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Leviticus 20:10-23 Penalty for Sexual Sins

10 The man who commits adultery with another man's wife, he who commits adultery with his
neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death
11 The man who lies with his father's wife has uncovered his father's na!edness" both of them
shall surely be put to death Their blood shall be u#on them
12 $f a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death They have
committed #erversion Their blood shall be u#on them
13 $f a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an
abomination They shall surely be put to death Their blood shall be u#on them
1% $f a man marries a woman and her mother, it is wic!edness They shall be burned with fire,
both he and they, that there may be no wic!edness among you
1& $f a man mates with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall !ill the animal
1' $f a woman a##roaches any animal and mates with it, you shall !ill the woman and the animal
They shall surely be put to death Their blood is u#on them
1( $f a man ta!es his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and sees her na!edness
and she sees his na!edness, it is a wic!ed thing )nd they shall be cut off in the sight of their
people *e has uncovered his sister's na!edness He shall bear his guilt
1+ $f a man lies with a woman during her sic!ness and uncovers her na!edness, he has e,#osed
her flow, and she has uncovered the flow of her blood Both of them shall be cut off from their
1- .ou shall not uncover the na!edness of your mother's sister nor of your father's sister, for that
would uncover his near of !in They shall bear their guilt
20 $f a man lies with his uncle's wife, he has uncovered his uncle's na!edness They shall bear
their sin; they shall die childless
21 $f a man ta!es his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing *e has uncovered his brother's
na!edness They shall be childless
22 '.ou shall therefore !ee# all /y statutes and all /y 0udgments, and #erform them, that the
land where I am bringing you to dwell may not vomit you out 23 )nd you shall not walk in
the statutes of the nation which I am casting out before you; for they commit all these
things and therefore I abhor them 1234
The Penalty of Sexual Sin
.ou will hate se,ual sin with #erfect hatred $ see! to tell you child of 5od, that se,ual sin is
more than 6sinning and re#enting tomorrow, then moving on with life6 5od is merciful and he
forgives, but there are covenants #eo#le ma!e on the beds of se,ual immorality that will need
more than saying sorry 7henever #eo#le slee# together and they are not meant to, satanic
transactions are signed and e,changed8
The giant of se,ual sin and #erversions, whether fornication, masturbation, homose,uality,
lesbianism, adultery, incest or bestiality, will !ill its victims if not #ro#erly addressed in #rayer
9atan holds evidences against the cul#rits of se,ual sin and it won:t 0ust ta!e a onetime hurried
#rayer to erase those altars, accusations and evidence that he holds against the victims
This giant !illed one 3udah, the son of 3acob 3udah was meant to raise !ings from his loins but
he had a #roblem with s!irts *is two sons, ;r and <nan were !illed by the Lord for being
wic!ed <nan s#ecifically was slain by 5od for s#illing his seed on the ground =masturbation>
that giant didn:t sto# there but fell ?avid 11 generations after 3udah when he stole and sle#t with
$n the 12th generation, the giant of se,ual sin e,#loded into demonic #erfection into a thousand
women in the life of his son 9olomon 9olomon had a strange desire for women8 <ne was not
enough, a thousand sounded li!e a good idea8 %0 years later, ?avid:s son )bsalom, sle#t with
his father:s concubine at midday in the city-sAuare of 3erusalem in view of allB .ou need this
dvdsB .ou need to erase the evidence 9atan holds against your se,ual sins 9ee you on Criday
$t:s dee#er than we thin! $t:s not 0ust 6se,, re#ent and move on68 Droverbs ( says this giant has
6fallen mighty men6 9amson #layed on the la#s of ?elilah and though he was mighty, that girl
too! away what he thought no one could touch $n every se,ual sin, you lose something
9amson lost the anointing 3udah lost his signet ring <nan lost his life Eeuben lost e,cellence
2ing ?avid lost his !ingdom and 9olomon lost wisdom ;very time you slee# with the wrong
#erson, you sell and unfortunately, it:s your #artner that decides what you lose 7hoever slee#s
with a #rostitute and gives her money tithes to 9atan and gives his wealth to demons of
There is no #rostitute that engages in #rostitution without a s#iritual understanding, that:s why
most of them visit witches to buy love #ortions8 .ou loo! at #rostitute and you can tell she is
not as beautiful as a woman should loo! li!e 7hyF ;very woman that engages in se,ual sin
loses something8 9he loses her beauty
1o matter the ma!e-u# she #uts on, you will sense she has no beauty even by loo!ing at her The
demons hi0ac!ed her beauty when she gave her body to the wrong men *ave you heard of
6s#iritual wives and husbandsF6 any time you slee# with the wrong #erson, you trigger her
s#iritual husbands=if she is a woman> or his s#iritual wives =if he is a guy> and those s#iritual
wives and husbands s#ring into violence because you have touched their wife or husband
Too hard on youF Let me e,#lain8 The scri#ture teaches" 6and i saw my son get lured by the
harlot and slowly entered her house because her husband had was out of the city8 The husband
came bac! and demanded to be recom#ensed and great was his revenge6
1ow, when you slee# with a #rostitute or the wrong #erson, you trigger her s#iritual husbands
and they come for you and great is their revengeB There are #eo#le you slee# with and they
hi0ac! your destiny and no matter how much you try, they mani#ulate and control your
movements @e-ware of se,ual sin8
Let me go dee#er in e,#osing this giant8 9e, is 1st of all s#iritual, then #hysical and its more
s#iritual than in is #hysical 7hen 5od says, and the man and woman will become 1, he means
e,actly that
9o, in any se,ual encounter, there are s#iritual witnesses 5uess who the witness is when you are
engaging in se, with the wrong #ersonF @y the wrong #erson here, i mean someone you are not
married to 5uess who the witnesses are $ will tell you8 ?emons and satan himself will be
#resent when you slee# with the wrong #erson 9o, the e,change that will ha##en will be
received by 9atan and signed by him
Then he will go with the transaction as evidence against you accusing you of slee#ing with an
illegal #erson 9o, when you later marry, 9atan will #ull out the accusation and demand that you
sort out the earlier s#iritual and illegal transaction or else he destroys your now #hysical
1o wonder the divorce rate, miscarriages, abortion and death in today:s marriages 7hen a
woman slee#s with another man that is not her husband, she begins to wal! on dangerous
grounds in the s#iritual world declaring her husband as illegal and #rom#ting the demons to
come and ma!e her real husband a dummy
7hen a man slee#s out there, he e,#oses his wife to s#iritual wives that now get the authority
and license to come and !ill his real wife ?avid the !ing got the 1st baby with @athsheba and he
died8 Gould be that 5od did not want 9olomon to be born so that this giant does not continue in
?avid:s !ingdomF )ny baby with @athsheba brought ?avid much #ain 7hat are your se,ual
sins my friendF
7hat evidence and accusations does 9atan have in his shelves in hell against youF .ou need to
erase them by fireB )m not saying 5od has not forgiven, he has The thing that remains is for you
to silence those altars you made on 0eHebel:s bed and if you do not, those demons that were
cla##ing and 0um#ing around that bed as you en0oyed & minutes of immorality will come for you
and that day, you will not esca#e Deo#le fear *$4 and #re-mature #regnancies but there is more
than that, the giant of se,ual sin Dlease get hel#, #lease
$f you don:t embarrass se,ual sin, it will embarrass youBBB $llicit se,ual encounters are very much
forgivable by 5od on the #latform of his mercy" but the conseAuences must be lived out on the
#latform of 5od:s 0ustice system ?avid, if you slee# with Iriah:s wife, 5od forgives you even
before you as! for it, but your own son will embarrass you before $srael by slee#ing with your
The conce#t of seed-time and harvest time wor!s almost with im#eccable accuracy wherever
se,ual sacrilege has been committed $f you don:t deal with the illicit se,ual accusations and the
evidences that 9atan is legally holding against you, you are in for destructive shameB
@y Dastor 9am 2amau,

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