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Introduction to General & Organic Chemistry

Chemistry 1130 Fall 2011

Course Requirements
Books and Materials:
- ! G! "ade #r!$ Organic Chemistry, 7
Ed., Prentice Hall, 2010 (with Chemplace Student Access
- #! "! %ime&$ Organic Chemistry, Solutions Manual, 7
Ed., Prentice Hall, 2010.
'! Cesare et al$ !r"anic Chemistr# E$periments % Accessed !nline.
- a(oratory )ote(oo& - A &ound note&oo' o( at least 100 pa"es is re)uired. A *mar&le+ ,ote&oo'
with either lined pa"es or *)uadrille+ "raph pa"es will su((ice.
- *Clic&er+ - An e-nstruction CPS./ response pad, or *clic'er+ is .E01-.E2. 3u# a clic'er at the S45
Grading: 4he total points (or the course will &e 1000$ to &e distri&uted as (ollows6
ecture ,-ams % ./00 0oints1
4here will &e two lecture e$aminations durin" the session as scheduled &elow. Each e$am is
worth 207. ,ormall#, no make-up exams will &e "i8en (or these two e$ams. Please ma'e the
necessar# arran"ements so that #ou can ta'e these e$ams as scheduled.
Final ,-am .200 0oints1 4his is a Comprehensi8e 2epartmental E$amination common to all lecture
sections. 4his e$amination co8ers the entire summer session+s lecture material.
Recitation .100 0oints1 9our recitation score will &e &ased on the &est ten o( at least twel8e )ui::es.
Clic&ers .20 0oints1 At least once per class, )uestions will &e as'ed (or which #ou will *clic' in+ #our
9ou "et hal( credit (or &ein" there and hal( credit (or the correct answer.
C3, 1122R Online .20 0oints1 Completion o( the 4C, Organic assi"nments is required and
there(ore ,!4 optional.
a(oratory .200 0oints1 9our la&orator# instructor will pro8ide #ou with the detailed &rea'down
indicatin" how #our la&orator# score will &e determined.
Letter Grades:
4he Chemistr# 2epartment has esta&lished the polic# that you must 0ass, with a score o( ;0 or
more, at least one o( the two lecture e$ams or the (inal e$am in order to &e eligi(le to recei8e a
minimum passin" "rade o( 2 in the course. -( #ou do meet this minimum re)uirement, the
percent totals "i8en in the ta&le &elow are applied in determinin" the correspondin" letter "rades
in the course. If you have not passed one of the lecture exams or the final exam, you will receive
a grade of F in the course, regardless of your percentage total
etter Grades & 5ercent Ranges
4 63 100 7- 80 82 9: ;2 ;6
4- 60 - 62 C: << <6 9 ;0 - ;/
7: 8< 86 C <3 <; F 7elo= ;0
7 83 8; C- <0 - <2
,-amination 9ates>
,-am 1 - 4uesda# Septem&er 27, 2011.
,-am 2 - 4uesda#, ,o8em&er 0<, 2011.
Final ,-am - =9e0artmental> %aturday 2ecem&er 17, 2011.
%tudy Guide>
Chapters 7 throu"h 21 (e$cludin" 1?) will &e co8ered this semester.
%tudents =ill (e held res0onsi(le ?or all sections listed in the ecture %chedule that
?ollo=s$ and the Recommended 5ro(lems$ =hether or not these are co@ered in lectures!
4he e$aminations will &e &ased solel# on material (rom these sections.
!r"anic Chemistr# is not a particularl# di((icult su&@ect to master (at least not as di((icult
as #ou ma# ha8e heard), &ut there is a "reat deal o( material. 4he 'e# to success is to sol8e lots
o( pro&lems and do not ?all (ehindA Each chapter contains e$ercises (or testin" immediate
master# o( the concepts in a section, as well as stud# pro&lems that help to inte"rate the concepts
in the chapter as a whole. 3oth the inchapter e$ercises and the stud# pro&lems ran"e in
di((icult# (rom those that pro8ide &asic rein(orcement o( a concept to those that re)uire the
student to appl# the concept to a new situation. 4he latter is an e$cellent wa# o( assessin" #our
le8el o( preparation (or e$aminations.
!he following strategy is recommended6
1. .ead the sections in the te$t&oo' &e(ore the# are co8ered in lectures.
2. .e8iew, rewrite and understand the notes ta'en in lectures.
?. .eread those sections o( the chapter that are still unclear.
A. 2o the assi"ned homewor' pro&lems. 9ou should wor' on these pro&lems as soon as the
topic is co8ered in lecture. Be su""est that #ou do these pro&lems in a separate note&oo'.
E$ercises that pro8e to &e challen"in" should &e addressed in recitation.
C. S45 o((ers (ree tutorin". Contact the Chemistr# 2epartment o((ice (SAH ?22) (or (urther
;. Disit the Bade !r"anic Site at
7. Complete the online practice )ui::es at the ChemPlace site.
<. Disit #our instructor durin" o((ice hours.
Chemistry 1130 Fall 2011
ecture %chedule
"ee& 9ates Cuesday Friday
1 0F02 - 8!1 8!;
2 0F0; G 0F0F
8!< 8!10 8!12 8!12$ 6!1-6!3
? 0F1? G 0F1;
6!2 6!10 10!1 10!8
A 0F20 G 06-23 10!6 10!12
11!1 - 11!/$ 11!<
,-am 1 06-2< G 0F?0 First ,-amination 11!8 11!12
; 100A G 1007
11!13 11!1/$ 12!1 12!12
1/!1$ 1/!24-C$ 1/!34&7
1/!2$ 1/!;$ 1/!8$ 1/!6
7 10-11 G 101A 1/!10 1/!12 12!1-12!34$ 12!/$ 12!2
< 101< G 1021 12!<$ 12!10$ 1;!1 1;!2$ 1;!2 1;!;$ 1;!8 1;!10
F 102C G 102<
1;!12 1;!12.IR1
1<!1 1<!2
1<!; 1<!114&7
10 11-01 & 11-0/ 3oliday 1<!1/ 1<!12$ 18!;$ 18!<
,-am 2
11-08 G 1111 %econd ,-amination 18!6 18!12
12 111C G 111< 18!1; 18!21 16!1 16!<$ 16!64$ 16!10$ 16!114
1? 1122 G 11-22 16!12 16!1/$ 16!1< 16!18
1A 112F G 1202 16!16 16!217 .nitriles1$ 16!21C 20!1 20!2$ 20!<4$ 20!8 20!10
20!12 20!12
1C 120; G 12-06 21!1 21!/4$ 21!2 21!12 %tudy 9ay
12-13 & 12-1; FI)4% FI)4%
E 11F8 - ast day to =ithdra= ?rom classes or a00ly ?or 5FF O0tion!
D 12F1< %aturday$ 9e0artmental Final ,-amination
Chemistry 1132R - Fall 2011
3ome=or& 4ssignment %chedule
4he (ollowin" homewor' assi"nment schedule is intended to prepare #ou (or #our e$ams. 4he
assi"ned pro&lems will not &e collected or "raded, &ut pro&lems that are challen"in" will &e
discussed in recitation.
9ou are not e$pected to sol8e homewor' pro&lems until the material has &een discussed in
lectures, &ut #ou are ad8ised to wor' on these pro&lems as soon as possi&le a(ter the
correspondin" topic has &een co8ered. It has (een our e-0erience that students =ho ha@e not
mastered the assigned 0ro(lems generally do not 0er?orm =ell in the course!
!G! "ade #r!$ Organic Chemistry$ 5rentice 3all$ <
,d!$ 2011
Cha0ter 8> <1 % <11, <12 % <17, <1F % <2?, <?2 % <?7, <A7 % <C0, <C<, <CF, <;1, <;C, <;7,
Cha0ter 6> F1, F2, F; % F<, F12, F1?, F1C % F.21, F2? % F2A, F27, F2F, F?0, F?? % F?A, F?;,
Cha0ter 10> 101, 10?, 10A, 10; % 1010, 1012 % 1020, 1022 % 102;, 10?1 % 10?C, 10?7 % 10
A1, 10A?, 10AF, 10C1.
Cha0ter 11> 111, 112, 11C, 11;, 1112 % 111?, 111C % 1117, 111F, 1121, 1122, 11?1, 11?2, 11
?;, 11?7 % 11?<, 11A2 % 11AA, 11A7 % 11A<, 11C?, 11C;, 11;0, 11;1.
Cha0ter 12> 122 % 12C, 121C, 12.1;, 121F, 122C, 122<.
Cha0ter 1/> 1A1, 1AA, 1A< % 1A10, 1A1A, 1A1C, 1A17, 1A1F, 1A2?, 1A2C % 1A2<, 1A?0, 1A?2
1A??, 1A?<, 1A?F, 1AA1.
Cha0ter 12> 1C1, 1C2, 1CA % 1C7, 1CF % 1C12, 1C2A, 1C.2Ca(, 1C27, 1C2F, 1C?1
Cha0ter 1;> 1;7, 1;<, 1;12 % 1;1C, 1;1;, 1;1< 1;1F, 1;21 1;2A, 1;27 % 1;2F, 1;?2, 1;?A
% 1;?7, 1;A2, 1;A?, 1;A<.
Cha0ter 1<> 172, 17A, 177 % 17F, 1712 % 1722, 172F 17?0, 17?2, 17?A, 17?; % 17?<, 17?F,
17A0, 17AA % 17AF, 17C1, 17CA, 17CF, 17;1.
Cha0ter 18> 1<1, 1<;, 1<< 1<12, 1<17 % 1<1F, 1<21, 1<2A % 1<2C, 1<27 % 1<2<, 1<?1, 1<?A,
1<?C, 1<?7, 1<?F, 1<A;, 1<AF, 1<C0, 1<C1 1<C?, 1<C;, 1<C< % 1<;1, 1<;A, 1<70, 1<7;.
Cha0ter 16> 1F1 % 1F?, 1FC, 1F;, 1F7, 1F11, 1F1; % 1F1F, 1F2C % 1F?1, 1F?; % 1F?7, 1FA0
1FA2, 1FAAa,&,d,", 1FAC, 1FA;, 1FA7, 1FA<, 1FAF, 1FC0, 1F;0, 1F;2.
Cha0ter 20> 201 % 20?, 207, 2011, 201C, 201< % 201F, 202, 202A, 202;, 202<, 20?1, 20?2,
20?C, 20 ?;, 20?F, 20A1, 20AA, 20A7, 20A<.
Cha0ter 21> 212 21A, 21; % 2112, 211A, 211C, 211<, 2120, 2122 % 212C, 2127 % 21?1, 21?A, 21?C,
21?; % 21?F, 21AA, 21AC % 21C1, 21C?, 21CA, 21C7.

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