Self Directed Learning Training Module

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Learning modules:

1. Introduction to self directed learning
2. Rules and routines in prep for SDL
3. Multiple Intelligences and Differentiation
in prep for SDL
4. Teaching aids that cost nothing: making
materials from recyclables
This module will address the following questions
How do children learn?
What is the role of the teacher?
Do all children learn in the same way?
Can we teach children with different learning needs at the same time?
Do teaching aids contribute to learning?
Learning outcomes

At the end of this training module teachers will
that all children have different learning
Children learn best in an environment that
has predictable rules and routines
a coach-teacher model is an effective
method to enhance student achievement
Teaching aids can be made from every day

Learning outcomes

At the end of this training module teachers will
be able to:
Explain the benefits of self-directed learning
Brainstorm routines that will work in their
classroomand coordinate with other
teachers for the same class to ensure
Plan a lesson utilizing at least 3 intelligences
Construct teaching aids from recyclable

An introduction 30 min
Can children learn without a teacher?
How can children get the most out of school?
How can teachers and schools achieve high results with very few resources?
What role does questioning play in the learning process?
Teachers will be able to:
Explain the concept and impact of Dr.
Sugata Mitras research
Identify the difference between teacher as
filler and teacher as facilitator
Brainstorm what structures need to be in
place in order for SDL to be successful
Video: Hole in the Wall Project and Ted Talk
Paper and Pencils

Pre-teaching rules and routines symbol sound for regrouping. Audience expectations. Expectations for
group work.

1) Ask the question: If there were no teachers in the world, how would students learn?
Make an anchor chart. Brainstorm how learning happens. Hopefully teachers come up with things like:
Watching others. Practicing. Asking questions. Etc.

2) Tell teachers they are going to watch a video clip. Each teacher should write down one question they
have about what they see in the video. Show the video and then put the teachers into groups. Ask them
to share their questions with each other and talk about their opinion of what they saw.

3) Get teachers back as a whole group. Go back to the anchor chart. Brainstorm if they would add
anything to the chart after seeing the video.
Wrap up:
We arent going to take SDL to the extent of the School in the Cloud. What we are going to do is
start a process of creating a self-directed learning center. In order for this to be successful teachers
need sound practice in a few areas: class management and routines, multiple intelligences and
differentiation, and making materials. The rest of the training will focus on these things.
The backbone of SDL 90 min
What kinds of behavior do we expect in schools?
How can we encourage the behavior we want and discourage the behavior we dont?
What is the teachers role in classroom management? What is the students role?
What role do routines play in student learning?
Teachers will be able to:
Explain the importance of consistent, explicit
rules and routines
Create an outline of rules & routines to
implement in their classroom.
Identify who they need to coordinate with to
ensure rules and routines are consistent
Brainstorm what structures need to be in place
in order for SDL to be successful
5 Rules printouts
Flip Chart
Paper and pencils

1)Ask teachers to go into their groups and brainstorm the 5 most important rules they use in their classroom.
When its time to call them back, use the chime established at the beginning of the training. (5 min)

2) Before discussing their ideas for rules, ask them how they knew to come back to the whole group. How
did they know what to do during group discussion time? Explain that these are routines that we established
for our training. Everyone knows what to expect of themselves and each other. Everything you do in class
needs to be explicitly explained. Every behavior you expect for the kids needs to be taught and they need
to be given examples. Explain cortisol and dopamine and how these brain chemicals affect learning.
Having clear expectations will contribute to low levels of cortisol and thus children will be more engaged
and retain more information. (20 min)

3) Rules: good example/bad example go through the 5 rules. Give good examples and bad examples.
Explain the WBT method of class management (5 rules, scoreboard, emotional response, rewards) (20 min)

4) Ask the teachers to go back into their groups and look at their rules again. Tell them that they need to
teach these rules to the rest of the class in an engaging way. They can change/modify their rules as they
like. They need to have:
5 rules
An engaging way to teach the rules
A way to keep track of good and bad behavior
A reward system

Each group will present. A peer evaluation sheet will be handed out and anonymously filled by the rest of
the class. The groups can review these later for feedback on their presentation. (35 min)

5) Routines worksheet Pass the worksheet out to individual teachers. Ask them to think of routines for each
of the items on the list. After 5 minutes, they should get into pairs and discuss their routines with another
How will I teach my students to do the following things?
First things:
How will my students come into the classroom?
Where will they put their bags (if they have
What is the first thing they should at the start of
Where are materials kept?
How should they use each thing?
How do they take and put back materials?
When do children get homework?
Where do they hand it in?
How is it given back to them?
How do children move from one place to
another? How do they line up? What are the
expectations for being in line?
How do I communicate with parents?
How do I communicate with the principal?
How do I communicate with other staff?
What should children do before class is finished?
What should they do before they are dismissed?

My Routine Ideas:
First things:






Engaging all types of learners 90 min
What are the 7 multiple intelligences? What is my MI profile?
How can I use MI in my lesson planning? How do I teach for different learning styles?
How can I teach a class with students who have different abilities/who are at different stages of
Teachers will be able to:
Name the 7 multiple intelligences
Plan a lesson that incorporates at least 3 of the
7 intelligences
Explain the need for differentiation
Construct a 3 level plan of differentiation for a
basic lesson
Power point, TV or projector
Paper and pencils
Stone Soup Materials see attached

*See attached power points for content and activities
45 min MI
45 min Differentiation
Making something from nothing 30 min
Do teachers need fancy materials?
How can we use every day items to engage our students?
Where can we find ideas?
How can we share ideas?
Teachers will be able to:

Describe different types of teaching aids
Make their own teaching aids from recyclable
Colored paper
X2 Bowl or hat for voting

1)Teachers get into groups. Each group has a set of standard items.
2) By random drawing, each group can choose a specified number of items from the recyclable
3) Each group has 15 minutes to create a teaching aid from the materials they have on their table.
They must be able to explain how they would use this aid to engage their class.
4) Each teacher will vote for the best teaching aid. They cannot vote for their own group. They will
also vote for the MVP of their own group.
5) Prizes are awarded to each group (with the best award going to the #1 group)

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