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A couple of exciting fundraisers are being planned for the fall and we
want everyone to know about them. If you are able to help with either
of these events, please let the office know.
Wednesday, September 24 Rib & auerkraut dinner
!tickets will be pre"sold and are priced at #$% per person&
Saturday, October 2 Ali 'atthews (oncert
)e are thrilled to be planning these fundraisers and will share more
information soon.
*he first phase of repair in the amphitheatre is now completed. )e are
collecting a number of +uotes related to (hurch refurbishment and will
have a decision item for the congregation in early fall.
Rev. 'ark is away from ,riday, -uly $. to August / and August 00 to
$1. 2uring the summer, 'ark will be leading worship -uly $%, August
0% and 30. *he Rev. 2r. 4ryan 5apier leads worship -uly $/6 the Rev.
-ohn 7enderson on August 3 and 0/6 and the Rev. 'ervyn *ubb on
August $1. 8mergency pastoral care is provided by Rev. 9wen Ament
!-uly $. $/& and the Rev. Andrew ,ullerton !-uly $: " August / and
August 00"$1&.
M*n*ster+ Rev. 'ark 9edcke .0;"./."::0/
or by email at mgedcke<
$*rector o, Mus*c+ u=anne trahan
O,,*ce !dm*n*strator+ >athy 4aker
Treasurer+ hannon Archer
O,,*ce+ -./20-/1202 knoxs<
O%%ICE "OU#S .am/ -pm Tuesday t3rou43 %r*day
5NO6 P#ES7(TE#I!N C"U#C"
&u8y 21t3, 21-4 -1+21 am
'inister? Rev. 'ark 9edcke
'usic 2irector u=anne trahan
PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP " @rayer, 'editation and Aisiting
PRELUDE: @relude on 5onderry Air Boel Rawsthorne
C!'' TO WO#S"IP+
5eader? )e can search everywhere and find ourselves in many
different vistas.
Peop8e+ 7ut, 9e 9*88 not ,*nd peace unt*8 9e d*sco:er 93ere our
3ome *s;
5eader? 7ome is the place where we are accepted for who we are.
Peop8e+ "ome *s t3e peop8e 93o encoura4e us to be true to our
best se8:es;
OPENING "(MN+ C D.1 E 9od of 4ethel, by whose hand
P#!(E# O% !$O#!TION ) CON%ESSION ) 'O#$<S P#!(E#
Eur ,ather who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom
come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
9ive us this day our daily bread. ,orgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us. 5ead us not into temptation but
deliver us from evil. ,or thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
forever and ever. Amen
5eader? *he @eace of (hrist be with you
Congregation: And also wit !o".
SO'O+ A 'otherFs @rayer >eith & >ristin 9etty, arr. @. (ampbell
7eather 7islop " soloist
C"I'$#EN<S "(MN+ C1/0 )e are one in the pirit
9enesis $:?0%"0;a
-ohn 01?$."$/
SE#MON+ 9odFs @eace
"(MN+ C 0:: ,ar across the burning desert
O%%E#TO#(+ *hey )ord Amy 9rant, 'ichael ). mith, arr. 2.8.
O%%E#TO#( P#!ISE+ C :3% @raise 9od from whom all blessings flow
O%%E#ING P#!(E#+ !together&
'ountain mover, we ask that this offering may be a sign of the love we
share for one another and for you. 4ind us together, E 5ord, with a
cord of kindness that cannot be broken. Amen
"(MN+ C 1%% pirit of the living 9od !verse 0&
C'OSING "(MN? C /1D )hat a friend we have in -esus
POST'U$E? )edding 2ay at *roldhaugen, Ep. D. Bo. D
8dvard 9rieg, arr. (hristopher 8va

C3urc3 open*n4 t3e mont3+ 5aird (hristie
Us3ers t3*s 9ee=+ *erry 4arton, 'ike & (athy 4achner, 2iane
Scr*pture #eader?
Bene 9uiuan and her family live in 'arabut in amar province,
@hilippines " an area hard hit by *yphoon 7aiyan. )hile she
remembers little of the actual typhoon, Bene does recall leaving her
house in disbelief after it had passed. ,amilies lost almost every
possession they owned. 7omes, food, clothing and livelihoods
nothing was spared. ,or three days her family ate waterlogged rice,
rationed out because they didnFt know how long it would have to last.
4ut fear was replaced with hope once relief packages started to arrive.
@resbyterian )orld ervice & 2evelopment has supported the A(*
Alliance in distributing emergency food and non"food items in the
immediate aftermath of the typhoon. GI had hope to live again,H says
Bene, along with a message of thankfulness to those who have made
this relief possible. G*hank you. uper thank youIH
PWS&D responds to bring relief in the midst of disaster
Society says
Look out for yourself
but God says
Look out for others
I will look out for you

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