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Item Description Unit Qty

Part A1
Bill of Quantities (Electrical Wor!"DU#BE
P$I#A$% #E&A' ()IDE *U$+E A$$E*&E$,
See specification BBB0845 and Particular specification for primary
metal oxide surge arrester requirements applicale to t!e entire
Supply and "nstall a 88#$ gapless primary lig!tning arrester
complete% for mounting elo& t!e feeder coming from 's#om and t!e
() *isconnects.
*esign% Supply and "nstall a steel support structure on &!ic! to mount
t!e surge arrester% complete &it! olts% nuts and &as!ers. (ll steel to
e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel
support structure forming part of t!e surge arresters assemly. /!e
rate offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% Steel reinforcing%
P$) pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!er% copper cad
strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of suc! items.
--./ (U&D(($0 1I+1 /('&A+E0 A'&E$2A&I2+ 3U$$E2&
DI*3(22E3&($ 3(#BI2ED WI&1 EA$&1I2+ *WI&31,
See specification BBB0842 and Particular Specification for
outdoor !ig! -oltage alternating current disconnector comined &it!
eart!ing s&itc! requirements applicale to t!e entire item 2.0
Supply and "nstall a 88#$% 1100(% doule pole% 25#(% (),
disconnector comined &it! an eart! s&itc! as per specification. +o
*esign% Supply and "nstall a steel suport structure on &!ic! to mount
t!e disconnector s&itc!% complete &it! olts% nuts and &as!ers. (ll
steel to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel
support structure forming part of t!e disconnector s&itc! assemly.
/!e rate offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel
reinforcing% P$) pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts%
&as!ers%copper cad strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of
suc! items.
(U&D(($ P(*& &%PE /('&A+E &$A2*4($#E$,
See S(+S 10044,2 for outdoor post type -oltage transformer
requirements applicale to t!e entire item 3.0
*esign% Supply and "nstall a 88#$ outdoor post type -oltage
transformer complete as per particular specification and S(+S 10044,
2 .
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
*esign% Supply and "nstall a !ot,dip gal-ani.ed steel support
structure on &!ic! to mount t!e -otage transformer% complete &it!
olts nuts and &as!ers.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel suport
structure forming part of t!e -oltage transformer assemly. /!e rate
offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel reinforcing% P$)
pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!er% concrete and t!e
placing and setting,up of suc! items.
--/ (U&D(($0 1I+1 /('&A+E0 A'&E$2A&I2+ 3U$$E2&
3I$3UI& B$EA.E$,
See specification BBB1210 and Particular specification for outdoor
!ig! -oltage alternating current circuit rea#er requirements applicale
for t!e entire item 4.0
$ate Amount
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
ZAR - 2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the previous Page
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall an 88#$%1100(% 2,P!ase% 25#( S41 Primary )ircuit
Brea#er complete &it! control gear and S41 gas. ( no,-olt coil s!all
e incorporated in t!e control &iring.
*esign% Supply and "nstall a steel support structure on &!ic! to mount
t!e S41 Primary )ircuit Brea#er complete &it! olts% nuts and &as!er.
(ll steel to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel
support structure forming part of t!e S41 )ircuit Brea#er assemly.
/!e rate offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel
reinforcing% P$) pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!ers%
copper cad strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of
suc! items.
--./ (U&D(($ P(*& &%PE 3U$$E2& &$A2*4($#E$
See specification BBB0530 and Particular specification for outdoor
post type current transformer requirements applicale for t!e entire
item 5.0
*esign. supply and "nstall a 88#$ outdoor post type current
transformer complete as per specification.
*esign% Supply and "nstall a support structure on &!ic! to mount t!e
t!e current transformer% complete &it! olts% nuts and &as!er. (ll steel
to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel
support structure forming part of t!e current transformer assemly.
/!e rate offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel
reinforcing% P$) pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!ers%
copper cad strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of
suc! items.
--./ *E3(2DA$% *E&"P$I#A$% *U$+E A$$E*&E$
See specification BBB0845 and Particular specification for
secondary surge arrester requirements applicale to t!e entire item
Supply and "nstall a 88#$ gapless surge arrester complete% for
mounting on t!e aerial feeder et&een t!e traction transformer and
t!e )/.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the previous Page
2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
0.1 &raction &ransformer,
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
*esign% Supply and "nstall a support structure on &!ic! to mount t!e
t!e surge arrester% complete &it! olts% nuts and &as!er. (ll steel to e
!ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e steel
support structure forming part of t!e surge arrester assemly. /!e rate
offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel reinforcing% P$)
pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!ers% copper cad strap%
concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of suc! items.
1I+1 /('&A+E &$A3&I(2 &$A2*4($#E$,
See specification BBB8205 and particular specification for
/raction transformer requirements applicale to t!e entire item 0.0
*esign% Supply and "nstall a 88#$625#$% 207$(% single p!ase traction
transformer% complete &it! cooling radiator% -al-es% conser-ator tan#%
drain coc#s gauges% fittings% offload tap c!anging gear% us!ings%
protection )/8s in t!e secondary us!ings% protection de-ices% rating
plate% control ox% oil etc.
$e9uirements on (ptional E9uipment for consi:eration ;y t<e
manager Technolog!
/!e rate pro-ided against eac! item elo& s!all co-er t!e costs to
!a-e t!e item installed in t!e factory at t!e time of manufacture.
"n addition to t!e ao-e transformer requirements% Supply and install a
agged conser-ator.
"n addition to t!e ao-e transformer requirements% supply and install a
c!ainings 9(9 transformer filter system.
"n addition to t!e ao-e transformer requirements% supply and install
an on load tap c!anger. : /!e rate s!all co-er t!e omission of t!e one
and t!e additional of t!e ot!er;.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
0.3 3oncrete Plint<0 Bun: Wall an: (il &rap
Sum 1
Sum 1
8.0 *WI&31+EA$ A2D I2&E$#EDIA&E +A2&$% *&$U3&U$E,
Set 1
Set 1
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
*esign% Supply and install t!e follo&ing<
( concrete plint! complete &!ic! a
concrete gutter on &!ic! to install t!e maintraction transformer to
ser-e as catc!ment area for any ma=or oil lea#s or spillages. (
fireglass grid around t!e und&all.
/!e rate
offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel reinforcing%
150mm diameter class 34uP$) pipe and slo& ends for cale entry%
50mm diameter P$) pipe% a s!utdo&n -al-e% s!uttering% spacer%
copper cad strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of suc!
*esign and construct an oil trap &it!in t!e area of t!e und &all. /!e
rate s!all include for a suitale oil separator.
See Particular and )''0045 Specification for requirements on
material and equipment applicale to t!e entire item 8.0
*esign% Supply and install a lattice type intermediate >antry
Structure% on &!ic! to suspend 's#om8s supply conductor and
polymer composite insulators. (ll steel to e !ot,dip
*esign% Supply and install a lattice type S&itc! >antry Structure
similar to t!e dra&ing )'',/B*,41% on &!ic! to suspend t!e 25#$
aerial feeder% trac# feeder% pedestal insulators% polymer composite
insulator% circuit rea#er% auxiliary transformer% -oltage transformer%
"solator% fuse lin#% lig!tning arresters% aluminium tue usar or
equi-alent% complete &it! olts% nuts% &as!er and lig!tning spi#es. (ll
steel to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign and )onstruct foundation for t!e S&itc! and intermediate
>antry structure. /!e rate offered s!all include items suc! as
exca-ations% steel reinforcing% P$) pipes% ends% s!uttering%
foundation olts% nuts% &as!ers% copper cad strap% concrete and t!e
placing and setting,up of suc! items.
*esign and )onstruct foundations for t!e S&itc! >antry structure. /!e
rate offered s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel reinforcing%
P$) pipes% ends% s!uttering% foundation olts% nuts% &as!ers% copper
cad strap% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of suc! items.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
=.0 (U&D(($0 26/ A30 *I2+'E P('E DI*3(22E3&($
+o 1
+o 2
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
See Particular specification for t!e outdoor !ig! -oltage
alternating current disconnecting s&itc! requirements
applicale to t!e entire item 5.0
Supply and install a single p!ase% (),disconnecting s&itc! as
specified% complete &it! s&itc! rod and !andle% mec!anism
ox &it! electrical contacts and all associated steel mounting
rac#ets% nuts% olts% &as!er% etc. /!e disconnecting s&itc!
s!all e mounted against t!e s&itc! >antry Structure. (ll steel
s!all e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
(U&D(($0 26./ A30 *E3(2DA$% 3I$3UI& B$EA.E$,
See Particular specification for outdoor !ig! -oltage
alternating current circuit rea#er requirements applicale to
t!e entire item 10.0
Supply and install a 44#-% 1200(% single p!ase -acuum
incommer )ircuit Brea#er&it! a rated s!ort circuit rea#ing
capacity of 12#(% complete &it! control gear in mac!anism
ox% steel mounting rac#ets% nuts% olts% &as!er% etc. /!e
circuit ra#er s!all e mounted on a suitale structure. (ll steel
s!all e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
Supply and install a 44#-% 1200(% single p!ase -acuum feeder
)ircuit Brea#er&it! a rated s!ort circuit rea#ing capacity of
12#(% complete &it! control gear in mac!anism ox% steel
mounting rac#ets% nuts% olts% &as!er% etc. /!e circuit ra#er
s!all e mounted on a suitale structure. (ll steel s!all e !ot,
dip gal-ani.ed.
*esign% Supply and "nstall a support structure on &!ic! to
mount a 25#$ circuit rea#er% complete &it! olts% nuts and
&as!ers. /!e support structure s!all ma#e pro-ision for
attac!ing a 25#$ )urrent /ransformer against it. (ll steel to e
!ot0dip gal-ani.ed.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
12.0 26./ A3 *E3(2DA$% *U$+E A$$E*&E$,
13.0 26/ A3 /('&A+E &$A2*4($#E$
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
(U&D(($ 26./ A3 *E3(2DA$% P(*& &%PE 3U$$E2&
See specification BBB0530 and Particular specification for t!e
outdoor post type current transformer requirements applicale
to t!e entire item 11.0
*esign% Supply and install a 25#- outdoor post type current
transformer as per specification.
*esign% Supply and "nstall a Steel support rac#et on &!ic! to
mount a 25#$ current transformer% complete &it! olts% nuts
and &as!ers. /!e support rac#et s!all e mounted against
t!e circuit rea#er support structure descried ao-e. (ll steel
to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed.
See specification BBB0845 and Particular specification for
25#$ surge arrester requirements applicale to t!e entire item
Supply and install a 25#$ surge arrester complete &it! olts%
nuts% &as!ers% rated for 35#$ 37S% on eac! 25#$ circuit
feeding t!e o-er!ead trac# equipment. /!e surge arrester s!all
e mounted on top of t!e s&itc! >antry structure. Pro-ision
s!all e made for extension rac#et if required to otain t!e
specified out door eart! clearance of t!e li-e conductor.
Supply and install a 25#$ surge arrester complete &it! olts%
nuts% &as!ers% rated for 3.3#$ 37S% for connection to t!e main
transformer return current conductor :+eutral;. /!e surge
arrester s!all e mounted on top of t!e s&itc! >antry structure.
:?n instruction t!e arrester could e mounted on t!e
secondary side of t!e traction transformer;
See S(+S 10044,2 Specification and Particular specification
for -oltage transformer requirements applicale to t!e entire
item 13.0
Supply and install a 21%4#$6110$ -oltage transformer of t!e
class,' type for protection% complete &it! steel mounting
rac#ets% olts% nuts% &as!er% etc. /!e $/ s!all e mounted
against t!e S&itc! >antry structure. (ll steel s!all e !ot,dip
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
14.0 4oun:ation an: Plint<,
14.2 4loor 3o>erin?,
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and install a suitale si.e stainless cale ox in &!ic!
to terminate t!e secondary connection of t!e $/% complete &it!
terminals and laels if required.
*esign and construct a concrete foundation and plint! for t!e
support of t!e uilding and its equipment. /!e plint! s!all e
so designed as to eliminate t!e possiility of &ater standing in
contact &it! t!e ase of t!e uilding. /!e rate offered s!all
include items suc! as exca-ations% steel reinforcing% P$)
pipes% s!uttering% olts% nuts% &as!ers% copper cad strap%
concrete and t!e placing and setting,up of suc! items.
Supply and install suitale floor paint to paint t!e sustation
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
14.3 Buil:in? 3onstruction,
+o 1
14.4 Associate: E9uipments
+o 1
Sum 1
Set 1
Sum 1
*esign% Supply and construct a suitale doule unit sustation
uilding. /!e uilding s!all accommodate all lo& -oltage
monitoring% protection and control equipment and furniture. /!e
uilding s!all e of t!e prefaricated steel modular type. "t s!all
e roust% &ater proof% -ermin proof and of sufficiently strong
construction to resist all &eat!er condition. steel &or# s!all e
treated in accordance &it! t!e requirements as laid do&n in t!e
specification. /!e uilding s!all !a-e a @ doule,s#inned8 roof
contruction to allo& for a free circulation of air et&een t!e
s#ins. /!e outer s#in s!all e of flat s!eet steel of t!e same
t!ic#ness as t!e uilding.
/!e inside &alls s!all e t!ermally insulated. t!e door s!a e
fitted &it! a roust loc#ing mec!anism capale of eing loc#ed
y means of a stout padloc# pro-ided y t!e contractor. /!e
uilding design s!all e suc! as to pro-ide t!e necessary
trun#ing for cale entry to all equipment &!ic! &ill e top entry.
/!e uilding s!all e supplied complete &it! steel mounting
rac#ets% olts% nuts% &as!ers etc. (ll steel s!all e !ot,dip
Supply a self,support aluminium ladder of roust construction
&it! a !eig!t not exceeding 1.2m
Supply and "nstall a &all mounted metal #ey ox &it! a lid and
pro-ision for at least 20 #eys as s!o&n on dra&ing )'',/)(,
Supply and install t!e follo&ing suitale rac#ets for storing t!e
ladder% for storing special tools and eart!ing apparatus%
rac#ets on t!e &all immediately ad=acent to t!e annex door
for mounting of a fire extinguis!er% a rac#ets for mounting of a
telecommunications distriution oard.
( complete set of &iring and circuit diagrams inded into a
need durale folder. ( sustation layout and s&itc!ing diagram
contained in a suitale picture frame6s co-ered &it! a
translucent material suc! as perspex
Supply and install a suitale si.e steel trun#ing complete &it!
fixing material% rac#ets% sets% elo&s% fasteners% olts% nuts%
&as!er etc. (ll material to e !ot,dip gal-ani.ed. /run#ing to
e used to accommodate all cales enteringequipment from
t!e top. )ale entry to all equipment &ill e from t!e top.
( Steel cainet 6 des# comination approximately 1150mm
&ide% 100mm deep and 1200mm !ig!
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
15.0 1EA&I2+ A2D /E2&I'A&I(2
+o 2
11.1 In:oor 'i?<t 4ittin?s,
11.2 'i?<t *@itc<es,
11.3 In:ustrial *@itc< *ocet (utlet,
11.4 (ut:oor 'i?<t 4ittin?s an: fi;re?lass poles,
Supply and install a suitaly rated electrical dri-en -entilation
fan in t!e traction sustation uilding. /!e fan s!all e capale
of pro-iding 20 air c!anges per !our. /!e fan s!all dra& !ot air
from inside t!e uilding and lo& it to t!e outside t!roug!
automatically closing s!utter lou-ers.
Supply and install -entilators suitale to -entilate t!e
Supply and install t!ermostatically controlled !eaters in t!e
sustation uilding to pre-ent condensation &it!in t!e uilding.
Aeaters s!all e roust &it! elements completely enclosed in a
metal tue. /!e !eater s!all e positioned and mounted in
suc! a manner t!at t!ey are not su=ect to damage during
normal maintanance acti-ities.
'(W /('&A+E E'E3&$I3A' 'I+1& A2D P(WE$
DI*&$IBU&I(2 I2 &1E *UB*&A&I(2 BUI'DI2+.
See Particular specification for requirements on material and
equipment applicale to t!e entire item 11.0
Supply and "nstall a 1.5m surface mounted% open c!annel%
industrial type% fluorescent lig!t fitting run from () supply and
emergency lig!ting from t!e *) supply% complete &it! control
gear and 2 y 58B C58620 cool &!ite lamps. Cuminaire lamps
and control gear to e S(+S appro-ed and s!all ear t!e
S(+S mar# of appro-al.
Supply and "nstall a 11( surface mounted single le-er one,&ay
lig!t s&itc! complete &it! &all ox and co-er plate. Cig!t s&itc!
to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and install a 11( surface mounted% rotary type% &eat!er
proof% roust industrial lig!t s&itc! complete. Cig!t s&itc! to e
S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall a 11( surface mounted industrial type
s&itc!ed soc#et outlet complete. SS? to e S(+S appro-ed.
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall a 400B Aig! Pressure sodium diecast
aluminium floodlig!t complete &it! s&itc!gear and a 400
APS6/ lamp. 4loodlig!t% s&itc!gear and lamp to e S(+S
appro-ed and s!all ear t!e S(+S mar# of appro-al.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 ,
Item Pay $ef Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
11.5 'o@ /olta?e Distri;ution Boar:,
11.1 +al>aniAe: *teel &u;in?,
m 30
11.0 'i?<t *ensiti>e 3ontrol Units (P<oto 3ell!
11.8 +eneral Purpose Wirin?
m Sum
Supply and install a 5m ottom !inge glass fire pole complete
&it! circuit rea#er% trailing cale termination ox% etc. /!e
ase plate assemly s!all e gal-anised. /!e pole s!all
comply to S(+S 1045 and ear t!e S(+S mar# of appro-al.
construct a foundation on &!ic! to mount t!e aseplate
assemly of t!e glass fire pole ao-e. /!e rate offered
s!all include items suc! as exca-ations% steel
reinforcing% P$) pipes% s!uttering% foundation olts%
nuts% &as!ers% concrete and t!e placing and setting,up
of suc! items.
Supply and "nstall a 1.5m surface mounted% &eat!er proof
industrial type fluorescent lig!t fitting% complete &it! control
gear and 2 58B C58620 cool &!ite lamps. /!e ody of t!e
luminaire s!all e manufactured from stainless steel and t!e
co-er from !ig! impact 9$ resistant polycaronate acrylic.
Cuminaire lamps and control gear to e S(+S appro-ed and
s!all ear t!e S(+S mar# of appro-al.
Supply and "nstall a surface mounted industrial type distriution
oard complete &it! circuit rea#ers% eart!lea#age unit%
isolator% contactors% lig!ting arresters% usar% laelling% legend
cards and &iring. (ll s&itc!gear and lig!tning arrester to e
S(+S appro-ed. /!e si.e of t!e distriution oard s!all allo&
30D additional s&itc!gear. /!e oard are to e po&der coated
orange as per S(+S specification.
Supply and "nstall 20mm gal-anised steel tuing complete &it!
fittings% couplings% inspection oxes% co-ers and set as
required. Steel tuing to e S(+S specifications.
Supply and "nstall a 11( pole mounted lig!t sensiti-e control
unit for mounting at t!e ac# of t!e flood lig!t. /!e lig!t
sensiti-e control unit s!all e S(+S appro-ed. +o
Supply and "nstall 2.2mm2 P$) insulated &ire for lig!t circuits
:red and lac#. Bire to e S(+S appro-ed
m Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall 2.5mm2 are copper eart! &ire. 'art! &ire
to e S(+S appro-ed.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
m Sum
Sum 1
Sum 1
15.0 3(2&$(' A2D P$(&E3&I(2 PA2E'*,
15.1 A3 an: D3 Distri;ution Boar:,
+o 1
+o 1
+o 1
Supply and "nstall 2.5mm2 3 core silicon ruer insulated &ire for use
et&een t!e control gear and t!e floodlig!t termination ox on t!e
pole. Bire to e S(+S appro-ed.
See Particular specification for metering system requirements
applicale to t!e entire item 18<0
*esign% Supply and "nstall a 4,quadrant metering system complete
&it! data and communication requirements in accordance &it! S(+S
403% :latest edition;% "') 12053 and "S? 5001 for metering and.
&E'E3(2&$(' (U&*&A&I(2,
See Particular specification for telecontrol
outstation requirements applicale to t!e entire item 15.0
*esign% Supply and install a complete telecontrol outstation as per
particular specification requirements.
See Particular specification and )''0111.55 for t!e primary circuit
rea#er control and Protection Panel% t!e Secondary 7ain )ircuit
Brea#er Protection and )ontrol Panel% t!e Secondary 4eeder )ircuit
Brea#er Protection and )ontrol Panel6s% and ()6*) *istriution Panel
requirements applicale to t!e entire item 20.0
*esign% Supply and "nstall () and *) distriutionoard according to
user requirements particular specification and )''0111.55 clause 24
complete. /!e oard s!all ma#e pro-ision for 30D additional space for
future equipment.
--/ A3 Primary 3ircuit Breaer" 3ontrol an: Protection
*esign% Supply and "nstall an indoor floor standing primary circuit
rea#er control and protection panel complete &it! flag annunciator
unit% protection relays% instruments% meters% control equipments%
indicating lig!ts% a panel lig!t% emergency stop uttom% terminal strips%
usar% protection test loc#s% &iring% laels% etc.
26/A #ain Incomer 3ircuit Breaer"3ontrol an:
Protection Panel,
*esign% Supply and install an indoor floor standing main incomer
circuit rea#er control and protection panel complete &it! protection
relays% instruments% meters% control equipment% indicating lig!ts% a
panel lig!t% terminal strips% usar% protection test loc#s% &iring%
laels% etc
26/ A3 4ee:er 3ircuit Breaer" 3ontrol an: Protection
+o 1
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
*esign% Supply and install an indoor floor standing main feeder circuit
rea#er control and protection panel complete &it! protection relays%
instruments% meters% control equipment% indicating lig!ts% a panel lig!t%
terminal strips% usar% protection test loc#s% &iring% laels% etc
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
20.0 BA&&E$% 3ABI2E&0 BA&&E$% 31A$+E$ A2D BA&&E$IE*,
20.1 110/ Battery 3<ar?er Unit,
Set 1
21.0 'ABE'*,
Sum 1
22.1 (>er<ea: 3on:uctor,
m Sum
m Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
See specification )'',0085 and Particular specification for
requirements on 110$ *) attery c!arger% Batteries and equipment
applicale to t!e entire item 21.0
*esign% Supply and "nstall a 110$ *) attery c!arger unit complete
&it! cainet and +ic#el )admium atteries. :Battery c!arger output
must e suitale to pro-ide all 110$ *) equipment &it! po&er. /!e
attery c!arger cainet% c!arger unit and atteries to e S(+S
Supply and "nstall special laels inaccordance &it! S(+S 10142 and
associated safety regulations to eac! section of t!e ()6*) distriution
panel &arning against -arious supplies entering t!e oard% -arious
-oltage in t!e oard and t!e automatic c!anger o-er supply &!ic!
must e isolated &!en &or# needs to e done in t!e oard or on any
supply. (ll ot!er control panel s!all e clearly laelled. laels must
also e secured to t!e outside co-ers of plugs and lig!t s&itc!es. (ll
laels s!all comply &it! t!e rele-ant specifications.
(/E$1EAD 3(2DU3&($*0 I2*U'A&($*0 *&$AI2 3'A#P*0
A'U#I2IU# 3(2DU3&($0 3(PPE$ BU*BA$ A2D 3'A#P*,
See Particular specification for requirements on material and
equipments applicale to t!e entire item 23.0
Supply and install 110mm2 stranded aluminium feeder &ire :stranding
1563.35; from t!e main feeder structureto all 88#$ primary equipment
and s&itc!gear up to t!e primary side of t!e traction transformer. Bire
to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall 500mm2 stranded aluminium feeder &ire :stranding
3064.25; from t!e secondary side of t!e traction transformer to all
25#$ secondary equipment and s&itc!gear mounted on t!e gantry
structure as &ell as from t!e gantry structure to t!e s&itc! structure%
ot! li-e and neutral conductors. Bire to e S(+S appro-ed.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
m Sum
m Sum
22.2 --/ Insulatators an: *train 3lamps
+o Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
22.3 26/ Insulators an: strain 3lamps,
+o Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall 50mm2 stranded annealed copper conductor from
t!e 25#$ secondary usar to t!e drop,out fuse lin# and from t!ere to
t!e li-e side of t!e (uxiliary transformer% from t!e secondary usar to
t!e li-e side of t!e -oltage transformer. Bire to e S(+S appro-ed
Supply and "nstall 00mm2 stranded copper unarmoured conductor
insulated for 3.3#$ from t!e 25#$ neutral return conductor toG t!e
neutral side of t!e auxiliary transformer and t!e neutral side of t!e
-oltage transformer. Bire to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall strain insulators rated for 100#$% suspended from
t!e 88#$ feeder structure complete &it! suitale to&er !oo#s%
rac#ets% olts% nuts and &as!ers. "nsulators and associated
accessories to comply &it! applicale S(+S and "') specifications
for t!e material offered.
Supply and "nstall as per dra&ing BBB1050 a strain clamp :Pistol grip;
complete &it! cle-is pin% olts% and &as!er to connect 110mm2
stranded aluminium feeder &ire to insulators on t!e feeder structure.
)lamp to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall solderless% concetric grip type aluminium and i,
metallic clamps to secure aluminium feeder &ire to all 88#$ primary
equipment% s&itc!gear and t!e transformer.
Supply and "nstall strain insulators rated for 44#$% suspended from t!e
25#$ feeder structure and t!e 25#$ s&itc! structure% complete &it!
suitale to&er!oo#s% rac#ets olts% nuts and &as!er. "nsulators and
associated accessories to comply &it! applicale S(+S and "')
specifications for t!e material offered.
Supply and "nstall as per dra&ing BBB1050 a strain clamp:Pistol grip;
complete &it! cle-is pin% olts% nuts and &as!er to connect 500mm2
stranded aluminium feeder &ire to insulators on t!e feeder structure.
)lamp to e S(+S appro-ed
Supply and "nstall solderless% concetric grip type aluminium and i,
metallic clamps to secure aluminium feeder &ire to all 25#$ secondary
equipment and s&itc!gear including t!e -oltage transformer.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
+o Sum
+o Sum
Sum 1
24.1 3opper Bus;ar an: Insulators,
Sum 1
24.2 3opper 3on:uctor (Wel:in? 3a;le! an: 'u?s
m Sum
+o Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall strain insulators rated for 44#$% suspended from
25#$ feeder structure and t!e 25#$ s&itc! structure% complete &it!
suitale to&er !oo#s% rac#ets% olts% nuts and &as!er. "nsulators and
associated accessories to comply &it! applicale S(+S and "')
specifications for t!e material offered.
Supply and "nstall any ot!er clamps as required per generic
specifications to connect equipment to feeders or usar.
2(2"()IDIBI2+ A2&I 3($$(*I/E 1I+1 &E#PE$A&U$E
Supply a non, anti corrosi-e !ig! temperature grease of t!e
type 4uc!s 3enolit. /!e grease s!all e applied to all copper and
aluminium clamps% olt on connections and !ard&are assemlies.
I2D(($ EA$&1I2+,
See Particular specification for requirements on material
and equipment applicale to t!e item 25.0
Supply and install 3mm x 35mm copper usar and suitale insulators
on &!ic! to mount t!e copper usar to create a ring eart! usar
system in t!e inside of t!e sustation uilding. /!e insulators s!all e
secured to t!e steel &all of t!e uilding construction H6,100mm ao-e
t!e finis! floor le-el.
Supply and "nstall 55mm2 P$) insulated stranded copper conductor
to connect all metal &or# &!ic! include uilding steel modules%
supporting frames of indoor lo& -oltage equipment and control panels
to t!e copper usar descried ao-e. )opper conductor to e S(+S
Supply and "nstall a suitale tined copper lug to terminate t!e 55mm2
P$) insulated stranded copper &ire on to equipment and t!e usar.
Cugs to e S(+S appro-ed.
(U&D(($ %A$D EA$&1I2+,
See specification )''.0100.81% dra&ing BBB3120 and
Particular specification for requirements on material and equipment
applicale to t!e entire item 21.0
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
26.1 3opper Bus;ar,
m Sum
m Sum
m Sum
25.2 3opper 3on:uctor ( Wel:in? 3a;le!,
m Sum
25.3 3opper tinne: 'u?s,
m Sum
25.4 P/3 +al>aniAe: *teel Bon:in? Wire an: 'u?s
m Sum
+o Sum
25.5 Anti 3orrosi>e 3ompoun:,
+o Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
*esign% Supply and "nstall a trenc! eart! system in t!e sustation
outdoor yard as per dra&ing no BBB3120. )opper usar &it! a cross
sectional area of not less t!an 55mm2 s!all e used and installed at a
dept! of 800mm.
Supply and "nstall copper strap for use as eart! tails to connect t!e
copper cad coming out of foundations to t!e trenc! eart! as &ell as to
eart! support steel structures to t!e trenc! eart!. )opper strap to
!a-e a cross sectional area of not less t!an 55mm2% installed at a
dept! of 800mm. :'xposed copper strap to e painted &it! sil-er paint
matc!ing t!e colour of t!e gal-ani.ed steel structures;
*esign% Supply and install eart! mats in t!e sustation outdoor yard at
position s!o&n on dra&ing no BBB3120 complete &it! test point
connections. )opper strap to !a-e a cross sectional area of not less
t!an 55mm2% installed at a dept! of 150mm.
Supply and "nstall 55mm2 P$) insulated stranded copper conductor
to ond -arious equipment to t!e trenc! eart! or eart! mat. )opper
conductor to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and install a suitale tinned copper lug to terminate t!e 55mm2
P$) insulated stranded copper &ire onto equipment and usar. Cugs
to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and install P$) insulated gal-anised steel onding &ire to
ond steel palisade fence% &elded mes! fence% fence posts and gates
to t!e trenc! eart!. Bire si.e s!all e t!e equi-alent of 55mm2 copper
Supply and install a suitale lug to terminate t!e P$) insulated
gal-ani.ed steel onding &ire onto steel palisade fence% &elded mes!
fence% fence posts and gates and ot!er equipment.
Supply and "nstall an anti corrosi-e compound suc! as noxide to all
crimped connections and exot!ermic &elds.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
26.7 BraAin? an: ECot<ermic Wel:in?,
+o Sum
25.0 Insulation #aterial,
25.8 3opper Eart< $o:
set Sum
25.5 Water #eter BoC an: P/3 Pipe,
m Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
25.10 Bra:e: 3opper Bon:s,
+o Sum
25.11 Eart<in? *ur>ey
+o 1
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
(llo& a rate under t!is item to ra.e or exot!ermic &eld all elo&
ground connections as specified.
Supply and "nstall a suitale insulation material to insulate t!ose steel
support structures from eart!% &!ic! must e connected to t!e ()
eart!lea#age system as specified.
Supply and "nstall 7alt!oid or any appro-ed insulation material to
insulate t!e main traction transformer from t!e concrete plint! and6or
s#id rail
Supply and "nstall copper eart! rods of 1.5m in lengt!% &!ic! are
suitaly t!reads at eac! end complete &it! a coupling and t&o rass
rod tormination clamps. 'art! rods to e installed as per dra&ing
BBB3120. 'art! rod not to e less t!an 00mm2 copper in accordance
to S(+S 1013
Supply and "nstall 110mm diameter P$) pipe for use in t!e installation
of certain eart! spi#es in accordance &it! dra&ing no )'',P(,23
Supply and "nstall a standard cast iron &ater meter ox &it! a !inged
lid to co-er certain eart! spi#e inspection points. /!e ox must comply
to S(+S 558. (llo& to properly install t!e ox in t!e ground &it!
concrete as per dra&ing no. )'',P(,23.
Supply and "nstall any additional material required in terms of dra&ing
BBB3120 to properly eart! t!e entire installation as defined in t!e
scope of &or#. (ll equipments to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall raded copper onds on all gates. Bonds s!all e
painted green. Bire si.e of ond s!all e t!e equi-alent of a 55mm2
copper conductor.
Pro-ide a rate to conduct an eart!ing sur-ey in accordance &it! t!e
met!od as descried in specification )''.0100. /!e rate s!all allo&
for t!e design of a eart!ing system for sustation in accordance &it!
S(+S 10155
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
21.1 'o@ /olta?e #ulti 3ore 3a;les an: +lan:s,
m Sum
+o Sum
21.2 'o@ /olta?e Po@er 3a;les.
m Sum
+o Sum
21.3 Any ot<er 3a;le an: +lan:s,
+o Sum
21.4 3a;le &a?s,
+o Sum
21.50 3a;le *upport *ystem,
m Sum
3AB'E*0 +'A2D*0 &E$#I2A&I(2*0 3AB'E *UPP($& *%*&E#
A2D 3AB'E &A+*
See specification )''.0023.50% BB)0158% and
Particular Specification for requirements on material and equipment
applicale to t!e entire item 20.0
Supply and "nstall all lo& -oltage P$) insulated% P$) edded% SB(%
P$) s!eat!ed multi core cales as per specification. Bet&een control
panels and s&itc!gear% et&een control panelsand equipment%
et&een control Panels and t!e transformer. (llo& to terminate all
cales on to equipment. (ll cales s!all !a-e 20D spare cores. )ale
to e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall &atertig!t compression glands for all lo& -oltage
multi core pilot cales complete &it! meoprene s!rounds. >lands to
e from ))> system or equal ut appro-ed.
Supply and install all lo& -oltage t&o core% t!re core and four core
P$) insulated% P$) edded% SB(% P$) s!eat!ed electrical cale as
specified% et&een t!e lo& -oltage transformer % t!e distriution ox%
and t!e distriution panel% et&een t!e distriution panel and
equipment% from t!e atteries to t!e control panel and all ot!er
equipment. (llo& to terminate all cales onto equipment. )ale to e
S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall &atertig!t compression glands for all lo& -oltage
t&o core% t!ree core and four core electrical cales complete &it!
neoprene s!round. >lands to e from ))> System or equal ut
Supply and "nstall any ot!er cales and glands required for t!e
successful operation of t!e sustation. (ll cale and conductors s!all
e S(+S appro-ed.
Supply and "nstall durale cale tags in aluminium or copper% to mar#
all multi core control cales% lo& -oltage distriution cales and
medium -oltage po&er cales.
Supply and "nstall as per dra&ing no. )'',/*),10 a cale tray
:>ridspan &ire mes!; complete &it! !old do&n rac#ets% olts% nuts
and &as!ers to support all cales running against equipment
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
20.1 'xca-ations for trenc!es in soil. Sum
20.2 'xca-ations for trenc!es in non,co!esi-e material. Sum
20.3 'xca-ations for trenc!es in soft roc#. Sum
20.4 'xca-ation for trenc!es in !ard roc#. Sum
20.5 "mportation of soil as per specification to ed cales. Sum
20.1 Bac#filling of trenc!es% compacting y !and !eld tool. Sum
20.0 )ompacting of cale trenc!es &it! mec!anical rammer. Sum
28.0 *A4E&% BA$$IE$* I2 &1E 1I+1 /('&A+E %A$D,
28.1 Wel:e: #es< 4ence,
m Sum
28.2 Poles an: *trainin? Post (1.2m fence <ei?<t!,
+o Sum
+o Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
E)3A/A&I(2*0 BA3.4I''I2+ A2D 3(#PA3&I(2,
See specification
)'',0023,50% and Particular specification for exca-ation% ac#filling
and compaction requirements on material and equipment applicale
to t!e entire item 28.0
See engineering instruction S.011 and Particular specification for
safety arrier requirements on material and equipments applicale to
t!e entire item 25.0
Supply and "nstall a 1.2m !ig! gal-anised &elded mes! &ire fence.
/!e aperture si.e of t!e fence s!all e 50mm x 50mm and t!e &ire
t!ic#ness 3.05mm. 4ence to e eart!ed as per specification.
Supply and "nstall a 1.8m long !ot,dip gal-ani.ed steel pole &it! a
50mm outer diameter and a 3mm &all t!ic#ness. /!e spacing
et&een poles s!all not e greater t!an 2m. (llo& to &eld an eart!
stud onto t!e pole efore /!e poles s!all e eart!ed to
t!e common fence eart!% &!ic! turn s!all e connected to t!e main
trenc! eart!.
Supply and "nstall a 1.8m long !ot,dip gal-ani.ed steel pole &it! a
50mm outer diameter and a 3mm &all t!ic#ness. /!e spacing
et&een poles s!all not e greater t!an 2m. (llo& to &eld an eart!
stud onto t!e pole efore /!e poles s!all e eart!ed to
t!e common fence eart!% &!ic! turn s!all e connected to t!e main
trenc! eart!.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
28.3 *trainin? Wire
3oll Sum
28.4 1oles for Poles ( 1.2m fence <ei?<t!,
+o Sum
28.5 *teel +ates,
+o 1
+o 20
+o 20
+o 10
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply and "nstall a 4mm gal-ani.ed straining &ire per 50m roll. /!e
straining &ire &ill e used to support t!e &ire mes! fence.
Pro-ide a rate against t!is item to eca-ate a !ole 500mm :*; x
300mm :B; x 300mm :C; for eac! ne& fence pole and fill t!e &!ole
&it! 157Pa concrete after t!e pole !as een-ertically and !ori.ontally
aligned. /!e rate s!all include for t!e remo-al of t!e exca-ated
ground from site.
Supply and "nstall a 1m :B; x 1.2m:A; padloc#ale gate co-ered &it!
gal-ani.ed &elded mes!. :Belded mes! measure else &!ere;. /!e
gate s!all e manufactured from steel pipe &it! a 42mm outer
diameter and a 3mm &all t!ic#ness. /!e gate s!all e !ot,dip
gal-ani.ed and supplied complete &it! eye olt !inges as s!o&n on
dra&ing no. )'',/*4,15 s!t 2of2
WA$2I2+ 2(&I3E*0 DA2+E$ B(A$D* A2D *I+2*0
2A#E P'A&E* A2D 'ABE'*,
See engineering instruction S.011% Particular specification% all
applicale generic specifications and t!e /ransnet4reig!t 3ail
'lectrical Safety "nstructions for &arning notices and t!e requirements
applicale to t!e entireitem28.0. (ll Barning oards and notice s!all
comply &it! S(+S 1181.
Supply and "nstall an electrical s!oc# !a.ard &arning notice oard
:150mmx150mm; as per dra&ing )'',/B+,2 :BB0; complete &it!
mounting rac#et. /!is &arning notice oard s!all e installed on all
perimeter fences and gates &!ere a !a.ard exist of electrical s!oc#.
Supply and "nstall an electrical s!oc# !a.ard &arning notice oard
:150mmx150mm; as per dra&ing BBB0048 :BB23; complete &it!
mounting rac#et. /!is &arning notice oard s!all e installed on all
gates and doors &!ere t!e !a.ard exist of a person coming into
conact &it! exposed li-e !ig! -oltage equipment.
Supply and "nstall and indicating plate@P?B'3 ?+,P?B'3 ?44@ as
per dra&ing )'',/B+,1 complete &it! mounting rac#et. /!is
indicating plate s!all e installed on all isolating eart!ing s&itc!es.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
+o 10
+o 10
+o 10
+o 4
+o 12
Sum 1
30.0 D$AWI2+0 #A2UA'* A2D DE*I+2*,
+o Sum
Total Carried Forward to the Next Page
Supply (nd "nstall a Barning Plate @'+/3(+)' BI
9+(9/A?3"S'* P'3S?+ P3?A"B"/'*@ as per dra&ing )'',
/B+,10 in'nglis! and (frican Canguage spo#en in t!e area%
complete &it! mounting rac#et. /!is &arning plate s!all e installed
on all entrance gates and doors leading to t!e sustation and any !ig!
-oltage doors leading to t!e sustaion !ig! -oltage equipment.
Supply and "nstall a Barning Plate @)(9/"?+,A">A $?C/(>'@ @*?
+?/ B?3J ?+ /A"S (PP(3(/9S 9+C'SS /A' A">A $?C/(>'
'K9"P7'+/ "S "S?C(/'* (B* '(3/A'*@ as per dra&ing no. )'',
/B+,35 complete &it! mounting rac#et. /!is &arning plate s!all e
installed on all !ig! -oltage equipmen and s&itc!gear.
Supply and "nstall a composite sustation Barning +otice Board
@S(4'/I (+* '7'3>'+)I *"3')/"$'@ as per dra&ing no )'',
/B+,31% on all entrance gates and doors leading to t!e sustation
and any !ig! -oltage equipment complete &it! mounting rac#et
&!ere required.
Supply and "nstalled a S9BS/(/"?+ +(7' B?(3* as per dra&ing
)''L/'(,2 complete &it! mounting rac#ets &!ere required. /!is
indicating oard s!all e installed on t!e main gate leading to t!e
sustation and against t!e uilding. /!e correct &ording to e
displayed on t!e oard &ill e gi-en to t!e contractor.
Supply and "nstall p!ase colour indicators on t!e main ()
disconnector% t!e )/8s and t!e /raction/ransformer.
Supply and "nstall t!e required laelling to all equipment to clear
distinguis! et&een all equipment forming part of t!e outdoor yard
and t!e indoor equipment.
See specification )''.0224 and Particular for requirements on
materia and equipment applicale to t!e entire item 31.0
(llo& an amount against t!is item% to pro-ide copies of eac! dra&ing
for &!ic! t!e 'mployer8s appro-al is required. 4rom design stage to
!ando-er stage.
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , E$(C9'F
Item Description Unit Qty
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page
+o Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
+o Sum
32.0 P($&AB'E EA$&1,
+o 8
33.0 4I$E 4I+1&I2+ EQUIP#E2&
33.1 Supply and install fire fig!ting system
Sum 1
34.0 &$AI2I2+,
34.1 )ompre!ensi-e t!eoretical training and practical training.
Sum 1
35.0 *U2D$IE*,
+o Sum
Pro-ide t!ree sets of @ as uilt@ dra&ings and sc!ematic layout
diagrams of all equipment% s&itc!gear% relays% transformer and any
ot!er equipment supplied under t!is contract per sustation. Aard
copies and electronic format on )*.
Pro-ide 3 set of detailed operating and maintanance instructions of all
equipment% s&itc!gear% relays% transformers and ot!er electrical
equipment per sustation. Aard copies and electronic format on )*
(llo& an amount against t!is item to P$) laminated t!e Aig! $oltage
and Co& $oltage distriution diagrams% to !a-e t!em installed in
suitale frames and mounted to t!e inside &alls of t!e sustation
&E*&I2+0 3(##I**I(2I2+ A2D 1A2DI2+ (/E$ (4 &1E
I2*&A''A&I(2 3(#P'E&E WI&1 &E*& 3E$&I4I3A&E*,
See generic specification )'',0111L"SSL55 and Particular
specification for requirements on testing and commissioning of
equipment applicale to t!e entire item 32.0
(llo& an amount to conduct t!e necessary tests% to commission t!e
entire intsllation and to !ando-er t!e installation to t!ye employer
(llo& an amount against t!is item to pro-ide t!e required functional
and type test certificate for all equipment as specified. /!e contractor
&ill e required to issue a certificate of compliance &it! t!e installation
for ot! t!e lo& -oltage sectionof t!e installation as &ell as for t!e
medium6!ig! -oltage section of t!e installation.
Pro-ide a portale eart!ing !arness for t!e connecting of all
secondary s&itc!gear and outdoor us!ing terminals simultaneously
to t!e sustation main eart! mat.
Supply and "nstall items suc! as fixing materials% saddles% olts% nuts
&as!ers% insulation tape% cale termination putty% clamps% rac#ets%
cale ties% lugs and any ot!er materials required for t!e satisfactory
completion of t!e &or#s.
31.0 &A.E (U& P$I3E 4($ 4$EE I**UED #A&E$IA'
31.1 2,P!ase S41 Primary )ircuit Brea#er
+o 1
31.2 Single P!ase "ncomer $acuum )ircuit Brea#er
+o 1
31.3 Single p!ase 4eeder $acuum )ircuit Brea#er
+o 1
T"TA# F"R B$## "F %&ANT$T$'( CARR$') F"R*AR) T" T+' (&,,AR- "F PR$C'(
$ate Amount
Total Brought Forward from the Previous Page E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , E$(C9'F
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
2(3 , 2(3 ,
/ry<ei: East &raction *u;station
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