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Sunday 1 June 2014

We are tested
Year A - Easter 7 - 38A
The Mission of
the Methodist
Church of New
Our Churchs mission in Aotearoa / New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the
transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the
Scriptures. e are empowered !" the #ol" Spirit to serve God in the world. $he
$reat" of aitangi is the covenant esta!lishing our nation on the !asis of a power%
sharing partnership and will guide how we underta&e mission.
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Preaching thoughts
Broader preparation
Counal sharing
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!cts "#$%"& hen the disciples )uestion Jesus a!out the restoration of *srael he
promises to send them the #ol" Spirit and tells them to !e his witnesses. #e is
then ta&en up to heaven.
Psal $'#"%"() *+%*, +avid cele!rates the victorious march of *srael from ,g"pt
and then encourages ever"one to sing praises to the -ord for his ma.est".
" Peter &#"+%"&- ,#$%"" Just !ecause we suffer that doesnt mean that God is not
in control. /emem!er that Christ also suffered.
.ohn "/#"%"" Just !efore his !etra"al0 Jesus pra"ed for the safet" and unit" of his
!sia 0unday % " .une
,ver" "ear since 1234 Asia Sunda" has !een cele!rated in Asia and among
ecumenical organisations around the world on the Sunda" !efore 5entecost. $he
o!servance is to commemorate the founding of the ,ast Asia Christian
Conference0 renamed in 1236 as the Christian Conference of Asia. Some of the
liturgical material for Asia Sunda" has !een reproduced in this 718 9inutes:. A
complete order of service is availa!le from the Christian Conference of Asia
$heme; -onging in hope for the freedom of creation
1eek of prayer for Christian unity "%' .une
$he wee& of pra"er for Christian unit" is cele!rated *n the Southern #emisphere
!etween Ascension and 5entecost which is a s"m!olic date for unit". <ecause
Januar" is a vacation time for us0 this differs from the practice in the Northern
#emisphere where it is cele!rated !etween the feasts of St 5eter and St 5aul =1>%
?@ Januar"A. $he orld Council of Churches we!site has a full0 downloada!le
order of service for ?814. A !lessing from that material is included in the pra"ers
section !elow. $he theme for this "ear is 7#as Christ !een dividedB:
!scension 2ay
As $hursda" ?2 9a" was the cele!ration of the ascension of Jesus0 Ascension
ma" !e cele!rated toda".
Alternative readings for Ascension;
Acts 1.1%11 5salm 43 or 26 ,phesians 1.1@%?6 -u&e ?4.44%@6
Ne(t Sunda" > June is 5entecost. *t is the da" when we cele!rate the #ol" Spirit
coming on the church. *t is often called hitsunda"0 from the ,nglish 7hite
Sunda": which arose from the practice of people dressing in white to !e !aptised
on this da".
Introduction 3
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C,C D Contemporar"
,nglish Cersion of the
Being 4od5s people
$oda"s readings from chapters four and five of the first letter written !" the
apostle 5eter !ring us to the end of this present series. Enfortunatel"0 we finish
the letter with two giant strides that miss much advice so relevant to twent"%first
centur" life. For instance0 "ou ma" want to consider spending another wee& or two
e(ploring the wa"s we can appl" the following verses to our church life;
be serious and be sensible enough to pray. Most important of all, you must
sincerely love each other, because love wipes away many sins. Welcome
people into your home and dont grumble about it. Each of you has been
blessed with one of Gods many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of
others. So use your gift well. 1 5eter 4.3!%18 C,C
$he whole of our series is outlined !elow;
<eing Gods people
?3 April e have hope 1 5eter 1.6%2
4 9a" e have !een rescued 1 5eter 1.13%?6
11 9a"e suffer 1 5eter ?.12%?@
1> 9a" e are chosen 1 5eter ?.?%18
?@ 9a" e have a read" answer 1 5eter 6.16%??
1 June e are tested 1 5eter 4.1?%14G @.H%11
*n the archived /efresh section of the New Zealand 9ethodist we!site "ou will
find a previous 718 9inutes on a $uesda": resource for toda"s passages0 Iear A
J ,aster 3 J 6>A =@ June ?811.A $his includes preaching thoughts and )uestions
suita!le for Ascension. Further lectionar" !ased resources can !e found on <ill
5eddies !logsite.
thoughts and
7 1 5eter 4.14 alludes
to 9atthew @.11%1?.
e come toda" to the last part of this letter written !" 5eter the fisherman0 who
found himself at the forefront of the earl" church. $hose who0 li&e himself0 were
tr"ing their !est to follow in the footsteps of Christ were not finding it eas". *t was a
testing time. $he small0 new Christian !and was doing it tough. $he" were hurting
and man" were feeling overwhelmed.
hat could he sa" to encourage themB
#e finished up his letter !" recalling the words of Jesus and !" giving them some
clear instructions for Christian living.
*n his mind was that occasion0 "ears previousl"0 when Jesus was on the side of a
mountain with crowds of followers pressing upon him eager to hear his ever"
word. /aising his voice to the crowd Jesus declared0 7God will !less "ou when
people insult "ou0 mistreat "ou0 and tell all &inds of evil lies a!out "ou !ecause of
me. <e happ" and e(citedK Iou will have a great reward in heaven.:L 5eter &new
that these words would help the persecuted Christians in his church.
*t is different for us. *t is hard to imagine standing in the shoes of those earl"
!elievers0 man" of whom lost their lives !ecause of their faith in Christ. 9ostl"
toda" people dont care what we !elieve. Nevertheless0 twent"%first centur" living
has its own uni)ue pressures. $r"ing to live !" Christian values at times ma&es us
li&e aliens in a strange land. $he potential sources of conflict are man". Simple
decisions can leave us feeling overwhelmed;
*s that movie an appropriate one to watchB
Should we let our teenage &ids go to their friends part"0
C,C D Contemporar"
,nglish Cersion of the
Can * .ustif" !u"ing new carpet in the light of the desperate povert" of the
developing worldB
#ow can we cope in a time of testingB
5eter writes down for us some practical things we can do.
Put on the apron of huility
#um!le "ourself. 5eters instruction =1 5eter @.@ C,CA that 7everyone should be
humble toward everyone else translates .ust two Gree& words. Other translations
tell us to 7put on humility: or to 7clothe yourselves with humility:. hat the" are
tr"ing to cove" is an idea that is suggested !" 5eters rather lovel" word picture.
#is turn of phrase descri!es a garment that is put on and secured !" the t"ing of a
&not. So it is that we are told to put on the apron of humilit". $his instruction !rings
to mind the occasion when our -ord too& a towel and wrapped it around him li&e a
servant and washed the feet of the disciples. On that occasion 5eter had
protested0 7Ioure not going to wash m" feet0 -ord.: Now that he has had time to
reflect on his -ords lesson0 5eter wants to teach it to others.
#um!le "ourself. *t is something we need to do for ourselves. $here are alwa"s
other people willing to hum!le us J !ut that can !e ver" painful. And we reall" do
not want God to hum!le us. So hum!le yourself % dont !e frightened to put on the
apron of lowl" acts of service. $his is what Christ did0 and what he also re)uires of
his followers.
None of us would want to have God as our opposition. MGod opposes proud
people !ut he helps ever"one who is hum!le.M =1 5eter @.@! % 5eter is )uoting
from 5salm 16>.H and the same )uote is also used !" James in his letter % James
4.HA. hen we are tested0 when others oppose us0 it seems natural to react with
pride. e sa";
7Iou are not going to treat me li&e thatK:
!" &now my rights.:
<ut our pride can result in God opposing us. *t can result in us feeling li&e we are
getting no%where0 .ust !anging our heads against a !ric& wall. God opposes the
*n contrast to the -ords opposition to proud people0 5eter declares that Gods
7might" power: =literall" 7might" hand:A is with those who are hum!le. hen we
are in a time of testing we need to &now that we are under the might"0 guiding
hand of God. $his is the hand that has !rought deliverance to his people in the
So0 when we are tested0 we are to put on the apron of humilit" andN
Trust 4od
5eter tells us0 7God cares for "ou0 so turn all "our worries over to him.: God cares
for us. $his is a &e" truth of the gospel. $he life and death of Christ conve" to us
this message. God cares for us. *t is the &nowledge that God cares for us that
ma&es a difference. *f we &now that God cares for us0 we also &now that he will
provide strength for ever" trial. e will see& to su!mit to his will and co%operate
with him.
So turn all "our worries over to him. $rust him. $he cross tells us that God is the
great !urden%!earer. e were never made to !e self%sufficient. e need other
people and we need God. $rust God with all "our cares;
$hose an(ieties that are !ig and open and ever"one &nows a!out J give
them to him.
$hose worries that are small and private0 that we hold so close and dare
not spea& a!out J give them over to him.
orries that are not shared fester. $al& to God a!out them. #e cares for "ou.
And we must !e on guard lest evil overcome us. 5eter was aware of how he fell
under the spell of his own pride when he declared to the -ord that0 while others
ma" den" him0 he would alwa"s remain true. And then how )uic&l"0 and
repeatedl"0 he denied Christ when the testing time came. So 5eter warns us that
the devil can mas)uerade as a roaring lion. 5eter is older now0 and he has
learned that the roaring is all !luff. hen we resist him0 he retreats and God
ma&es us 7complete0 stead"0 strong0 and firm.: =1 5eter @.18A
So0 when the going gets tough and testing times come0 turn "our minds to those
Christians through the centuries who have wal&ed the path of faith !efore "ou.
<ring to mind the advice of 5eter the fisherman;
5ut on the apron of humilit"
and trust God0 for he cares for "ou. Amen.
Illustrations 3
0tuck in an elevator
* do recall !eing in an elevator when it made an unscheduled stop !etween floors.
*t onl" ta&es a few seconds for an(iet" to set in when "ou are trapped in a !ro&en
elevator. Fortunatel" for me the hold%up was ver" temporar".
eve all read those stories of people !eing in an elevator0 stuc& for hours half%
wa" up =or downA a high%rise !uilding. * can onl" imagine the panic people feel
among a group of strangers0 in an enclosed space0 and often in the dar& !ecause
the power has failed.
*t is in recognition of the possi!ilit" of such a scenario that elevators are e)uipped
with a little cup!oard door in which there is a help phone. $here is the a!ilit" to
reach someone outside who can summon help and spea& words of re%assurance
until those who are trapped are delivered from their unpleasant plight.
5eter tells us0 7God cares for "ou0 so turn all "our worries over to him.: 5ra"er is
the help phone. *f we would use a help phone when we are stuc& in an elevator0
wh" wouldnt we use pra"er to turn our worries over to GodB
8u9le yourself: 9ecause you don5t want soeone else to do it for you;
$he lion was ver" proud of the fact that he was &ing of all !easts. #e wanted
ever"one to &now.
#e went up to the Oe!ra and he as&ed0 7ho is &ing of all !eastsB:
7h"0 "ou are lion0: replied the trem!ling Oe!ra.
$he lion roared his delight.
Ne(t he went up to a h"ena. 7ho is &ing of all !eastsB: he demanded.
7Iou are0 9ister -ion0: said the frightened h"ena.
Once again the lion roared in pride.
-oo&ing up to a great giraffe he said0 7ho is &ing of all !eastsB:
A rather nervous giraffe replied0 7h"0 "ou areK:
$he lion puffed out his chest and roared again.
Ne(t he came upon an elephant. 7ho is &ing of all !eastsB: he as&ed.
$he elephant charged at the lion0 pic&ed him up with his trun& in a single sweep0
whirled him in the air and tossed him against a tree.
<attered and daOed the lion said0 7No need to get so grump" .ust !ecause "ou
dont &now the answer.:
7$here is something dou!l" precious a!out a faith which has come through pain
and sorrow and disappointment and loss0 and which has emerged !urning more
!rightl" than it ever did.: illiam <arcla"
7God actuall" rises up storms of conflict in relationships at times in order to
accomplish that deeper wor& in our character. e cannot love our enemies in our
own strength. $his is graduate%level grace. Are "ou willing to enter this schoolB
Are "ou willing to ta&e the testB *f "ou pass0 "ou can e(pect to !e elevated to a
new level in the Pingdom. For #e !rings us through these tests as preparation for
greater use in the Pingdom. Iou must pass the test first.: A.. $oOer
Broader 3
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1ondering where the lions are
*m not sure if * am correct0 !ut * have alwa"s thought that the song Wondering
where the lions are !" <ruce Coc&!urn referred to our passage toda" from 1 5eter
@.>. Coc&!urn is a Canadian singer/songwriter and glo!al trou!adour. $he song is
off his 1232 al!um #ancing in the dragons $aw. *t was his all%time !iggest hit in the
ES. $he wa" * hear it the song descri!es Coc&!urn sitting !" the la&e0 the sun is
up0 the world is good 7and *Qm thin&ing a!out eternit". Some &ind of ecstas" got a
hold on me.: hen "oure in a mood li&e that0 its prett" hard to imagine the
enem" snea&ing around li&e a roaring lion. *ts one of the few contemporar" songs
that ma&es heaven sound li&e a place "oud want to go. /ead the l"rics -isten to
this recent live performance on Iou$u!e. $he song has !een covered !" several
other musicians including +onavon Fran&enreiter in ?883 on his al!um %ecycled
Creativity 3
<isual !ids
Set up a station =or several if "ou have a large groupA with some note paper0
a couple of aprons =perhaps a !lo&es <<R one and a
womens coo&ing oneA
and the following instructions printed out in large t"pe;
Put on the apron of huility
%ead from the &ible
7<e hum!le in the presence of Gods might" power0 and he
will honour "ou when the time comes.: * 5eter @.H C,C
$r"ing to get a !etter sense of the meaning of the original
language the Amplified <i!le reads;
7Clothe =apronA "ourselves0 all of "ou0 with humilit" Sas the
gar! of a servantT:
and J.<. 5hillips New $estament has it as;
7*ndeed all of "ou should defer to one another and wear the Uoverall of humilit" in
serving each other.:
hen was the last time "ou wore and apronB
h" did "ou wear itB
e usuall" wear an apron to protect our regular clothes from getting dirt" when
we are doing some menial tas& of service J ma"!e cleaning or !ar!ecuing.
$hin& of an act of service that "ou can do to help someone else. *t ma" !e !a&ing
a ca&e for someone who would appreciate it0 !a!"sitting0 or offering to help an
elderl" mem!er of the congregation with some gardeningN
rite "our idea for helping someone on piece of note paper and ta&e it with "ou
as a reminder to act on it this wee&.
-ord0 than& "ou for "our &indness shown toward me
#elp me to show that &indness toward others0
serving them
without see&ing recognition0 praise or reward.
AA; Alleluia
C95; Complete
9ission 5raise
#*OS; #ope is our
FFS; Faith Forever
9#<; 9ethodist
#"mn <oo&
#V5; #"mns and
S1; $he Source
8yns = 0ongs
All hail the power 9#< 21G OC 1@2G #V5 ?@?G C95 16G S1 3
<rother sister let me serve "ou S*S ?@HG AA >
Christ ascends to God #*OS 14
God of the gala(ies AA @4
#ail thou once despised Jesus 9#< ??>G OC ?2@G #V5 ???G C95 ?86
#ealing river =words and music from Asia Sunda" liturg" ?814A
#igher0 higher0 higher S1 138
#ow is Jesus presentB AA H4
#um!le "ourself therefore S*S 11H
#um!le "ourselves under Gods might" hand S? 3@?
* cannot tell 9#< >82G #V5 ?6>G C95 ?HHG S1 122
S?; $he Source ?
S6; $he Source 6
S4; $he Source 4
S*S; Scripture in
#C; ith heart
and Coice
OC; ith One
OC D A#<
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*f "ou want to !e great S*S 448
* need "ou ever" hour 9#< 43@G #V5 @?4G C95 ?>>
Jesus at "our name C95 6@@G S1 ?36
Jesus is Ping and * will e(tol C95 6HH
Jumping Jesus #*OS >1
Pneels at the feet of his friends OC @H1
-ord ma&e me li&e "ou S*S ?>1
9a" the mind of Christ m" Saviour OC @63G #V5 362G C95 4H6G S? >>3
Our God is an awesome God C95 188@G S1 41>
5ut on the garment of praise S*S 688
Sing the -ord a new song =words and music from Asia Sunda" liturg" ?814A
$he head that once was crowned with thorns 9#< ?44G OC 681G #V5 ?82G
C95 H43
$rust in the -ord S*S 113
Iour hand0 O God0 has guided OC 6>2G #V5 3>4G C95 38@
hat a friend we have in Jesus 9#< @6>G OC 1H@G #V5 @@2G C95 34HG S1 @HH
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Call to worship
Sing praises to GodK
,ver" &ingdom on earth0 sing to the -ordK
5raise the one who rides across the ancient s&iesG
listen as he spea&s with a might" voice.
$ell a!out GodQs powerK
#e is honoured in *srael0 and he rules the s&ies.
$he God of *srael is fearsome in his temple0
and he ma&es us strong.
-etQs praise our GodK
5salm H>.6?%6@ Contemporar" ,nglish Cersion =C,CA Cop"right W 122@ !" American <i!le Societ"
+o "ou want to !e top dog in the ringB
$hen !e a pooper scooper.
+o "ou want to !e captain of the teamB
$hen !e the cleaner.
+o "ou want to !e C,O of the tri!eB
$hen !e the careta&er.
Jesus said that to !e the greatest0
!e the servant of all.
God our (ing,
(nown in +hrist our suffering servant,
build my self,esteem,
so " can avoid preening as a peacoc(.
&uild my self,confidence,
so " am content with humble pie.
&uild my generous love,
so " can support the stage without being on it.
'each me to be a servant,
and accept all as " welcome a little child,
W John #owell =used with permissionA
,ternal God0
"ou have given all authorit" in heaven and on earth
to "our Son0 our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Grant that we ma" never lose
the vision of "our &ingdom
!ut serve "ou with hope and .o"G
through him who lives and reigns with "ou0
in the unit" of the #ol" Spirit0
one God0 now and for ever# !en#
W $he 9ethodist orship <oo& =5eter!orough0 ,ngland; 9ethodist 5u!lishing #ouse0 1222A
! Prayer for huility
#o nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. .et each of you
loo( not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. /)hilippians 0.1,23
Creator of the foundations of the earth0
9a" * wear the .erse" of humilit"
with a self%&nowledge found in the simple life st"le.
-et those who )uest for power and privilege
realise their deepest desires
are met0 not in worshipping their own ego0
or putting others down0
instead in the contemplation
of parenting a maturit" in others0
to let the mee& inherit the earth0
through our courage to scrum together0 Amen.
W John #owell from .ongings for the Eternal =$aupo; St 5auls Enion Church0 ?882A % Esed with permission
Coitent of faith> Recoitent of stewardship
-; Almight" God0
e !elieve in "our wisdom0
Iou are creator and provider0
Iou made the earth0
Seas and rivers0 land and water.
All; Creator God0 we commit ourselves to cherish "our creationK
-; From "our dwelling place0
Iou care for ever"thing0 great and small0
Iou !ring forth rain0
Grass for cattle0 and food for all J
Iou made mountains and valle"s0 forests and trees0
Flowers and fruits0 !utterflies and !ees J
All; Sustaining God0 we promise to live and care .ust as "ou doK
-; Sun and moon0 planets and stars0
$he light at dawn0 dar&ness at night0
Summer and winter0 rain and thunder0
-ightning and the rain!ow !right
$he rise and e!! of tides ever" da"0
Sunrise and sunset0 the c"cle of time0
Oi&oumene and the e! of -ife J
Iou saw it was good0 !eautiful and su!lime.
All; God of wisdom0 teach us to preserve the earth as a sanctuar" of life.
From Asia Sunda" -iturg" ?814 =Adapted from 5salm 184A
Blessing and sending forth
-; $he -ord !e with "ou.
C; And also with "ou.
-; 9a" the love of the -ord Jesus draw "ou to himself0
ma" the power of the -ord Jesus strengthen "ou in his service0
ma" the .o" of the -ord Jesus fill "our spirit0
and the !lessing of God Almight"0 the Father0 the Son and the #ol" Spirit0
!e upon "ou and remain with "ou forever.
C; Amen
-; Go in peace0
to love and to !e loved0
to welcome and to !elong
to serve and to !e nourished.
C; $han&s !e to GodK
From %esources for '4E WEE5 67 )%-8E% 76% +4%"S'"-9 :9"'8 www.oi&
ith this promise of God0 let us go to the world
$o !e Gods co%wor&ers to heal creation and !ring life to all
7$he -ord !less "ou and &eep "ouG
$he -ord ma&e his face shine upon "ou and !e gracious to "ouG
$he -ord lift up his countenance upon "ou0 and give "ou peace.:
=Num!ers H.?4%?HA
From Asia Sunda" -iturg" ?814
1eek of prayer for Christian unity "%' .une
As an act of Christian unit" see if "ou can arrange a com!ined social gathering
with a neigh!ouring church of a different denomination.
Iou could .ust get together "our leadership teams for a tea. Get people to discuss
what the" thin& are currentl" the &e" issues for "our church and communit".
Or "ou could have a famil" event for !oth congregations J perhaps a movie night
screening 'he +hronicles of 9arnia0 Shre( or similar0 then close with a short
devotional thought.
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Churches) churches everywhere
See how man" different churches the children can name in "our town or su!ur!.
+o a little preparation so that "ou can e(plain the distinctives of each.
/ead from the <i!le % 7$he !od" of Christ has man" different parts0 .ust as an"
other !od" does.: 1 Corinthians 1?.1?
,(plain that John esle"0 the founder of the 9ethodist movement0 tal&ed a!out
having a 7catholic spirit:. #e wasnt tal&ing a!out the /oman Catholic Church. $he
word 7catholic: means to include a wide variet". #e was &een for Christians to
have an inclusive attitude. #e said that even though different Christian groups
might worship in different wa"s0 and have different opinions0 it is important for us
to accept all those who !elieve in the -ord Jesus Christ and to love them as
friends0 !rothers and sisters and mem!ers of Christs church.
rap up with a pra"er0 as&ing for Gods !lessing on the other churches in "our
9ore resources for children from sermons4&
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Cartoon fro Reverendfun
#um!le pastor
The !scension of Christ in Christian art>
/em!randt 1H6H
+ali 12@>
,l Greco 1H?H
Giotto 1688
10 minutes on a Tuesday is a Refresh Resource. Unless otherwise acknowledged
all material is prepared by Andrew Gamman. hile e!ery effort has been made
to acknowledge source material" if you belie!e unacknowledged work has been
#uoted" contact the email address below to re#uest that it be acknowledged or
remo!ed. $aterial included here may be freely used and reproduced for the
immediate purpose of worship. %ermission must be sought to republish in any
form" or to reproduce for commercial gain. &f you wish to share the content with
others you may do so by linking through the '( $ethodist website. )or more information on this and
other resources" contact andrew* or 0, -.- /10, 1w2
Mission Resourcing3 Inspiring and resourcing our communities for a journey
with Christ that enriches lives and relationships

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