injection is continuous !ile t!e injector plunger "oves in a #onar# "otion an# t!e energi$e# solenoi#
!ol#s t!e poppet valve close#% &!en injection pressure is no longer re'uire#( t!e )CM stops current *lo to
t!e solenoi#% &!en t!e current *lo to t!e solenoi# stops( t!e poppet valve opens% +!e poppet valve is opene#
,y t!e *uel injector spring an# t!e *uel pressure% -ig! pressure *uel can no *lo aroun# t!e open poppet
valve an# into t!e *uel supply passage% +!is results in a rapi# #rop in injection pressure% &!en t!e injection
pressure #rops to appro.i"ately 24000 /0a (1200 psi)( t!e no$$le c!ec/ closes an# injection stops% +!is is t!e
en# o* injection%
0agina 9 #i 10 C316 +ruc/ )ngine &1A00001340(5)601679 3 17) 3 5yst8"es et co"posants
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Illustration 7 g00942802
(A) Moving parts
(6) Mec!anical "ove"ent
(C) Fuel "ove"ent%
&!en t!e plunger reac!es t!e ,otto" o* t!e ,arrel( *uel is no longer *orce# *ro" t!e plunger cavity% +!e
plunger is pulle# up ,y t!e tappet an# t!e tappet spring% +!e upar# "ove"ent o* t!e plunger causes t!e
pressure in t!e plunger cavity to #rop ,elo *uel supply pressure% Fuel *los *ro" t!e *uel supply passage
aroun# t!e open poppet an# into t!e plunger cavity as t!e plunger travels upar#% &!en t!e plunger reac!es
t!e top o* t!e stro/e( t!e plunger cavity is *ull o* *uel an# *uel *lo into t!e plunger cavity stops% +!is is t!e
,eginning o* pre3injection%
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