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A Proposed Performing Arts Theater Integrated Through Perspective

of Blind and Physically Impaired: An Aural and Acoustic Architecture
Design Building Solutions for Safe Environment

I. Introduction
A. Background of the Study:
The Philippines is the home of world class entertainers or artists. Filipinos are
naturally born with extraordinary talents that give them opportunity to be known
around the world. In Marcos Era, started the building of theaters that gave the break
of Filipino artists. But showing their talents and artistry started a long time ago, small
stages, music halls and clubs where it all begun. But there are certain people who
are afraid to show what talents of artistry they have because they are lack of
confidence just because they have incomplete body parts or they are lack of body
senses. According to NSO as of March 2014, many Filipinos are PWD having 6.77%
out of 100% while second is the blind having 1.19% out of 100% which gives
opportunity to design a theater that showcases their talents and abilities through live
performances and making the performing arts theater more accessible to everyone
through their own characteristics and learning disabilities.
B. Statement of the Problem:

Filipinos are known for being a full entertainer on stage, they can either sing,
dance or act at the same time. They are naturally born with artistic talents plus the
inherent charm. These are the reasons why many theaters are built in able to
showcase and express the talents of Filipinos. The theaters serve as the home of
Filipino entertainers and the stage of their talents. But in reality not most them are
able to perform not because they dont have talent but because they are in lack of
body senses or they are physically impaired. As time goes by, some neither people
nor designers doesnt prioritize in designing a theater that can give opportunity to a
disabled person to perform as a normal and complete human.

According to NSO from the results of 2010, the most people with disability are
from Region IV-A- CABARZON with 193 thousand and ages 15-49 yrs. old are
disabled or blind .The proposed performing arts theater shall showcase first class
and new entertainment experience, uplifting confidence, and flexible innovative
design for the blind and physically impaired. The building will reflect to the needs and
wants of the user, itll give importance to the accessibility of spaces for them. Where,
the main goal is to give able to give them the opportunity to perform without limits,
giving them chance to live like a normal person and building up their confidence
through the design solution and strategies of the theater. The site will be at Quezon
City near UP Diliman since the provinces of Region IV-A are near the location and
some of the disabled and blind are also from Quezon City and students or professors
can easily access to teach or use the proposed project. The users can access easily
through different routes and different transportation.
The main slogan of the performing arts theater is Performing without LIMITS.

C. Justification of the Study
At Republic Act 7277 which is an act providing for the rehabilitation, self-
development, and self-reliance of disabled person and their integration into the
mainstream of society and for other purposes, according to its Chapter 1 Section 14
& 15 stating that the state shall establish, maintain, support a complete, adequate,
and integrated system of special education.. and the state provide disabled persons
with training in civics, vocational efficiency, sports, and physical fitness, and other
skills... Thats why giving importance to the blind and physically impaired people will
give them opportunity to unveil and exhibit their gifted talents and artistry. This might
be a delicate proposal but endowing what they need will not just boost their
confidence but also will change their lives. Physically disabled artists are mostly in
depression giving painful and alarming considerations. They are very personal and
spiritually inclined. Disabled artists or entertainers are not defined by their
disabilitythey rise above it this means that they adapt on what their environment
is. In able to for them to rise above, there must be someone, somewhere or
something that will able to help them achieving that spot. This proposal will able to
sustain their needs as an artist, able to help in gaining their confidence, able to
enhance their talents and able to show the world how great they are in stage.
II. Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study focuses in designing both spaces and aesthetics of
through integration of the lifestyle of disabled artists. This aim to make an innovative
way or design solutions that can provide traditional, cultural, modern programs that
can accommodate large audience which include disabilities. An environment that will
take them to another level through effective and architecturally sound structure.

To establish adaptive and accessible spaces that will meet the needs and
wants of the disabilities.
To showcase their talents and abilities through facilities that will able to
enhance their talents and to perform it live.
To promote the world class talent of blind and impaired Filipinos.

III. Bibliography

Waterfront Development in Puerto Princesa, Palawan: Integrating
Tropical Architecture and Environmental & Efficient Design Strategies &

I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

Philippines is located at the very eastern side of Asia. It has more than 7000
islands which are inhabited by hospitable locals and primitive tribes. From refined
beaches to marvelously pristine natural wonders to historical sites will able to give a
once a lifetime experience that makes the Philippines as a leading tourism destination in
Asia. Puerto Princesa is acknowledge as the Last Ecological Frontier and Biospheric
Reserve because of its rich natural resources, vast forests and deep blue sea with the
healthiest coral reefs that make tourists to always come back. This study will cover up
the waterfront development in Puerto Princesa, Palawan where itll be integrated by
Tropical and Philippine architecture which will propagandize conservation of nature. Itll
not destroy the nature otherwise theyll both help each other to withstand; theyll have
mutual relationship that will give benefits to each other. The waterfront development will
embody the distinctive character and charm of Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

B. Statement of the Problem
As stated earlier, Philippines consists of more than 7000 islands and one of them
Palawan. Palawan is an island province that is located in Region 4. Palawan is
composed of the long and narrow Palawan Island that is surrounded by smaller islands.
It has rocky coves, islets and clearly white sandy beaches. The terrain is a mix of coastal
plain and heavy forest that makes to be the best location of the development. As time
goes by many tourist are coming in the Philippines which makes the economy of tourism
to be higher than usual. They come here to experience the true adventure in nature, to
see and feel the marvelous wonders of Philippines. Puerto Princesas slogan is to make
human and nature to co-exist and have a balance and harmonious relationship. Having
this kind of environment and aim to develop and promote tourism, more tourists and
investments will prosper in Puerto Princesa. Waterfront development can help to
accommodate tourists, progress the economy and promote the tourism of the
Philippines. Its one of the solutions to the fast rising population of tourists and help to
develop the economy of both city and country.
The proposed waterfront development will showcase the world class experience,
uttermost quality service, and warm hospitable above personality. The building will
reflect to its environment that will give the sense of place thus the design should be
tropically and strategically inspired by nature, sustainable and passive design solutions.
The slogan for this development is People connecting to nature, nature
connecting to people.
C. Justification of the Study

Waterfront development will be integrated with hotel, shopping and recreational
complex. Resorts are mostly the development on the side of the beaches. Having
waterfront development along the coastline of Palawan will able to give opportunity to
the locals, tourists, and also the nature. Puerto Princesa is the capital of Palawan, as it
was stated earlier, it was known for its forestry and tropical beauty. Its a fast growing
urban city that consists of the main source of education, communication, commerce and
public administration. Thus, it will give opportunity for the economy of the Philippines to
rise. Itll accommodate the rising population of the tourists that yearly increasing. Since
its an eco-tourism city that are full of natural scenic spot and diverse resources that
attract both international and local tourists that is why the municipality is upgrading the
infrastructure facilities to strengthen the economy and tourism. Therefore itll be a place
where people come to stay and relax and enjoy their vacation in a peaceful and pleasant
environment. Itll be their own peaceful and green sanctuary. Itll able to give the feeling
of being in the arm of nature. Itll consider the nature around it. Itll be environmentally,
socially & economically sustainable. Preserving the landscapes will be one of the
considerations. The structures in the development will have design strategies and
solutions that will able to withstand through changes of the climate. Strategically the
design solutions will be for climate change for the comfort of the users.

II. Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study is to know the strategic solutions for climate change
thatll be applied to the structure and able to conserve nature through environmental and
economic aspects.
To establish world-class design to promote a regional character of Palawan and
Philippines and enhance the visitor experience.
To promote the conservation of nature.
To establish resilient and climatic response structures which are tropically incline.

III. Bibliography

Hormone Replacement Research and Therapeutic Medical Complex:
Application of Sustainable Green and Zero Carbon Design

I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study
Many women are having problems when it comes of getting in the stage of
menopausal. Being in a menopausal stage are certain to have cancer and endometrial
hyperplasia because of this hormone replacement treatment is clinically invented to
lessen discomfort caused by circulating estrogen and progesterone hormones in
menopausal stage. This therapy can also be for transgender. This study will able to help
and promote the new way of treating the cancer. Itll able to prioritize those women that
are on this stage. It aim to establish a research and therapeutic medical in one location
in order not to transfer to different place which is hassle and able to take place the
researches within the place. The medical complex will able to give researchers to further
create, study and use of hormone replacement and other hormone problems by
associating facilities that can help them and the patients.
B. Statement of the Problem
Menopause is the stage of a woman's life when her period stops. It is a normal
part of aging. During menopausal stage, the levels of female hormones can go up and
down. This can cause symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Thats why
nowadays women want hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which is also called
menopausal hormone therapy in order to cure those symptoms. HRT may also protect
against osteoporosis. According to the NSO, the population of women having
menopausal stage is 19% at an early age of 40 and above. Therefore, developing a
medical complex that will able to cure those symptoms will help women and also
creating a new treatment for such sickness. Furthermore, itll be not just a medical but
also itll have some recreational facilities that will relax and improve the health conditions
of the users. It will not only focus about hormone replacement but also other medical
issues concerning about hormones. The carbon neutral system will able to decrease the
use of energy and will bring comfort to patients, researchers and therapeutics. Itll be
also a sustainable green design that can cope up in changes of the climate,
environment, emergency procedure and population density.
The proposed hormone replacement research and therapeutic medical complex
will promote the best science available to bring the most effective medicines for
hormones and also for our everyday life. It will produce outstanding designs and
advances statistical and research methods that can improve the future on its finest.
The slogan will be Building Future on its Finest.

C. Justification of the Study
MHT can be a good at help moderating to severe symptoms of the menopausal
transition and preventing bone loss. But MHT can also have some risks. Hormone
therapy was also thought to have the long-term benefits in preventing heart disease and
dementia. A research laboratory will integrate coordinate all the architectural and
engineering systems. The combination of both systems will able to help women in this
generation and also for the future generation. This study can supports and implement
medicines through the help of the medical complex.
Having this kind of research and therapeutic medical complex will able to
acknowledge the works of Filipino doctors, therapeutics or scientists. They can work in a
contemporary and collective environment and use their skills and talents to improve
better research in the fields of education, health, human and social development,
international development and also for their work and training. This will help Filipinos not
to go abroad for having this kind of treatment. Itll be much better for Philippines medical
sector to have this medical complex for itll improve the medicines for the better future of
the Philipines.

II. Significance of the Study
This study aim to promote new treatments and medicines for hormones. This will
be workplaces for the conduct of scientific research and also for the cure and relaxation
of the patients.
To be flexible. It will encourage change" within the building. Research
and therapeutic institute is changing all the time and buildings must allow
for the change.
To conserve and lessen energy consumption through use of carbon
neutral building system.
To promote treatments and researches for the future generation.

III. Bibliography

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