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MBMMBI replaces the Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics in
English (PPSMI) policy and thus brings about a reversion to an earlier approach but with
an important difference: a committed emphasis on English with a view to proficiency. This
is important in producing: citizens with a strong grasp of knowledge because subjects are
taught in a familiar language that does not require children to perform mental acrobatics.
Herein are Malaysians born of an education system able to compete in a global
environment where a good command of English matter. In sharing the same language
competencies communication barriers are brought down and, hence, fit in perfectly with
the 1Malaysia objective.
The government is increasing the resources available for providing good English
teachers by, among others, re-employing retired ones and retraining those already teaching
the subject. Another strategy is to target the schools in need and enhancing their facilities,
such as setting up many more English labs, which have proven effective in the first 20
pioneer schools. Making the nation globally competitive is an imperative not open to
The results of the UPSR, PMR and SPM examinations showed that the
achievement of students in BM was much higher than in English irrespective of whether
the students were in the urban or the rural areas. The results showed that students would do
better if Science and Mathematics were taught in BM. The results of the UPSR
examination in Science and Mathematics in National schools showed deterioration in the
achievement of the ABC grades for the first batch that went through the full PPSMI in
primary schools.
The gap in achievement between schools in the urban and rural areas in the Science
and Mathematics subjects had widened during the implementation of PPSMI. Based on
these observations, the government is convinced that Science and Mathematics need to be
taught in a language easily understood by students.



The MBMMBI Policy is the policy of the Ministry of Education Malaysia to ensure
the usage of Malay Language as a medium of communication in all national schools and
secondary schools and to ensure that each child can master both Malay and English
languages well and fluently.
The different between the PPSMI Policy and the MBMMBI policy are the PPSMI
policy made English as the medium of teaching and learning the subjects of science and
mathematics in national schools, Tamil national-type schools and secondary schools. The
MBMMBI policy sets the Malay language as the medium of teaching and learning at the
national schools and secondary schools, the Chinese Language at Chinese national-type
schools and the Tamil Language at Tamil national-type schools.
The MBMMBI policy is carried out in schools through reinstating the Malay
Language as the medium of learning and teaching science and mathematics, increasing the
proficiency of Malay Language and English Language through extra teaching and learning
periods, curriculum transformation, increase in teaching capacity and human resource,
availability of materials and equipment as well as to integrate information technology and
communication in teaching and learning.
Studied conducted by various parties found that the implementation of PPSMI wa
not carried out desired. Studies also disclosed that pupils found it difficult to learn
mathematics and science in English as they were not proficient in English Language. This
has forced teachers to teach both the subjects in the Malay.
Language as this helped pupils understand the subject matter better. This problem
was prevalent in the rural as well as urban areas. If the PPSMI policy is continue, a larger
number of pupils will fail to master mathematics and science and will eventually be left

behind. The studied have shown that most schools have carried out the teaching and
learning of mathematics and science in the Malay Language.

The Ministry of Education has planned and carried out various programmes to
support this policy. Courses have been formulated to in-service English Teachers in order
to enhance their professional development as well as equip them with pedagogical skills.
English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) as implemented the following programmes
and courses:
a) Training of Trainers for English Language Lecturers in Institutes of Teacher Education
(ELITE- TOT) for IPG Lecturers.
b) Certificate in the Practice of English Language Teaching (C-PELT) for non-option
English Language Teachers.
c) Reinforcing English Language Teaching for Non-Option English Language Teacher
(RELTNOTe) For Non option English Language teachers not following C-PELT.
d) Oral Proficiency in English for Secondary School (OPS-ENGLISH) to improve
communication skills amongst From 1 pupils in Band 3 to 5 schools.
e) Teachers Education Division (BPG) has also carried out training programmes for
Malay and English Language teachers in order to enhance their professionalism.

Training for Malay Language teachers:
a) Short Course organised by the Institution (KPKI)
b) 4 weeks in-service course
c) Collaborative courses with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Training for English Language teachers:
a) Proficiency Course for non-option English Language teachers
b) Pedagogy Enhancement Course for English Language teachers

c) Contract teachers training
In order to achieve sucess in the MBMMBI policy, The English Language
Teaching Centre (ELTC) has prepared materials to enhance the professional development
of teachers and their proficiency.
1. Pedagogy Standards for English Language Teaching (PSELT)
ELTC has published the Pedagogy Standards for English Language Teaching which guides
teachers to ascertain their training needs for continuous professional development.
2. Oral Proficiency in English for Secondary School (OPS-ENGLISH)
OPS-English Guidebook for teachers which will be enabled teachers to teach speaking
skills for communication effectively for Form 1 pupils in 2012.
A CD is supplied for teachers to use during English Language lessons in order to assist
them to teach speaking skills for communication.
OPS-ENGLISH pupil handbook is also supplied.


PPSMI (also known as English for Teaching Mathematics and Science ETEMS)
was the brainchild of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, by-then the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
The policy was introduced in 2003. As a government policy, it aimed at improving the
command of English language among Malaysian students, both in primary and secondary
schools. The policy stresses on use of English as the medium of teaching Mathematics and
Science as opposed to the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) used before. The Malaysian
Cabinet had decided to implement PPSMI, resulted from the meeting held on the 19th of
July 2002. The policy will take effective with Primary 1 pupils an Secondary Form 1
students, who will starting their schooling sessions in 2003. According to the stages, the
primary 1 (Year 1) pupils will complete the stage I 2008, while for the Secondary Form 1
students, in 2007.
Among the rationale for this implementation:

1. Governments concern on the nations human capital development towards achieving
the standard of a developed country, as well as an early preparation to compete in the
era of globalization. Therefore, it is known that the field of these two subjects plays an
important role in the progress and development of a country. Innovations and
discoveries mostly happen rapidly and information access is in the English language.

2. As an international language, the mastery in English language would allow easy access
to information in these fields.

To strengthen the policy, the learning packages of PPSMI consist of the followings:

1. Textbooks: Given to students as the basic source for learning on concepts and skills in
Science and Mathematics.

2. Activity Books: Given as supplementary material for students to practice their
understanding of the concepts learned from textbooks. These "Buku Latihan dan
Aktiviti" or "BLA" were provided for students of Year 1 only.

3. Teacher's Guide: Material prepared for teachers as reference and guide to plan and
implement effective teaching of the Science and Mathematics.

4. MyCD or "Pupil's CD-ROM": "BLA" in the form of multimedia presentations recorded
in compacts discs and included with every Activity Book. The content consists of an
interactive games and simulators as well as electronic tests.

5. Teacher's CD-ROM: This material was meant to help teachers to plan and implement
effective teaching of the Science and Mathematics. Among the contents are questions
banks, additional activities as well as URLs to websites with relevance to the subject.
These CDs are included in the Teacher's Guide.

6. Science Practical Book: Published to ensure that Science are taught not only in theory
but also in practice.

7. Glossary Book: A reference guide containing definition to terms pervasive in Science
and Mathematics.

8. Critical Allowances: 10% for non-graduate teachers and 5% for graduate teachers who
are teaching the subjects.


9. In house trainings/Courses: Teachers teaching the subject will attend a compulsary 3
week crash courseand further courses. They will also sit for a competency test.

10. Trainers/Coaches: English language teachers were appointed as the JU (Jurulatih
Utama ETEMS ) to conduct the courses/trainings. They were also involved as trainers
for various supporting trainings/courses as Buddy System, Coach/Coachee etc.

Malaysian students will learn the subjects back in Malay language and in their mother
tongue in SJK C and SJK T schools. Its vague when talking about the advantages of the
abolition of PPSMI to our young generation. Students learn various subjects in Malay
language. They use the language most of the time. They learn English (and sometimes use
the language) only for a period or two in a day compare to Malay language.
The generation is at a loss of a golden opportunity learning English. Primary school
stage is a suitable platform for learning language. There is a chance for our generation to
master English language through the teaching of Mathematics and Science. By abolishing
the policy, the generation lost an opportunity to master a good language not only the
students, but also the teachers. During the policy held, it also contributed for the teachers
to enhance their English language proficiency and competency. Even though they are not a
perfect speaker of the language, but a least there is a self -satisfaction learning the
In our educational system, most of the policies were determined by political
inceptions. Least is considered about the objective of education itself. The PPSMI policy is
not a failure, it was just discontinued and misleader to succumb to various pressures. The
MBMMBI policy did not contribute to the abolition of PPSMI, in fact it does not
contribute to anything so far. It only focuses to train teachers to become better teachers
teaching the subjects. As a comparison to PPSMI, the policy is an opportunity to all the
main stake holders (the students and the teacher) to learn and to use the language). While
MBMMBI is just another policy, (again by political influences and pressures). MBMMBI

stands for Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia, Memperkasakan Bahasa Inggeris To
Uphold Bahasa Malaysia and To Strengthen the English Language has been claimed. As
seen in our educational system, we were always Uphold Bahasa Malaysia. All the
subjects (except for language subjects) are been taught in Bahasa Malaysia (in secondary
schools only, - but SJK C and SJK T schools are allowed to use their mother tongue: this is
rather unique and opposing to the Article 152 of the constitution).
In next ten years, the educational gap between urban and rural students and among
students of different races will continue to enlarge. Certain students will have better access
to better education. Sending the children to overseas, even for tertiary education will be a
trend. And for next ten years, nothing will happen. If it is, its only rebranding and
renaming of certain policies or even approaches in teaching methodologies. The standard
of English language of Malaysian students will continue to decline especially the Malays.
The government is very proud to announce awesome figures of Malay students entering
local public universities of their excellent results in public examinations but try to have a
conversation in English with the graduates. And in the next ten years, insurance policies,
banking documents such as hire purchase agreements, law documents, business related
documents, innovations and discoveries, sign boards and such, will continue use English
language and other language (not Malay) but no NGOs will come forward to backup To
Uphold Bahasa Malaysia policy then. They only concern when the earlier policy (PPSMI)
tried to provide a base and opportunity for our young generation to learn and master the
language through PPSMI. Now, this is the generation in next coming ten years will ask
their fellow colleagues and their former English lecturers/teachers to interpret the
documents to their Bahasa Malaysia. And it is not surprising if the next coming policy will
require teachers to use Bahasa Malaysia to teach English Language.

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