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Guide to Setting Goals

Below are some areas or aspects you may focus on to set goals. You need to ask yourself some of the
following questions first to decide what you need to focus on for your professional development.

What do I feel anxious about or lack confidence in?
How am I relating to the students? Do I feel comfortable?
What areas do I feel I lack understanding or knowledge which will be important in my first year?
Do students appear to understand me?
Are students learning from me? How do I know?
Am I clear about the various roles I need to undertake?

Consider aspects such as:-

Giving instructions Use of your voice. Interacting with
Questioning techniques. Student Engagement Giving feedback t o
Handling challenging behaviours Learning Cursive Script. Establishing a
classroom presence.
Organisational skills.
Personal Qualities
eg. Enthusiasm
Willingness to learn

Goal statements to avoid


More specific goals

Improve my behaviour
management skills.

Be specific about an aspect
which you can then
demonstrate development.

When giving instructions
ensure I stop and have all
students attention.

Improve the use of my voice.

Identify the issue with your
voice monotone? Too

Use the pitch and volume of my
voice to address and interest
students and not try to speak
over them.

Try a variety of teaching

Actually specify the
approach(es) you will trial then
you can review your progress.

Trial using Think Pair Share
and PMI to provide more
opportunities for input and
participation by students.

Work on student engagement.

Why are students tuning out?
Is it content?
Are you appealing to and
involving all students?

Trial a variety of approaches in
introductions to lessons which
do not involve simply talking to

Reviewing Goals

When you review your progress after the week practicum, ask yourself some of these questions
to reflect on and they will also help guide you to set your goals for 1B.

Did I achieve my goal (s)? How do I know? What evidence do I have?
eg. Teacher written/oral feedback, student feedback, work samples showing
development, anecdotal
notes on specific changes in behaviour/performance.

What did I feel worked well and how can I further develop this?
What other skills or knowledge did I tap into to achieve my goals.
What did I lack confidence in?
What feedback did I receive from my mentor and how can I use this for the future?

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