President Clinton Used Multiple-Choice Question Memos To Plan Trips

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David Stein who is a businessman from Orange Count)', California and is the head of the Robert

F. Kennedy Foundation, has a house in the island and will be in Mallorca during the time you are
there. Norman Lear and his wife and Bill Moyers and his wife will be visiting Mr. Stein also
during that time. They would like to try and see you at some point during your stay in Palma and
have offered to host a small party if you would like .
. Would you like to schedule dinner with them?
NO __ _ DISCUSS __ _
On Sunday, (July 6) the King and Queen would like to take you out on the royal yacht for a
luncheon boat trip in the early afternoon. They would also like to have dinner with you and the
First Lady on Sunday evening at their home.
ould you like to do the yacht trip and have dinner with the King and Queen on Sunday ?
Or would you prefer to have a private dinner?
YES __ _ NO __ _ DISCUSS __ _
Yacht Trip and Dinner with King and Queen __ _
Yacht Trip only __ _
You will travel from Palma de Mallorca to Madrid in the early afternoon on Monday (July 7).
Upon arrival in Madrid you will have several pre-NATO summit events, including a small dinner
hosted by the Prime Minister and Mrs. Aznar for the NATO leaders and their spouses who are in
town that evening. The staff recommends that you and the First Lady attend this dinner. At this
. point 6 countries have accepted the invitation.
Among the pre;. NATO Summit events are a bilateral meeting with Secretary General Solana
who has asked to meet with you prior to the start of the Summit. In addition, Prime Minister
Aznar has requested a meeting with you prior to the start of the Summit. Sandy Berger
recommends that you do both meetings.
. . .
Will you do bilateral meetings with Secretary General Solana and Prime Minister Aznar
on Monday evening?
YES __ _ NO __ _ DISCUSS __ _
Madrid, Spain
As you will see, the NATO Summit meetings on Tuesday (July 8) are somewhat long, you will
end the day with a dinner at the Royal Palace hosted by the King and Queen for the NATO
leaders and their spouses.
Prior to the start of the Summit meetings on Wednesday (July 9), SandyBerger recommends that
you do a short coffee or meeting with President Chirac. This meeting would serve to illustrate
that there are no hard feelings betWeen France and the United States on the NATO enlargement
Will you do a meeting with President Chirac on Wednesday morning?
YES__,_ __
NO __ _
DISCUSS -..,----
Following the Summit meetings on Wednesday, you and the First Lady Will travel to Granada for
the evening to visit the Alhambra Castle. Since it does not get dark until approximately 9:30pm
this time of year in Spain you will have the opportunity to enjoy the sunset during your visit to
. the Castle. The King and Queen would like to join you for your tour and have a small private
dinner with you at a hotel located on the grounds of the gardens adjacent to the Castle.
Would you like to have dinner with the King and Queen in Granada?
YES __ _ NO __ _ DISCUSS __ _
. Warsaw. Poland
You will depart from Madrid on Thursday morning, (July 10) and arrive in Warsaw early
Thursday afternoon. Following a bilateral meeting with President K wasnieski, you will address
the citizens of Warsaw, and attend a dinner hosted by President Kwasnieski to be attended by
opposition leaders. Due to technical problems with the communications equipment and limited
hotel accommodations in Bucharest, you will overnight in Warsaw and travel to Buch 68/Ds-1\1
Friday morning. (July 11th) ~ \
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